I'm going on three weeks since my fiancee of sorts left me for an online romance....I haven't even recieved one call to see how I was doing, if I was going to be ok, if we could talk about it and us and what brought this sudden split up. It just goes to show you when people are greedy and only care about themselves they go from one sugar daddy to the next until they're old and wrinkled and then either have to deal with being alone or settle down with someone who might not even be in the same league as some of the people they may have burned over the years. For the last two and a half weeks I've gone from thoughts of suicide, to f@#k you and everyone else mode, to straight out "ok gotta try to pick up the pieces and move on" mode....to where I am now, which is just miserable and lonely. When you have your heart ripped from your chest in such a way as these situatuions often do, in my life I find it very hard to function on any kind of social level, I become a recluse and rarely speak....I haven't been out of my house more than 4 times in nearly 3 weeks. It is a horrible feeling to feel empty inside/dead inside....I'm just trying to figure out a way to move on.