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Everything posted by XP715
I would also suggest the front strut mounts as a good starting point. An easy way to see if they may be broken or worn is to open the hood and put your hand over it, then push the car sideways. There should be no lateral movement in a car with good strut mounts, so if you feel anything moving under your hand then that may be a good indicator that they are worn. The bearings in your front hub assemblies being bad may also contribute to the noise.
I'm the one that showed Sixty8 the junkyard of wonders he speaks of in an earlier post, so I can attest to the existence of each and every vehicle he stated was there and then some; can't believe you forgot the 1965 Pontiac Bonneville Navy ambulance! Junkyard really isn't even a fair term for this place as I prefer to consider it the world's greatest outdoor car museum. They crush new cars and let the old ones rest out of respect. And for any of you fellow new englanders in the northern MA/southern NH area: anybody else seen the gorgeous blue on blue on white '76 Pontiac Grand Prix LJ with factory t-tops and center console with swiveling bucket seats at Holland's Used Auto Parts in Billerica? I think that's the car in the immediate area that breaks my heart to see in the scrap pile the most. Even more than the burgundy on white on white with stainless steel roof '83 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz or triple bronze '79 Lincoln Continental Town Coupe in the back of Jack's.
1968 Buick LeSabre; 130K and still going strong! Also my '71 Catalina lady was spotted the other day at a local grocery store.
In defense of Sixty8: He is actually quite literate; I've watched him write and heard him read many times flawlessly. In defense of Croc: You sure as f@#k wouldn't know that by the way he types! Talking to him on AIM often makes you wonder if he types with his feet. Fight about something cool for a change!
Saw a '75 Coupe Deville in Boston a week or so ago that made me want my '79 back Easy come, easy go....
Sad. Very sad. Two independently neat vehicles sacrificed to make one pile of $h!. Makes me wonder about all the Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser station wagons that had their rear roof section cut off to furnish the needs of that dumb f@#king custom van fad that lasted for all of ten minutes back in the late 70's. Those bars on the back of the rear section, though; please don't tell me this is some sort of awful attempt at a flower car. Almost reminds me of the '67 Toronado flower car on eBay last year where the rear section was made from what appeared to be the quarter panels from a '67 razorback Cadillac Eldorado. Didn't look good, but didn't look bad either. Anybody else remember seeing that?
That. Was. AWESOME! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: We'll f@#k your wife! bwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
These pictures remind me of the driverless golf cart that was constantly riding around in the background of all those scenes in "Ernest Goes to Camp." How many of you other cool kids know what I'm talking about, eh? eh? eh?
'67 Camaro convertible on the back of a ramp truck, off to its proud new owner's house or repair facility of choice for restoration!
Ah yes, the Tewksbury dump. A magical land that is clearly posted with no trespassing signs because it's an EPA superfund site. So you mean to tell me an illegal underaged immigrant took an unregistered uninspected uninsured unsafe vehicle onto posted government property that has been determined to be too toxic for people to inhabit? Congratulations, you can now say beyond a shadow of a doubt that you know the stupidest person on the face of planet Earth. He's from Brazil. With any luck someone called the police and he's halfway back to being on a boat to go work at the sweatshop he belongs at. Let's also hope the truck stays exactly where it lies.
Being the retard that came up with the whole Tight Whips car club concept, you are hereby officially accepted! Sixty8, make this man a signature! Also hook me up with a couple from the picture of the egg we got in that back alley in South Boston I like and one from the pictures we got at the Boston Park Plaza!
Someone should tell that skank to get off the '59 Coupe DeVille and direct her back towards the Van Halen music video shoot she wandered off from. And what is up with the exhaust on that thing, seriously?!
We've had a beautiful week here in ASSachusetts so far; unseasonably warm and sunny. Because of this, people are dragging out their classics and special interest vehicles for the first ride of the season. Saw a nice original '65 Mustang yesterday, and today when I was leaving my business law class, in the lot where all the professors park was a minter than mint 1984 Hurst Oldsmobile Cutlass! I must say it was refreshing to see a nice American factory muscle car amongst all the faggy cars that all the Birkenstock-wearing tree-hugging super liberal yuppie state school professors here usually drive. That beautiful black Oldsmobile really stood out against the sea of Volvos and Priuses and early 80's diesel Mercedes station wagons it was sharing parking with. Good to see there's at least ONE normal person teaching there.
AM radio! If I drive to your neck of the woods I could hear it on my AM radio-only 1977 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme four door! Road trip!!
Thanks a million, asshole. You moved the green machine's home right into the same city I live in and we both know the $h!bag underaged illegal Brazilian immigrant landscaper f@#k that bought it isn't gonna insure the thing or make any sort of effort to make it even remotely safe. I can't wait for the day I meet him at an intersection and he puts a tire up onto the hood of the egg. Here's to hoping he does the world a favor and rolls it on a highway off-ramp.
Hey rich boy; nice to see you finally joined the forums. Don't be a pussy; grow up, be somebody and keep the Rustang! Look at all the dough you dumped into the Bird; I can't believe you're giving up on the Cobra so easily.
'66 Toronado '70 Toronado GT '78 Toronado XSR (prototype with power t-tops) '59 Ninety-Eight Holiday (two or four doors) ANY Hurst Cutlass or Vista Cruiser (yep, they came in wagons too!)
This car is now the first member of Tight Whips Car Club! And Delta Force bought one too! :thumbsup:
I respect all of you guys equally, if nothing else but for the fact that you can all put up with a clown like me with smiles on your faces the whole time!
Don't you think you might be jumping the gun here just a little? I mean, to me this basically sounds like you've already set yourself up for disaster simply because the girl happens to be an inch or two taller that you; that's a bit extreme, don't you think? If things have gone as well as you say they have, then I highly doubt it's all gonna be thrown in the garbage because you're shorter than she is; stop making something out of nothing and enjoy yourself tomorrow night!
Just to refresh our memories, what kinda car is this again?
Finally the General realizes they shouldn't suck anymore; 's about damn time! Great commercial.
1970 Pontiac Grand Prix, sadly VERY rotted and not worth even remotely near the $3200 on the windshield that the guy wants. Might make a good parts car at a much more reasonable price, though, as the interior is in exceptional shape. Also saw a 1979 Ford Bronco with a 400M that was in great shape for its age; I'm not a Ford guy whatsoever but DO like the look of the '77-'79 Broncos. 1979 in particular is special to me since a good friend of mine's father owned, drove, and was unfortunately killed in a 1979 with a 351W and a stick. Cool dude with a cool truck.
Both the xB and this piece of $h! look like they were made by people who play with Legos FOR people who play with Legos. I think the Japs need to stick to making what they make best; things like TV's and CD players and stuff. I also think your boyfriend should turn in his driver's license if he honestly aspires to own one of these retarded contraptions.
Too funny, and only 30 miles from me! If I had money to burn I'd buy it!