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Everything posted by oldshurst442

  1. I get the reasons why some of these CUVs exist. Especially over their compact sedan equivalents. But sometimes, the CUV selling point doesnt match reality. What you state in the following quote: is a reality in plenty of scenarios for various reasons many times for many people. And CUVs arent necessarily more safer than their sedan equivalents either. Definetely not more fun from CUVs like the Encore or RAV4 or whatever appliance CUV you want to mention. I get that your average compact econocar sedan aint fun either, but econocar sedans also came in coupe form that added some kind of flavour. I also understand that those fell out of favour as well, and THAT is why I quipped about being an amoeba. CUVs just lack any kind of human emotion. I do see reasons why CUVs should exist in an automotive landscape, no matter what world market, but in the North American market, for whatever reason, North Americans have given up...on life. They gave up on choices. Gave up on the joy of living. Got sold on pathetic marketing of overselling needs.
  2. Ill answer you both (@David and @Drew Dowdell) with a song and picture like I did previously. For humour. About cars being dead one or two decades ago and about choosing the right tool for the job. Same answer for both. Buying one of these: Tell me you are alive and kickin' without telling me you are alive and kickin'! I aint disagreeing with what both of you are sayin'. But its quite sad that we once had these vehicles at our disposal to only have lifeless, joyless pods to roam around in. Its just a render...BUT look at all the fun the FWD sedan could bring us.
  3. Its a CUV.... Regardless if its a Buick or a Toyota. Buying a CUV pretty much tells ME that YOU are an amoeba rather than a hot blooded, full of life, energy and emotions human being. But that is just me. It could be just about any other CUV...but since this is about I feel numb! EXACTLY!!! Numb and dumb!
  4. Possibly new Lambo to replace old Lambo And for this possible new Lambo to replace the old one, Im happy for the Corvette C8 because the way the Chevy designers stylized the C8, they ended up with a forward thinking design DESPITE what some haterz were saying that the C8 is ugly or overdone or whatever they were saying... Similar pointed nose. Similar front end air ducts. Similar kind of air entry in front of the rear wheels. One is CLEARLY Lambo DNA while the with the other, one could see faint Corvette DNA. Hey...the Corvette evolved greatly... Now...Im NOT saying Lambo copyed Corvette, and Im NOT saying that the C8 is NOT European mid-engine mainly Lambo inspired, because it is...with a touch of Corvette in that Euro/Lambo inspiration with a small dab of Ferrari as well. What I AM saying is that Lambo has ALWAYS been aggressive and arrogant with a smidgen of boyracer. Coincidentally, Corvette too, has ALWAYS been aggressive and arrogant with a smidgen of boyracer and when Corvette went mid-engined, the C8's styling has at least been on par with what is going on for Italo-exotics and not in a past tense kinda way...but in a future kinda way. And THAT is a good thing for Corvette going forward in the future. Pure modern, as in the last 15 years at least, Lambo rear styling. With a GREAT way to place the exhausts!!! Hopefully that styling exercise makes it to the real thing. Two very very different rear ends...but...the Vette gets some hate for having Camaro taillights. *SIGH* The Vette rear end IS busy, maybe TOO busy, but regarding the lights, what I see is taillights that emulate what Lambo has been doing with its tailights since a long time. And I actually PREFER those so called Camaro lights. I believe that the classical round Vette lights wouldnt be jivin' with the new mid-engine look... The one thing I do not like about the Ferrari rear...is the quad lights. For me...it doesnt work. For me...this works more And I see what the Corvette stylizers were aining for...and I approve. Let me remind my readers that Ferrari is the Italian exotic car brand that I prefer over Lamborghini. Just wanted to point that out.
  5. I got a mixed bag of emotions regarding this one. The song and group are fitting for this...because the Stones are British and the styling of this EV sure seems to be of the British roadster type. I love the Stones and I love this EV. However...I dont like the front end styling of it. Dont like the grille and there is something about the headlights that I dont like. I cant put my finger on itIs it the black enclosure? Is it the plain jane circles? Is the oval enclosure awkward? I do LOVE the fenders and the way they bulge and the hood scultpured the way it is. Only If the grille was a different shape. I dont like the backlights. I dont like the fact that they are protruding circles, but I do like their placement and the angle of them in the back. Im not entirely enamoured by the styling of the back end, but its not too bad either. I LOVE the silhouette and I LOVE the interior. Those gauges are awesome. Very elegant. I love the supposed statistics but I dont really like the price tag. Definetely roadster for me!!!
  6. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/rooting-super-bowl-lvii-says-194400008.html Whether you’ll be rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles or the Kansas City Chiefs this Super Bowl Sunday, how well you score with your financial habits might be tied to your preferred team. Indeed, a new survey found that, for example, Eagles fans are more positive about their finances — but Chiefs fans are better at having emergency savings. Really? Because I...as a Dallas Cowboys fan, its more like Im rooting for the Chiefs to win this Superbowl because well...PHOQUE the Eagles!!! But hey...with all the useless false information and disinformation today, why not schlub this shyte on top of all the other shyte we read on the interwebs. Oh...what an anticlimactic way to finish the last 8 seconds. A couple of nothing plays to only to Hail Mary it falling short by a country mile to an empty field with nobody around for miles... PS: Im suuuuuper happy that Mahomes gets his 2nd in 3 appearances and possibly on his way to maybe making a run to try to catch up tp Brady... Anyway...Troy was 3 on 3. Just sayin'.
  7. @ccap41 I dont follow any racing leagues. I know of certain things that go on so Im not completely in the dark, so bare with me and my opinions. I may hit the head on the nail on some things and my opinion of it might sound reasonable, but othertimes I may be waaaay out on left field and my opinion on the matter will be quite wrong... I know that Indy car uses a 2.2 liter turbo V6. I just informed myself that with hybrid assist is coming for 2024. I know that IMSA in the former GT class with Corvette has a 5.5 liter limit with I think is a 560 horsepower limit. The class that Cadillac competes in also has a 5.5 liter limit and I think the RPMs are also limited but the horsepower levels are allowed to reach 700 horsepower? or something like that. In NASCAR...there is a 358 cubic inch limit, it MUST be a V8, up until recently it had to be carbureted...and I think on a few race tracks, the engine is also limited on horsepower. Anyway... Cadillac does NOT build its own racing engines. They are corporate engines. General Motors corporate engines. BUT...the truth of it all, its Chevrolet V8s... The V6 in Indycar is a Chevrolet. Buick and Oldsmobile actually built race engines for Indycar and Nascar but those days are long gone... Another point I want to say, and correct me if Im wrong, and to the other things I just said, is that even in IMSA, the 5.5 liter V8 is not a pure Cherolet design 100%. Corvette racing and Pratt and Miller have designed that engine and its not 100% based on the Chevrolet Small Block. The C8-R engine WITH the Z06 engine are as close to each other as ever... But in years past, when the 6.2 liter was in the Corvette, the C7-R used a 5.5 liter that was not necessarily the same as that 6.2 liter. The LS7 from the C6 Z06 shared many parts with the C6-R 7 liter, but IMSA changed the rules and had a cap on displacement. OK...with all that said and done, GM racing on the whole would NOT have a hard time designing a Formula One 6 cylinder with hybrid assist as GM racing on the whole has a lot of right now experience in developping and racing many TYPES of engines. 358 cubic inch V8s 5.5 liter V8s 2.2 liter V6s Indycar is as close to Formula One as they could get in many ways. Although different in many many ways, not so different that they couldnt engineer a V6 with hybrid assist ON THEIR OWN WITHOUT the help of Alpine. I understand their reasoning to go with Alpine for 2 years. Maybe its for the fuel effiency requirements of F1 that are different than Indycar's? I understand the concerns for the Formula One owners. (Now that you have pointed out important information to me) I also do NOT understand why they would want to use Alpine engines for 2 years as they have the expertise and know-how from Pratt-Miller, Corvette Racing, Andretti, Indycar WITH the help of Honda no less. I also do NOT understand that THEY do NOT understand the very MARKETING implications that YOU have pointed out BY going with Alpine for 2 years. That decision WILL affect Ultium in the marketplace by GOING with Alpine and by NOT being an Ulitum powered race car. Those last 2 statements seem similar but are 2 different things. Have a race car NOT being powered by your brand and being powered by a competitor is NOT a smart marketing move...even for 2 years... With that being said, imagine what the racing grid could be like when the Euro racers and fans and announcers and IN the paddocks where ALL the Euro-snob owners are realizing that Ford AND Cadillac are beside them ON that aforementioned racing grid... Now imagine us North Americans IF on racing day we KNOW that a Ford powered F1 car and a Cadillac powered F1 car is leaving Ferrari and Mercedes in the dust?
  8. Ill be back for this. Id like to continue our chit chat. I got to to go to work. I agree 100% BTW. I like the fact that we are on the same page. I like to hear more of your opinion on this...especially considering Ford is going racing in F1 and all what the entails regarding Ford in F1, regarding Ford VS Ferrari and Ford VS GM (Cadillac) especially if Andretti/Cadillac will not be accepted but the possibilities of what happens in F1 if Andretti/Cadillac become a team. To bring American rivalry to a European entity while at the same time flaming an old rivalry with Ferrari must be a very exciting time for FoMoCo and its fans.
  9. I did not know that. Many things I did not know of...or more honestly, didnt put the effort to inform myself proper and spewed off an opinion. For whatever reason, I ignored and thought that the new engine tech and rules would be applied after 2026. I...have modified my opinion vastly in this regard concerning the power unit issue. I now AGREE with the Formula One owners to question Cadillac and GM as to why they wouldnt want to engineer power unit of their own. Everybody, like you said, is on equal footing in 2026. The same learning curve for everybody. It looks like we are both on the same page though, regarding this whole thing with F1, the FIA, Cadillac and Andretti. Its a mess with the F1 owners and the opposite opinion that the FIA seems to hold, and admittedely, its a mess with Cadillac and Alpine with Cadillac wanting to use someone else's engine tech for 2 years.
  10. I first heard this song in the movie The Full Monte. I had rented it on VHS one night. Like I had done with many movies back in the day, but I digress. I was instantly enomoured by the song. It was before google, but I managed to find out who sang the song...Hot Chocolate. At the same time, I found out that Hot Chocolate had another hit song. Disco. I knew this one...and I liked it then. It played often on Montreal radio way into the early '80s. And Im listening to it now, again, for the first time since.maybe the early 1990s? And I find that I STILL like it!!! Back to You Sexy Thing. It must have been in 1999 or in 2000...a Eurodance version was released. And I was proud to know that it was a remake... And it also jived as much as the original. I bought the single CD and was BLASTING it DAILY in my OLDSMOBILE ALERO. I MISS THAT CAR!!! Nothing special, but it also was!!!
  11. I understand 100% on why you dont like an Alpine powered Cadillac F1 car, even for a couple of years. I share the same sentiments. But its a faster learning curve. F1 bosses ask what Cadillac has to offer, but Cadillac asks the same of F1. Cadillac and GM need a return of investment as well. F1 engines and the computer contolled suspension technologies are not the same with the other General Motors racing leagues that GM is involved in. To engineer a 1.6 liter V6 Formula One engine from the ground up and be succesful with it getting a couple of podiums will take a looong time, let alone to have it be reliable... Corvette Racing in IMSA , Cadillac Racing in IMSA , and Chevrolet in Indy and Nascar with the "Camaro" already have the tools and software to analyse what engine speeds and RPMs are necessary in the curves of the specific race circuits. What suspension tunings are needed at the various race tracks etc... So that learning curve WILL be done by the Cadillac race team WITH Andretti and his team's expertise. Its the knowledge of what kind of 1.6 liter V6 engine is needed to compete on the FIRST day of RACING DAY that Alpine's involvement will be needed for those first two years. Cadillac has the expertise to whip an engine just like that, but when Mercedes and Ferrari and all others are waaaaaay past engine development and are at the stage of trying to cheat the rules is where a new team, not only Cadillac, is at a disadvantage. I liken that situation as how the NHL does its expansion teams. Each existing team gets to protect a certain amount of forwards and defensemen and 1 goalie. And the expansion team picks the unprotected players from the league and gets to have a competing team from the moment the puck drops from the expansion team's first game. What is an expansion team to do? Suit up also-rans, has-beens and 18 year olds and years of finishing last to rely on draft picks? It wouldnt be fun for the expansion team's fan base to see their team lose and lose and lose and lose some more for 4-5-6...10 years before the expansion team could field a contender? IMSA, when Aston Martin and then with Ford, sandbagged the other racing teams so that the newcomers have a chance to win. Im sure Mercedes or Ferrari wont be thrilled by having restricter plates on their engines to restrict horsepower so Cadillac could have a chance to win if Cadillac were to engineer an engine on their own for the first year... To put it another way...I as a Bruins fan...was PISSED to have lost Jeremy Lauzon to the Seattle Kraken. Or Colin Miller to Las Vegas. But...as a hockey fan, it was fun seeing Las Vegas go to the Cup final in the first year or seeing the moves they made to be competitive 2 years later. Ditto for the Kraken. The Kraken are not too shabby. Sucks for teams like Anaheim, San Jose and Vancouver... But hey...Seattle and Las Vegas had to pay a shyte load of money to the other NHL owners. They have to fill the seats with fans. Wouldnt be in the interest of the rest of the NHL, the NHLPA, the Kraken and the Knights to have the Knights and Kraken lose and have the new stadiums empty if the NHL operated as how Formula One seems to want to operate... Not eloquent what I said. Possibly too long and wordy. I had a great way to explain myself yesterday...but the site was down... You guys get this post instead...
  12. Thanx for all that info. I knew Red Bull was a team. And I knew they had other engine builders in their young ownership group. What I knew was the partnership between them and Honda ended. What I just learned from your post a day ago was that Ford was their new partner. What I didnt know was Ford not needing approval. But since Red Bull was already an F1 ownership group, the slice of the pie wouldnt change no matter who Red Bull chose to partner itself with. I understood the slice of the pie getting smaller for the F1 owners, and I get and sympathize with the F1 owner's plight regarding that, but Toto Wolff, the Mercedes F1 boss' reasoning AND questioning what Andretti and Cadillac could bring to the table is asinine. Why? 1. Andretti (and Cadillac) would be the ONLY real LEGIT American Formula One team (there is 1 so called American team...but it aint so American...) and Formula One WANTS to EXPAND the US racing circuit. They want MORE races run in the US and they want MORE American fans watching these races... Andretti AND Cadillac WOULD expand their wishes EASILY. Andretti is an AMERICAN RACING FAMILY LEGEND not only in Europe, BUT ESPECIALLY in the USA. CADILLAC racing against Mercedes and Ferrari in Formula one? Are you kidding me???!!! Doesnt THAT excite American racing fanatics????!!!! If THAT doesnt excite American racing fans...NOTHING does... NASCAR has been invaded by Honda and Toyota lets not forget... American racing pride to go alongside IMSA's Corvette and...Cadillac no less would be GREAT for F1... 2. Cadillac has General phoquing Motors backing them up. General phoquing Motors... Of ALL the racing teams in Formula One now, General phoquing Motors has the MOST money to SPEND on racing engineering... And I guess THAT is another reason as to why they dont want. In no time Cadillac would dominate. 3. They question GM and Cadillac on how GM's (Cadillac's) tech could benefit...anybody. But I KNOW Mercedes knows that GM has Corvette Racing in IMSA along with Cadillac and GM has Chevrolet doing NASCAR and Indycar... And I know Wolff and Mercedes KNOWS that GM racing tech is LEAGUE leaging in ANY racing circuit. So to repeat...Mercedes has been winning in F1...Cadillac would in no time disrupt that winning. 4. Wolff questions Cadillac's engine building and questions why Alpine would supply Cadilla\c engines... Well...Alpine would only supply Cadillac 2 years. The time for Cadillac to enter Formula One and the time for Cadillac to get the feelz for Formula One racing... 5. I think Ferrari and Mercedes are both peeved and Andretti for reasons that I dont know... and are using those shytty reasons to block Andretti and not necessarily Cadillac.
  13. I actually like the silhouette on this. Like I have stated plenty times already, it seems like OEMs are designing their CUVs to be more sedan-like. We maybe finally going away from the sport utility styling and back to sedan styling again. And I applaud ANY effort that does away with the crapastic classical CUV stylings. Change the type of headlights in the front for an LED cluster package system that we have today and the Eagle hasnt aged one bit... However...cant Toyota figure out how to do decent front ends? Honestly!!!
  14. Im excited for this!!! I was excited for Cadillac and Andretti too. But that quickly deflated. I havent heard any news for THATannouncement, Im assuming the F1 owners REALLY dont want Andretti so they completely denounced him and went with Ford and Red Bull instead.
  15. The footage not being the same as the audio really doesnt matter. Both situations are a testament to how awesome all three folks involved are. The footage pilot, the 17 year old pilot and her instuctor.
  16. Intersesting tier GM will have set-up. Pouch for the upper level, to achieve higher ranges to differentiate with the lower cost EVs on cylinder. And...economies of scale for cylinder production so if and WHEN solid state becomes legit, transition to solid state with cylinder format could be achieved. best of both worlds to not only compete with Tesla, but SURPASS Tesla in monies saved, transition to solid state AND to achieve greater ranges for now as Tesla will be using the cylinder battery. Interesting indeed...
  17. Its called a sarcastic post. Read it again, but keep in mind the sarcasm part. It will hopefully make sense to you, as an anti-Mercedes rant, and you could have a chuckle or two about it.
  18. @smk4565 GM has learned a very valuable lesson... Cadillac is NOT phoquing around with their image anymore. You may NOT believe that Cadillac is serious about being legit. fair enough as it took them long enough to stop jerking around... But this time its truly legit. https://www.thedrive.com/news/gm-has-delivered-more-cadillac-lyriqs-in-january-2023-than-in-all-of-2022 This slow trickle of deliveries is not because of a lack of production, to be clear. As GM Authority previously reported, the Detroit automaker actually built 8,195 Lyriqs in 2022. The slow rate of deliveries is because GM allegedly wants to be sure that the vehicles, which were developed much faster than usual, don't have any widespread issues. That's part of the reason why the company ran its "Cadillac Lyriq Ambassador Program," which tracked the behavior of a small number of new buyers to evaluate early builds. This was done with the owners' permission, of course, and they received a discount on their electric vehicle as compensation. The production will be ramped up in 2023. There is a STRONG demand for the Lyriq. The Lyriq has sold out for 2023. Orders now are going to be delivered in 2024. The Jalopnik site says that Cadillac has got 21 000 sure orders but the interest for the vehicle is 250 000. Cadillac wants to convert 10% of that...so 25 000. Like I said...Jalopnik reports that Cadillac has 21 000 FIRM orders. But the Jalopnik article was written in June 2022. Cadillac is ramping up production and Cadillac has NOT specified the amount of production that the Lyriq will actually achieve. Maybe 20 000 untis will be delivered, maybe 200 000. We will have to wait and see what will happen and THIS time next year we will know... https://jalopnik.com/the-2023-cadillac-lyriq-is-sold-out-1849098857#:~:text=If you want to buy,to wait for the 2024.&text=We may earn a commission from links on this page.,-The 2023 Cadillac&text=It's official%2C the 2023 Cadillac,you're out of luck. The company has not revealed how many pre-orders it received for the Lyriq, but Automotive News reports that “about 250,000 people have expressed interest, with 21,000 so-called hot leads.” But 38 000 units sold for the Bolt, a last generation tech EV that has been introduced in 2017 that was deemed as a compliance EV that was too small, too ugly, too shytty to be a competitor to a Tesla is STILL selling in impressive numbers is not bad. Not bad at all.. The Bolt EV and EUV will be discontinued as SOON as the Ultium Chevys come rolling down. Again...not sure if regular people know this, but you and I DO know this because we follow car news. Ill repeat...38 000 units sold for a compliance, old tech EV is just icing on the cake for GM until the Ultium platform kicks in. Which is this year and full on 2024. Remember, GM's plan to cease and desist on ICE does NOT really kick in until 2030... GM got time. OH...you know that GM did announce an 850 million dollar next gen V8 investment. GM has got money to secure another generation of V8 pick-up trucks JUST in case the Ultium platform is not up to the task for pick-up truck duty... YOU read something negative in that... But I read that as GM has got deep coffers right about now and has enough money to NOT shoot themselves in the foot by NOT going all in, in EVs and forgetting that there is a cash cow market in the full sized pick up trucks. And...maybe...even IF the ultium platform COULD do pick-up truck duty, who says that the pick up truck freaks would WANT to buy a full sized EV? The SMART thing to do is to cater to the cash cow V8 pick up truck hillbillies for another generation. ICE vehicles arent banned and arent GOING to be banned in Texas or in Alberta anytime soon...
  19. Maybe they could partner up with another OEM again, not quite struggling but emerging from a struggle just a decade before, call it a merger of equals, and...loot all their great engineering ideas and assets and then leave them to rot... Cant do it with Chrysler again because Chrysler belongs to the Stellantis group. Cant do it with GM as GM is a powerhouse. No need for a merger at this point in time. Cant do it with Toyota... Toyota has cash. Lots of it. Toyota's cash wont allow for a powermove like that to happen. If anything, Toyota will be the one using Mercedes as a call girl... Hyundai/KIA is not interested. That leaves Honda and Ford. Honda doesnt have anything of value...but Ford does. Hey...I got it! Maybe Mercedes could partner up with FoMoCo. Their aging G-Wagon could be based off the Bronco. Imagine the Bronco Raptor as a G Wagon!!! Their Sprinter vans could be merged with the Transit line. And...Mercedes could allow for the development of the next Ford GT...Mercedes could scuttle that program, say that American cars suck, cancel the GT program, take that engineering with them, make the next Mercedes SLS off that prgram, take all the Ford F150 future development plans and voila...Mercedes has a legit full sized pick-up truck to sell and have a cash cow for the next 20 years as they did with Chrysler and Jeep with the SUV craze...
  20. Elsewhere in the world...sure. The Asian and European markets dont seem to be addicted to CUVs and SUVs as much as the North American market is. I think our North American market will detox from CUVs by going through the 'not quite CUV/not quite sedan' phase before going to full on sedans. This phase will probably last a good decade. 1 or 2 car platform generations... But elsewhere in the world, I dont think retro American land yachts will make the cut...
  21. For sure. Ford DOES need more EV products and a more diversified portfolio. But like everything else Ford does, its all hush hush. The Mustang Mach E was a surprise. The Ford GT was a surprise. The F150 EV not so much but still. Both the Mach E and the GT, not only did it surprise literally everybody in the automotive world that they existed and were put to poroduction for sale immediately right after introduction, both products suprised everyone, including consumers as to how good they actually are. Im sure Ford has their other EV products close to their chest and when the time is right, they will come online. Ford does best when no hype is involved. The other hyped cars, the Bronco, the current gen Explorer, the last gen Fusion, all hype and rushed and all kinds of recalls. Mercedes is more of an engineering first company. Their cars are styled accordingingly. I shouldnt fault them for that. Not anybody else for that matter. But...doesnt mean I wouldnt want them to put a little bit of soul into them. I find that when they actually do, they produce some of the finest automobiles in history. When its just logic and math into their cars, their cars just become forgettable. And the EQS and EQE is just that...forgettable. I dont hate them, but...
  22. I dont know what Chevrolet is thinking to do with Corvette branding. Its no secret that I like the idea of Corvette expanding its portfolio and from that becoming more of a brand within Chevrolet. But I am almost sure that Chevrolet has cold feet about that idea. Corvette is 70 years old. It took Chevrolet 60 years to move the engine from the front to the back. And that is a such a small move compared to making Corvette its own brand. And that was with Zora Duntov's idea 60 years ago... Yeah...I dont think Corvette is gonna do a SUV anytime soon. Tadge said so when they released the C8 that as long as he is Corvette's chief engineer a SUV is NOT part of the plan. Plans do change, but like I said, it took Corvette 60 years out of 70 to move the engine from the front to the back.
  23. I really do want to go back in owning a Chevrolet again. If Pontiac and Oldsmobile is no longer around, Im more than happy being a Chevy guy. I like being a Ford guy, but technically Im an Acura guy as the Ford is my wife's car. And I dont mind being part of the Acura family, Im kinda over it. I really like to go back in being a GM guy. Or a Mustang EV guy. Better yet, that Challenger/Charger Banshee really speaks to me, but if Chevrolet could make a similar Camaro as that Banshee, Im back in being a Chevy guy. Chevy dont even need to call it a Camaro. Chevy could call it whatever they want, if Chevy can style an EV sedan with muscle car looks, Im in!
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