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Everything posted by oldshurst442

  1. Thank you.... I am..... amused.... at your typo. KimJongUn2011_large.jpg I proofread EVERYTHING. Typo? What..you are 75? You got all your teeth? Congrats on that too!!!
  2. Tesla has PAID money for training mechanics to work specifically on Tesla cars... This is what certification means... Like I said...a front bumper clip is a front bumper clip...but if a non-certified mechanic will do the job...what happens if the job is not well done? The other thing that a certified Tesla shop does is it GUARANTEES work to be of TESLA standards... Not that your work BLU aint good...but Tesla corp. does NOT know this... Besides...Tesla has spent money training and certifying garages...only for other garages to get business??? Garages that insurance companies have contracts with??? So...in other words...a car owner should listen to his insurance scammer company and do business with the companies that his insurance broker goes to bed with instead of the company that actually engineered his car... Yeah BLU...GREAT thinking!
  3. Nope.... This is YOU looking no further than your nose. I wanna know something... Why are insurance companies NOT recommending Tesla owners to go fix their cars at...TESLA or Tesla certified garages??? Why isnt BLU questioning the motives of the insurance companies??? The insurance companies wanna save some cash while charging the policy recipient top dollar... Its within Tesla's RIGHT NOT to do business or at least stall...with garages that are NOT certified... Another question.... A dude just bought a helluva expensive watch. There are Rolex dealers and Rolex certified watch specialists....would that dude go to his local Walmart to change a bracelet or whatever? So why would a guy who bought a helluva expensive Tesla NOT go repair his car to where the people that actually made his car??? A front bumper clip is still a front bumper clip...I get that...problem is...Tesla is the one that designed this car...why NOT go back to repair it there??? Its not a 15 000 dollar Chevrolet Sonic we are talking about...but even THAT owner WILL go to Mr. Goodwrench if he hits a deer... BLU...you said he shouldnt have to go to Tesla...THAT is the WRONG attitude to have... Tesla Model S is NOT your run of the mill, ordinary car...mundane front bumper clip included... Like I said...I dont feel sorry for your customer, nor do I hold YOUR opinion on this to a high standard either... Your bias is quite telling and ignorant...
  4. Everybody is calm... I think the song and especially the VIDEO is fitting... Bah...Humbug! A la 1980s.
  5. Its funny you say that...the thing is...I aint the one with daggers in their heart for Tesla... I aint the one with daggers in their heart for aluminium either... I just call a spade a spade... Chamomile tea? Nah...Ill stick to my chocolate milk instead, maybe you should also...hot chocolate milk with marshmallows. Maybe it might put love back into your heart instead of all that bah humbug crap you pull from time time...
  6. ^^^ Yup. No argument there from me. The Zeta Camaro does nothing for me...but I KNOW that the Apha Camaro will move me....it looks sooooo much sleaker in pics,,,which was part of the problem with the Zeta Camaro with me. So yeah...when is this bad boy coming out? PS: I saw a regular Sting Ray yesterday coming home...to which I HAD to drive by that street where that white Z06 is at so I could drool over it some more...hence me posting that random thought yesterday... Its not as if I never liked the C7...I always did...but in pics, the front end does not look like a supermodel....in pics..it looks like the girl next door...nothing special...but in person...YOWZA! Its like the porn movie girl next door!
  7. As far as Tesla Model S NOT being a luxury car...who said they was one? Its an expensive car...so by monetary value....its a luxury car... By the shear technology of a Model S...its a luxury car. By the way one buys a Model S...like a boutique car manufacturer...all personalized...its a luxury car... By the quality of the fit and finish and certain materials...it is not... Who cares for that stuff? Dash fondlers are not exactly respected in my book...and dash fondlers are not exactly the Model S' clientele anyway... And if dash fondlers bought a Model S and whine about it after the fact...these people will find fault in anything actually ....becauae a Model S is NOT SOLD primarily as a posh vehicle...and it does NOT target stick up the butt dash fondlers to begin with... So... Your childish antics is how you like to tell a story...and how you cuddle YOUR biases and HIDE the reality of things when you want to diss something... All this run around only to find out its a parts supply problem... Parts supply problem from a boutique car maker...and YOU treating this as if it was a Toyota Camry in which literally MILLIONS of parts for a Camry have been produced and if one does NOT want to buy a BRAND NEW PART STRAIGHT FROM TOYOTA...one could go to a SCRAP YARD and find LITERALLY MILLIONS OF USED Camry parts...
  8. Audi was higher and mightier in the 1990s than what Tesla is now....its just YOU are one based s.o.b. that does not look further than his nose... Like how in the hell can you say such nonsense? Telsa has been in business for not even a decade....Audi in the 1990s has been in business for a good 60 years....Audi is OLDER than Volkswagen is... Tape up her window? Again...look no further than your nose...blame Tesla for one thing but blame Audi owner for the same bloody problem...like I said...TESLA WOULD HAVE PROBABLY GIVEN HIM A LOANER!!! Parts distribution....GTFO with that load of crap!!! Even GM...one has to wait some time for certain parts to be shipped.... My Fusion....there was a recall on it...I got a letter...had to wait 7-8 months for my dealership to get the parts... Supply and demand...is the same no matter hpw big or how small you are.... The bigger the company...the more yu have to produce...because more customers...but...if a piece is back logged for whatever reason....the more you wait...because there are literally MILLIONS awaiting for that same piece... Smaller compnay...less clients...but LESS is PRODUCED...waiting time is the same...actually maybe longer because the suppliers work different for a smaller company...suppliers cater to the big companies first... He may not be hurting for transportation....but he dont have his Tesla...THAT IS WHERE YOU come along... Tesla would have given him a loaner... He went with YOU guys...that is cool....there is a parts delay....same as if it were Ford or GM... MY DEALERSHIP gave me loaners...NOT General Motors... GM could care less at this point in time for me... I dont think Telsa behaves like a big corporation like GM...THIS IS where WE DONT KNOW HOW TESLA WOULD REACT...but Im 100% posiitve Tesla would GIVE this person a loaner... OK...back to GM...its my dealership that gave me loaners...when GM dragged their feet for parts...for Gm...THAT MEANS A SIMPLE WEEK...for Tesla that may ean a month or two or three....that is why Telsa DOES give loaners out...OK...back to my dealership...it aint GM Detroit headquaters or GM Oshawa that gives me the loaner...nor my insurance company...IT REALLY IS THE PLACE where I REPAIRED my GM car...at MY GM dealership...the place of business I do business with...in this case....its YOUR garage... YOUR garage may be a SMALL garage...to which its UNDERSTANDABLE that there is NO LOANER available..unlike my gm car dealership...hurting or not for transportation has NOTHING to do with it...LACK OF PARTS is...COOL...BUT THAT is an INDUSTRY WIDE problem....not only with Tesla...but then again...Tesla is NOT as BIG as GM/Ford/Chrysler/Toyota is....and it DOES happen to Toyota and GM and Audi and Ford to wait for parts!!! Someone who prides themselves on a job well done also understands that things sometimes are out of their control... But...someone who claims that are in the industry should ALSO know HOW the industry works... Im in the restaurant industry...but because IVE bought MANY cars in my life...and ACCIDENTED MANY of those cars...I ALSO know how that works just because I have BEEN part the system as a CUSTOMER MANY times OVER!!! From insurances to dealerships to insurance adjusters that dont want to make the repairs with geniune GM parts and the dealership fighting on MY behalf with WAWANESA and warranty claims and recalls and stuff...
  9. YOUR argument that is... A parts supply issue... NOTHING to do with CUSTOMER SERVICE...YOU said it YOURSELF, that even if the car was shipped to a service center... Dude...an freakin electric window motor had to come from Germany....3-4 months...the lady drove her Audi...in Montreal winter with the window down....for a freakin electric window motor... BLU....the more you complain about stuff, the more I see you as a child... PS: You still did not say why your client did not take the car to Tesla... Situations like these and Im sure Tesla has loaners... Hell, I used to get loaners from GM when my cars were in the shop longer than what was supposed to be....free of charge... That would be between MY dealer and myself...but still...CUSTOMER SERVICE is what THIS is about.... He decided to come to YOU....WHAT are YOU doing for YOUR customer now that his Tesla is out of commision....had he brouht HIS car to Tesla....well...I dont want to assume anything....but Im sure he would be driving a loaner Tesla....Parts availability is a fickle thing when it comes down to companies that are less than General Motors, Ford, Toyota manufacturing...
  10. So...if the parts are delayed....what difference is it compared to mainstream makers? I know of a family who had to wait 3 months for an electric window motor that had to come from Germany for her 1994 Audi...back in 1996 or something... I had to wait 7-8 months to fix a recall on my 2013 Ford Fusion... What a joke your dilemma is...
  11. Im not insulting YOU, nor your profession, nor your customer... FACTS are FACTS... Tesla Service Centers EXIST!!! For YEARS now....DECADES...Mr. Goodwrench has MARKETED his way AROUND the Cooter types.... The Cooter types have been OBSOLETE since OBD II came to be... So... YOU want me to BELIEVE you and feel SORRY for your customer? 1. You still did not reveal what it is your fixin' 2. When in 2015, Camaro owners take their car in and have Mr. Goodwrench take care of whatever is ailing their Camaro and dont trust Cooter anymore, then Tesla Model S owners should be doin' the same...when they dont...they clearly feel the red tape that is involved... Hell...when one leases a car...and the oil changes have NOT been made at a dealership....one has to produce the PAPERWORK that PROVES the RIGHT OILS and the RIGHT INTERVALS were made! And THAT is on SIMPLE OIL CHANGES!!! So... 1. I KNOW you are hiding ALL the truth fro us as you have NOT divulged to us what is the REAL problem... 2. Like I said....the owner of that Tesla HAD an option that would have actually seen the REAL customer service....that owner wanted to circumvent the ideal situation to fix his car...that owner feels the pinch of bureaucracy... PS: crappy bureaucracy is crappy bureaucracy anywhere...and I dont feel bad for him...nor you.
  12. I do...that is why you are behavin' like a child again... Like the last time... So...is YOUR garage Tesla Certified? Probably NOT!!! 1. You never told us what you is fixin' 2. A suspension part? 3. the electical motors? 4. A front fender? It dont matter even if its a simple front bumper clip replacement...or a trunk latch... Like I said...Cooter is OBSOLETE when it comes to the Model S...sure...one could work on a simple front fender and do the job themselves...a garage is not even needed...but why even go down that road? One decided to buy a high tech machine...one could go to a Tesla Service Center... Hell...even a Chevrolet Volt owner takes his car to Mr. Goodwrench...
  13. You are NOT the buying customer to have witnessed Tesla customer service... And the reason why is answered via my question below... Question. The people that own that Tesla that brought it for YOU to fix it, why didnt they just bring it to a Tesla Service Center? I really dont care for the answer... This aint the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, heck 1990s anymore... Cooter does not have the right tools to work on high tech stuff... Like he did when he worked on the General Lee... You know...one does not work on a Model S like one worked on 1960s muscle... grab a hammer and start pounding... So...maybe Tesla does not care about those owners as its clear that the owners dont care for their own car... Or Tesla does not do business with garages that are not certified... Is YOUR garage Tesla certified? Besides... There does exist Tesla Service centers... I dont wanna hear how Tesla Service Centers are expensive....the Model S is a 100 000 DOLLAR car! Besides...Tesla also gives you a loaner Model S... Does YOUR garage give your customers a loaner? I bet if the people have insurance only... You wont find any sympathy from me with those people...so YOU could spin it any way you like...
  14. In pictures...I aint feeling this front end... But when seeing one in person...live and in the flesh.... WOW!!!
  15. That is what I thought...It would be cool to have a Ford branded USB key...but...I could live with out it.
  16. Drew...would you be so kind and offer me the Ford USB press kit? Thanks. On second thought...forget it. Thank anyway.
  17. The awkward moment when I realized that Skyfall and Taken 2 have a similar action sequence (one movie is using motorcycles and the other is using old fashioned humans running) using the same exact location... Its an even more awkward moment when I still refuse to call this location by its current name...
  18. Das ist gut , ja? I think it is. Good on Chevy for this mixing and matching.
  19. What a hot mess this is! 2 cool cats from Montreal! The musicians...not the cars... The cars...just plain SUCK!!!
  20. I guess they could keep it as a Genesis brand. Maybe re-work it so it could become more luxury coupe than 'pony car' as its stands now.
  21. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2015/11/03/vw-emissions-irregularities-gas-mileage-fuel-economy/75101432/ Even a gasoline engine is been said to have cheat status...an engine that is not available in the U.S...the 1.4 liter 4 cylinder... OMG... And Porsche just announced that it voluntarily will cease to sell the diesel Cayenne. Over at Audi...its business as usual...for now.
  22. Me too. And finally...with Genesis as its own brand...they will. I read that even the Equus sedan from KIA will become a Genesis model. Of course some tweaking may have to be made to polish them up...buy hey...what manufacture has 100% completely flawless vehicles? The dealership network would be shared with Hyundai dealerships.... That is OK...Unike Lexus, Acura and Infinti who started their dealership network independently from their lesser counterparts from the get go...hey...it works for Buick...
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