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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. buff books which the rich kids and gearheads read would read articles saying 'chevy made a WRX competitor but cheaped out and left off the IRS" the thing would be DOA, regardless of whether it had any price advantage. If you are going to play in that land, match the equipment. Chevy can sell more versions of a 220-260hp FWD turbo that weighs less and costs less than they can that 29k AWD monster that regardless of how good it is would get panned in the press. If we're gonna add AWD to any vehicle that would need it I would do the Regal GS and call it a GSX. I am not sure the Evo will survive much longer and the WRX I am guessing doesn't sell in the same numbers it used to anyways. I don't doubt it could be a nice vehicle. But the media influence and high price would kill the interest in the car before anyone would hit the showroom to look at it. Spicing up the styling and getting a hatch here and maybe even a coupe would be the best investments to the Cruze line, as well as adding the high perf engine options, and even just something a step above the 1.4 (the 2.4 for example).
  2. I don't play video games anyways. Sort of unproductive.
  3. the disrespect I am showing for the person in the printed picture is still the same, regardless of whether i know them personally or not and regardless of whether I am close to them or not. at firing ranges they just have the vanilla silhouette of adult figures, no face. For target practice, if you can't take out your angst any other productive way, sure, go ahead and shoot at that.
  4. I don't think enough is being done to keep my kid from plugging a power cord and his finger into the electrical socket at the same time. Every device should be redesigned and is responsible for my kid sticking his finger into the socket with the power cord. We need to redesign the power outlets with combination locks and have 4 levels of security on the ends of power cords. It's a design flaw and shared responsibility, the people who make the power cords are responsible for my kid plugging the power cord into the readily available socket. As he pours water on it, they are responsible to make sure he doesn't pour water onto it too.
  5. you can do a lot of things in the backseat of a car. Why do you suppose I enjoyed that old Buick Electra........not any more as I am old now. Enjoy that intrepid back seat while you have it and the opportunity to do so. If you own the car sometimes you end up in the backseat. At a minimum you often take adult coworkers to lunch and you don't want to make them uncomfortable. It's polite to not make them get in something that is uncomfortable. Especially in a luxury car. Another time is if you have your parents with. Your SO might be drving with one of your parents in the front, and two adults are in the back. Or two adult couples double dinner date. Going out on the town, spending dough, good times, who wants a cramped ride? It ruins the night.
  6. explain to me the reason of taking a picture of a particular person as opposed to another. There are those that would choose to print pictures of bush and those that would print pictures of BarryO. And what I am saying is its completely ridiculous to not assign some thinly veiled malice in that if someone takes the effort to do it. I am not in the know if you are married or have kids or parents or whatever. But if I printed a picture of you or your loved ones and used it as target practice I find it hard to believe you wouldn't find something to get upset about in some way. Even if i handed you a beer while doing it and said, 'hey buddy I am shooting at your wife its just pretend'. Perhaps if its just on the Wii or paintball or something. OK, I can see a little bit of difference.
  7. don't confuse the issue. I don't think it should classify as a federal crime. at the same time, I just don't think one can absolve themselves by just saying 'oh, it's a game, or oh, it's pretend'. Basically what I am saying, if you are printing pics of politicians to use as target practice.....I think there are issues underlying that would be better addressed through intellectual debate and such. Taking someone's picture and shooting at it with a BB gun IMO is no different than having a bad time with yourself looking at hot pics of say your neighbors hot wife or something. You envision yourself in the moment doing the action, but then cop out of the action by saying 'oh it's pretend so it doesn't hurt anyone' and deny that there are no bad effects in some way or creep into your interaction with them in some other way. I guess it gets ya by. I am not sure it's federal crime material. Its more the denial that there are not bad consequences of doing it even if its pretend. If there is dissatisfaction involved with elected officials, and its an undercurrent to everything, there is a more productive way of dealing with that undercurrent. And one more beneficial to society. At that point its useless to debate the semantics of law, it has more to do with an individual attempting to undermine social order in a bad way for self impulse.
  8. I thought Delta in no way could accomodate AWD. Also, I think its rather pointless in the Cruze. What would be perfect is a 220 hp turbo 2.0 or 1.8 along with the lighter weight of the Eco spec model. Maybe 260hp on the Astra / Buick Summer. Light, fast and FWD simple. Manage the torque steer. GTI and Speed3 are FWD. Make the Regal the AWD car. I see the appeal of a WRX / Evo clone. But any AWD setup on this chassis doesn't make sense to me unless its a small crossover. Then you aren't raiding trunk space and adding weight to a glorified compact. Going that far up the hp ladder with a car as mundane as the Cruze and having a Camaro next to it in the showroom is rather odd. I didn't flog it, and I am not reckless enough to track race. But when I drove the Eco with its cheaper rear susp bits it really didn't seem second rate to me. Take it on a track and its probably exposed but hey look what they did with the Cobalt SS. I would buy an Eco Cruze before I would buy a used Cobalt SS...... My Cruze powertrains......... if just two engines....a 2.0 with about 150hp and a 2.0 or 1.8t with like 220hp. Current Eco works fine with stick and the turbo. If they were serious about hypermiling the automatic I would mate a CVT to the 1.4....and add DI to the 1.4. e Assist is nice but if it adds too much weight and cost here there is diminishing return. I would say only if it doesn't raise the cost of the car much. We really don't need a Volt clone here.
  9. this is what is missing in cars today.. this gives me wood. REAL PEOPLE can inhabit the back seat of a car in comfort and don't have to contort. how refreshing.
  10. The CTSv obviously is head and shoulders beyond the comparison, but at some price points, you could be comparing a Hemi C vs. a v6 CTS........ Genesis vs. this is another comparison waiting to happen......
  11. it's the element of pretend violence. it undermines the glue of keeping our lawful state in order. and disrepect of the position and structure of our elected officials. it's immaterial who the people are, its the institution and chain of command and law you are disrespecting. to me, shooting at a picture of someone is pretty darn close to saying you really just want to do it. Just admit that you do. You want to harm that person because you are upset with them. to me, wanting to inflict violence on anyone that way, symbolic, or actual, is not justified.......with rare exception. Whoever took out Saddam was doing us all a great favor, although it still wasn't right for them to do it. it's also why I think shoot em up video games are stupid. At the same time, it cultivates a killer instinct in our culture's warriors, which are needed to carry out orders without falling out of line.
  12. well, it is sort of absurd. However. As much as anyone disagrees with political figures, there is what I believe to be a disturbing lack of respect in using someone's, anyones picture as a target. There are differences and disagreements, and I understand the free speech angle, but IMO there is an element of crossing the line here. I wouldn't take a picture of anyone's mother, any politician, even Saddam Hussein and use it as target practice. So the discussion of whether its a crime is probably valid. There is a totalitarian element there that maybe needs to be questioned. Federal crime? eh.........The outlet of violence and involving the simulation of another human here is to me though, sort of disturbing. Discontent is not supposed to channel itself into an endorsement of that sort of element IMO. JMO. Example, I am not fond of someone like Pelosi, just as much as many are not fond of Sarah Palin. But I don't think its right to become rabidly contentious towards them and to ever envision harm to them or anyone. No one human has the right to elevate themselves to a position of judgment over others. We're all specks of useless dirt. We have little right to judge. Ignoring that basic level of respect for public officials in my opinion is a major thumb in the nose of the order of our social structure. To encourage reactions to the people in those positions IMO is attempting to undermine the stability of our system. Until someone can prove to me there is a better system, we need to respect it. Actions like that to me are somewhat blatant disrespect. I think it would make more sense if someone is disgruntled with a politician, to write a position paper or argument as to why they are useless. That is more in the spirit of the founders of our constitution. Our elected officials are a direct reflection of the intellect of the voters. Garbage in, garbage out. If people are upset with who's in office, look in the mirror. That's who put them there. Bush, BarryO, Nixon, Carter, etc. It might be valid to say then that perhaps Ms. Pain should not have been using target sights on all those things she was doing....
  13. that explains the fuel economy right there.
  14. Did GM change the gearing when they were stalling getting the car out? On the automatic......
  15. The 08-10 model interior in tan with cloth was nice. This looks nice too. Again, this or a CTS?
  16. Gms products need to be all global now
  17. No Sonic Hedgehog with turbo? That is an enthusiasts car for the new normal.
  18. regfootball


    Wife clipped the rear view mirror off the Taurus X this morning. Sliced it off by hitting the garage can out in the driveway waiting for the garbage man. Oh man, so don't need this. Any folks familiar with body work know what it's gonna cost me? (money I don't gots), over 500 I suppose. Heated mirrors with puddle lamp. At least the glass part is in tact. Holdin it all together with electrical tape right now.
  19. Yes, DF, that picture makes me really like the car as well. I have to admit they really did a great job with it. The RWD proportion with the extra long hood really makes it stand out as a signature trait of a luxury car. I sorta wonder who would consider a regular CTS over this? I realize the CTS is smaller, but from a functional and luxury standpoint, and even from a dynamic one, wouldn't it be tough to argue for the CTS? Unless the Chrysler ends up being more pricey..... I think what i really dig on the car is the rear sculpting on the back face of the trunk and bumper. Haven't really seen that before. Art and Science needs an update, at least it seems too simplistic compared to some of the subtlety here.
  20. Automobile Mag tests Fiat 500
  21. it was a nice size, but for some reason VANZILLAS ruled the roost then.
  22. Inside Line Fiat 500 Sport first drive
  23. Automobile reviews the new 300
  24. Yeah, it really is a nice commuter and has a lot of basic virtue. As long as you don't carry people in the back often, it's all the car anyone needs in this new normal era of time. Its hard to get out of the Cruze and get back in a Cobalt. It's actually depressing.
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