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Everything posted by oldshurst442
Ok...Ill apologize then. Not because of your post, but because I ranted when I should have ignored. Im a tad pissed off with the American delusion and fascination with larger than life criminals and celebrity adoration. Im pissed off with the American justice system for the same delusional and fascination with larger than life criminals and celebrity adoration the DOJ also seem to have. And its not jst the politicians that dont have the demos (common people), but the American demos themselves not giving a shyte about themselves and BLAMING their politicians for behaving that way but the American demos ENABLING greedy and corrupt politicians to eventually continue phoquing them... *sigh* The DOJ could have come to sentence 2 bloody months ago when Trump was found guilty of the 37 accounts of fraud in his criminal case in NYC involving banks. And THAT would mena a prison sentence of whatever years. The January 6 case could have been pushed forward as SOON as he was NO LONGER president and he would have been charged with treason and possibly given a hanging but nope, nothing there. And lastly but not leastly, it does NOT matter what the guilty verdicts in court by a jury of his peers would have done, but American people VOTED in a KNOWN criminal...from waaaaaay before his courth case of THIS year. He is a known common fraudster since the 1980s... MANY of these voters were mesmerized by speeches of rascism and blatant inequality and all kinds of things that is the OPPOSITE of what America is all about INCLUDING JUSTICE FOR ALL... So...do NOT tell me that politicians, ALL of them are bad... because it seems that Americans all they want is the BAD politicians... You phoquers keep on voting them in. Please do NOT tell me that Harris is as bad of a crook as Trump is. She might be a politician that might not care for you...Ill give you that. But she is definetely NOT a fraud, crook and traitor... When Donald J. Trump finally phoques your country up for good and sells your freedoms for his wealth, and possibly mine as a Canadian, because he will put a wedge between our countries and other dictators from other countries will see this divide and further exploit this divide, please dont tell me that ALL politicians dont care for us and that they are all bad. THAT does not fly with me. And please please PLEASE do NOT whine that after what Donnie has done to it, please please PLEASE do NOT say "how did that happen?" or "it was the democrats fault"...
You always seem to want to defend in ANY way possible this Donald J. Trump fellow. I know you say you are the independant voter type, but it seems very odd to me that you always seem to have some sort defense for him. And all Republican type politicians. I really dont care what voter you are and how you vote. Just a pattern I sees. It would be a brain twister for me trying to figure you out had you defended Biden or Harris like you do with Trump when @ocnblu was putting on his show against Obama and Biden, but Im not here to start a political thing with you. I simply dont care. Just wanted to tell you that Ive picked up a certain pattern with you. But...Imma gonna ask you if you feel its kinda odd for Trump and friends to question Harris if she ever worked at McDonald's and to ask for proof. I will admit its kinda odd for a politician to lie about a place of work that may or may not have happened. But to ask for tax slips and pay stubs to a middle aged person (Harris) about a teenager job that she had is kinda odd to me. Who keeps those slips that long anyway? And...to try to belittle somebody about such a MUNDANE thing but for ALL Trump and friends and followers to ACCEPT BLATANT Trump lies about MORE SERIOUS issues is even odder to me... Just sayin' In my 52 years almost on this planet called earth, I havent quite heard another politician quite like Donald J. Trump huff and puff sooooo much hatred with so called toughness. I wasnt alive when Hitler was doing his schtick, so I cant compare Hitler with Trump, but ODDLY enough (that word again that you used and I want to point out just like you like to point out odd things), Trump seems to want to compare himself with Hitler at EVERY turn on his own. Nobody else but him and his favorite media personalities endorse it as well. So no...not like ever other politician. IN THE WORLD let lone DC. Well maybe Putin the last 2-3 years threatening the West( that is us if you havent noticed) with Nuclear attack. Oh...just to be clear. Its thanx to Trump's divisional tactics in his political world and his so called leadership that has weakened and divided Americans that Putin had the balls to attack and try to capture the entirety of Ukraine and it is Trump himself that has caused Word War 3 because make no misytake about it, the planet IS experiencing WW3 right now. Pray it does NOT escalate to harsher weaponry... ALL because Trump talks 'tough'. With his ALLIES...
Formula One Management has accepted GM's bid to be part of the league so Cadillac becomes the 11th team to be on the grid for 2026. Cadillac will partner up with TWG Global which owns Andretti Racing and Wayne Taylor Racing. It looks like Mario will be in charge as director of the team's board rather than his son Michael. Formula One had a problem with Michael. Cadillac for now will be using another manufacturer's engine. No word yet on who but rumors abound that it will not be Alpine/Renault as it was the first time around but Ferrari. I guess Ferrari was smitten when Chevrolet said that a Ferrai 458 and especially its engine was an inspiration for the Corvette C8 Z06 and its engine. That would be my opinion of course. GM promised that it would be an engine producer/supplier by the end of the decade for Cadillac's racing team. The team will race under the Cadillac brand. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a63011375/formula-1-gm-cadillac-team-approved/ https://www.motortrend.com/news/general-motors-cadillac-joins-formula-1-2026/
Montreal mayor madame Valerie Plante and some of her borough representatives wants this to be a thing for Montreal. Life without driving. She is envisioning, but she wont seek a 3rd term on account that her cabinet might be accused for fraud and other stuff, there was and is talk since the summer about some touchy things there so she pre-emptively announced 2 weeks ago that she wont seek a 3rd term, she has another year to go for her term to end, she might want to join Trump's team...but that is for another discussion and Im digressing... She is envisioning a city like a city in Europe where everything is within walking distance and biking distance. And I mean everything. Actually, its a VERY good idea. Montreal was built that way in the beginning anyway because Montreal was a city waaaaay before the automobile. So the older parts of Montreal are still that way. Nothing has changed. Its just that businesses where closed during our 1st and 2nd referendums for separation from Canada which put a huge dent in the city's economic development. Her team revitalised the already green spaces we had, made them bigger, made some renovations to a great amount of public spaces, made those green with grass and trees, enlargened some sidewalks, made bicycle paths everywhere, and made some roads car free. Many drivers hated this idea, myself included, but 7 years of her vision and NOBODY could deny that it HAS become a success FOR the people and FAMILIES LIVING in those areas. And to be real and honest about the whole thing, she did and still DOES want to EXPAND or Metro system but our Premier, Monsieur Legault, he says that Quebec does not have the funds for more Montreal projects and Canada also has OTHER major cities and towns that NEED public funding for their municipal projects. He was not against public transportation to be expanded in Montreal, but lack of funds was the culprit. To be fair to him though, Montreal got a new bridge, because the old one ws about to fall down, the new Champlain bridge. Montreal got a new highway system to accomodate said new bridge. Montreal got a new magnetic train that will enhance Montreal's metro system which has an elaborate path. Montreal will get another new bridge as there is another bridge about to fall down. Montreal gets monies constantly for all kinds of failing infrastructure and other provinces bitch and whine... Wow...what a rant. I needed to say that. All in all, yes, living a life without the need to drive to buy the essentials in life truly is a that is withing walking distance is a great thing. And really, a thing that ALL cities should be striving for. Even new cities that are within the continental United States of America. A car is a car and it does equal freedom. But living a life without a need for a car ALL THE TIME is also another TYPE of freedom that modern humans have forgotten. We need a car for the freedom of travel. But we also need the freedom FROM a car.
Great for Honda and great for GM. 18 000 units through October. https://www.coxautoinc.com/market-insights/q3-2024-ev-sales/ https://insideevs.com/news/737158/us-ev-sales-q3-2024/ Both those links say that EV sales hit a new high record in sales in the US. GM is behind Tesla in 2nd place and Hyundai/KIA/Genesis is in 3rd place. I havent seen any Honda Prologues where I live, in Montreal or in my neck of the woods, but I do see plenty of Blazers and Equinoxes daily. No EV Silverados or Sierras. But I have seen 6 (in total) Hummers. 2 in my neighborhood and 4 on the island of Montreal. 1 downtown and 2 in Dorval and 1 on the highway 20 in Montreal. I see quite a few F150 EVs though. But not as nearly as much as I see Blazers and Equinoxes. The Blazer is a recent addition in the line-up I think up here in Quebec and already in my neighborhood Ive seen at LEAST 10. Ive only seen 1 Cybertruck. On the highway 20 in Montreal. (Different days from the Hummer) and I must admit that it looks very rad in the wild. But I guess its because vehicles today are just soooooo damn bland that anything different is actually a GOOD thing. Even if its the Cybertruck... Tesla Model 3s are ubiquitous. But so are the Hyundai/KIA EVs. And the Equinox is fast becoming that common too. And the Blazer looks like it will join that club. The article from insideevs states that 10% market share is within reach. I remember discussing this with a good internet friend by the name of @balthazar, which I miss dearly, he stated that it will take a loooong time before we reach 10% EV market share let alone 50%. I do not remember what exactly was the timeline he was suggesting, but not to put that on his nose, just wanting to say that there IS a STRONG want for EVs in the US and Canadian market. Its just that those that do NOT want EVs have a very very VERY loud voice about denouncing them so they spread FUD and mis/dis information purposelly AND purposefully... I also wanted to point out, because PLENTY of us here was saying this to deaf ears, that WHEN OEMS FINALLY offer a DIVERSE option of EVs that actually CATER to the physically needs of consumers, then consumers WILL consume EVs. The lies spread about range and charging times delayed the EV purchases, but BECAUSE the PUSH for EVs was slightly MORE relentless, and THIS is what we got now. That little hiccup last year was because of delayed production due to various reasons, fear of FUD was one of them, but 10% in market share for 2025 is a GREAT place to be. Too bad for DJT as THAT might put a kink in that growth. Wait and see what happens next.
Glad you are healing just fine. Pretty soon you'll have to do knee exercises, squats... When I read about link about the Lambo I was "yeah, no big deal. Insurance will pay and Lambo will repair." Thinking it was a brand new Lambo... Yeah...not a good thing. They dont make those no more. Insurance money is ok, but parts are hard to come by. So not a good thing.
^^^ I think the last pic is an AI generated picture. YUCK!!! I mean, if it is one, its a GREAT image, the technology is both awesome and scary. Very real. But fake...and that is the yuck part of it all. The fakeness. I like REALITY.
I became a hater when I realized Toyota is just another same ole same ole corporate greed company like any other and when I realized that they had sheeple followers that they had brainwashed thinking that Toyota can never do any harm. It wasnt a right away hatred either. It took time. I first noticed something was off about Toyota with the aforementioned engine sludge thing. And it took years after that when I started questioning folk that drove Toyotas and then incident after incident happened and yet nobody ever was pissed about Toyota's failures. It all came to a boiling point with me with the unintended acceleration debacle and had it NOT for Toyota settling out of court of billions of dollars, I myself would have chucked it to stupid drivers, but Toyota plead guilty quietly and paid that tremendous fine. And it peeved me more to see that AMERICAN media kept that quiet also, but also downplyed the WHOLE thing by them ALSO blaming the American driver coming up with excuse after excuse defending Toyota. And then I read (call it a consipracy theory if you want to) a report (not on the internet) that Japanese automakers convinced the American buyer to perform their regular maintenance at the dealerships and when their was a problem akin to catastrophic failure with the vehicle, the dealership would repair the problem without the owner knowing about the problem and all that was also subsidized by the Japanese government and the WORST offenders of this were Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi and Subaru in the 1980s. Another reason why I dont like this company is that they stopped producing cars for the enthusiast for a little while. Boring appliance after boring appliance made especially for dumb people that would be better off using public transportation. And in more recent times, better calling an Uber. I like some cars of theirs. I have pointed this out plenty of times. No need for me to justify what cars and trucks I like from them. But you did mention the Lexus LC500 and yeah! THAT would be one awesome creation. Id take mine in coupe form though. But if I was doing this car MY way, Id LS/LT swap it. Nothing crazy done to the engine, just with enough HP and torque to best Lexus' original efforts. 500HP and 500ft/lbs. In HP, its not much more than what Lexus done, but its the torque figures that make the difference in my make belief dream LC 500.
I am STILL waiting for everybody and his brother to pull a "Im NEVER gonna drive a piece of shyte Toyota ever again" like they did with GM, Ford and Chrysler. But then again, Americans DID vote for Trump a SECOND time.... And Canadians WILL vote for Polievre... Im asking too much.
I didnt click on @A Horse With No Name facebook link because: 1. Facebook. I try to avoid Facebook as much as possible. Not hard to do anymore. Hope it dies sson though. I digress. Ill save THAT rant for another day. I think Ill start another Toyota hatred rant in the coming days instead... 2. I sooooo much hate Toyota, that I cant even bring myself to celebrate over Toyota problem stories because of the hatred being soooooo strong that even I try to avoid ANYTHING Toyota related. (I do like some vehicles they produce as a disclaimer) But...I did listen to this one Alls I got to say is...Toyota NEVER even HAD that reliabilty thing EVEN in the 1990s as that video is saying as the engine sludge thing HAPPENED in the late 1990s. And even THEN, Toyota blamed the consumer... So blaming the consumer is NOTHING new to Toyota. But the video is bang on!!! And as I was youtubing googling Toyota to retrieve that video above...I ran into Scotty Kilmore. And he JUST released this video Not gonna watch these videos, so I do NOT know of he has a clickbait title, but even Scotty has just acknowledged Toyota boo boos. I have watched Scotty like 4 or 5 videos 5 years ago or something like that. But Ill repeat, Toyota NEVER had this mythical relkiabilty thing. Some cars were built like tanks from them. Some cars are STILL built like gtanks from them. But they have had they SAME amount, but probably MORE shytty cars failing then any OTHER OEM... But hey... The Toyota kool-aid was some delicious shyte back in the day. Glad I NEVER drank it though. But if Scotty is TRULY dissing Toyota's reliability, it MUST be a very REAL thing. But it ALWAYS HAD been a thing. Oh well...
@G. David Felt is such a lazy ass bum, isnt he? He sleeps all day that &@#%*!@$ bum!!! We arent supposed to speak about Toyota problems. You'll be called an @$$hole, be questioned of your ancestry and citizenship...
Fortunately, you dont share his jerk attitude and his lack of self awareness of being said jerk.
I agree that the Bolt needs to look better than it did. Indeed it was ugly. However, that didnt stop the Bolt from being the #2 seller in EV sales fro several years before it got canned. Yeah...it was a top seller and its sales only got higher every year until it was stopped being produced. Hyundai/KIA are on a roll with their EVs. That will only continue with the EV3 here in North America. Chevrolet better get it right with the Bolt 2.0 as THIS time around the Bolt will have a competitor. The Tesla Model 3 and it were not really in the same niche for them to be considered competitors. RWD/AWD 'sport' sedan versus FWD compact car/ compact CUV. The Nissan Leaf DID have an edge in sales with the Bolt but Nissan never tended to it. Never gave it some love and affection to make it matter and make it to be wanted by the EV buying public. Somehow Chevrolet did that with the Bolt, ironically, DESPITE when they decided to can it. They brought it back because they saw a small backlash from that decision from the EV Chevrolet buying public.
I googled really quickly to find out about the EV3 release date. Keep in mind its a quick search. No real searching. And I read that the EV3 is due out for 2026. If memory serves me right, the Bolt is due for mid 2025. I may be wrong about that. Now, barring any setbacks and/or rollbacks. the Chevorlet is due out before the KIA. And the KIA also has to deal with setbacks and rollbacks. But yeah, Chevrolet has to get the Bolt out ASAP without any issues and quality problems. But it aint KIA that Im fearing. Its Trump and his impending ideologies regarding EVs that wikl be a setback to the Bolt, but not JUST the Bolt, but ANY EVs sold in the US but THAT will inlcude the KIA EV3 with the same Trump inflicted problems. I see a far bigger problem. Elon is attached to him like lamprey are attched to Great Lake fish. Will Trumpster apply the same limitations on Telsa EVs as he might with other EVs? And if he will, how will Musk react? And if not, how will KIA, Hyundai, GM, Stellantis, BMW, Mercedes, VW and others react when they ALL have changed their business model to change to EVs and the WORLD has adapted to BEING an EV future? Its just not going to be that everybody will JJUST have ICEVs for the American market and EVs for the other markets. And its incredibly bad for the Detroit automakers. The Detroit 2.5 WILL go bankrupt if Trump will favour anti-EV tactics...
I never knew this existed. Ive seen Cavalier drag cars from FWD to RWD. Ive seen Pontiac Grand Ams from 1992-1998 as such, but never the Beretta. Ill tell you right now, I havent been living under a rock. Cool idea regardless. True. Trump, Kamala, Trudeau or otherwise. And yeah, Ive seen and heard the flip flopping. But Id be voting for Harris regardless because the Devil I know inTrump is waaaaaay worse than the Devil I do not know in Harris. Contrary to what the actual saying goes. Because the Devil I know in Trump is truly destructive on soooooo many fronts. And we have seen his performance. On how he often double dips YOUR national security, sensitive information and documents and national monies with his personal finances and interests. It doesnt matter if you (in general talk the "you" part) think this is how Donald Trump talks and does not mean what he says the way he says it. In HIS case, actions DO speak LOUDER than words... But I guess that was a loooong time ago. 2016-2020. It was an eternity ago. And the shyte he pulled off in New York city while he was just a business man bankrupting and screwing his creditors. That was ancient history. He is not a crook. Nah... Grab 'em by the pu&&ie. Good ole boy talk talking with good ole boys. Nothing there. Its not as if he cheated on every single wife oif his. 3? Its not as if he doesnt have a rape case against him either and was found guilty... Good guy this Trump fellow. Good guy. Honest. A true patriot.
I actually knew that you loved your Beretta. It was the weird wild stuff that I wanted to say. Because of your LS swap and FWD to RWD of said Beretta. Nobody has ever thought of doing that to that car and it be quite unique...and weird and wild. And I like it!!!
I dont know whether the Biden admin nixed them or not. Lets say that he didnt nix them as Trump actually did say during his campaigning. He said that the Biden admin just looooooves the money coming in that he (Trump) has put into place with those tariffs. Regardless though whether those tariffs are there or not... Trump says that he will introduced more tariffs... Trump and many others blame the Biden admin for the inflation that hit us but actual real economists put the blame on Trump's economic policies along with Covid and the way Trump handled it... True or not....who is to blame and the saviour all depends on what side of the tracks you lean on. But in reality, Trump is a snake oil salesman con guy to the Nth degree and tariffs almost ALWAYS lead to inflation. So...there really is only ONE conclusion. But like I have mentioned before...lets all hope to God that Trump is the second coming of Christ and not the Anti-Christ. But if I was a bettin' man, Id be putting ALL my money on the latter.
I googled Elon Musk and Wiki says Musk grew up wealthy. I always thought he grew up poor because I thought his dad left his mom and she raised him and his other siblings alone. ANYway... Elon is the same thing as Kennedy and Don Jr. They come from privilege. There is NO McDonald's in their lives. Never was and never will be. Phoquing embarrassing that that picture is just for show.