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Everything posted by oldshurst442
Just a friendly reminder...
To all!!!
That would be passive aggresiveness that passes off as Canadian friendliness. LOL. Although on the East Coast, Canadians there are truly friendly and sincere, the rest of the country runs on passive aggressive friendliness. And I would guess that is where the great Canadian humour that Hollywood gets to enjoy via comedians like John Candy, Jim Carrey, Dave Foley, Mike Myers, Martin Short, Ryan Reynolds, and others stems from. LOL I cannot defend what happens in France with this language thing, but I will defend the French language thing in Canada for French Canadians in Quebec to the bone. There are MANY reasons for this. And the British Anglos and the English Canadian Anglos are the culprit for this political issue Quebec always faces and will continue to face. Although there isnt any problems amongst fellow Canadians regarding the French language in Canada anymore, the wounds run VERY deep from past Anglo supremacy forced upon French Canadians in the past. I would share the same sentiments from your post Mr. David Felt.
I understand. And in some parts of Canada, the shytty extreme right ideologies have also krept in making Canada unrecognizable in those areas... And ironically, those folk believe to be purely Canadian in thought and soul. But in reality, I have a suspicion its those British loyalist phoques from the US when the US became its own country that fled to live up north up here in Canada and they retained their shytty uptight British ways... And speaking of uptight... You are not wrong about British Columbia. Victoria and Vancouver would be very loosey goosey and liberal, but some other parts of British Columbia would be stiff upper lipped. But I am curious to know what you mean by that. Where in the East Coast of Canada are you referring to because the stereotype of friendly Canadians is BECAUSE of the East Coast of Canada. The most friendliest of people ANYWHERE in the world... I would find your statement a little bit more bizarre that @trinacriabob's statement regarding British Columbia. If you are referring to Quebecois, well, I could see it because the French culture could be offensive to some, but...the Quebec people are SUPER friendly and probably the MOST liberal of ALL of North America. OK...in the rural parts of Quebec, they could be rude because they would probably view somebody from the outside as an...outsider and they are known not to accept too easily. But an outsider to them would also mean other French Quebecois from another part of Quebec, let alone an Anglo that doesnt speak French. British Columbia is kinda like our California mixed in with Colorado. Per my observations. I dont see Florida but Id like to see why you would think that @trinacriabob. Im curious. Id like to see your point of view. Now...Alberta would be hands down our Texas. Same kind of friendliness but in a Canadiana kinda way of course. But just as red-necky regarding many things. And that British loyalty thing, yeah, Id like to believe its still strong in that province. Although British Columbian Anglos would also have an affinitiy for that British Royals thing too. Id like to know if you see it the same way I do regarding Alberta and British Columbia.
Reason # xxx as to why I love hockey and the players From the bruising hit that takes the opponent outside the rink and into the player's bench. To the player saying to his teammate to 'hit him' just before the hit happens. To that same player saying that he has got him by calling him chubby but helping him out of the bench area and back unto the ice to the player that got hit laughing it off and skating off to continue on playing as if it was just a minor inconvenience and finally to the athletic trainer just looking at the hit, the player that got hit and visually seeing on his face his thoughts: "yup dude, you just got plastered!" and casually puts the bench back to its place. The sportsmanship from all sides is incredible. Love it!!!
I got a better idea for Trump: Instead of Canada becoming the 51st state, Id prefer for the US to become Canada's 4rth Territory. Not even province status. In order for the United Stated Territories of America to become a full blown province, Americans would have to prove their allegiance and loyalty to the Royalty of King Charles the Third since Canada is a Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy of the British Commonwealth realm. Trump's job and title would be a perfect revival for an old tradition. King Charles the Third's court jester. And we could throw him a bone...and have a playing card named after him since he likes those kinds of things
Im glad to get that off my chest
This is what Andy Palmer said, the dude of what the article in the link is about. "Hybrids are a road to hell. They are a transition strategy, and the longer you stay on that transition, the less quickly you ramp up into the new world," Palmer said. "If you just delay transitioning to EVs by diluting it with hybrids then you are more uncompetitive for longer, and you allow the Chinese to continue to develop their market and their leadership. I honestly think it's a fool's errand," he added. And him being the dude that helped engineer the Nissan Leaf and was later the dude in charge of Nissan's EV department, I am 100% in agreement with him. And I would also like to add: The Chinese government pushed and pushed hard for EVs. Pushed hard not only on the global stage but MOSTLY got ALL Chinese people ON BOARD with EVs. They had several reasons to do so. China has lots and lots of minerals and important ingredients to make said batteries. An essential part of EV transition. But most IMPORTANTLY, China WANTS to REPLACE the USA for being the defacto country in political, social, economical influence in the world that the USA enjoyed since the end of WW2 in 1945. And since they knew they lacked behind in ebery metric that would push them to that status, they had only one move to make. It was a Hail Mary pass, but kit was to dominate in the the tech world and it happened to be in the automobile realm. EVs. And while China was seeking to dominate in this arena, and CAREFULLY nurtured it, the USA phoqued themselves over. Idiot Americans were fooled to believe ALL the negative commentary on EVs. Uneducated morons liked the drill baby drill commentary. Smart but greedy fools failed to see what was coming next and failed even further to see the threat that is China and ITS technological breakthroughs. ALL from morons that had biased reasons to be anti-EV. From the Joe Rogans and Alex Jones of the world that thrive from clicks for the podcast youtube and other shytty platforms to anti-EV biases from Big Oil. And lastly, stupid politicians that failed American citizens in different decades from keeping Americans poor and stupid by not giving them educations. By PURPOSELY DEFUNDING the American school system, by PURPOSELY lying to them on DIFFERENT subjects and while these American politicians were greedily looking to make America into a fascist, oligarch world, they failed to see and acknowledge the OTHER threats the world was giving to the US OTHER than the war threats. The technological warfare. Exactly the OPPOSITE of what the Chinese regimes were on about EVs. And if Trump decides to cut EV subsidies, even of only to allow Tesla to sell, the Chinese are building European factories to build EVs there. Slowly. They are FLOODING the market with Chinese EVs as we speak in Europe. The next step is to flood North America with Chinese EVs. The starting point IS Mexico. If one is educated, one could see the disaster that is to come for GM, Ford. Stellantis is going to get the disaster first in Europe. Chinese EVs are going to flood Mexico. INEXPENSIVE Chinese EVs. Then WILL come the factories in Mexico. So much for the "NOBODY WANTS EVs" rhetoric that the uneducated, wrongfully informed Americans (and Canadians to some degree) keep on spewing... Its really IS a big deal. I SEE that rhetoric play about the failure of VW and Stellantis and even GM when these fools squeal about how they are failing because they have put all their monies on EVs. The thing is, they didnt put their monies FAST enough on EVs and also concetrated on producing ICEVs when they should have just NIXED them waaaay before. Of course that is Monday morning quarterbacking from me as I say that, but I ALSO saw the writing on the wall about EVs being THE future. Had Americans NOT been LIED to about this whole thing about scare tactics about EVs, GM and Ford would have ALL the working EVs RIGHT NOW not ONLY to shut down Tesla, but to even shut down Chinese EVs. Elon Musk could have TAKEN China ALL to himself if he was 5% the visionary he thinks he is. But he was too busy STILL selling us on colonizing Mars... Whatever happened to that super loop thing anyway? Yeah...a billion dollar boondoggle that had everybody fooled. Chinese politicians, engineers and all around smart folk must be STILL laughing at all the gullible Americans and greedy fools that the US has churned out the last 15 years... But hey... Now lets keep on shopping because its the Christmas season and we should all consume because its good for the economy while we wait for tariffs to hit us because Canada and Mexico reasons, because our eggs are expensive while we get fleeced by insurance companies but we dont want healthcare because communism and education education education but Ivy Leaguers they too smart so they elitist but Democrats wanting to forgive student debt no good but keep on having insanely expensive school tuitions while other areas in the country and young folk not having ACCESS to an education while calling some countries of the world as shytehole countries while ALSO keep on having school shootings because teachers arent packing but also those shytehole country folk are eating the dogs and they are eating the cats.
She was on the BBC Oh..stop that!!! The British Broadcasting Corporation is what I meant and she had fame. He had fame and that means both were meant to be at that fame crossroad. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03g4wl6 You guys have a dirty mind Maybe that song of his, super freakay, was a reference to her
Nothing really wrong with the religion itself honestly. Its the practitioners that are the problem. Its them that need to reevaluate their belief and value system... It is phrased wrong is all Im saying.
I was kinda rooting for him NOT to get caught. But in today's technological and connected and photograghed/video capable world, I knew it was highly impossible for a regualr citizen to commit murder in broad daylight and get away with it. I had the same WTF moment as you regarding his education. Im actually shocked it took that long. Im actually shocked he was able to leave NYC WITHOUT getting caught. We do live in a highly internet connected, always getting second by second updates and armed with a cellphone with camera/video capabilities. The brothers that bombed the Boston Marathon were caught immediately BECAUSE of second to secong Twitter updates of where those brothers were headed. The obvious corrupt insider trading of that insurance company that was under investigation, the fact that that insurance company scammed and denounced MANY claims from needy people and the fact that that CEO was the head honcho of such a dispicable corporation. I had another WTF moment in that the gun he used was a 3D printed one. Another political opinion of mine coming up, so brace yourselves... The ATF and NRA better figure out what the hell to do with the 2nd Ammendment because 3D printed guns have FINALLY entered the chat with public shootings in America. Thoughts and Prayers to everyone.... (Ill repeat what I said above) Thoughts and Prayers to everyone.... And you are a good man for thinking this way. I took the sarcastic path, but Im with you in that sentiment 100%
A former poster by the name of Wings perhaps? Yeah...he was out of control LOL Hey...what do you know???!!! Olympic Airways that airliner in the thumbnail is. True. But it has been quite civil. The problem posters that would have helped to derail and devolve are all gone. Well...despite all that is going on right now in your country, at least the New York Yankees couldnt resign Juan Soto!!! THAT is a good thing, non? Phoque the Yankees!!! But he still stays in New York and signs an incredible 15 year 765 million dollar contract with the Mets. Hey...at least sports in the USA are not bankrupt. Well...at least not financially. (bankrupt that is)
Yes! We are quite fun and friendly and welcoming to strangers (Non-Greek people)...
I wrote this post on November 7 because I saw MY investments rise in accordance to Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk's wealth also rise... I am not complaing. But I will repeat. I wonder if the poor people realize what it means to vote for rich greedy people to lead them when these types of rich people NEED to keep them poor...
I wanted to respond to this. But then said no more politicall talk for good. The investments part that is but then I also negelected to say good for you for your investments and thoughts about EARLY retirement. To coincide what I wrote to @G. David Felt, I too have had investments made recently and those have SKYROCKETED. I sold my restaurant and got a very big amount for it. I also inherited most of the money back when I bought out my ex-partner when he passed away. So with both amounts of monies, I invested more or less 2 years, that money stayed stagnant but when Donald J. Trump won the elections, that money INSTANTLY grew. Like about 40%. THAT is HUGE making ME a VERY VERY big amount of money. Of course that is all relative as I havent touched it and it could very well go down. But this is how the game is rigged for the very rich. Nothing economically transpired before Trump won. And the same ole same ole situation was there when he won. Now why would my monies grow IMMEDIATELY 24-48 hours after he won all the way to now to grow to an astonishing 40%? VW is losing money and is quite dangerously close to folding. Nissan is said to fold in as soon as the next 12 months. Investors are giddy that Trump won? You mean, slick snake oil salesmen are giddy that one of their own is in charge of the chicken coup... My wife and I joke often the last month that we should become Trumpsters now. I wonder though, if poor people that voted for Trump, if their fortunes have change for the better as drastic as mine has?
It will be very bad for the next 4 years that will lead to be very very VERY bad for the 4 years after that. Unless you are a very very rich person. Trump and Republicans in general, work for the rich folk. Tax cuts for the rich and incredible amounts of wiggle room for corporatons to cheat lie and steal were his masterpiece achievements during his 1st presidency. Masterpieces because NOBODY really noticed what he was doing. Inflation hits because of Covid and because his policies were for the rich and were masterfully blamed on Biden... His 2nd presidency will be more of the same... Trump is not so much as incompetent as he is a con man working for himself and the very few allies he chooses. He most DEFINETELY knows how to run a business. Its just NOT in the accepted conventional way of producing profit for everyone involved sharing the wealth that a profitable business usually does. Its the fact that he runs his businesses like mafia bosses do. 1. A long term business for crooks like Trump and mafia style organized crime syndicates do is that they keep 1 or 2 or 3 businesses running smoothly as fronts so they could clean dirty money. Dirty money acquired from all kinds of illegal activity. 2. The other businesses that they keep are disposable. They run them to the ground ON PURPOSE frauding people and insurances and whatnot. They will open and close businesses at will. This is to what you refer to as a failed business man. The thing is, he and he ALONE pocketed plenty of money while closing his businesses up. Some of his businesses went bankrupt and so he didnt pay ANY creditors, but the money he received from money lendors of all kinds went somewhere. And that would be into his pockets. He ONLY pays to entities that he can't willfully AVOID paying. A fast example. With the help of crooked evaluaters, he inflated the value of some of his utmost valuable properties and businesses that he NEEDS to keep to continue the fraud cycles, he got glorious amounts of monies to start other businesses. Got investors to invest. Again, great amounts of monies. And then, the project that he deemed not necessary, well, he bankrupted that project. Never paid construction companies, investors lost their investments etc... But ALL that money that that so called failed project and HE and the Trump organization ALL got that money. Only to start up another project with the same fraudulent practices to defraud investors and construction companies and the like. He treated his presidency the first time around like this too. Led MOST governmental spendings unto HIS personal businesses. Found himself immune to any accusations since he has presidential immunity and so forth. All kinds of accusations of this. Of course he denied. Fake news and witch hunts he called those. But dont make the mistake in thinking he does NOT know how to run a business. He ABSOLUTELY knows how to get financing to defraud OTHER business men BECAUSE he knows the INS AND OUTS of running a business. He chooses to do it the illegal way its because its probably more profitable and easier and faster money to do it this way...