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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. look at those feet, you just wanna chew on them. my God. and those legs. my gosh, they're candy canes.
  2. so hot on so many levels she is
  3. salt / winter means cars are no fun. when i was a kid and teen etc. cars were fun. paying to drive cars these days and having to do so in all this snow and salt and cold and not being able to drive a fun car because of it = almost think about saying f@#k it and getting rid of the cars and living in a shack in timbuktu. ups will deliver anything right? i would love a GXP g8. can i ever aspire to one? no. i can't afford a play car and its of no use in the winter, which seems to be half a year around here. same reason why camaros etc. won't make my buy list. until i am filthy rich, which won't ever happen.
  4. well it outsells the honda really lame RL otherwise known as the most bloated accord in the lineup
  5. i think the mks will settle in that 30-40k range for awhile. honestly, buick needs a higher volume car since BPG is not part of chevy. I HAVE BEEN SAYING that BPG should be folded into chevy. honestly, pontiac to me still has more volume and profit potential. younger demographic. more palatable purchase prices because no luxury criteria exists. and pontiac has moved serious volume up until at least what 2004 or 2005 when they started to let their line rot. if buick and pontiac each can support 100-150k a year, as an extension or upper bookened of chevy, i do not see why they still cannot exist. there is no harm in like 4 models each or pontiac and buick. that is one new model per year. the development is shared with china and au. my God, no brainer. the cost is buying out the dealers and consolidating. something ford has been faster at. to get lincoln in the ford showroom. MKs should bloom once the economy turns and the ecoboost models come out.
  6. wow. just wow.
  7. i would add trunk space to the solstice....LOL
  8. they waited to get the money, and now said, i think we'll keep it. Fine by me, i know i can still get my Astra's oil changed at a saturn dealer then......
  9. sounds funny, but i honestly don't know how to answer that question. i've completely lost touch with anything regarding 'simple pleasures'. can i have some complex pleasures? like, 5 years off from work, half a mill in the bank, 5 new cars, and the ability to just donate my time to help people who actually need help?
  10. stated that waty it makes better sense. but honestly, with GM's history of cheap interiors, i don't think they can command 40k off the showfloor for a midsize......yet. let's see what the MKs does in that regard. i think its doing ok.....it has a passable interior and should basically parallel with what buick wants or needs to sell their cars for.
  11. IF SATURN DIES then pontiac should be g8 (add awd capability to the zeta chassis) -commodore (future g8 model may be a large epsilon like platform) 30k / yr g6 (alpha, with awd capabilities) - torana 40k / yr solstice (including targa, next solstice is on alpha as well as the next camaro) 20k / yr g4 astra (give pontiac the astra) 40k / yr that's niche enough. we can do 100-150k per annum here with this. adopt some of the customer service model learned from saturn to the BPG chain. THAT'S NICHE ENOUGH. if you kill saturn, good God, don't kill off all of Pontiac!!!!!
  12. http://www.autoblog.com/2008/12/21/detroit...h-direct-injec/ i must admit, this is indeed very nice. caveat....interior plastics better not look this dreadful on the showroom floor.
  13. sweet equinox!
  14. well that's how this whole industry got in the sticky wicket in the first place.
  15. why would i want a buick or chevy? i don't. they are dull cheap old person rides.
  16. LMAO
  17. yup. a liquid pot o gold. anyone want a shower?
  18. by the way, i am eating so much of this golden pineapple. i am going to have to pee so much. it's going to be a like a rainshower.
  19. my, that should burst some bubbles. did ya have brocolli too?
  20. by the way, i am enjoying that juicy goodness again. went out and did some shopping. i let it sit and build up flavor in the fridge again for a few hours, and that first bite.... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. so sweet, it's like heaven.
  21. hey t-bob, try some fresh pineapple. it really takes the edge off those tough girls...... sex in the city snatches....LMAO! true tho they think their vagina is gold plated.
  22. i know. pineapples when they are 2 for 6 bucks really make me hot too.
  23. must be pineapple season. 2 for 6 at the store. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  24. IT'S GOTTA BE A SIN to have this much juicy goodness positively BURSTING inside your mouth. OMG. although, i admit, i hate the mess it makes handling the merchandise.
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