Maybe you do not know this, maybe you do. People regard you, guionM as an insider. I have been elluding to as much for many months now. As a result, you need to be careful how you post and what you post. Why? many people hang their hats on the very words you write as fact.
When if fact you might be speculating or you might not understand the subject matter fully and reporting the facts as you see it, those facts as you may see them have many time been taken out of context and mis reported.
So I will be a forth right and blunt as I can be. Be careful what you write. If you want to be labeled as an insider you have to take the responsibility that goes along with that.
In your own reply back to me about Buick and Pontiac you obviously have already taken information that you have learned out of context. As I said, you have been labeled an insider. It is time that you start reporting information in an accurate manner.
Speaking of Pontiac - program codes with timing are all I need to believe. And I chose to post responsibly on such subjects. As far as Camaro is concerned, I also posted responsibly, and nowhere did I make such claims as you attribute. And I have not spoken on the subject in real long time. In that regard I have tried to be a moderating voice in the rumours and pie in the sky timing you have posted. I have been around this business a real long time to know the way it works.
In conclusion, being a so called insider comes with a little responsibility.