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Mercedes-AMG SL63 vs. Porsche 911 Turbo S Cabriolet
oldshurst442 replied to ccap41's topic in Mercedes-Benz
Set race records. Puts Mercedes back on the map after WW2 Sets race records for Porsche. Puts Porsche on the map... \ Continues to set race records for Porsche. Same good ole 911... Mercedes gives up on SL name loooong time ago...creates other name plates to set race records. But eerily loomks like it could BE an SL... But leaves the SL to be oooed and awed by Beverly Hills trophy wives and gold diggers. THAT is what Mercedes wants from an SL. same difference -
Mercedes-AMG SL63 vs. Porsche 911 Turbo S Cabriolet
oldshurst442 replied to ccap41's topic in Mercedes-Benz
Correct me if Im wrong tho... about the SL not being an SUV...like ever, not like what Chevy is, on a rumour, proposing that Corvette also becomes an SUV...on RUMOUR...NOT on an actual Chevrolet admission, but on a rumour of a rag mag written 2 years ago...on RUMOUR. Ill repeat, correct me if Im wrong about the SL... NOT about IT ever being an SUV, not now OR the future, but for the SL being re-invented a gazillion times though. ORIGINAL SL It was a race car. Then it was a road car GT car. Then it had a 4 cylinder. All in less than a decade. And THAT 4 cylinder SL, prior to it being a race car JUST slightly less than a decade prior let me remind you, was peddled in the US just as the MUSCLE CARS were becoming a thing... It continued on that way for another decade when it gained a V8. Become a true GT car again. BUT...this is where it becomes tricky. M-B uses Dodge and its next generation Viper to build this revival but has the true SL lineage in its line-up but as THE gold-digger's prefered ride. And the SL had become that way since the 1970s... It was a true GT car then with the V8, Ill be honest, but it no longer was the race car... It had become a trophy wife/gold digger car Beautiful car...but no race car. Gold digger car. And then...still in the line-up as a GT car ...Mercedes does another car, a sports car/race car plus a roadster Correct me if Im wrong...but the SL has STRAYED far far far from what it was ORIGINALLY!!! And it was replaced by somethingn else. The SL might as well BE an SUV form what it was when it first came out and enamoured the world. Including Canada's Prime Minister, father AND son. THAT car above...WAS the Mercedes-AMG GT of its day... The SL today is just a gold digger's ride...like I said...it might as well BE an SUV. An Escalade from Cadillac would be the equivalent of the SL... The SL and the Escalade both fight for the same gold digger dollars... -
About public transportation. Even in Montreal, when OUR public transportation is #2 in North America, right below NYC, even OUR public transportation does NOT favour Joe Public to abondon his car to use the bus, train and subway. There are vast parts of Montreal that has shytty service. In and around the core of the city is AMAZING. On the island itself, 85% of the public transportation is GREAT and going to get better when the new electric train that is above ground is going to go online. But, even though the West of the Island is going to get covered by this new electric train, most of the WEST of the Island is STILL crappy for public transport. Off island ANYWHERE around the ISland of Montreal is pitiful still. We do have subways in Longueil (South of the Island) and Laval (North of the Island) but Vaudreuil (West) and Repentigny (East) has nothing and the train service and bus service sucks) Lots of room to improve, yet Montreal is #2 in North America... Our DRIVING culture takes precedence in North America. And its a NARCISSTIC one at that which spills unto our public transportation perception of. We dont want to use public transport BECAUSE we simply dont want to because WE want to drive. Which was fine up until the 1960s. But since then, we dont even want to drive anymore. We want to eat while we drive. Shop while we drive. Text while we drive. Hell, we want to SLEEP while we drive. (Do I have to post pics of shytty Tesla drivers sleeping?) And yet, we could do ALL of those things nowadays IF we used the public transport system and HELP our governments, local and federal, to spend the money on producing a very very good system but we narcisstically dont want ANY of that because WE want our cake and eat it too. We want a car, but not just a car, an SUV or truck just so in we pick up a load of lumber or the hundreds of desks and tables we will by in our lifetimes, so no bus. Hell, we dont even want to buy an EV JUST because we MIGHT go on a family vacation somewhere, but we dont go anywhere because we would rather fly, but damn that EV electric range... Sorry for the rant, even if it doesnt make any sense, my mind is racing in several directions. @David has me riled up... Our driving habits, our driving wants is based on pure narcissism. WE dont drive well because WE dont give a shyte about OUR surroundings. Its all about the individual. And since public transport is PUBLIC, its a no-go for such a narcissitic culture. The driving rant and the public transport rant is all the same thing.... These next pics just summorize ALL of my rants on why we SUCK at driving and its NOT the language English thing, and why we dont want to use public transportation... Its a phoquing traffic sign... Its in English, but its more for an Amri-Canadian rather than a European or an African. I dont think an immigrant not knowing how to read this sign actually texts and drives. If he does, he learned it from OUR shytty car culture!!! ABC news....that lady is an AMERI-CANADIAN.... I dont think its a foreigner immigrant.. Even if it is, that lady learned to be lazy and hate driving, yet wanna drive, because of OUR shytty driving culture... TAKE the PHOQUING BUS, BITCH!!! But NO!!! Why should shy???!!! She owns a phoquing car!!! So she could wait in line for HOURS waiting to stuff her phoquing face with a burger and a coffee while not having to leave her phoquing car. A public bus will NOT stop at the Starbucks for her...
Common David... Even after Im TELLING you that North Americans SUCK at driving, here you are trying tom defend your pointless position. Newly arrived immigrants actually DO do as Romans do in Rome regarding driving. Americans and Canadians have possibly the WORST driving habits in all of the world. Texting while driving. Eating while driving. Doing anything and everything BUT driving. Tailgating. While not soley an Ameri-Canadian thing, its a hugely widely common problem here. American stop. The definition is not coming to a full stop at a stop sign and the name that it has lends itself to the country where its probably the most prevalent. Greeks in Greece fight with the Italians in Italy and the French in France for the title ofEurope's worst drivers and NONE of those peoples have a driving violation named after them... You are dead wrong on this. Its NOT an immigrant problem not speaking English or non-comprehension of English. Its a driving culture that sucks. Its a system in which Ameri-Canadians get driver's licences but the programs to help them GET a driver's license SUCKS. Its a culture to which is narcissistic. To which is geared more for comfort rather than actual driving. Its a culture that promotes shopping while driving. Eating while driving (drive-thrus and phoquing cup holders to which those things were BORN in AMERICANA culture since the END of WW2) All the immigrants are doing is just copying what they see while they drive on North American roads... German drivers dont do the shyte what WE do. Even when they DO come here to live, because THEIR driving culture is SERIOUS. They dont DARE do the shyte we do because they have been taught NOT to do that kinda shyte what WE do. Greek drivers in Greece on the other hand, because its a lassier-faire affair much like here, they just ADAPT to the shytty ways that WE here in North America do. And maybe, they are a tad better drivers because they DONT eat while they drive because in Greece, there are no phoquing DRIVE-THRUS in Greece. But if they DO eat a phoquing Big Mac in their car, they are just COPYING this SHYTTY car culture we have here that WE have taught them. And if they SUCK at THAT worse then us, its because WE have taught them to eat while they drive. WE ENABLE shytty driving culture... WE enable shytty driving habits. WE enable shytty driving because OUR standrads are low. If we accept peoples around the world to drive on our roads, they WE should teach THEM to NOT eat and drive. text and drive. shop and drive. We should show THEM the correct way to drive. But we dont because WE have shytty driving habits... German and Northern European folk IMPROVE our track record. On par countries like us DEGRADE here because OUR standards are sooooo phoquing low. Maybe WE should adjust to BETTER driving culture rather than blame language... Stop being stubborn on this... You are dead wrong about it.
I agree 1000% But at least in the US and Canada, our roadways and signage between our 2 countries also have some sort of standardization. So there is that. But like you have stated many times, the idiocy of drivers not driving well has nothing to do with not knowing English. And not getting into the French language thing in Quebec, not knowing French or English does NOT prevent you from knowing that this is a STOP sign. Even though its not written in English. Meaning its NOT a language issue. Its a RED octogon and in North America, in Canada and in the US at least, THAT means a car has to come to a full STOP at the intersection.. And a French only speaking Quebecker, a full force Quebec nationalist separatist hatin' on the Henglish, and will never ever learn to speak Hanglish, will visit New York from time to time, Plattsburgh or Burlington, but NEVER Ontario, will KNOW to stop at the bloody intersection when he/she will come across this sign http://static1.squarespace.com/static/53dd6676e4b0fedfbc26ea91/54b6c509e4b062126976d942/58f6664de6f2e1a8b587d19e/1492607075008/20353724820_239383b608_k.jpg?format=1500w More to it than that, I think any non-English speaking human coming from any part of a non-English speaking country actually knows the word STOP. But whether Canada and the US did not agree with European signages...we could all agree that this signage, in German, is kinda universal... Other than in the US where the speed limit of 30 KM/H would be written in MPH Canada The language written is not important and not necessary to understand what a driver really should be doing in this zone. In Germany, the US and Canada, the signage is pretty much the same even though North America's signage differs from the European system. And for good measure...in Japan And although I do not know what the writing is telling me, because I UNDERSTAND the picture that it might BE a school zone, maybe as a driver passing by this place, I should be slowling down to either 15 MPH or 30 KM/H... The issue is not of language spoken, but maybe of quality of driving... And...the American way of obtaining a driver's license is 3rd world bad. American driver's and Canadian, really arent taught HOW, to drive, HOW to master the car. We pump out drivers, but we dont TEACH them ANYTHING. If anything, @David maybe your issues with drivers is how shytty our respective countries dish out driver's licenses to ANYBODY. Its like you say, its a privilege and not a right. And its OUR drivers that are of concern. Its definetely not the German drivers from Germany, or the Nordic European drivers or even those from Japan and Korea. Those Countries TEACH their drivers how to control a car. India, China, US, Canada...ALL fail. But it aint because of the lack of English... Its because of lack of skill.
@David The AMC Marlin has more of a Chrysler feel to it than a Buick. Actually, nothing about a Marlin says General Motors in any shapr or form in any of GM's brands. '66 Dodge Charger (with the hidden lamps unhidden...) And back in Australia, the Chrysler Charger Valiant. I dont mind the Marlin. Not the prettiest girl at the prom. But you do have a date to dance with when the slow dances come on. AMC had uglier cars in their history that Im grateful I was too young to know about or remember outright. Unfortunately, some movies have glorified these freaks of nature. Looking at you Wayne's World. Or even Police Academy. (That god aweful Matador police car)
I do a new thing. I watch documentaries of all sorts, or movies that involve real places and I track the places mentioned via google maps. I try to choose movies that travel from one place to another realistically in a realistic manner of that place in the movie where the actual city is used and not in another city as a stand-in. Ive done Los Angeles and its surroundings the last 2-3 weeks. It all started with O.J. Simpson and his murderous rampage of his ex-wife Nicole and her acquaintance which lead to Motley Crew singer Vince Neil killing his friend passenger while his was driving drunk in his Pantera one shyte-faced party fueled night and then unto several Los Angeles 'hood" movies like Menace II Society. From there I 'google map drove' to Jay Leno's garage and several other points of interest in and around the Los Angeles area. Compton, Watts, Santa Monica Pier which I have also visitied plenty of times playing my son's Grand Theft Auto video game... I could now safely say that I am comfortable actually visiting L.A. and not getting lost. I actually know how to get around. The awesomness of modern technology, computing power and the all powerfull Google. Google is like the Wizard of Oz... Im kinda liking this new hobby. I feel like I have accomplished something. I dont know what exactly it is that I have accomplished, but Im pretty satisfied with myself.
https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a42233053/shelby-estate-wins-eleanor-ford-mustang-copyright-lawsuit/ Shelby Estate Wins 'Eleanor' Ford Mustang Copyright Lawsuit
Ive got to explain myself though. Its not as if Im speeding. Im not. When I have a chance to speed, I do drive faster than what the posted speed limit is, but I dont speeeeeed. If there are cars in front of me, I do follow the traffic and I dont weave in and out of traffic. Im a calm driver. But I get itchy and bitchy when drivers dont move out of the passing lane, or dont follow traffic. No...I dont road rage. I get itchy and bitchy on the inside. I seathe and boil, all to myself. But I remain calm when I drive, but when I get a chance to pass, oh do I pass. That pedal is mashed....but I eventually slow down as to not attract attention from the poe-leece. And I dont want to be involved in an accident...
I dont have an issue with idiots not turning on their headlights at night as much as I have a problem with what it seems like EVERY damn Toyota driver NOT driving the damn speed limit or keeping up pace with the traffic. And it doesnt matter what Toyota it is. Lexus is included. It dont matter what type of vehicle it is. It could be as lazy of of a vehicle like a Lexus ES or Prius to speedy Lexus 'F' cars and freakin' Supras... Yeah...Supra of all things. There is exemptions. There are a few 86s driving around in the summer and those drivers do drive normally. Sometimes briskly. But that one Supra driver that I encountered over the summer....phoquing yikes, man! Ive whined about that before in the random thoughts thread....I remember. But seeing Drew's complaint and enduring Toyotas today, yesterday, last week...I felt it was a good time to revisit my bitchin'.
Sees the American flag on the car and says to himself as a Canadian...YUP!!! Both handicapped and prick I says!!! So he is good to park in that space I says!!!