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Everything posted by oldshurst442

  1. LOL!!! Fix It Again Tony. Sometimes I could be very ditzy.
  2. If Benz did anything in 1885, he copied it from American James Hill, who invented this in Fleetwood PA in 1868 : Ohhhh, so sad! It was late last night when I posted my response to him....but I wanted to include steam powered vehicles...in Europe...horseless carriage steam powered vehicles were being produced about a decade before Karl's invention... Wikipedia has pegged M-B to the first INTERNAL COMBUSTION horseless carriage... So many things he has to learn...
  3. Invented...quite a strong word...yeah...it is a misconception though...because many...tinkered with horseless carriages...at the same time as Karl and Gottlieb... And...it took a guy named Olds to mass produce the automobile and a guy like Ford to take that further...to sell to the masses so EVERYBODY could own one...not only the stinkin' rich...and it took the Dodge Brothers along with Durant to envision many good things for the automobile...Then there is Dunbar....oh...that is on this continent... Because on the other side of the pond...their are many French and Italian guys that would beg to differ from your point of view...You mentioned Peugeot...but that is only but a small portion of what th French had to offer.. There is André-Gustave Citroën who introduced the first industrial mass production of vehicles outside the United States.., there is Renault...who you casually mention...but Renault built there first car in 1898...not too long after Karl...but Renault established itself as an automotive company in 1899...as where Mercedes-Benz was established as an automotive company in...1926...same year as...PONTIAC...Even Opel produced its first automobile in 1899... Then there is Mr. Agnelli ... After the war...Europe was in shambles... And if it wasnt for the cold war...Europe would still be in shambles...The United Kingdom and the US...the only 2 Allied countries that did not suffer any real economic damages...had to spruce up Europe...because...well...the Ruskies...had it not been for the Ruskies...Europe...Germany especially...would be WORSE off than Greece is today....this whole Ich bin ein Berliner stufff was just to put the USSR "back into its place"...West Germany was "show cased" ...propaganda....just to show the evil Commies how better the Capitalistic world is...Yes...freedom in East Germany was limited...do you blame the Russians for revenge? I dont...Remember though...West Germany was allowed to continue to produce...as with East Germany... Mr. Gorbachev...take down that wall...yeah...had the US and UK followed in the Russian footsteps...do you honestly believe Mercedes would have produced that 1955 300 SL? I dont think so! You need to learn your history...
  4. well...the 2015 Cruze is at 181 inches long, 70.7 inches wide, 58.1 inches high, and rides on a wheelbase of 105.7 inches... If your 2016 results are accurate...then yeah...I would say that the Cruze is almost as big as the Grand Am/Alero were...I was going off of the 1st gen Cruze as I did not know the 2016 Cruze grew that much bigger. So...yeah...I apologize and I agree with your view....but I think the Malibu also grew in size...especially in interior room...
  5. Actually...that 3.6 liter V6 WAS a Cadillac engine only....then it became the corporate V6... So...what is your point? I understand you cant wait for Cadillac to do its own engine thing...but you view the 3.6 V6 as a bad thing...but even fail to realize that the 3.6 V6...was a bespoke engine for Cadillac use only...but what difference does that make? Cadillac is under the GM umbrella...Once upon a time ago...all GM divisions produced their own V8s...but that tends to be super expensive... Had the US government...along with Ford, GM and Chrysler allowed Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen to go by the way of Adolf Hitler after the war was lost...you wouldnt be here cheering for Mercedes...I hope you realize that... Had the US government closed the doors on West Germany....the way they did on East Germany...you wouldnt be here cheering for Mercedes...I hope you realize that. I also hope you realize...the reason why Mercedes climbed back on top of the world, its because the US Government pushed the West German economy to stick it to those Communists that controlled East Germany during the Cold War...I hope you realize that...
  6. I almost agree with the rest of that post...I also see too much Japanese...Korean to be more accurate in the Cruze...I dont mind though. I have an issue with what you said regarding the Grand Am/Alero... In no way does a Cruze...1st gen or 2nd gen. reach Grand Am/Alero size, width and length and interior space. . Not even close. The Grand Am/Alero were compacts...sure...but were really closer to mid-sized. The Cruze...while bigger than their compact car competitors...in no way come close to being mid-sized. Maybe the late 1980s Grand Am/Cutlass Calais/Buick Skylark-Somerset on the old N-Platform are what the Cruze is...
  7. Because the CT8 is still a phantom that doesn't exist yet, and will probably arrive with a torqueless V6. Just like your over rated world best S series BS MB Garbage! Amazing how you will always move the goalpost and have a million excuses for MB but everyone else especially Cadillac you always have to state will fail. I will be the first one to both admit that I was wrong if your so called predictions come true but also will be the first to point out how your over rated German MB crap has become nothing more than an over rated Chevrolet product line with lower and lower quality as they whore out the MB luxury badge to increase profits for the few executives at the expense of quality. Already shows in most of MB products. I am not moving any goal post or stating the CT8 will fail, no one has seen it or know anything about it, it like 4 years away still. Correct me if Im wrong...but I think Cadillac will also debut new...bespoke engines in that time frame also... So...back to that little word....I think its necessary for you to study it...
  8. I never thought of it that way...and I am forced to...see it the way you do as its much much logical your point of view.
  9. Because the CT8 is still a phantom that doesn't exist yet, and will probably arrive with a torqueless V6. That makes zero sense in relation to them spending so much time talking about unrelated trucks. You also know nothing about the powertrains for the CT8 but given that most of the competition also have torqueless motors, it makes your post even more irrelevant and trolling in nature. The CT8's main competitor has 516 lb-ft of torque from 2,000 rpm in base model. Cadillac loves turbo fours for some odd reason, and their V6 makes like 273 lb-ft at 5,000 rpm. I hope the CT6's weak motors aren't in the CT8. Maybe they'll make the 400 hp twin turbo V6 the base engine in the CT8. I'd make that the base engine in the CT6 if it were up to me, and get some twin turbo V8s in both those cars. And both should have some sort of plug-in hybrid, even if only to sell in California to appease the bizzaro emission credit regulations there. yet you yourself say that the CT8 is still a phantom that doesnt exist yet, but proceed...with 2 posts...to proclaim what kind of powertrains this phantom CT8 that doesnt exist yet will have as...powertrains... Here is a little word Id like for you to study.
  10. Casa...dont forget that the Lincoln interior...looks like my wife's Fusion... Ill post the Titanium Fusion interior...So....although the Fusion interior does look elegant...its ad nauseam when Lincoln just uses the same interior for all of its cars practically...the MKZ also has this same look...to boot...lesser Ford vehicles also look the same as those Lincoln's. The headlight switchgear....it looks the same...it probably is...and I know the MKZ also shares many Fusion parts... Now...I aint the one to whine about parts bin sharing...I dont care for that...those are the arguments that paid off automotive journalists and fanboyz whine about...but in this case...even though that headlight switchgear is perfectly fine for my Fusion...and lets be honest...its perfectly fine for Lincoln to use also...the thing is...I look at that Lincoln...and alls I see is the same damned interior of my wife's $26 000 base 1.6 ecoboost SE Fusion interior...what I dont get with a certain poster...is...when you are a black tea pot...I wonder why you are being racist towards the kettle?
  11. You're not the only one thinking it. I also see some 200'ishness in it, but that's no bad thing. Sharp looking vehicle and it appears that it'll be very competitive. I'm excited to see it in person. Before I get down voted...I REALLY REALLY DIG THIS NEW CRUZE....Mind you, I prefer the next gen. Volt's new design...but I like this 2016 Cruze However...I also see a Chrysler 200 in the rear...but I also see Toyota Corolla... Its probably the shade of blue that confuses me... The thing is... I also like the Corolla. I think the Corolla looks sporty. Well...other than an AE86...Corollas ALWAYS were bland...at least this one...has some ooomph to it... Back to the Chevy. I checked out the video...and the Cruze has some great little details to set it apart from the compact car segment. For a second generation in a row...the Cruze looks and feels like a class higher than its compact car competition...both in looks, quality, details....
  12. 510 horsepower via a twin-turbo, V6 credited to Ferrari and Maserati. RWD @ 510 HP. AWD optional. Diesel option....for Europe only via Maserati. On paper...with its looks and the hardware...it looks like it will be a fine competitor to the Germans...but will people actually buy into this Italian dream? Both here and in Europe???!!! Mopar, if allowed to use this platform...will benefit greatly...as will FCA in general...because our continent is patiently awaiting for the next generation LX cars. And we all know that Chryco engineers do awesome things as of late when they tweak platforms for their usage. And this platform seems to be a great start for some great next generation LX cars... I say this as Mopar people really really excelled with the old M-B W211 platform. Mind you...we dont really know what is underneath this Giulia platform. But that TTV6 Quadrofoglio looks like it means business. I betcha so do the underpinnings...
  13. So...do I like this Red Headed Hottie? Testarossa in Italian... Well, it has some nice Italian/Alpha Romeo curves in the design. It is pretty. However, just like with Jaguars with me as of late...both this Giulia and Jaguars, they look good, they look nice...actually, they look more than good and nice...one could say sexy...I guess...but I cant bring myself to lust over them... Elizabeth Hurley is Jaguars...(you know...British) Jennifer Aniston is Alpha Romeo Giulia...(OK...she is half Greek and not Italian...the Greeks and Italians say...una faccia una razza...so...) I dont lust over these chicks...I find them mildly attractive...would I sleep with them? If you twist my arm like REALLY hard I will...point is...they are beautiful...but they are not my style of hotness is what Im saying...
  14. http://allparnews.com/index.php/2015/06/alfa-romeo-launch-in-progress-29035 from the link above to possibly explain Chrysler's possible usage of platform: " An electromechanical brake system (possibly to arrive at Chrysler under the trademark “gravity control”) combines stability control with the brake booster for faster response." "Alfa Romeo is launching the new Giulia in Milan, Italy, at this time. The midsized rear wheel drive car has conventional/modern styling in rear and side views, and the grille conforms to traditional Alfa Romeo shapes" "There have been conflicting reports as to how much Chrysler engineering is involved, but it is extremely likely that the underpinnings and dimensions will be modified and used by Dodge and possibly other Chrysler brands."
  15. Yup Frisky. Sometimes we are on the same page...other times...well...lets just say what Boris the Animal always says.
  16. Yup...and he PMed at Motor Trend. What a petulant child this 50 year old man is... Wings....why dont you just go away???!!! Yup...you can down vote this if you want to....lets see if you actually did ignore me!!! I do ignore you....its just that...welll...you down voted me 4 times....3 times because I voiced my opinion that I DID NOT WANT YOU TO BE HERE!!!! YOU ARE A DISEASE!!!
  17. PS...Wings...I IGNORED YOU first... It seems like you went on asking on who down voted you? CRY baby!!! Well...if you hadnt down voted me first...3 times...and then a 4rth... PSS: In case you did not know, all your negative votes at C&G forum do nothing other than add up. They are designed to deal with spammers, and when a significant amount adds up, merely hides the post that got all the votes. The mods are alerted to your actions and can see every single one of them, and then vote them back up to counter. How childish btw. So either knock it off, or I will continue to draw attention to your BS. Oh, and welcome to my ignore list. What BS? I dont bother you...I IGNORE YOU!!! It seems like the negative posts BOTHER you!!! Welll...you shoudnt have down voted me first when you joined a forum where everyone from MT wanted to get away from you!!! Wings....you are a 50 year old man...and you behave WORSE than 5 year old girls!!! Troll away...the thing is...others down vote you and actually put you into your place... It seems like you cant stop nagging and playing the victim... Mr. Drew...in a thread even went as far as quoting you to tell you that people down vote you because your posts are....STUPID!!! Ignore me? You cant. You thrive on trolling... You thrive on playing the victim...
  18. That emoticon was a dedication to some dear old friend I have. It seems he likes some wine with his cheese.
  19. That is a fine Chevy. I remember this from back in the day...well...the "back in the day" that is of my timeline...
  20. I have 4 down rated posts....all done by the same junior high kid... The first 3 I understand why...because I expressed negativity of his possibly presence @ Cheers and Gears...the last one...well...maybe its because he felt like a dweeb when an unrelated poster in an unrelated post had my sentiments about the same point of view of an argument I had with this junior high kid over at another automotive forum about 2-3 months ago.... And low and behold...somebody up voted that post to make it neutral. Cheers to the Gear head that up voted that post. And you know what...I KNEW that the junior high kid would down vote it!!!! So predictable and childish this man-child is... Thank the Lord for that ignore button... When people quote his useless posts ...they are there for me to see... I just glaze right by so I dont have to be subjected to that kind of torture. I achieved another goal with this post I got to use some more emoticons. I vowed that I will use all of them one way or other. That would be 3 more... Make that 4...
  21. Music to my ears... That sentenced reminded me of an argument I once had...
  22. I never had problems with my Impala....but then again...I did not drive it like a mad man either. I loved the instant acceleration I got with it....but somehow...I knew not to push my luck with it. The one thing I hated about it...the one thing that made me be embarrassed driving it, was the cheap painting process GM has with most of their vehicles. The paint had started to peel off at the wheel wells, all four wheel wells and rust had started to form. I was ready to buy black Tremclad anti-rust spray paint but a teenaged girl reversed into the passenger side door and made a huuuge dent...well...6-8 months later...I traded her in for the car I drive now.
  23. I think this is a great tune to kick off the summer. my favorite version of this song.
  24. One of my first rules was the twin turbo Trans Am and GNX would have to be banned. They are just too fast for the rest. But as I think about it, I think a price cap should be put in. $10,000 at most maybe would be even more entertaining if there was a $5,000 limit on the car. But a good point about the S/C engines. Yeah...you tell him about the rules...because that would have been my choice too...then the SLP Grand Prix. But then again...maybe I still stick with the Riviera....its always better to look good... I know Billy...thanx...its the Riviera....
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