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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. if the domestic vehicle market were at 15-16 million, saturn would have had no issues moving their volume targets. currently i assume a saturn / pontiac death match is going on within GM. buick does not have the ability to market to the groups that saturn and pontiac wanted to court. chevy will never have the ability to be considered anything besides not premium. either saturn or pontiac must survive in some form.
  2. i like cobalts, good job on your choice. i hope you enjoy the heck out of it.
  3. mercedes has had crap quality for the last 10 years or more now
  4. she is driving my most wanted car! ugh!
  5. LOL that would be funny to see Iowa do that. If CA does this, then sure, I am on board with Iowa doing this.
  6. we need global engineering certifications for crash testing performance and emissions. then if CA wants, global emissions standard 6.0 as their law, so be it. it should allow a EU carmaker to sell the same spec car in germany or anywhere. and then stick it to the resident there, the cost of that standard if its unreasonable compared to everyone else. make the CA residents pay for it. Not the other people.
  7. then on the monroneys for any car sold in those 15 states should be a line item CARB EMISSIONS CHARGE 2,000.00 (or more).
  8. i wonder how much infighting is going on right now at GM re: save saturn and strip pontiac vs. kill saturn and trim pontiac and then when no one is looking, grow it back.
  9. wouldn't you really rather have a buick? um, no. I'd rather have a saturn or pontiac.
  10. left lane news has new astra photos up http://www.leftlanenews.com/saturn-astra-future.html
  11. nice GMC escape
  12. i have a friend with an Avalanche. great truck. interior is very posh and sedan like.
  13. reprehensible that the stupid effking top brass at GM still has yet to get that their $h!ty ass cheap hard ugly plastics are a big reason why people hate their company. put some damn decent plastics in your cars GM.
  14. unfortunately for you and your misguided bias, there is a sizable part of the US public that hates vista, bad product that people do not like to use. that's the simple fact. i sure hope for microsoft's sake that they put out a decent windows 7.
  15. all i have to do is point out that they offer vista downgrades in plenty of computer stores like dell etc. because unilateral public opinion is that vista is an unmitigiated failure. microshaft sullied their already poor rep even more with the haphazard rollout of vista. enough so that no one really respects them as a company any more. joke status, regardless of what apple or anyone else does. i sure hope for microsoft's sake that windows 7 works. they already blew chunks with vista and now gmail taking over the outlook thing. it's not all about hardware either. vista's interface is mostly why its so terrible. they took a product everyone was used to (XP) and turned it into something you can't use without frequent cursing. sort of an idrive fiasco. my dad bought a new computer last week with vista. i am guessing this weekend he'll be calling and asking all sorts of questions on how in the hell do you get this machine to do what you want it to. my brother in law (ex IT systems architect kind of guy) was even pleading for him to find a machine with XP downgrade. my XP machine here is a year and a half old from new. my windows ME machines (which sucked too) ran better than this joke of a machine. The XP pro machine i had recently at work was the best work machine i had ever had. at least microsoft finally got XP right. its always funny to listen to the amount of time 'windows guys' spend just keeping their machines working half correctly. LOL. how many hours of your life you'll never get back 'searching for drivers' LMAO
  16. honestly, the Lucerne now is a good looking car on the outside. its flaws are lack of tech, dated powertrains, dead dynamics, and some interior sins. the platform is so dated though, is why they didn't bother to fix it.
  17. i dont want a chevy and can't afford a caddy. they still need mid level brands. i would buy an opel, saturn, or pontiac.
  18. the only reason Americans in general will buy small cars is because of cheap operating costs. otherwise they avoid them. very few people want one for the heck of it, unless as you say, item 1 above.
  19. but they buy $h!boxes like the nissan cube. go figure.
  20. he's alive! he's alive! any news to report on that buick astra?
  21. even though their quality sucks ass
  22. built in fargo of all places. maybe i coulds get me a jobs there.
  23. we've got that exact same radio flyer, but it only sees summer walks in the neighborhood. one inventory of the play area in the mall today showed a count of 10 strollers and no radio flyers. the milfs vote is in.
  24. fiat 500's and Ka's built in the same plant? Chrysler and Ford together in bed?
  25. vista sucks norton sucks. no wonder microsoft is rushing 7 to the market. vista has not been received well, and rightfully so. nothing sucks ass more than vista.
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