You're not analyzing 2004, or excess inventory
And GM has at least cut production on the GMT900 SUV's twice the year, thanks to overestimating the market.
GM's failure would be bad for the welfare of the American economy and Americans in general. This is hardly something I'm looking forward to.
GM is quite capable of building worldclass vehicles, but they have severe managment issues obstructing this.
Outside of Toyota hybrids which Toyota's are doing so poorly in terms of fuel economy when compared to EPA estimates?
The Camry hybrid brings hybrids to the general market. Comparing the Vue to the Highlander hybrid is pointless since there are no actual figures to compare the two.
On paper the Vette out accelerates, out brakes, and costs less. Don't see how the Viper looks better on paper.
Because they are selling hybrids easily. Hybrid technology has plenty of untapped potential. And Toyota has no interest in playing follow the leader. They have found a technology which they have 1000's of patents and can dominate.
I meant in the real world, not a marketing gimmick.
GM has been consistently posting the same losses every month for the past 3-4yrs.
I've heard for years GM has hit bottom and can't go lower, we'll see soon enough. ANd GM's profitiablity returned last quarter, prior to that they lost some
If GM's managment wasn't terrible this would have occured 10yrs ago. Rather than posting $5billion+ loss/quarter