just like car and driver and such then shouldn't completely trash everything they test if it doesn't handle and ride like a BMW and give off a luxury aura like a mercedes or audi.
at the end of the day, everyone has different needs. in no way did i trash the regal, but its an extremely valid point to say that there are a gizillion other options, especially as those prices climb skyward.
Just because first you ragged on me for apparently basing a possible preference on just 0-60, and then when i matter fact just stated functional reasons why i thought the legacy might make more purchase sense, then you jump all over my ass for that too. Why, just because the car is not GM?
For Christ sakes I just gave one scenario on how it is possible to not bow at the almight altar of GM. Either approach i go with it and someone jumps on my ass. Christ.
all i was saying is there are multiple factors to determine the salability of any model of car. if the regal is dropping the ball in multiple attributes and is getting schooled in value and performance by lots of other competition surely you understand that not everyone is going to buy a regal manual because it has a nice cabin when everything else is mid pack. if that. apparently.