Shame they spent so much to learn that... and didn't. There are still a lot of rotten apples, and sadly they're spreading throughout the Saturn brand, as well.
I'm sorry, but I related to the article. Many of you are seeing this as a purely negative article. Convenient to overlook their comment that maybe it's better than the old Saturn is dead, in light of the new lineup of cars. That's a POSITIVE comment!
Saturn as a company is dead. Saturn as a brand lives on.
To quote a Spring Hill worker, in response to the article:
You guys may not like the old Saturn, and may love the new Saturn, but a lot of people felt betrayed by many events that led to where the brand is today. It is not unreasonable to pay homage to that feeling of betrayal, especially when the article then affirms that maybe it's best for the brand overall that it is where it is today.
Some of you may whine that the money didn't go to Chevy, or whoever. If those brands had done things right to start with, there would have been no justification for Saturn in the first place. Saturn did some things right that the other brands weren't, which is covertly acknowledged by stating that Spring Hill practices have somewhat spread to other plants, along with the justification of rejuvenating the brand due to the loyalty and customer experience that was developed that didn't exist in other brands. New and valuable things were created, and I rarely see that acknowledge whenever someone on here whines about "all the lost money."