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Everything posted by oldshurst442

  1. Sorry to hear about that. But also, glad to hear that you will be getting medical attention to help with your ailment. Health is #1.
  2. Along with SeaMicasa, it looks like you are enjoying all the free time you got. And you mentioned early retirement. THAT is awesome!!! Glad to hear that!!! Although Im doing great, my trajectory seems to be running opposite yours. I had to buyout my partner so my time running the restaurant went up about 8-10 hours/week. I hired a manager, and she is great, but she is not an owner so...when something comes up, I am the one to do the extra hours. She helps out, but when she cant...she cant and that is that. I dont force her. The working dynamics have changed...drastically Id say. Also, I had to buy him out. So I had to fork over some cash to him. Cash that was there for...whatever it was there for meant for retirement. Be it some kind of toy or real estate for retirement purposes or whatever. Now I have to continue to work to replenish what I saved that I dont have anymore and pray that the restaurant continues to make money long enough for me to save up what I had... Speaking of which, I have some lands in Greece. Through my mom. And although I thought that between my (4) cousins, we would be able to renovate the family home and resolve what it is to resolve with the other little lands and have a place to live in after retirement between the 4 of us spread over 3 families on vacation to Greece. Well, I hired a lawyer because things are not going so smoothly. We all have an equal share in all the properties, but that greed bug seems to be biting some of us. The same thing is happening from my wife's side. My mother-n-law passed away a couple of years ago and my wife's siblings cant seem to come to an amicable conclusion on how things should be divided up. My mother-n-law leaves behind a house in Montreal, but several lands in Greece as well. Like with my side's problems, they all have an equal share in the lands in Greece and in the house in Montreal. But my wife's siblings are also bit by that freakin' greed bug. They cant come to an amical conclusion on dividing the lands up fairly. So...the lawyer I hired to take care of business on my side will also take care of business on my wife's side. But all I see is $$$s being spent NEEDLESSLY on phoquing lawyers... For everybody as the money we are ALL spending on phoquing lawyers could be used to develop something nice in Greece... Whatever that something nice could be. All to say: IM GLAD YOU ARE ENJOYING LIFE!!!
  3. Ill b calling u 'skipper' from now on. Although now, with Softails and V-Rods, alongside the Z06 and Caddy, you're badder to the bone. b-b-b-b-bad. Bad to the Bone!!!
  4. OK... If we are goimg to nit pick the Detroit Speed Riviera, then I too, would agree that its slammed too low. And that the wheels ARE 3 sizes too big. I too, would like them to be 17 inches MAX and not so low to the ground. Its a boulevard cruiser. Its not a sports car. Its not even a GT car. Its a...boulevard cruiser to cruise...the Riviera. Kinda like that one particular dad once said Id like to add that the back end, below the bumper, its empty. Just an empty slab of metal. I do like that they reversed the placement of the taillights above the bumper instead of below, but that left the bottom to be empty. Maybe if the exhaust came out of the rear in that empty space and be flush with the body panel framed by a bezel. Dual exhaust one at each end. Kinda like this look but not at the bottom, but in the middle of that empty space panel between the bumper and the bottom.
  5. @David I LOVE that Riviera. Detroit Speed does resto-mods the right way!!! An awesome job they did. Kike they always do. I also love that many many Oldsmobiles are still available for purchase in pristine condition even after 20 years have gone since its death. Its nice to know that plenty of folk still care for the brand enough to keep Oldsmobile alive in our hearts and minds.
  6. Pennsylvania is home to Hershey – the chocolate capital of the world. Philadelphia Zoo is the first zoo in the United States. The Great Dane is the official state dog in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania’s Rockville Bridge is the world’s longest stone arch railroad bridge. Kennett Square in Pennsylvania is the mushroom capital of the world. Indiana county is the Christmas tree capital of the world. Nazareth is the birthplace of Martin Guitars. The Moravian Pottery and tiles operate as a working museum. Philadelphia is the birthplace of the cheesesteak sandwich. ********************************************** #2. I believe that. Philadelphia fans of ANY pro sport they cheer for are ANIMALS. #7. Jesus Christ...of Nazareth coincidentally...was also um...born in Nazareth. You know...of Judeo-Christian fame. Quite honestly, Ive NEVER heard of this fella named Mr. Guitars. Mr. Martin Guitars. #9 I also thought that Philadelphia Cream Cheese came from Philly. Dont forget Rocky Balboa. The Italian Stallion. Hey...badda boom badda bing!
  7. To be fair... you engaged by reacting. If you didnt want any engagement and you disagreed, you should have...i-g-n-o-r-e-d But you did not. You simply put ME on the spot and called ME out by face-palming me. Then you tell me its nothing personal. Great. I potentially said something...stupid...according to you. Told me so BY reacting with the voting system...tell me its nothing personal. And you got finicky when I asked why... You tell me to ignore the whole thing by telling me its nothing personal because what I said was beneath you...but you STILL feel the need to...call me out. So...Im supposed to ignore you? Somehow? Maybe, if you didnt want ME prying in asking you what it might have been said that you obviuosly felt the need to facepalm... I put me foot in my mouth with @David. He didnt faceplam or nothin'. Answered me in kind. You however, are still at it. I...even posted a funny so we could get on with our lives. But nope. Call me out again to tell me that I should be satisfied with said response and that I want to argue with myself. Well...I AM an only child. I tend to do that ALL the time. Its fun to see other people's reactions. Yup...they faceplam me all the time for that. But yeah... Thank-you for being a friend...
  8. Im not a truck guy. I have just recently started accepting them and adoring them. But I adore them as muscle cars. I LOVE the go fast, go anywhere, insane versions of those full sized pick-up trucks. You know....the Raptor and TRX versions. I still wouldnt consider a pick-up truck UNLESS I was buying a Raptor or TRX. Oh...yes I would most DEFINETELY own a Raptor or TRX. But a regular ole' pick-up. Not a chance. Therefore, ICE 1500 or EV 1500 or the 2500 versions of those regular 'ole pick-ups still dont do a bloody thing for me. I do like the idea of a range extender EV truck using a gasoline engine to help out with the lack of an EV infrastrucutre for someone that needs it. I question though how popular an EV extender pick-up will actually BE in places like Texas or Alberta. Something tells me, you'll have to pry their cold dead hands away from an ICE powered truck before any of 'em will own anything resembling an EV. These good 'ole boys would rather have a 160CC Honda lawn mower engine powered full sized 2500 mudder than anything with a battery...me assumes.
  9. @Drew Dowdell Ill one up you... @surreal1272 first reaction @oldshurst442 reaction @surreal1272 second reaction @oldshurst442 second reaction Hopefully we could could to this outcome I probably got my dumb hat on today. I do not get it. I understand the whole 45 degree latitude thing. Montreal is above this line. Closer to the North Pole....yada yada yada. I dont get the connection. Im missing something. Please 'splain to me...
  10. To be more precise, BECAUSE I havent had an option to machine the rotors since the late 1990s, I knew that my rotors were in need of change and so I was the one to tell the Acura technician to change my rotors for new ones. The mechanic just confirmed what I already told them that the rotors...needed to be changed and so they complied.
  11. Seriuosly NOT!!! YOU called me out by saying that I called you out. I didnt. YOU reacted to something I said. Facepalmed. I didnt ask anything of you. I asked if you wanted to elaborate, you didnt, but you acted like a child by saying that I called you out. I didnt. I then just reciprocated your "nothing personal" bullshyte of when someone says or does something negtive and responds as nothing personal.... Dude, lighten up... Hopefully you dont respond back to this post and you...just move on....
  12. Im not calling you out. But the facepalm thing is quite dumb. THAT is me calling you out. Nothing personal.... Choose NOT to engage, your thang. But YOUR thang remains quite dumb. Nothing personal, Just something I dont agree with... Because pressing on the upvote thing with a faceplam or negative emogi WITOUHT explaining is something that I dont agree with... Again, nothing personal... Did you pick up on the sarcasm of the "nothing personal" thing when someone says that while passively agreesively insinuating a negtive?
  13. I LOVE glass roofs. I feel less clausterphobic. I do have a slight case of clausterphobia I suspect. Nothing debilitiating though. I have a slight light sensitivity too. But I have shyte brown eyes. But the sun sometimes pierces through my brain through my eyes. Its worse in the sunny winter days as the snow and ice reflects the sun rays back up. I wear sunglasses too. Not during cloudy days though.
  14. I didnt know. I would like to apologize if my question came out as arrogant or stupid or anything negative. I didnt mean to sound like a dumb shyte. But I dont know how a person with skin cancer deals with UVA and UVB sunlight rays as sunlight is pretty much inescapable in the daytime. I took your concern seriously, but I couldnt compute the message and the necessary solutions. And this is why I couldnt compute what @David was saying because I thought that automotive windows already blocked UVA and UVB rays and I was assuming that glass roofs were built that way as well. I wasnt cynical about what David was bringing up, was just not understanding how someone that may have skin cancer issues has to deal with such a thing. And seeing this as a possible solution... I didnt even THINK about that.... I dont think RAM will oversee such a thing, however, in the video, the presenter nor the vehicle itself suggests that a screen will be available to cover the windowed roof. I personally dont see skin cancer as a minor thing in our society. However, I do take it for granted that I dont have such an issue. I take MANY things for granted, many HEALTH oriented things for granted because I dont suffer, my wife and kids dont suffer, from ANY kind of health problems. So its easy to be nonchalant about health issues. However, I have empathy for those suffering with health. Ive lost a father to colon cancer that went general. Plus...Im human after all. Those pesky human feelings make me empathize for our fellow man. Yes. Very valid point. Again. Im very sorry for my foot in mouth. Like I said, I take it for granted that I, for now, dont have any health issues. So details like this, I will miss and not understand so well.
  15. Im not calling you out. Im asking a question to @David because he raised a concern that I dont understand. I also raised a concern that you evidently dont understand or agree with my rant. I asked David to set me straight. You arent asking me to set anything straight, however I am asking you what it is you dont agree with. Is it the comment that the concept truck is vaporware? I found out why that may be. Is it the comment/rant about cow hide and plant based alternative materials? Is it the caveman thing that caveman ate animals and turned their hides into clothing? Is it the last thing I said to which I stated Im not a right wing nutter or left wing whack and that nonsense snowflake shyte has got to stop because sooner or later, we will come to the conclusion that breathing air and drinking water will cause concern for the planet and will look to alternative ways of breathing and drinking? My guess is the last part... Its sarcastic in nature MEANT to cause controversy. But yeah.
  16. Huh... I never questioned the mechanics who told me I need to change the rotors. I havent witnessed any machined rotors since my dad's 1994 Grand Am waaay back in 1998 or something. I dont think I machined my Alero's rotors and I certainly havent machined my Acura's. I needed to change the rears in the fall. I never asked for machining and I never thought to ask why they didnt offer me that option. Now, I have learned why without asking. Cool!
  17. Just thinking aloud. People with skin cancer, do they go outside at all? Like ever? If people that are susceptible to skin cancer and live in strong sunlight states like Florida and California, maybe a window roofed vehicle is the least of their cancer related problems and maybe, these folk should take up residence in less sunny areas. Not to sound cruel or anything, but I dont comprehend the issue you are trying to raise here. @surreal1272 facepalmed me for the same reasons Im asking a qusetion here. I am open to discussion to explain what it is that made ANYONE facepalm my rant. Just friendly converstaion I want to partake in.
  18. I commented on the other thread about the RAM 1500 EV being vaporware. But now with the last 2 posts I see what is going on behind the curtains... Its a fun rant I did. Bitchin' and whining about several things about life and how we choose to live it all because of a RAM EV video. I find connections and LOVE to rant... The usual shyte I do!
  19. Another thing Although the 'roomba' style robot thingy to drive itself under the truck to find itself the charging point to charge the vehicle sounds neat and all, I think its a waste of energy trying to engineer such a thing and consequently, a waste of money for the developpers to do this and a waste of money for the end user as such a thing will be passed on to the end user JUST to cater to our (human) lazy ways. Talk about shyte that is not good for the environment... More useless technology that requires useless energy use to manufacture and build and wasted materials to produce such a shytty thing. Sure, as a driver of such a vehicle, we park it in our garage and a robot charges our vehicle without ANY intervention on the user's part. Is it sooooo phoquing hard and time consuming to plug the bloody thing in? The answer is a big fat NO. If we want to save the phoquing planet from being poisoned and eventually killing us, then we MUST end OUR finicky, princess-y ways of living our phgoquing lives. Using cow hide as seat materials and jackets is NOT detrimental to the planet. Engineering useless tech like this 'roomba' charging robot, however, is!!!
  20. cool video. cool truck. but when the concept truck becomes functional to actually show us what the crazy concepts shown to us could do, the RAM 1500EV remains vaporware. I know I said Stellantis (PSA Group) has been thinking about and engineering EV platforms for quite some time and are actually succesful in Europe selling them and we shouldnt be surprised by such a sudden reveal of a RAM 1500 EV but...there was nothing functional on this truck other than the easy mock-up details of a pass through from the bed to the frunk and the seats on rails. But...even with that, the seats were stationary and the dude couldnt get in and out of the driver's seat very convincingly. He wasnt gracefull and he looked awkward. OK...maybe all the features talked about were actually functional but because there was like only 1 or 2 of these in existance, maybe Stellantis didnt want nothing to break... I dont doubt however, that the features both physical and electrical will be offered and I do think the STLA platform and battery tech is fleshed out and minor tuning will be made and will be available for production soon. One thing though, since when using cow hide has now being considered as wasteful and NOT earth friendly and not recycable and not environmentally friendly? Using plant based materials such as the apple by-product material for the seats requires just as much farming land as farming cows if we are going to mass produce plants to re-engineer them to become materials to use as clothes or seats... Also, greenhouses to produce plants year round in certain areas of the planet require energy... ALSO, eating cows and using their hide as clothes has got to be the most basic way of re-using what we eat INTO clothes. Caveman been doing THAT for THOUSANDS of years. Im not some sort of far right nutter or a left wing snowflake, Im just a normal phoquing human being using my phoquing noggin the way humans NEED to use their phoquing noggin but this ultra woke shyte has GOT to stop. We are going overboard in over-thinking things to the point that eventually we will find fault in breathing air and drinking water...
  21. Quite honestly, the EQS (whatever number), the one that I posted to make fun of, doesnt really look all that bad. I dont have a problem with it, really. Its just that its design language is from the 1990s. A design language that is 30 years old. That would be my beef with it. Not because it looks like a used bar of soap. ALL cars from the 1990s look like a used bar of soap. And some cars of today too.
  22. And mind you, the S Class works JUST as good... So...moot point. Right?
  23. True... But there is the funny little thing I did and showcase an evolution of various E Class generations starting with the first one as a new bar of soap and through the generations unto the "S" Class EV evolving into used bar of soaps. The funniest of all, is that the EQS's roof line MATCHES that used bar of soap. My post was never meant to discredit him. My post was to make fun of the EQS's inspiration of used bar of soaps. Noticed I didnt address him on anything other than just showcase used bar of soaps and E Class Mercedes cars over the years? Nothing more, nothing less.
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