my point is that given the fact that the technology exists to 'chop' digital pictures of cars beyond recognition, it seems reasonable to presume that someone can forge a ppt or pdf to make it look like it came from GM or any other company. and by the way, i didn't say to discredit it. i said, given the scope of it wouldn't it have been prudent to verify with someone else before running with the story.
however, that goes back to you to figure our how much faith/trust you place in the source. if they'd sent you 100 tips prior and they were all legit, then either this one was an error/oversight, or you were set-up.
like i said earlier, i didn't get the chance to read your original post, so can't comment directly as it's not clear to me exactly what your post said. but, 'Outlook is shelved. Outlook is delayed. Outlook is Killed.' all have different meanings. However, based on the mixed comments of those responding, your post was less than concise on what the real issue was and what was really happening.
If the ppt that you posted doesn't look like what you saw then don't post it. this is a great example of misinformation. you say, 'look what i saw'. i comment, 'it looks off', so you reply, 'well that's not exactly what i saw, it looked different on my computer.' my point is, either show me exactly what you saw, or at least indicate that the content is accurate but the format is off.
finally, i'm not sure what your post said, but the document you posted says GM Confidential. not sure if your post constituted a breach of this confidentiality or not, again, as I didn't read it. my opinion, is that you would not knowlingly violate
it. (fact that the NG CTS was yanked pretty quickly and remains hidden... at least publically, as I'm sure all the mods and a ton of others have seen it).
which leads me to one last an final comment/question. is the purpose of C&G to engage in meaningful dialogue on GM specifically and the auto industry in general based on rumours, hints and even facts. or, is it an automotive journal focussed on 'scooping' others in the industry with 'first to press' facts? is the goal to be first or to be right?