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Everything posted by oldshurst442

  1. Thed???!!! Did I read that correctly???!!! You are Greek???!!!! OPA!!! How the hell did I miss that all these years???!!! IDK, I've only told you like three times back at M/T. I was blind, deaf and dumb... https://youtu.be/80SsC_ZNbyI?t=55s Im sorry that I did not pay attention to that. I was more into you in your car crazy ways than I was with you being Greek. It's all good. But I honestly thinking you were going to put up a video to Pinball Wizard after reading "deaf, dumb, and blind" Pinball wizard, huh? Love the song!!! I listen to it like at least once a week... But I just had to google just now to see what you just meant....duh...that deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball...I feel shame again....this song is up my alley and I failed...
  2. Ummmm..yeah...stay the eff away from dirty skanky hookers... Not all escorts are clean...even the high priced ones...Iv been lucky to have not caught anything in my life...but condoms was probably the reason. Being the "other guy" aint bad...like you said...if both parties are in agreement...no harm done...its only sex...I just did not like being "the other guy"...and yeah...the moral lines are clearly borken when just making out... I think I did not want to be "the other guy", its because I did not want to be the guy whose wife cheated on him...so I kinda did not want karma coming my way in the future when it was my time to marry. And I certainly never cheated on any of my girlfriends...and I certainly have not cheated on my wife, nor will I ever cheat on her. I cant bear the thought of breaking her heart. Nor my kids. The thought of me doing such a thing and she finding out...and her and our kids being devastated and her and my kids looking at me in disgust because I just wrecked their lives would probably lead me to commit suicide. I could never hurt my wife and my kids that way!!!
  3. Thed???!!! Did I read that correctly???!!! You are Greek???!!!! OPA!!! How the hell did I miss that all these years???!!! IDK, I've only told you like three times back at M/T. I was blind, deaf and dumb... https://youtu.be/80SsC_ZNbyI?t=55s Im sorry that I did not pay attention to that. I was more into you in your car crazy ways than I was with you being Greek.
  4. Thed???!!! Did I read that correctly???!!! You are Greek???!!!! OPA!!! How the hell did I miss that all these years???!!!
  5. Didn't think of that. Trust me, I understand. I always was "too nice" and cock blocked myself plenty of times. Hindsight is 20/20, but learn from this experience. Obviously don't hit on girls with boyfriends, but if one comes on to YOU, that's a green light. Turning her down wont improve her moral standards, it's clearly not a committed relationship, and you both just want to have fun on vacation. Having fun on Vacation....yeah...I could see that...I dont wanna know if there is another guy...sloppy seconds I am not... That is why Id rather have sex with an escort... If the girl was hot for me...and made advances on me...trust me...I dont wanna know if there is a guy in her life...sex is what she wants from me...sex is want I want from her...great...the second she mentions I have a boyfriend...well...Im outta there...I have morals...dirty sex...I can get that quite easily...without the hassles of crying in the morning because she cheated...or angry boyfriends knocking on my door, etc... And paying for it need not be either... There are plenty of females around to mate with...why choose one that has an admitted boyfriend? Sleeping with an adulteress...even if just a boyfriend, is WORSE that paying for sex. That is just my opinion of course.
  6. You dont know that. Chances are...that she has had lustful sex with somebody else...because the boyfriend is not there...but...maybe she is loyal...but she felt the need to be touched...that particualr night...and the alcohol pushed her on the edge...just that particular night... On the other hand... Thed did the right thing...if HE did not feel comfortable...that is what counts... Women are not sex objects...but by the same token....men are not sex objects either...she probably wanted Thed for dirty sex...that she does not get since her boyfriend is not around...To tell you the truth...I dont know if I would have had sex with her either...In a situaltion like that...Id rather have sex with an escort...
  7. Ummm you pick the wrong girls, man. That's a f@#ked up moral code, but I'm assuming she's young like you, so she doesn't "get it" yet. You can't have a long distance commitment and fool around on the side. That will never, ever last. Honestly I didn't pick her. She came on to me, not the other way around. I told her it was a bad idea even though I wanted to do the do soooooo much. The strangest part is though is that we're both on vacation in Omaha. So she actually doesn't have a long-distance relationship. We were just both drunk and very attracted to each other. Oh well. Either she was not drunk enough or she wasnt that much attracted to you, hence why she might not have been drunk enough to go all the way with you... And that long distance relationship excuse...its exactly that...an excuse...maybe it was a way of her asking for more booze.... "Buddy, If Im gonna sleep with you...I might as well be sooooooo sloshed....that I wont remember a thing..." :spin: Just joking... Ive had similar experiences back in the day....and yeah...experiences...plural... That is when I hired professional help for the ummmmm....blue....balls. I honestly don't think you got it. She drunkenly came on to me. She wanted to go all the way. She was making the advances. I thought with my upper head (sorry lower head) and had to convince her it was a bad idea. I hate that I had to, but it was definitely the right choice. What do you mean by "professional help" for your blue balls? AH....I misunderstood some parts to your story. Never-the-less...I still want to continue with the joke...maybe not...when someone has to ask for explanations because they did not understand the joke...maybe its time to hang up the joke telling... Was it a good thing for you to convince her that it is a bad thing for you guys to do the nasty? Sure...if that is how your heart feels. Kidding aside...Ive also faced similar circumstances. My best friend at that time had broken up with his girlfriend who I knew very well....it was at least 2 years they had broken up when I bumped into her best friend...It was then and there where phone numbers were exchanged...because I was hot over heels with her best friend. So...I went out with both of them...on a friendly date...drinking...later that week. I was hitting on the best friend but I got nowhere fast that night. All three of us continued going out...then one night...it was myself and my best friend's ex. The reason why the other girl never went for me...is because my best friend's ex wanted me...well...me loyal to my friend...I cooled her jets real quick. I did not know whether she wanted me legitimately or it was some sort of revengeful plot to get back at my best friend...I still wanted to sleep with her best friend though... About my joke...I understood that she came unto to you....but I also thought that she had cold feet at the same time...well...that also has happened to me...not because of boyfriends...but because...the girl did not want to go all the way...she wanted to...but she didnt...I never forced anybody to have sex with me... And...Ive had cold feet. (Im not implying you had cold feet...I understand that you have morals...which is a very good thing) My first potential threesome...well...I never went through with it...it would have been my first time having sex...and to do it with two girls...You know...your first time...you are scared to screw it up somehow...and to do it with 2 girls? Screw it up not just with 1 girl...but 2? So yeah...I was a chicken shyte for my first time having sex...and with 2 girls...I dont know whether to be proud of that story...because 2 girls actually wanted to have sex with me...at the same time...and they are the ones that begged me... Or whether to hang my head in shame....as I never went through with it...I chickened out... As for the professional help remark..for blue balls... Well...like I said...I never forced any girl to have sex with me. Sometimes, my dates....we would fool around soooo much...and get all hot...that sex was just around the corner...but...especially in my time....in the early 1990s...girls just didnt give it up all that easy...they actually had morals...and were quite respectful of themselves...and the answer to the question "should we?" would be no. Sometimes because a condom would not be available. Sometimes because the back seat of a car would not be appropriate. Sometimes...the timing was too soon. Hence..blue balls. So...Id have some cash on me...and after dropping the girl home...Id call up another friend of mine...and we go rent a motel room...one for him..one for me...and we call up some escorts...some clean escorts...not some off the street crack whore... Montreal...if you know where to go to find the clean hookers...is the REAL sin city....It aint Las Vegas...It really is Montreal. Do I feel shame that I slept with hookers in my life? HELL NO!!! Its a right of passage in a young Greek male's life. We are religious...and the whole sex before marriage is a no no in the Greek Orthodox Church too, however,,,,Before there was Judeo-Christian Beliefs with the Greeks, there was the 12 Gods of Olympus....where Greeks celebrated love...and lust...and where hookers were a part of everyday life for soldiers...hookers were not taboo....hookers were essential to the well being of the soldiers and the athletes...and to the common man... And....the French people...in Quebec and in France...also have this ideology....where sex is not taboo...and paying for sex and hookers...well...it is part of life... No...not pimping...paying for sex aint a taboo...pimping is bad... In case you did not figure out what I meant by professional help...escorts is what I meant.
  8. I owned a 2005 Impala SS....it was my daily driver.... I think I would have raced it.... But I would have either opted for an L67 3800 Grand Prix (240HP max, right? Because an L32 2005 GP would really be my choice...or the 2002 SLP Grand Prix)...because of all the W-Bodies that enjoyed this engine...I think 'twas the Grand Prix that had the best suspension/tire set-ups and that wide track stance also enhanced the handling... Or I would have gone with a 1999 L67 3800 Buick Riviera...just because a Riviera would look good racing...Id have the coolest car there. And no worries about reliability...as its a Buick...and back in the 1990s...Buick sold to old fogeys...you know...church on Sundays...Bingo on Wednesdays, milk and prescription drugs on Thursdays and the rest of the time spent in the garage...while being washed every other day...
  9. Ummm you pick the wrong girls, man. That's a f@#ked up moral code, but I'm assuming she's young like you, so she doesn't "get it" yet. You can't have a long distance commitment and fool around on the side. That will never, ever last. Honestly I didn't pick her. She came on to me, not the other way around. I told her it was a bad idea even though I wanted to do the do soooooo much. The strangest part is though is that we're both on vacation in Omaha. So she actually doesn't have a long-distance relationship. We were just both drunk and very attracted to each other. Oh well. Either she was not drunk enough or she wasnt that much attracted to you, hence why she might not have been drunk enough to go all the way with you... And that long distance relationship excuse...its exactly that...an excuse...maybe it was a way of her asking for more booze.... "Buddy, If Im gonna sleep with you...I might as well be sooooooo sloshed....that I wont remember a thing..." :spin: Just joking... Ive had similar experiences back in the day....and yeah...experiences...plural... That is when I hired professional help for the ummmmm....blue....balls.
  10. 1. I could lose myself all day long at looking at dioramas...that is a nice hobby to get into. Model trains are nice...if one could build a large enough display with 3-4 different tracks going on with bridges and hills and cars and buildings and waterways etc... As you know...I own about 68 1/18 scale die cast model cars. I would want to display some of them in dioramas....and maybe just maybe...if I ever get back in build plastic model airplanes...I will probably start making little WW2 scenes... 2. Cool radio... Would that be a stock car radio or would that be an aftermarket one? 3. Difficult question...as I love me fullsized Chevys more than Pontiacs...like Impalas and Bel Airs of the 1950s/1960s...however 1960s Bonnevilles and are sooooo cool. The mid-sized muscle cars are Pontiacs all the way....and the Trans Am is my favorite pony car...During the 1980s and 1990s...Id say Pontiac... So...when all is said and done...I guess Pontiac wins my heart... 4. With those three pictures that you chose for us...Cadillac all the way...1950/1960s Cadillacs...the stereotypical American Land Yacht cruising cars... So yeah...Cadillac. The Ford..it would be stripped down and made into a Hot Rod had I owned it... The Hudson...ditto, Id make it into a lead sled... The Cadillac...Id restomod it...keep it close to stock in appearance as possible...but keep it as a cruiser.
  11. Ive learned that lesson a long time ago. I was 25 years old when I realized that there is no such thing as a "normal" family. Actually...THE normal family HAS issues....its the issue-less families that are abnormal. And those types of families are unicorns...they dont exist. My mom's side of the family...her two brothers...their kids and their wives...yes...my blood uncles and blood cousins and my aunts by association...they are ALL crazy...bi-polar Im guessing... My mom comes from the island of Kefalonia in Greece... Yes Ithaca...Odysseus...of The Iliad and The Odyssey fame...Homer's epic poems... The reason I say this is because...all the bloody inhabitants of this Island....they are ALL CRAZY!!! My mom....included!!! I love my mom...and I am very close to her...but...bi-polar...Her brothers and sons...bi-polar...Their wives...and thier wives also come from that bloody island...bi-polar!!! A little story to back up my claims... Ioannis Metaxas...Prime Minister of Greece during WW2. Well, he comes from the island of Kefalonia. Before the war, a couple of Island Mayors went to Athens to visit Mr. Metaxas. Actually, they went to ask for federal help to help finance the enclosure of the local mental hospital in Kefalonia...and since he came from that Island...the islander mayors thought that they would easliy get the money to build a fence around the mental hospital. Well...Mr. Ioannis Metaxas' response was: "WHY OF COURSE!!! I'll give you enough money to build a fence around the whole Island...you are all crazy!!!" Two things that are funny in this true story.. 1. the Prime Minister of Greece acknowledges his home island is full of crazy people... 2. There is a mental institution on that island...it must be there for a reason!
  12. The 2nd generation Firehawk Some engine tuning...return of the Ram Air that Pontiac introduced in the early 1970s...and some changes to the hood to make Ram Air possible...yes those vents as nostrils were functional...it was a hit...so Pontiac made their own...but 'twas SLP that started Ram Air for the 4rt gen F-Body...Chevy got jealous and that is how the Camaro SS 4rth gen. F-Body was born... Firehawk...third generation...but on a G8... The link: http://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/2009-pontiac-g8-gt-slp-firehawk-specialty-file will explain what the $52 000 price tag gets you...maybe expensive and maybe those mods can be made cheaper by you... Like I said...I prefer stock usually...but a G8 GXP was a less of a machine than this one...OK...so you are a do-it-yourselfer...SLP cars have warranties... First gen Firehawk was ridiculously expensive...had some minor issues such as the front tires being tooo wide and scraped the wheel wells when turning...so...its turning radius was affected...and its handling...and it really was considered to be a 4 passengered Corvette. The 1992 Firehawk made 350 horsepower and 350 ft/lbs of torque... Here is the link that expalins what makes up a 1991/1992 Firehawk: http://www.hotrod.com/cars/featured/hppp-0904-1992-pontiac-firehawk/ The two most coolest 3rd Generation F-Bodies..and the fastest...belong to Pontiac...the 20th Anniversary 1989 Turbo Trans Am...and this 1991/1992 SLP Formula Firehawk... Also...FWD Pontiac Grand Prix GTX I cant find any links to summarize what has been made to it...but if memory serves me right...functional ram air hood...300 horsepower...tweaks on the original Eaton Supercharger already installed...
  13. Or more recently...iRobot..If a 1980s movie and 1990s sequel aint your thing and because all other "Ill Be Back" moments were just rehashed from the first two... And about us being A.I. and us killing our creator....very clever....I agree... About the clockwork creations (iRobot reference) and kiiling us eventually...maybe tinfoil conspiracy...but it aint THAT unbelievable...like you said...we have been killing our creator for a long long time now...and...we have been killing each other since forever...for power and supremacy...what makes you tjink that computers and robots wont be doing the same...after all...God created us in his image...and we are creating robots and computers in our image... Very nice...I like your way of thinking... Betcha many people have not thought of this angle? I know I havent. And I saw the movie iRobot countless of times... Thanx for opening up my eyes even further. I am on the same page as Casa and yourself...but this angle makes me even more weary....and scared for autonomous cars...
  14. The last time I saw one in person was 2 years ago. I dont remember how long it was, I was in awe in how gorgeous it looked. So I was more mesmorized by its curves rather than observe its overall length and size. Telsa really is the leader in this class. So, it be interesting to see how the pubilc will react again...because the Model S also is kinda old now. And we see quite a few of them... Hopefully Fisker and its new partners dont botch the production of it like they did the first time around.
  15. I dont like floating nav screens myself. However I can see the appeal to them. The world has gone mad for tablets... iPhones and iPads, Microsoft Surfaces, Samsung Smartphones that are practically the size of iPad minis... With that being said...because this is true with tablets...M-B, Mazda, Audi, BMW and others have correctly identified a style fad....make a floating nav screen in the vein of a tablet...since these tablet users identify any type of gadget screen the same way... Plus...the most imprtant complaint that users have for these stupid nav screens...is that they dont function like their stupid smart phones...so...to fool these users...M-B, BMW, Mazda, Audi and others have correctly identified a possible way to ease their stupid pain...make the nav screen look in appearance in the same form as their stupid smart phone/tablet by making it into a floating nav screen...to make it look like their stupid tablet is in front of them...like a comforter blanket is for human babies...
  16. The body lines on the Karma are timeless. It has the bulges and curves in all the right places. Coke bottle designs never get old. As with the long hood short deck, which the Karma implements it quite well. Seeing one in person makes your jaw drop. Pictures dont really tell how sexy this car is. And in pictures, the car IS sexy...its just that seeing it in person...the sexiness of the Karma is multiplied by 1000. The Karma in my humble opinion, is the greatest automotive design (actual production model)in the new milennium. So....the Karma deserves a second chance....its failure had nothing to do with the looks of it...
  17. It depends who the tuner builder is and what that tuner company has done and how that tuner has styled the car....however...more often than not...the pre-tuned car is waaaaaay over done. SLP is one of those tuners (can we call SLP a tuner company?) that had Pontiac still existed...Id prefer to buy a ride stock from Pontiac then ship it to SLP for their modding and tuning. I dont remember if their Firehawk Firebirds and G8s were sold directly from SLP or you had to ship them your ride...
  18. But...But...I thought this 350/370Z was supposed to be in the spirit of the original Fairlady 240Z. Geez Nissan, way to go and screw with my mind...
  19. Kirk Kerkorian died a few days ago? Not to disrespect the deceased...but why do I keep on thinking that his business practices were on little on the shady side even though I have no clue about his business transactions... I think its because I remember his stint with Chrysler and his staged takeover attempt... Or his forced merger attempt with Renault and GM... I tell Sergio myself to get bent... Ey-O Sergio, Vaffanculo
  20. I might pay my dad a visit. Havent done so in 2 years. He visits me in my dreams often enough...The Greeks say, when you see a deceased loved one in your dreams, his soul is paying you a visit. He is always in my heart. I hate cemeteries. Question is though...what am I receiving for Father's Day. I dont want anything. Just love and respect from my wife and kids...and maybe a cliché gift like a tie or Old Spice cologne.
  21. The sad thing about the American car market is that is what sells. And it ranges from Rav4 to Escape tor Equinox to GLC, X3 or RX350. People want an SUV for some perceived notion of safety, or because the cargo area will allow them to haul a bike or canoe to suit the active lifestyle that they don't actually have, and at the end of the day they will commute from A to B, plodding along in traffic thinking they are more successful because they bought an SUV and the other guy bought a CamCord, not realizing they themselves are driving a CamCord station wagon on stilts. This is the crossover market in general. I don't get it myself, give me a superior handling car any day of the week, something that can handle a corner and be driven hard without fear of tipping over. At least with the bi-turbo V6 they'll have 339 hp in the GLC, maybe even 362 hp since Mercedes seems to be phasing the 339 hp version out already, the C-class is dropping it for 2016, in favor of the 362 hp used in the GL. None of the other small crossovers have that kind of power or air suspension. So maybe they'll bring some level of excitement to the otherwise boring crossover segment. Yup... That is what I was eluding to: "plodding along in traffic thinking they are more successful because they bought an SUV and the other guy bought a CamCord, not realizing they themselves are driving a CamCord station wagon on stilts." You said it better than I did.
  22. About the Aztek...I guess both...but Pontiac made the production version very close to the concept...aaaaaaand... it did indeed look less crappy...and like you said about the production versions hood cutline.....at least the concept's hood cutline was....well, it was a normal hood cut line. The concept looked waaaay better...I must admit...but a beauty queen she was not. Thanx for you taking your time to answer me. I really respect your opinions in here. I look forward to your responses and posts.
  23. Another generic looking, useless SUV...for family hauling duties. *SIGH*...as a car crazy, speed freak guy... I really cant excited for this. I could get excited for a 6 wheeled G-Wagon...or a REAL SUV like the one below...just because those are for enthusiasts... This SUV is just for hauling humans from point A to B...in yawn inspiring styling Its meant for image conscience soccer moms and fake "active lifestyle" people... Both of which are opposite of what I am. Had I been a soccer mom...a minivan would be of choice for me...those sliding doors DO make a difference. Had I was an "active" person really doing active lifestyle things driving on roads that are not roads....then an XTERRA or Wrangler or 4Runner or G-Wagon would be my choice...(but the G-Wagon would void of all the things that hinder its military cred...) And THAT is why I cant stand these SUVs....because fake... The only badge driven SUVs I give a pass too...because of status symbol..are the bling bling SUVs of Escalade, Jeep GC, Navigator, BMW X6 and the new M-B rival and Land Rovers...Lexus too, only because they were part of the first wave of the SUV craze of the 1990s... No Porsche, no Bentley no nothing... Id be willing to give a pass to that fullsized Infiniti...but I wont...because ugly...
  24. Wow. Aint the human brain great?! Its amazing how two people could see the same object at the same time and have complete opposing views and opinions on it. The Rageous did live on though. Through the Aztek and Vibe...without the LT1. Or was it LS1...but unlike with the Banshee, the translation of the Rageous was lost through those vehicles. Out of curiosity... Question #1 What was about the Rageous you did not like? Question #2 a) What was your opinion about the Aztek and Vibe? b) What did you like/dislike about them? I did not like the Aztek because of the way it looked and what platform it used...but I liked the fact that Pontiac foresaw the craziness for SUVs/CUVs....but maybe it OVERestimated the outdoor lifestyle of the pretend "in" crowd to be "active"... I liked the Vibe and the Matrix...because it addressed the needs for a small CUV....a precursor to the urban vehicle...the hatchback that is small and nimble that looks like a CUV...aka Buick Encore and BMW X1 and the like... I loved the way the Rageous looks. I LOVE Pontiac boy racer styling and body cladding excess and flaring nostrils and pop up headlights. I also love the fact that its a muscle car V8 RWD (was it AWD too? I have a feeling it was) and that I could haul my family in it...and its a wagon type vehicle...without looking like a wagon...it looks like a sedan...and its actually got wagon space...not like a Dodge Magnum or Cadillac CTS Wagon....where the roof line is angled towrads the sporty side of things limiting space... Awesome...I could use this to haul anything...including the wife and kids and still look like a young lad doing it ... Mid life crisis is also handled via LT1 (or LS1) V8...and for the fact that its got boy racer styling. ...
  25. "only $4,000 more" I dont like arguments when they are presented in this fashion..." for only an x amount more"... Financing @ 0% interest...keep in mind...0% interest... At $4000..that is an extra $333.33/month for a year. At $4000..that is an extra $66/month for 5 years.... Sure...that does not sound like much...an extra $66/month...for 5 years...but that is the equivalent an extra tank of gas for the month for the next 5 years. That is a week's groceries of nothing but the good food...you know...the junk food...chips and chocolate bars and stuff for the kids...for the next...5 years. That is a dinner and a movie for you and a date each month...for the next 5 years... That is an oil change, rotation of tires and switching from winter to summer tires, and some other maintenance of the vehicle for the year...for the next 5 years...at which $66/month is roughly $800/year...which covers easily the regular maintenance of the vehicle for the year. Or a good chunk of it at least... $4000...that is a plane ticket to a Caribbean Paradise Island plus hotel and food...for 2 weeks...for 2 people... $4000...that is a nice emergency amount of money for when your washing machine and refrigerator bust on you....and if you have a wife and kids....you know that this scenario WILL happen...and the Fridge usually breaks 2 months AFTER the washing machine breaks...well...with that $4000 that was not spent on the Silverado...now buys you both appliances and there is no sweating about it... So yeah...$4000 is a good chunk of change...where one could put that $4000 to good use if one does not need a bigger rig than a Colorado...so why buy the bigger Silverado and waste that $4000...instead of giving it to Mary Barra...why dont YOU use it...put that $4000 to good use...for YOUR own use...retirement fund or just to bet it all on black at the Roulette table...
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