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Everything posted by oldshurst442

  1. Not just iPhones... He tariffed Canadian wood the first time around as Pres and the prices of wood skyrocketed so American home builders bought American wood which was and is more expensive than Canadian wood. I guess that is good for American wood producers. But for the fact that house prices also skyrocketed. And considering that Canada and US have a more or less good trading thing going on...so not that good. Not for the US and not good for Canada. But Donald thinks otherwise. And all the folk that voted for him this time around think that the economy will get better? I hope so for their sake. But Elon and Jeff B's billions rose quite a bit upon the announcement of his re-election. I wonder if those people that voted for him, I wonder if their wealth also rose instantly? You poor bastards... You have no idea what is coming to you... (those that voted for him. With the excemption of the rich of course) Donnie Rides Again
  2. RIP Quincy Jones
  3. Why did I think she was the head coach??? New club, and they dont not get much exposure or talk up here in Montreal. The poor bastards (media and fans) here are crying for the season the Habs are having and dont really know how to deal with it. LOL
  4. I like the Browns. There arent many NFL clubs that I despise. I like watching NFL football in general no matter who plays. I mentioned I didnt like the Seahawks. Nothing attracts me to watching them play. Ditto for some other NFL clubs such as maybe the Houston texans or the Carolina Panthers. Jacksonville Jaguars and the Colts and possible the Titans. But I dont despise them but if Im not in the mood in watching those teams play, I simply dont watch. Ill watch some other game instead. Its baseball teams baseball clubs that I HATE. I HATE the Yankees and the Red Sox and the Braves and those shytty phoquing Blue Jays and every single club that is NOT the Montreal Expos. I kinda like the Cubs and dont dislike the Cardinals as much as I hate the other baseball clubs. With that being said, the historical baseball clubs like the Yankees and the Red Sox (Braves) and the White Sox and the Dodgers and Giants when they where in NY, well I respect those team's history. I love baseball. I respect those teams. I just HATE them.
  5. I never liked the Seahawks. But...I have taken a like to your NHL club the Kraken. Also, I am super elated of the new Utah hockey club. Did you know that they have a woman as their head coach. First female in NHL history. Pretty awesome is what I say. And yeah, I know that song. Its a 4 or 5 year old cover and um...very appropriate 4-5 years ago, to today this 6th of November 2024, just as it was when Simon and Garfunkle first sang it in the mid 1960s. The internet has made us all phoqued up I think.
  6. For sure. I was more in tune with how Jerry views things. And he just gave away 2 drafts (late drafts, but still...) for a so so WR maybe screwing the Cowboy's future even further on TOP of having to deal with the salary cap hit next year upon Dak's new (very high but not merited) salary. Is he the highest paid QB in the league? Like how does that happen? I know there is room to move within the cap, but like you said, the Cowboys are SEVERAL pieces away from the playoffs let alone winning it all. All the while, the Chiefs got a BETTER player as opposed to what the Cowboys got trading away LESS to acquire. And...they are the current champs with a QB making LESS money... Back to back champs I shall add. So... Id like to add that I listen to sports talk radio, and sometimes I get feeds from other parts of both of our countries and there are some radio hosts (not from Montreal, but maybe from Dallas/Fort Worth or some clowns from ESPN radio or Canada's own TSN, anyway, they try to dissect the Cowboy's problems for this year and they often call McCarty a lame duck... In the past they laid blame on Jerry, but not this year. Yet I feels very strongly more than ANY other year that it is in FACT Jerry's fault yet again this year for not fielding a contender. And therefore the post above with the 18 wheelers.
  7. Before the start of the NFL season, the Dallas Cowboys be like: We are going to do what they say cant be done. We've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there. Awaiting for a certain someone to sign. Then he signs. Tremendous signage I might add and then the Cowboys be like And then for a while, a very SHORT while, they be like But for the last couple of weeks and today's loss...in more ways than one
  8. The RoadandTrack link there is all full of hooie and fooie From the 1st paragragh: And this article was published on Oct 30. This was news in September with speculation, so there was no need to misinform that VAG is a cash cow. VAG was a cash cow... VAG might return in being a cash cow, but VAG when SCOUT released its vaporware products is NOT a cash cow. Besides SCOUT being vaporware, Im not so sure that SCOUT will EVER become a thing just BECAUSE VAG is lacking cash... https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/volkswagen-plans-major-layoffs-shut-least-three-german-plants-works-council-head-2024-10-28/#:~:text=WOLFSBURG%2C Germany%2C Oct 28 (,council head said on Monday. https://www.euronews.com/business/2024/10/28/volkswagen-set-to-close-three-german-plants-and-cut-thousands-of-jobs https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/02/investing/volkswagen-factory-closure-germany/index.html
  9. I forgot about the Sierra EV. At GMC for me, its only the Hummers that register in my head. And I forgot about Buick all together. Can you blame me? Buick is pretty darn forgettable lately. But regardless, Buicks are another EV add-ons to GM's EV line-up. Like FoMoCo though, GM also push backed their EVs, but not entirely like Ford and not as abrupt and not as drastic. GM did make a hiccup like eliminating all their hybrids and gasoline generator style EVs, but like I have ranted a week or two in another thread, or was it this one? Hybrids in North America ONLY because North Americans have been made to be afraid of an EV future. Needlessly I MUST add. But that is for another discussion on another day in a different thread. But I must say that FoMoCo might not have a choice to scale back like they are doing. BECAUSE of this North American fear of EVs, and EVs STILL being too expensive to produce and not selling at the rate that would make OEMs some money...FoMoCo WISELY retracted. In my humble BUT hinest opinion. Look at Volkwagen. VAG. Their EVs are not selling a ton. Here or in Europe for that matter anyore. BUT...their gasoline cars have ALSO stalled in sales. In North America but surprise surprise, in Europe too. And BECAUSE they have gone ALL OUT on EVs, not ONLY are they down 2 million units in sales from last year, BUT their all out EV venture is COSTING them BIIIIIIG time in profits. And they are GOING to not ONLY shut down factories in Germany, but they are going to lay off workers. And on both accounts, that is a BIIIIIIG nein nein nein in Germany and their unions. But I think Volkswagen told the German government and the unions tough cookies... So...I think FoMoCo WISELY took this decision to cool it (with EVs). Gasoline powered F150s keep the lights on. And so gasoline powered F150s and gasoline powered Mustangs should rightfully take precedence over anything else. Survival is the key here. VAG is in survival mode. But compare that to what Ford done and what VAG will do, Id rather see what FoMoCo done...
  10. Problem is though, that althougn Chevrolet only has 3 EVs to sell, like Ford, Chevrolet falls under the GM umbrella, just like Ford falls under the FoMoCo umbrella and well Lincoln, does Lincoln have any EVs to sell as of now? I am presuming and assuming the answer is zeeee-row. As in like a big circle...like the letter o but written like this: 0. More elongated and egg shaped rather than a perfect circle. Because GMC has 2, the Hummer pick-up and SUV, they are toys, but still and Cadillac has 1 right now, the Lyriq. But in 2025 will have an additional 3. The Optiq, the Escalade IQ and the halo car Celestiq. Making GM have 9 for 2025. Hyundai/Kia together because under SAME umbrella have 6 or 7 or 8. I dont feel like counting. FoMoCo has only 3. Just sayin' is what Im sayin'.
  11. I somehow cant see a Lyriq in a performance trim. The overall look of the Lyriq inspires no performance. The styling of Lyriq is a very understated look that inspires luxury rather than performance. Kudos for Cadillac to offer a V Lyriq, but I dont see it. I was happy with an Escalade V, just because there was a V version of the Escalade, but I feel the same about the Escalade that I do about a Lyriq V. I dont sees it. I like the performance upgrades, but I dont really want to see the performance "styling" of possible vents and skirts and wings and canards and whatnot. The Lyriq is not a Lamborghini Urus and the Escalade is not a Ferrari Pursangue. That is that.
  12. Im reading @ccap41 posts about @smk4565 and his opinions of Elon Musk's flip flopping positions of affordable Teslas and memories of reading @smk4565 and his opinions of level ### of self driving vehicles and all that and Im laughing to myself. Several reasons as to why Im laughing to myself. There is no need to put anybody on the ropes here. And then the TV in the backround plays a commercial with this song and I find it befitting as that is how I feel about @smk4565 and @ccap41 trying to rub it in and especially Elon flip flopping around all OVER the place trying to score a future where he is THE Messiah. Que sera sera Whatever will be will be The future's not ours to see Que sera sera What will be will be
  13. I would have never been able to guess that the Model S is actually longer and the Taycan the shortest. Visual styling cues doing their thang. The Model S looks the stubbiest... The Taycan being the sexiest although I prefer its Audi cousin a LOT more. Ill repeat, the Super 7 is attractive, but its the 'looking over your shoulder stealing your answers in a test cheating highschooler kid' of the 3 of them.
  14. the c pillar is definitely more Porsche. The Porsche is more stretched out making it look longer than the Speed 7. The Taycan is longer than the Tesla but the Super 7, in pictures, looks like its more akin to a shorter body like the Tesla. Anyway you sees it, the Super 7 is an attractive machine, but as Chinese usual, its a knock-off with many COPIED inspirations from other vehicles and signature design languages from other brands.
  15. Right on!!! And dont forget it also has the silhouettes and profiles of a Tesla Model S. Despite Elon, Id rather be driving the Model S than the Chinese knock-off.
  16. I second that. Although I LOVE bech seats, I have come accustomed to a center console myself. And Im not so sure modern folk would like bench seats. In a techy world filled with many selfish gadgets are abound like a smartphone or a Yeti and Stanley cup for our liquid quenching needs as we drive, modern folk would find a bench seat very annoying. Ironically, not realizing how cozy it is to have a lover sit close to you while we drive. Ironically, I have seen some porn where love making is posted on the interwebs while the self driving car is engaging is self driving but the love making is soooo ackward because of said center console. And tbhis is the irony, how much easier it is to love make when there is NO center console and its just a bench seat rendering "socializing" easier... But then again, I am of age that love making in a car would be too uncomfortable as my wife and I are no longer as flexible. BUT...like my previous rant above, been there done that when I was younger. There is no need for me to explore that kind of thing anymore... Again...its up to the Millennials and the Gen Zers to explore and discover those joys. Boomers and Gen Xers already experimented with that.
  17. Yes!!! But you have reached that point of time in your life where "get off my lawn" is in your lexicon. Which is the next step in your life. You earned that. Some other folk our age, you are slightly older than I but still, prefer to do world cruises and be surrounded by other same minded folk. Others like to do bingo nights. Maybe that is/was a Boomer thing. Cruises were a Boomer thing but Gen Xers do it too. Millennials and to a certain degree Gen Zers, have isolated themselves on their own at very young ages. We socialized when we were young. They do the old geezer thing at their prime of their young lives. Gen Xers also have isolated themselves in that very same way, waaaaay before our old timer ages, but at least we HAD a social youth to begin with. I have ranted a lot about dumb populaces and greedy conmen and politicians lately and i also have blamed all that on us because we have aloud the degradation of our social lives to these types. But still, the whole bunch of us STILL like to blame others for OUR poor choices. Zuckerberg introduced Facebook to us and the Twitter dude for us to Tweet which he became 44 billion dollars richer when Elon bought it from him yet he is STILL involved with Twitter now X, but the USERS of these platforms are ULTIMATELY to BLAME because we STILL choose to use these shytty things... We KNOW its detrimental, yet we dont let go. And we as a society allow journalism to not only acknowledge the but to normalize the problem and blame the problem unto someother scapegoat but we never seem to actually FIX the problem which is to STOP with the social media platforms. Its the same with the economy. We KNOW inflation exists and we know that it will FOREVER exist and we KNOW that we cant afford things and all of that jazz, but we lay blame to this guy and that guy and this politician and that politician and that political party and that political party and we blame high interest rates and greedy bankers and all of that yet the one solution to NOT spend money and NOBODY acknowledges that or does that. We all do the opposite of that...
  18. Id like to add: When batteries finally reach charging times equivalent to gasoline fueling times, EV charging stations as 3rd place spaces will cease to be a thing. And that is JUST around the corner. 2-3-4 years away? Possibly 5 or even 6? (We have had this convdersation 8 years ago in these threads...in this website. Time flies...and technology improves just as fast...) And then EV charging stations will just become the next gasoline pump station. But again, gasoline pump stations already EXIST at strategically perfect locations in urban and in rural areas all over the industrialized world where cars roll. A huge advantage though with EV charging stations is that electricity travels on its own with the help of long distance wires that only need to be installed once, but more effectively than that, is that solar panels attached to the roofs of the charging hubs could turn solar light into electrons and keep the electricity tank full... And quite honestly, with 300 mile ranges and in 2024, we have reached 400 mile ranges with EXISTING battery tech in our EVs today, plus the quick charging times of 8-15 minutes netting you 80-120 miles of range, EV charging stations as 3rd place spaces is probably not going to happen. All we need though is MORE strategically placed EV charging hubs... Gasoline stations SHOULD be THAT destination RIGHT now. The Rove concept is soooooo a decade ago. THAT business model SHOULD have been done a DECADE ago. Quebec HAD that idea a decade ago give or take and we did install some EV charging stations at some participating Quebec based restaurant chains and grocery stores. Never went full on but we did start it and we kinda continue on with that model. Imagine what infrastucture we could have had a DECADE ago when Elon was sort of normal and business savvy people where more focused and moronic and agenda driven conmen were NOT filling up the world with miss and diss information... The transition from ICE to EV might have been done ALREADY here in North America. The tech on effeciancy of solar panels exploded in the last ten years. So has the EV cars and especially the battery tech. Ford and gm might not have needed to ask Biden and Trudeau to tariff Chinese EVs at 100%... The Equinox EV would have reached production 2 years ago and gm might have had that elusive 30 000 doallr EV RIGHT now... Elon too, might have ditched his Cybertruck and would have had the INCENTIVE to actually PRODUCE his version of a REAL 30 000 dollar Tesla...
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