So I was home for graduation parties like a week and a half ago. On Saturday night while I was out at a bonfire in the country, my pager went off. It was a medical call for a man that was choking ( at least that is what the dispatcher picked out of the cell phone call that was broken up) The dipatcher pretty much only knew where it was based off the GPS signal that the cell phone sent. So I hopped in the burban and took off, I was only about 3 miles away (luckily, considering that everyone else on the squad would have been in town which was 7 miles away). So I'm first on the scene. As I get there, I notice that it is not a man choking but rather a 10-11 year old boy passed out on the side up the ditch in his fathers arms bleeding from his head. I was the only one there and had only little training with something like this. I got him out of his father's arms and laid down on the ground. I felt for a heart beat, that was regular, then i put my ear next to his mouth. He was breathing a little, but not nearly enough. I checked his throught, he had vomitted earlier and it was blocking his airway. I began to clear his airway as our rig showed up. I then let the EMTs take over while me and a few others took care of other things that need to get done.
Turns out what had happened is he and his little brother had been riding their bikes around their grandma's farm. His grandma had one of those tacky cement deer in her yard and the boy had fallen off his bike and into it and one of the antlers had gone 3 1/2 inches into his brain and then back out again. His parents had been trying to control the bleeding, not knowing what had happened, they thought it was just a cut. I would think they should have known from the gray brain matter on the top of his head, but im not going to second guess what they did because that is not my job. They stayed at grandma's house for about an hour before they decided to head to the hospital. They put him in the van and headed for town. They said the made it about a mile before he started puking and whithin another mile he became unconscious, so they decided to stop and wait for an ambulance.
Once the ambulance got to the scene, they stabalized him and headed to Grand Forks (the largest hospital that is close) They did 5 hours of surgery that night and by the next morning the boy was conscious, was walking around, knew everyone's name, knew the date, like nothing had ever happened. I really think that god was watching over this little boy. Not many people survive that kind of injury. I really do think it was a miracle.