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Everything posted by oldshurst442

  1. Fair enough. But its because its the way you want to discuss things. Dont use semantics and gotcha moments... You know well enough that "fighting for your rights" does NOT mean what you tried imply for me... Yes. And women fought hard for that. And women STILL, in some circumstances, dont get EQUAL pay... But...are you gonna deny that Harris might have lost a part of the vote because MAGA is in vogue and some of these phoquers that voted for Trump dont want women to lead them? Women have to fight for those rights again it seems. And the irony is that some women, MAGA women, dont seem to mind it one bit that MAGA men want them to be barefoot and pregnant again. And they want that too. They dont seem to want an education or career. Which is fine. Its ALL fine and dandy, but Ill tell you one thing, my daughter does not want to be a baby machine. She wants to have a career. She is getting an education. She does not want to depend on her husband for her end of days because if the husband dies an early death, she wont have any means of monies coming in. And THAT mentality was established IN the 1950s as husbands then used to beat their wives and womnen couldnt leave their marriage. And hence WOMEN's rights and FEMINISM on the rise in the 1960s. Oh...BTW..she wants to have children, but she wants to have childen on HER (and her husbands) terms... And if she might have been gay, she is not, she would want to adopt or have a semen insemination if her partner would want that. Yeah...we discuss such topics. Its not aboo. Its an educated thing...that liberals seem to have... But that is where the rights of an individual to have those options have been taken away by UNEDUCATED MAGA people. Somebody has to fight for those rights again... Trudeau fights for those rights but Canadian extreme rightist folk hate him for it... Its not a time thing. Its an EDUCATION thing. Or a lack thereof. Or it could even be a dictatorship thing... Definetely both in reality. Trump did say that he LOVES the uneducated... Trump DID convince an insurrection on a perfect DEMOCRATIC election. Trump DID say he wants to be a dictator. Even if its just for one day, he said... 1 day becomes 2. 2 days becomes 3... Hopefully that is not his intentions though... Its not a time thing. Its a Republican not funding education for the last 50 years thing. And THAT is NOT a conspiracy thing either. It really IS a Republican thing to want to cut school funding in the most poorest of places in the US... And then we take away their jobs and convince them that unions are shyte and then we get a leader to yell, lets make America great again when in reality, uneducated people voted in politicians that were against their own good and the cycle continues. How in hell do MAGA women agree that they get to be baby machines. Agree to get no education, because they agree to be family oriented at an EARLY age, and they have to rely on cheatin', drunkin' abusive god for nothin' men? And Ill stereotype because ANYBODY that got bamboozled that the elections were stolen, with NO proof, and to go try to overtake a democratic institution by FORCE..well, you GOT to be a drunkin' no good for nothin' man to do such a thing... many like that pghoquing idiot. And he is no old timer either... A Gen X LOSER!!! No education. But you had nefarious individuals egging him on besides Trump... And there is NO excuse for Gen Xers, millennials and Zers to be losers like that. But that is what happens when a population has NO education...
  2. Nah. NOWAY! THAT is just an excuse for people to behave badly... It has NOTHING to do with taboo or anything. Who the phoque actually does what the bloody bible says anyway? NOBODY has EVER done what the good Lord has told us to do. Which is to be good little children. Like EVER in the HISTORY of the Judeo-Christian religion. Which mostly is the Jewish Faith anyway... All that we have in the Western world is just fragmented branched off parts of the ORIGINAL Jewish Faith. It is branched off and fragmented BECAUSE NOBODY has EVER followed what Jehova has been saying to us. INCLUDING the JEWS themselves... Oh...the Muslim religion is ALSO a fragmented branch of the original Jewish Faith. And those followers too, dont really follow what their good book the Koran, tells them to do. Oh...you do get some goodie two shoes in ALL religions that follow their good books to a tee, but some of those the nefarious religious leaders use those goodie two-shoes to manipulate and bad things happen... So here we are, talkin' about how same sex marriage got normalized recently and it was taboo before so it will take 2-3 generations to get acceptance... You actually believe that? PLEASE... Them bible thumpers have probably experimented with ALL KINDS of sexual acts that would make a Hindu person with knowledge of the Kama Sutra blush. All kinds of sexual innuendo keeps on creepin' up from the bible belt. From pedophile priests to ironically, homosexual senators that cheat on their wives getting caught in a hotel room with either a gay lover or gay prostitute. All kinds of sins goin' on down that bible belt area... Nah! Its deeper than that. An anecdote... In MY experiences with bible thumpers of the Greek Orthodox kind. These are one of the most gossipy people on the planet. And they will use that gossip to try and DESTROY their neighbours. (Other Greek families) Some of these husbands cheat on their wives. They will STEAL from their business partners. The wives, are not innocent. They will cheat on their husbands. Some of these Greek people I have met when I was young or now, are some of the most hatefull people I know. But they will ALWAYS shine God to you. Sound familiar? Yeah... Its not because its taboo from religion. Its that Bible thumpers of ANY kind are full of self hate and vitriol. And if they have nothing better else to do, that self hate just continues on inside them. Generation after generation until one generation cuts that cycle and gets a damn education...
  3. You stand up and intervene, when you are INFRINGING on SOMEBODY ELSE'S rights? THAT quote that @G. David Felt said is what you missing and trying to pin on me by me saying you gotta fight for your rights because somem perverse person will take it away from you. ABORTION and the right to have one. Women fought HARD to get that right. They fought and WON i only to have a few morons take THAT right AWAY from them... Problem is, the same with Gay marriages, and I know you know (a you, 'you'), is that your (a general 'your') rights end where mine (a general 'me') end... So when your religion (a general you) tells YOU not to get married to same sex because its a sin, well, YOU dont get married to a same sex person... But I, do NOT follow YOUR religion so PHOQUE OFF!!! And I will FIGHT for MY right to MARRY andbody I want to. Same sex or opposite sex. The person who is sooooo religious does NOT get to be religious for his neighbour. And so the quote from you ( a you 'you') Is just a perverse way you (a you 'you) of trying to undermine my argument... In other words, a group of people shouldnt be trying to TAKE AWAY rights from ANYBODY. THAT does NOT equate to: My right NOT to like same sex marriages because MY God says so, so Ill FIGHT to take away YOUR right to same sex marriage. The right for individuals to marry which include the LGBTQ community, does NOT infringe upon ANYBODY else's rights. So those folk who OPPOSE same sex marriages, well, NOTHING has been taken away from them. Therefore they do NOT get the right to fight to take away somebody else's rights and freedoms. And if you (a you 'you') misunderstood my point about fighting for rights, well, hopefully it is now more clear. But I hope you dont think that I am such a doofus to confuse such sensitive definitions of rights and freedoms for individuals...
  4. THAT would be sooooo wrong, dude. You would be correct that its not a bald eagly cry. But that screech is not by a falcon either. Its from a red tail hawk. Learn your birds, loser!!!
  5. I do NOT know... I do NOT understand on how we are STILL having these discussions. Its tiring is what it is. But again, if we dont fight for our rights, for whatever those rights are, those rights COULD be taken away from us. Good luck in Polievre taking away Gay marriage in Canada. It aint happening. Polievre is quietly against abortion too. But good luck in taking that away in Canada as well. But...in the USofA though. Abortion WAS taken away from women... The most so called free-est country in the world where freedoms are flying high with the eagles... But that would really be a falcon cry I believe. So fake freedoms. And therefore abortions were taken away soooo easily. This is why I said to you, you gotta worry about your freedoms. You are too lax and they get taken away without you even noticing it.
  6. Sadly no. Our extreme right wing agendas are slightly different than yours. Ours are coming from young folk more than the old. And coming from a different place. I dont mean location. I mean a different emotional reason and Id say this is coming from Gen X and younger. I had a discussion in the summer with a 21 year old. Half Italian/half Greek kid. Good kid. But he told me his mom and dad and himself will not be voting for Trudeau, butn for Polievre because they are all fed up with the LGBTQ rights and all because its in "our faces all the time". They dont agree with gay marriage...blah blah blah... Theyn blame all the his/her/them/they on the left and on Trudeau...yada yada yada. He even went as far as denouncing abortion... Sound familiar? And this is in Quebec dont forget. Probably the most liberal places in ALL of North America... I had to bite my lip but I felt like telling him...so...dont marry another man if Catholic church doesnt allow you to marry another man and certainly dont get an abortion then if Catholic church does NOT allow you to get one... He is straight by the way. Same ole talking points that we've had this past decade it seems. Its like as if we entered 1424 or 1524 all of a sudden and not 2024 heading into 2025... Like I wrote to @Drew Dowdell's post. Trump released extreme right ideologies and hatred. He made THAT in vogue. And it will NOT go away anytime soon I dont think... No more political talk from me. I promised it a couple ofm days ago and I just now broke that promise. No more. Because this should be a site for fun. And we will definetely need fun because in the real world, it wont be so much fun. Trump likes to rule with miserably words...
  7. I said this on the Nov. 27, 2024. Today, its the Dec. 4, 2024. It didnt take long to start dividing... And he aint even President yet. All the Trudeau haters out there blame Trudeau and side with Trump. I bet that all the Trumpsters out there believe all that Trump says about Canada and about Trudeau. But we will replace Trudeau but our next Prime Minister will not have better results. Trump divides. Hell, Trump divides his own phoquing family... What a looooong 4 years this is going to be. I want to believe this. I soooooo want to believe this. But some other charismatic a$$h@73 will eventually take his place. A younger one. Someone who could really have the time to take away rights and freedoms for his own gain... The cat is out of the bag. And that cat aint gonna go back into that bag. Trump released extreme right wing hatred and behaviour upon us. One could hope. One could hope.
  8. Yup. With the next elections. And the worstn thing is, everybody that I talk to all seem to hate Trudeau. Yet...in reality, Trudeau has done nothing so bad that deserves so much hate other than the extreme right ideology is kicking in.
  9. I didnt really have a choice to use a modern Camaro. I didnt want to either but I wanted to do a 2024 version of Simon and Simon. I know I know... I could have cheated... The 2017 ZL1 would be the nicest of ALL mdern Camaros from the 5th and 6th gens. But I wanted to give the Camaro one last goodbye so I used it to coincide with a modern take of how a current Simon and Simon show would feature.
  10. Unfortunately, that is how democracy fails. When you dont want to worry about…well…about your rights. It takes EVERYBODY in the village to protect democracy. I understand where you stand. But that kind of attitude and you will be kissing your freedoms away. This is what happens when too many dont worry about it and one nefarious individual with minions attempts to steal several rights away.
  11. Im wondering how on earth can 1 ceo be paid 56 billon dollars? Im having trouble understanding a 56 million dollar salary so Im having quite the time right now trying to figure out a 56 billion dollar one. A judge refused to let the company pay him that much and he, the ceo in question, through a tantrum. I guess he threw a tantrum because his plan to feed the hungry with that 56 billion dollar salary was thwarted. Not even with the help of open source accounting could he ever do anything to help... Like there is nothing he could do... And Christmas is...JUST around the corner. Poor little Tiny Tim. And poor ole ceo. He might just get a visit from the Ghosts of Christmases past, present and future. Sad story. Sad sad story indeed.
  12. Common buddy. (Im saying that with my utmost sincerity) You know the last statement (the bolded part) you made NOT to be true. Americans especially, have worked very very hard to earn their rights and freedoms since 1776. (The birth of your country) And along the way, many many battles have been fought to ensure freedoms for their citizens. And I do NOT mean war battles but those too have been fought to ensure rights and freedoms in your country. The one good thing about America is that you HAVE freedoms and if you, in general you, dont cherish and continue to fight for those freedoms, you will INSTANTLY lose those freedoms and then you wont be able to live a happier life... Its one of those things that you dont know what you;ve got until its gone... Last time I checked, the right to vote and the right to contest and the right to propose and the right to thought right to express an opinion is alive and well in America. And the ONLY way to ensure the survival of said rights is that you HAVE to worry about it and you HAVE to PARTICIPATE in your freedoms to ensure they continue to exist. This is what is called living in a democratic nation. And in fact, it is your DUTY to particpate... Yes CCAP, you actually DO have the power to change shyte in YOUR country. American rights and freedoms in your constitution PERMIT you that right. I wrote a list above on what rights you have. In the US, you have legal channels that you could go to, to ensure that your rights and freedoms stay alive. Women burned their bras in the 60s to fortify their equal rights to man. Rosa Parks defied a bus driver so she sat wherever the phoque she wanted to sit to ensure black people not be second class citizens. Just a few examples. Some battles took a while to win. Some are STILL being fought DESPITE major progress because their is STILL a long ways to go, but the right for RIGHTS is PROTECTED in your country. And hopefully you could see what is happening now politically in your country, democracy is at a very fragile place. And you HAVE to care because if you turn a blind eye to it, it will disappear. It might not be with Trump. It might be in 2 elections from now with an even MORE brazen politician than Trump. But if too many American citizens have a laisser faire attitude, then start kissing your constitution good-bye.
  13. Literally phoque around and find out I say good on her!!! That lyin' cheatin' bastehd wont be cheatin' anymore. Good lookin' too. Probably smaht as well as she more than likely succesfully calculated on how to convinced him to look at their wedding photos to slam it shut on his nuts.
  14. I tried listening to the video but I couldnt get myself settled enought to do so. ADHD? That may be a possibility and I was also helping my son with his homework. My opinion is that I dont think Hell is a difficult place to get into. Its a prestigious club and ANYBODY could get in when temptation is strong enough. In my opinion Hell not need be a physical place but it could be a mental one too. And there could be different types of Hell. Little bastions of Hell making it easier to find on earth. An example: All kinds of fiery sin in that kind of place. The depths of human depravity and suffering. Like I said...temptation in that mini-hell that leads to Hell's resort that eventually leads to the mythical place after death. That would be one sort of hell. Another would be this kind Look how the Devil looks like in the picture below And I didnt want to post the next pic below because of the injured, possibly deceased little girl that brought tears to my eyes. But that is how the Devil works. And we enable him. Some of us in this world do his work for him and this is how he repays us here on earth. We dont even need to wait to die to feel the wrath of God when we dont enter his realm. When God denounces our plea to enter Paradise... We collectively pay for ALL of our sins. And I mentioned Hell could be a mental entity... The best example I could find of this type of Hell. 2 different soldiers in two different wars experinecing PTSD. Shell shock or whatever term we like to call it nowadays. One doesnt even need to be religious to experience Hell or to permanentally live in Hell in life on earth or after death. Hell exists for real and it has NOTHING to do with religion. Religion just scares you about it. Hell truly exists. Its the deepest, shyttyest human thing that humans do either to one another or to onesself... Just my opinion.
  15. I also think it was a stupid firing. The Bruins are missing 2 centermen. When Bergeron was there, they were mssing 1 centerman ever since Krejci left for Europe. Krejci did come back and they had that historical season. But BOTH retired the very next year. Yeah...they never replaced those 2 centermen. You cant really replace a player like Bergeron, but truth is, they need TWO centermen. Last year, the team just played BEYOND their talent. Great year. This year, the Bruins are playing EXACTLY who they really are. A.500 club. And Monty cant do miracles. Ive heard of Lance Stroll. I dont really know how good he is, but Ive had some little insights about him that he isnt really all that. I did know that his daddy partly owns the Aston Martin team so yeah. Id have to agree on that sentiment. F1 racing. There is plenty of nepotism and favoritism that goes on in that league. Hence the Cadillac/Andtretti team problem of getting in. Now, Im sure Michael aint no saint either in regards to the other F1 teams as to why ALL the teams hated him... I also knew that. I was reluctant to say what I said but I wanted to throw a bone at you for saying what I said for the politics talks we have had the last 48 hours or so. Ill try to limit my political talk going forward. Sports and cars only. Promise!
  16. That message above was more of a general 'you' than a you (as in CCAP) 'you. But Im glad that Im firing you (as in you 'you' as in CCAP) up because you should be LIVID at what President #45 done and soon to be President #47 is about to do to your country. That little stunt above is a wrok of TREASON. Because you see what YOU wrote there? Its true that I havent seen you complain the last 4 years. But I havent seen you LIVID about that little stunt Trump pulled on election night in November 2020 and leading up to January 6 2021. He gathered ALL these phoquing yahoos and created a mess out of your country WORSE than ALL the phoquing politicians COMBINED in your country's almost 250 years. Ill even add MY country's politicians as well. No other American OR Canadian politician has EVER dared to do something like that. Benedict Arnold's treasonous act is less ominous as Arnold was not a politician, he was just a ranked soldie, in BOTH British and soon to be newly found country of America armies I might add, BUT he didnt betray your legal document that DEFINES your country. Your democracy, your freedom and your Constitution was SEVERELY tested that day and he has YET to be held accountable for it and he WILL pardon himself for it... Of ALL the rotten shyte that ANY politician or royal figure has EVER done to ANY of its peoples and their country, they ALL eventually have faced the consequences. Napolean to Hitler, Marie Antoinette to Stalin. They ALL have faced a hanging, beheading or exile. Some commited suicide to avoid repercussions but they ALL HAVE FACED THE CONSEQUENCES of phoquing around. FAFO But Trump is LAUGHING at ALL Americans. Including YOU. As in YOU 'you'. Why is it that I am LIVID for YOUR country? What is happening to it and you ALL (general 'you') leave it happen and not one of yous is fighting for YOUR country. Calling them out as a whole? Buddy, there is NOTHING that Harris, Biden, Obama and even the last moronic president you had 20 years in Bush Jr. that they have done that even COMPARES to what Trump done to your country. The Clintons???!!! LOL Even if you believe in the Whitewater scandal, or even if it was true, it PALES in comparison to what Trump done fraudulently... The republicans sure didnt want to let go of the Whitewater scandal. LOL And then there is: In the phoquing bathroom of his Florida resort where MANY people had access to that bathroom... And you 'you', tell me to my face, so to speak, that you hold accountable ALL politcians? I do NOT know how you voted. I do NOT WANT to know how you voted either. But Ill repeat. I do NOT want ANY red blooded American whine to me about how their country is going to shyte. I do NOT want ANY red blooded American whine to me and tell me its the democrats' fault. Other than the few that have vocalized the hatred they have for Trump. Trump riled up ALL the phoquing morons to vote for him. But maybe its time for the GOOD Americans to fight back and get their coutry back in order... Ya'll did it once back in the 1960s. And it wasnt JUST about the Viet Nam war. Women burning their bras for equality. Black folk rallying for equality.
  17. Happy Thanksgiving
  18. He has hair. I do not. But Im better looking than he is. By a looooooong shot. If in fact the FBI found who D.B. Cooper really is, the guy truly is one ugly mofo. He was in his 20s but looked like he was in his 40s back then and why it took the FBI that long to figure out who the phoque he was. They would have had caught him 50 years ago and not now with the help of his kids... I, on the other hand, Im in my 50s but Im one good lookin' SOB now and I was oh soooooo adoreable then in my 20s. I never had a hard time finding dates.
  19. As so am I. Despite me ranting on the other thread, I find our common love for this as a great thing. Looks like Ill be a Formula One fan once again. I used to watch it in the 1990s when local boy Jacques Villeneuve was racing. Now I have a different reason to watch. My love for GM and Ford. Glad we share that same sentiment! That and your St Louis Blues team keeps on taking Bruins talent. Tory Krug and now former head coach Jim Montgomery becoming your head coach. David Backes on the flip side... Jim Montgomery went to the same highschool as I did. We did roam the same halls together AT the same TIME but sadly, I do not know him. I was on the highschool hockey team. He was not. I guess he was too good for a humble highschool hockey team...
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