1. No fake wood, it doesn't fool anyone except maybe the blind old guy looking at the used Century at the back of the used car lot.
2. Cheap interiors, how much would real paint for the G5/Cobalt arm rest (the silver) have added to the cost? Every one I've ever sat in has had the black plastic under the paint showing through the scratches. Toss the hard plastic into the dumpster.
3. Stick shift, why can't I get all G6 models with a stick shift? Why not the G8? Isn't Pontiac all about performance? Wouldn't stick shifts help fuel economy (Cafe ratings)? Wouldn't the Aura really live up to its Sport Sedan image if it offered a nice 6 speed for that 3.6L?
4. Buick line up, When even Mercury has more models then you, there is a problem. Why is there no Park Ave or a nice convertible to be a halo car? What about a stretched Solstice/Sky call it the Wildcat or Skylark. I want a Buick but not a huge 4dr or SUV, give me some choice!!
5. Why does the Aveo not get awesome fuel economy? Why buy that little $h! box when your old Civic is bigger and doesn't cost you any more on gas? The fact the the Aveo is neither great on gas or polished means to most people its invisible.
6. Hubcaps, Dear GM, the 1980's are now 20 years behind us. Please note that no one wants hubcaps, make alloys standard across the board except the least costly (read cheapest) Chevy models (Aveo/Cobalt). F.Y.I offering upgraded plastic hubcaps on the G5 is almost funny. Why are there 2 choices of plastic hubcap on the G5? Isn't one choice ugly enough?
7. Wheres the hood ornament? Mercedes has one, so does the Town Car, Rolls Royce, etc why doesn't Cadillac or Buick have a cool hood ornament? Not the cheap 80's ones that were too small to even notice, but a cool classy one that makes the car instantly recognizable!