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Everything posted by oldshurst442

  1. I do agree that 3rd place spaces are needed and are in decline, but I dont agree with this statement here (the bolded part): Its up to the Millennials and the Gen Zers to make a 3rd space place for themselves and NOT corporations or companies... All they have to do is put down the damned smartphone or tablet and cease the utilization of social platforms and social medias and actually go out and meet REAL people. They could decide what would be those 3rd place spaces and the corporate world or mom and pop shop businesses would GLADLY set up shop and do business... For Boomers and Gen Xers, bars and dance clubs would be those 3rd place spaces. As would video movie rentals. Granted, Gen Xers would be responsible for the demise of the video movie rental place as such a space, but we did do the club scene quite well as the Boomers did. Boomers had drive-in movie theatres and movie houses as did we. Boomers had milkshake diners with roller skating waitresses serving them and then went on cruising with their cars. As did we. We didnt really have the roller skating waitresses but we did have the roller skating rinks that the Boomers left us. We actually left the house to do things is what Im getting at and NOT have fake friends on social media platforms tik toking away and ordering Uber Eats to deliver our food and streaming movies from the comfort of our homes...alone and even of we were with another loner friend or two, we actually had CONVERSATIONS with our MOUTHES and not texting away. Like I said, Gen Xers killed the movie rentals, but we did socialize in ANY environment. If Gen Xers and Millennials want to have 3rd place spaces, THEY need to create them and ditch the loner enabling lifestyle of what is the smartphone and tablet... Their actual 3rd place space is the VIRTUAL one in EVERY aspect of their lives. Its up to them to ditch that lifestyle...
  2. I also think its fine for people that do not have access to a home charger or work charger or have access to any kind of charger that is convenient for them to charge their EV. Hybrids or gas generator charger type of EVs like gm's former Voltec tech and in this Scout are great solutions. But I feel its just masking the incredibly lazy attitude and/or reluctance of a subset of American (and Canadian) people to accept the fact that the world is going all EV. What we should be doing of course IS erecting EV chargers... The EV deniers are always complaining about EV range forcing EV makers in this stupid part of the world to offer htis kind of thing. Because us North Americans simply just cant get off the oil addiction we have. Its a tired argument we have had in this forum here and all of our resident EV deniers have all quit this website. BUT...there are plenty of these EV denying morons left in our society despite them not posting at this website... *sigh* All over the world, solar powered EV stations are being erected and new business solutions and city planning to go along with it have been invented, produced and practiced but still in 2024 in North America, we still whine about range anxiety... At least in California, yeah...liberal batshyte crazy California, they emulate what the rest of the world is doing. Amenity packed EV charging stations... Its not as if gasoline stations do that...in Quebec they do. Costco also does. Besides, gasoline stations especially in North America already have gasoline stations strategically PERFECT for gas powered cars to fuel up. And they are EVERYWHERE. All they have to do is just add EV chargers and BECAUSE they are EVERYWHERE, NOBODY shpuld be complaing that EV chargers cannot be found. And BECAUSE its big oil PRIVATELY OWNED gasoline stations, MAINTENANCE on the chargers WOULD be done... and therefore range anxiety is done for in North America. But we gots to be always be pushing for that anti-EV/pro gasoline tirade. If DJT wins, he would be drilling baby.... Its not as if big oil in Europe hasnt done the transition and will be following through to what I have said... What I find extremely funny is that all this whining and we the people and our Automakers GM and Ford in Canada and in the US has forced our political leaders to put a 100% tax tariff on Chinese EVs so Chinese automakers cant sell their EVs here. So there IS a market for 100% EVs in North America WITHOUT hybrid or Votlec type technology is alls Im saying. Its just that like everything else in North America concerning the dumb populace coupled with the grift political leaders we like to cling to, we like to dumb down everything for these idiots. Hybrids is the way to go we say. Yet the technology to let go of gasoline powered cars is right here right now. And the beauty of it is that our own auto manufacturers have the EV technology to rule the world. But our idiotic dumb populace hamper North American progress...
  3. Yes. The pick-up does have Rivian vibes. But better looking vibes. In my eyes, the Rivian signature front fascia is just weird lookin'. I dont like all that lightbar across the whole front end with those weirdly stacked headlight look which aint even stacked headlights. I didnt like that front end then when first introduced and I havent much endeared to it now. The Scout SUV is a cool shape. I like how it keeps the C-Pillar from its classic predecessor. I also get Ford Bronco vibes from it. All the Scout SUVs of the 1960s and 1970s had similar vibes to the Bronco of that period so its only fitting that the ressurected versions of both keep the vibes the same 50 years later.
  4. Thank-you. I got pretty angry that someone could possibly admire a thing as a Hitler. We could praise some things that thing managed to do but as a former political leader (Trump)trying to get back into power its just appalling of Trump trying to emulate some sort of emption for that thing. What is worse, the so called 'news' platform of which he announces such admiration for a monster like Hitler enables him to do so. Which makes me even angrier. And Im amazed and confused and even angrier still that DJT still has followers. I would love to administer Mr. Trump's dosage of cyanide if he admires Hitler so much and wants to emulate him. Ill just cut to the chase and avoid all the unnecessary fascism and destruction and go straight to the conclusion... We ALL know bhow it ends with Hitler. Why go through all of that? Cyanide to Trump right now and cut the middleman, right?
  5. I never did like Rush. A couple of songs here and there. This is one of those songs that I kinda like. LOVE the guitars and the drums. ESPECIALLY the drums in this song. She has a thousand times better voice than Geddy Lee. I prefer her rendition of this song. BUT...Neil Pert is UNTOUCHABLE and especially in this song so the cover lacks greatly as compared to the original. a But...Ill let you into my mind by showing you my thought process when I post songs and cars together in this thread. I either choose a song or car or era. Then I try to marry them together with the other elements. We (you) chose the cover of a Rush song. Tom Sawyer. 1. OK...Rush is a Canadian band. 2. Tom Sawyer...and American mythical character. Mark Twain is the author of which the subject is named Tom Sawyer. 3. Both lyrics of song AND Mark Twain himself are about being a rebel of free spirited mind. I try to think of a car that closely matches these descriptions... And I got one. 1. I chose the Ford GT because its an American icon with a free spirit and rebel attitude. 427 cubic inches of raw American V8 power winning against puny motored European and Italian sports cars. 2. This version that I chose is built in Canada. With an even more rebelious and free spirited mind in that its a turbo V6. Always keep them guessing what your next move will be. Rush is Canadian. 3. The pics: the first one is snow covered in the backround, possibly in Canada. But snow and Canada are synonymous one could say. The second pic is photograghed in Montreal. And theres you have it. What the thought processes are.
  6. Just a little reminder to Donald J. Trump about requesting his generals were like Hitler's I especially would LOVE to remind him about this incident regarding loyal Hitler generals. One of several... And yes Fox News, all those generals were NAZIS. Even those who wanted to kill Hitler. And there were many of them wanting to kill Hitler. His best general wanted him dead. But karma bit his ass too and well...cynanide pill. Same death like Hitler's a little over a year later. Therefore, do I see a suicide cyanide pill death for Donald J. trump too? f@#k Nazis, f@#k Hitler and all of his generals and f@#k Donald J. Trump along with all his rotten supporters.
  7. We allow snake oilsalesmen and dirty CEOs to become billionnaires and we are against helping our societies grow... We believe in these snake oilsalesmen's shytty dreams and we make them demigods. All tech related products like Apple products or Paypal or Amazon is great, but all these billionnaires OWN us. We worship them but we allow them to control us even further... Bezos, Musk, Steve Jobs and others... All these folks are a detriment to our FREEDOMS alongside shytty politicians... But this is what we ultimately wanted... We made our beds. We shall now sleep in them...
  8. Socrates and Plato said something similar about democracy and voting and allowing uneducated and untrained people to decide what is for the good of the polisfor everybody. Also, one of the two mentioned how easy it is for corrupt politicians to fool and to manipulate the dumb populace on what the corrupt politicians would want to influence. Also both mentioned that perverse democracy leads to tyranny. And to know what really is mind blowing is that what is happening in the US and Canada right now and for the past 40 years with its stupid populace voting and especially voting for blatant corrupt leaders that dont even hide their agendas is that this very thing happened in Athens 2500 years ago and Socrates not only called it but he witnessed it with his own death... Plato preached the faults of democracy and despised idiots voting. Democracy is not a bad thing per se, its a very good thing. But its severely flawed when the general populace is dumb as phoque and dont realize how they get played by the ruling class they keep on voting in. In North America is quite evident that EVERYBODY including us...yes us right here posting right now, are just stupid pawns. At least in France, Greece, Spain, Italy and maybe a couple of other European countries, the populace riots when their governments get out of hand. Us here in North America, we wait in line like a bunch of jack asses for thext iPhone, or we cause a ruckus when Taylor Swift tickets are too expensive for us to attend her concerts or we cant get FM radio on our Teslas (yeah a while back there was a slight backlash) or when GM decides that they dont want to offer Apple car play in their cars etc... We listen to Youtubers and podcasters that make money on the monetized internet for clicks but we crucify legit scientists. We are blinded by and worship corrupt politicians but we question the legit ones. We idolize monetized Joe Rogans and Alex Jones and basterds like that... And for the last 40 phoquing years North America has been on the decline.
  9. Funny, but I dont understand or I dont know of this "Montreal special Canadian edition" bathroom is all about. Hopefully its not how foreigners think about Montreal. But then again our Olympic stadium might have influenced the foreigner views of our city. Toilet bowl and the surrounding pathways are the pvc piping in the picture there...
  10. yeah... I heard Heart's Who Will You Run To on the radio several days ago. Havent heard that song in a loooooong time. Forgot it existed but always had their other hits on my mind. Regardless, as soon as I heard it and the song remained in my mind ever since, tons of memories flooded my mind from that time period. 1987 to be exact. Those are pictures of Montreal. The church is right next to the Eaton center downtown and was 'lifted' to expand our underground city. In 1987... Along with the Champ-de-Mars pictures, the area, and all of Old Montreal really, is what keeps on playing in my mind as the songs make me reminisce of 1987. Heart and Soul is also a song that I think about when I think about Downtown Montreal and Old Montreal in 1987. The song Alone, also in 1987, makes me think about my highschool. And yup, that would be my highschool. The other buidling is Paul Sauve arena. I used to play hockey for my highschool in that arena. It was close to my highschool as you could guess. That specific Hitachi VCR and the cable channel box is what we owned in that time period. The cars play a part of my life as well during this time. Went to Greece for a couple of months that summer. I got a different set of music and cars for those memories of Greece. Yup, that post was a very personal one. The memories are still vivid in my mind. LOL I do it with some sort of connection to the cars I post. Meaning, I have a car or cars in mind, then I partner them to songs. Different reasons on how I partner up cars to the songs. But you do you. Just entertain us is what I ask.
  11. @G. David Felt Sorry David, but the plane on top would be the airplane from the Expendables movie. The second one in the franchise. It would be the Canadair CL 215. A waterbomber that fights fires. My dad worked at Canadair for 40 years. Now Canadair is under the Bombardier Aerospace name. And he worked on the CL 215 both in production and later the head engineer in quality control. The airplane I posted earlier today is the Martin Mars. Another water bomber and it took its final flight this summer. It landed on a lake in British Columbia somewheres to be retired in a museum there. At least I think that is the plan. That particular plane and the models themselves are no longer flying. But the Bombardier CL 215 became the CL 415 and then Bombardier Aerospace sold the rights to a company named Viking to which they will continue on building them as the Viking 515 with new modern avionics in. As many countries fly it to fight their forest fires. The CL 215 was updated to the 415 in the 1980s with then modern avionics but the 515 will have modern modern 2020s avionics. The Cl 215 is a design from the 1930s. It had the Canso PBY as inspiration and a mentor. In the first movie, the airplane was a Grumman HU-16 Albatross.
  12. I didnt know that. That is a cool thing to happen. I didnt even know that electronic communication was not allowed Hence the camera usage being "frowned" upon... DUH... I was fooled into thinking that because in the college ranks they allowed for this, that the MLB approved it at their level but old school mentality and teams didnt want to adopt it. As you know, I dont follow MLB as closely as I used to. Since the Expos skipped town in 2004. I do watch NCAA womens college softball with my daughter. Religiously I might add. Many fans feel this way I gather. Im in tune with the Houston Astros bashing. I know it exists. The way I sees it though: The MLB deserves a team like the Houston Astros.
  13. Yeah... I like the Colonnades and like you said, the earlier ones had a certain style on one element that the later ones screwed up but at the same time, the earlier ones had a nicer style on another element that the later ones screwed up. And that would be for all Colonnades across the different brands and models.
  14. I honestly do not know how I feel about all that. Yeah sure, Im tad sour about Pete Rose's situation, but he also made his bed... (Rules are rules) (Rules are rules)... but if money (that Ohtani generates for the MLB) dictates their decision making and rug sweeping, then that is what it is. It aint right, but we dont get to enforce those rules. We are stuck with this kind of corruption and there is nothing we can do about it. Unless we boycott but that is what Montrealers did and now we dont have a baseball team to cheer for at the MLB level and we have to literarly beg for them (the MLB) to come back... But then again, maybe just maybe, the story is true about his "translator" "stealing" money from him...
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