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Everything posted by evok
Let the past be your guide. First GM has not publically stated that the 386 Malibu will be built in Fairfax. Like AH-HA said, GM will negotiate with the local UAW and state to get tax credits and work rule changes/consessions before publically stating where the 386 will be built. As for the name or rename - how about Classic?
Well I do not remember the detail but it was not huge number but what I was told was surprising. And yea rank and file. The degrees were not all in the sciences either, there were a bunch of touch feely degrees.
Years ago I was told this story in reference to a GM stamping plant over in Grand Rapids. I do not remember it verbatim, but because of GM very liberal continuing education with their UAW staff, GM had a number of PhD. working the line, that were earned through GM tuition reinbursment program. In the end, it payed for them to continue what they were doing because the money and perks were better.
BM: Rick Wagoner has driven GM to the brink of bankruptcy. Wall Street knows it but certain "experts" here don't see the loss of over $50,000,000,000 in value as any issue. GM is no nearer to banruptcy than you are to ever seeing your 100,000 grand from GM or your Return to Greatness implemented. BM: Soon GMAC will be gone, a prediction I made here as well. More misinformed opinion. There are better people on this board that have already explained what might actually happen, and there may be more positives in a potential spin off than minuses. GMAC is a lot bigger than car loans my misinformed friend. BM: There's no rationalizing with blind followers and this discussion has become repetitive. The Jim Jones thing is so 1970's. No BM Kool Aide for me. BM: Actually, I was done with this thread until a couple fools felt the need to take parting shots. Again too bad, you could have been an asset to the boards. BM: Thanks to the few of you with more than half a brain. Your welcome. I have something in common with Ayan Rand, we are both *NT*. PS BM, A is not always A. Some of us have actually moved on from that philosophy.
BM: "You're misinformed, misquoting, and furthermore flat wrong. Are you intentionally lying or really that stupid?" I don't need to respond to that. Your record on the boards is proof of that. BM: I only sought money if it worked. That is a flat out lie and fabrication. In your interview with Autoline, you stated you wanted $100,000 as compensation up front, plus 1,000,000 for each market share point increase. BM: Zarrella was never CEO. Wagoner has been for a decade. That is correct, Zarella was VP of NA not CEO but, Wagoner was named CEO June 1, 2000 not a decade ago. BM: He stole from GM under guise of FIat. Jack Smith initiated that deal, under his alliance initiative. In the end and there is some disagreement as to the merits of the Fiat alliance and subsequent break up, but you choose mis-appropriate words for a questionable deal in hindsight. BM: He is bribing the union, he can't figure out how to sell cars. He brought in Girsky for what? He let Lovejoy, Smith and LaNeve lose ten points of share, got crucified in the capital markets, blew long term debt off the scales, lost over $50 Billion in shareholder value and you defend the guy? He shouldn't just be thrown out, he should be tarred and feathered. Just more BM ramblings from BM. Thoughts that lack focus and insight and the continuing rants with no clear message other than to show the misguided folly of the author. BM: Get off my back dude and get some better information and a life to go with it. You're just a trouble maker who doesn't know crap about the car business. No more time for bozos like you. Well, well, many of us have been saying the same of you for months now. It is appearing that the strain of constant criticism on message boards is taking a toll on your mental health. It still amazes me that someone with your retail experience could have been an asset to many of us on the boards, but instead you continue to be a cancer, not only to the boards but probably to GM in wasting their resourses in whatever you are doing to them behind the scenes that you are not making public to us.
How come SingleStylish is quoted and not me. I am jealous. http://www.generalwatch.com/editorials/editorial.cfm?EdID=16 Murder Incorporated Jim Dollinger Wednesday, December 14, 2005 The following are answers to questions posed by a member of www.CheersandGears.com I thought you might find interest in the some of the responses. Return to Greatness really has nothing to do with globalization unless you understand that the self destruction of GM is related to the goals of international money interests, but that is another subject. I would however recommend the UAW to organize globally, but they can't even organize the transplants. The Plan pertains to selling cars. In the words of Denny Crane, "It's that simple". Trimming model lines isn't necessary, we've done enough of that. Some replacing may be in order, such as Roadmaster for Terrazza. Main overlap is in the number of lawyers and bean counters on staff, along with PR redundancy. Unsuccessful vehicles like the SSR do need to go, and preventative measures instituted to avoid another Aztek. Nor do we need to spend untold millions on repeated changes to satisfy Mr Lutz. More millions were wasted redoing LaCrosse than we can ever hope to recover. Names? Lose the alpha-numeric gibberish and restore Camaro and Wildcat. This time, have them represent something, unlike the GTO charade. Styling probably should be done through regional creative centers around the globe, so as to understand and appreciate local trends and desires while providing variety. Technological progress is both inevitable and beneficial. Attempts at hindering such are futile. Retrain workers for new productive purposes. Old Plants? Do you mean like closing Oklahoma just after we spent millions on the body shop? We sell cars and all of a sudden we need productive capacity, problem solved. How about the checks we write TO Gettlefinger through Joint Funds and VEBA? Tell me about the $1 Billion we just set aside to be administered by Solidarity House with their 20% administrative fee? Is that why they call themselves the Administrative Caucus? See www.GreggShotwell.com and www.futureoftheunion.com Read about the Death of the Constitutional UAW by Bill Hanline. Think you've heard of corruption? This stuff will shock you. The rank and file are fed up. Look closely and you'll see the beginnings of a Revolution. Saying Shotwell works on fuel pumps is like calling Walter Reuther a tool and die maker. I'm telling you watch this guy. Retirees should receive everything promised to them and be left to enjoy their days. Market research? See Step 9. Africa/Asia? See Fritz. Zia Jian. Marketing IS the problem. don't cloud the issue. This isn't about politics or foreign policy, it's about how to sell cars. As Keith Crain said a few months ago "All we need do is sell another million cars per year and these problems go away". Wagoner, I believe wants these problems so he can proceed with his scheme of offshore, non unionized production of vehicles distributed through factory owned channels. The workers can't strike if there is no factory, the retirees don't cost anything if they don't exist, and the dealers can't prevent GM distributorships if they are driven from the landscape. This is about stimulating desires through presentations which result in aspirations. Read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" to understand the difference between "Looters" such as those in the Ren Cen and "Producers" such as the wonderful independant franchisees and the thousands of dedicated, hard working employees who daily toil to keep GM at its best. Yet we all suffer due to the incompetence of a few individuals who are not just allowing GM to die a slow death, they are guilty of murder. Who is John Galt?
Your arguments are never consistent, drift off target or you never answer the question directly. Therefore, I understand completely why you never sold your plan to GM management. Not only is your plan weak on merit, your grounds for the plan are not rooted in what troubles GM. Perception is reality, and your Return to Greatness will not change that, only good solid product. Substance, not marketing gimicks will Return GM or any Company to Greatness. The final out come, we all want the US auto industry to thrive and succeed, and for this discussion General Motors. And have a Happy Holiday as well.
Again another dance around, your step referred to the public and not GM employees. Now lets use some logic, how does even GM's empoyee referal plan sell cars on the left and right coast where there are few GM employees to hand the referral out. I am sure if I walked down Dort Highway in Flint I would be handed countless referrals, some of them for GM vehicles, but how does that solve GM's problems on Rodeo Drive CA? Note: For those that do not know, in Flint Dort Highway is a gentlemen's paradise.
Still does not refute my post stating that your step does nothing to return GM to greatness. STEP THIRTEEN: Profit Sharing. At year end, instead of giving our employees a cash award for profit sharing, give them the choice of common stock. Have them become true partners in the company's success. Owning stock would increase the employee perception that they are part of something, and would be more meaningful in the long term than a few dollars easily disposed of. They have done this one for years. Until recently of course.
Elminiating destination charge = leadership, enough said on that point. GMS was sorely needed to trim bloated inventories. GM needed to keep plants running based upon their current cost structure. In case you forgot, GM books revenue when they manufacture a car not when you sell one off your lot. At that point most of the time it cost them money because they have to credit your account for the allowances. It was not a answer to all their problems but it did certainly give them some breathing room in triming inventories and kept the plants running. There are things that could have been done differently that is a certain in hindsight but I do not think GM knew GMS would have been the success it did become. And, with any successful initiative, Ford, DCX and a few other jumped on board in no time. And yes, given that it was such a success, there were many pull ahead sales. But from the data I have, there were many conquest sales. People that would other wise not have considered purchasing a GM vehicle. And from the data I have, a significant majority of GM's retail sales are to GM empoyees, retirees and suppliers aready eligible for GMS. You said yourself on a post to me on cz28, that the GMS did nothing to drive your sales when the program was in place. Why because, there was no incentive in your area to purchase at GMS. First off, we launched nothing, you launched nothing but GM did launch the G6 etc as you state above. The G6 coupe and sedan were launched on time and on schedule. The Lacross was delayed because of Lutz (Needed to happen.), from initial program timing, not because of development delays like the G6 convertible. I do agree that their "product mix" and projections on option penetration is historically horrible. SRX comes to mind. But staying on topic, that has nothing to do with product launch. And to your last point since you keep going off topic, the jobs bank (if I remember correctly on dates) is a legacy of Ford accepting those terms in the mid 1980s as part of one of their restructurings. Because of pattern bargaining, GM accepted that. Though I might be off slightly on timing in my above statement, that is a legacy current management has to deal with because of factors that happened in the past.
Excellent point Croc, dealers are not owned by OEM. And because of franchise laws that are different in the 50 states, it ties the OEMs hand in what they can or can not do.
Good to know that we have a resourse like you on the board. Forward good links when you come across them. This thread turned out to be very informative to me.
Do you fly black helicopters?
You guys have me in tears.
The best marketing is seeing a successful product drive past you. I know I smile everytime I see a Mustang pass me, or CTS or Chrysler 300, or Prius or Escalade. Anybody see a trend?
It appears your math is bad. Go back and recount: STEP ONE: Elimination of Destination Charges. What does this do? And this is going to have the same impact as 0% or Employee pricing for all. This is an industry practice. Let us say, GM did implement this and it was successful and increasing sales 40% like GM S for all, how long before the rest of the industry catches on. This is my favorite: STEP SEVEN: Annual Model Change. This is big. Sloan came up with this idea for a reason. It evened out the seasonal fluctuations in sales. Whoever got the bright idea to come out with a car whenever it's ready really did not understand the car business. How many of you remember the anticipation of the fall's New Model Introductions? Let's return to the regular release of new products after Labor Day, and return a sense of order to the business. These days we're selling three different model years side by side. That is very confusing and damaging. Some things should never change, and this is one of those things. As I said 6 months ago, there is a lot of cost associated with this one. Resource allocation, certifing vehicles to FMVSS, the 1950 are gone. It just is not practical. Current method distributes the launches evenly as well as the workload. This point alone will cost BILLIONS to implement.
STEP THIRTEEN: Profit Sharing. At year end, instead of giving our employees a cash award for profit sharing, give them the choice of common stock. Have them become true partners in the company's success. Owning stock would increase the employee perception that they are part of something, and would be more meaningful in the long term than a few dollars easily disposed of. They have done this one for years. Until recently of course.
As usual a half truth. You forgot to mention in your previous post, GM employees can hand out referrals but currently not the general public which is the basis for your bullet. Your bullet refers to anyone receiving a referal rebate coupon if it leads to a sale of a GM product. Also, GM emplyees have been handing out GMS friends and neighbors discount for years now.
STEP FIIFTEEN: Referral Savings Account. Similar to the GM Card (another crisis), GM announces a program to accumulate savings of $50 for each referral who buys, or leases, a new vehicle. The referral must be disclosed prior to delivery, and would be similar to what we commonly refer to as a birddog. The account holder could then cash the savings in at the time they take delivery of their own unit. Lets see how this applies to the average person. 1 referral $50/48 months = $1.04/month saving on a payment. 10 referrals $10.40 100 referrals $104.00 = $5000 off the purchase price. Do you understand what an adminstrative nightmare this would have created for the company. Someone has to keep track of all those coupons. Throwing more money after bad to me.
And how would this apply to a resident in CA? How does this attract new business. Seems this just applies to someone that wants a cheap Pep hand me down. STEP FOURTEEN: Executive Cars. Quite often, GM executives turn in their factory demos for sale with the odometer just under the next price discount level. This practice is both frustrating and annoying. The inconsiderate action toward fellow employees, and retirees, is inexcusable and unacceptable. GM needs to announce a policy of driving the unit to the next mileage category whenever the driver is within say 250 miles of the next price break. How can the company promote unity when a few individuals think they are being cute? I've seen units turned in three miles short of the next discount, more than once. What does this do for morale? And how would this one apply to a non GM employee? I think GM's problem is attracting customers that do not work for the company? STEP SEVENTEEN: GM Card. This was one of the best programs GM ever had. That was until someone decided to take earnings away from eligible GM family members, and thereby alienate thousands of employee cardholders. Many people swore off GM for the move. Some form of retribution needs to be made. Consultations with the legal staff could result in some form of program to attempt to bring those lost, back into the fold. This one too. STEP SIXTEEN: Free GM Smart Care Maintenance Agreement to all GM Retirees. This 36 month/36,000 mile program would offer free recommended maintenance to all GM retirees. The benefit would be great in the number of customers brought in for dealer service. This group of people has tremendous purchasing power, and exerts a large amount of influence over their family members’ buying decisions, often contributing financially to the transaction. Also, increased showroom traffic by our service customers, would lead to increased sales to those individuals, and to others who feel more comfortable buying when there is heightened activity. Almost every point would not attract new business to the company and hence would not return GM to greatness.
Actually from what I have seen from GM you might not be so far off in concept. Think of it this way, what if your home was powered by a fuel cell?
So are you our resident expert when we have oil questions?
http://wired-vig.wired.com/wired/archive/12.07/oil.html http://www.syncrude.ca/who_we_are/01_02.html http://www.osern.rr.ualberta.ca/Images/old/AOSM_Full.gif
Selling cars and understanding the business are two different things. If you really did have a firm grasp on what's going on in this industry, your Return to Greatness Plan would have been accepted by GM and shortly followed by the rest of the industry. But, that has not happened. Ford, DCX, T, H etc, have not adopted any of your points since they were released 6 months ago. I remember how fearful you were about making them public but they have been for some time. I also believe there was talk of copywriting them. Maybe, you 20 pts just will not work or show us the data you have compiled outlining why you plan will work. I assume you met with LeNeve and presented him more than 20 bullets! Pursuade us with facts.