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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Lovely color, agree with Ocnblu, MORE PICS PLEASE!
  2. See this is my point on electric. It fits your needs and expectations. As for me it fails to meet mine. This is the problem with electric cars as it is today and will be till more advanced charging and batters are perfected. While some folks are fine with the slight lifestyle change waiting for a charge most at this point in most parts of the country are not. This is the big hang up in this deal. I expect things to improve but until the electric option offers the same things as what most expect or experience with a Gas powered vehicle most will stick with it. I get all the time just take a 30-45 min piss but for me and most travelers here between the oceans we drive and we drive now. Many people here in Ohio jump in the car and only stop to fill the tank all the way to Florida. Lets be honest there not much to do in Big Chimmney WV or Elja GA on a Wed afternoon. This is why I clearly believe gas will remain a major option into the future. Electric will continue to grow as well as other options in other applications. Only government regulations will change the speed of change and that would not go over big with any election so I expect they will let nature take it course. This is also why Chevy offers the Volt. It is the answer to those in the middle on this deal that want a electric car around town but still would like to travel in a normal fashion. If not for the price I would be interested in a Volt myself. I like the new one but for that price I would buy a Camaro. Sorry I am not a big Eviro guy. I am all for not dumping toxins in the water and such but I am not for damaging or economy by killing off power sources that we have not fully replaced yet. I tend to balance the environment with the economy as it can be done with cooperation on both sides. Also these folks who want to ban meat due to cow farts. Screw em I am going to grill a steak right now. LOL! Agree on the Cow Farts, I love myself a grilled Steak as well as all other forms of Protein. Vegans can go blow their veggie butts out elsewhere. Steak medium rare for me! I have stated in the past that I think the best thing GM could do is use the VOLT power train and put it into their whole product line. I would love a Suburban with a 100 Mile battery pack for city driving and a generator for long distant driving. I view all EV's for the most part at this time to be inner city transportation and to give clean air to all those that love to eat on the sidewalk next to the belching traffic. I am a suburban boy who loves to get away to the mountains to play. I understand what you are saying is a balance between the tree hugger and the commercialization of commerce.
  3. LOL how is this even a statistic?!?! Who actually went in the field to gather this data?!?!? Thought you would like this: http://opendefecation.org/ Plus this Report http://riceinstitute.org/blog/new-maps-which-country-has-the-most-open-defecation-in-the-world/ Reuters covered this also. http://in.reuters.com/article/uk-health-defecation-idINKBN0DO1CC20140508
  4. Interesting NOTE is that most of the parts come pre assembled from Germany or China and then the basic over all finishing job of putting the modules together is in the US. This was ENGINEERED in Germany, Quality of the interior and exterior was decided by the German Corporate headquarters, the sign off was by the German leaders, The american worker bees built it to the GERMAN Masters Spec and Instructions. As a German myself, I believe one should take responsibility for the product NO MATTER where one builds their product. German Company, German Engineered for the most part, German Leadership, I expect nothing but accountability by the leaders for their great and poor products! So DO NOT BLAME AMERICAN WORKERS! If you feel that strongly about German everything, then give up your American Citizenship, MOVE to Germany and love them like Crazy! As a 4th Generation American, Pure German Heritage I respect Germany, But will Support America FIRST! I will also Defend this country for the Freedoms of our constitution even for people who cannot seem to View the Global Economy world we live in and that companies go up and down and live off their name more than quality products. Not every product can be the best from one company and the goes true even for GM or your Precious MB. Not everyone will work hard or do their best, that is why you get managed out for poor performance, but I have BEST INTENT that most want to do a quality job and quality work. SMK DO NOT EVER BLAME AMERICAN WORKERS AGAIN FOR QUALITY when workers all over the world build crappy products and MB has done this more than once in building subpar products!
  5. Either way you look at this, it is a win win for the planet and our lungs!
  6. Also, who makes the tune for you. I didn't see any pre-tuned tuners for a Ranger(like my Escape). I would have to pay somebody to make a custom tune to go with the tuner. Very true, who does the tuning and their experience with it. I also know both SCT and Superchip retire products as OEM auto's change. I cannot get a default tuner package for a Suburban from the 90's but they do still have the data and as such usually for a small fee will create it for you. I myself grew up wrenching on more auto's than I care to think about but still enjoy playing with the tune. Give me an open sourced chip and tuner and I will be happy to play with the tune! That is one thing that scares me the most to mess with, the computer's tune! lol I never plan to toy with the tune. I'd play with shift points and firmness and such but not the actual timing and stuff. It just freaks me out how much I could mess up. That is true, but if you always back up the original tune you can then play with it and if you F it up majorly then you just reflash and your good as gold. Remember baby steps just like working out, tuning a car is always in baby steps forwards or back.
  7. Not sure why but the web site for MB is weird as today the package is higher than it was the other day I compared them. Plus for some reason I cannot add the trailer hitch without loosing the electronic safety gear my sister wants. Strange, but no matter how I look at it, when you put the name aside and compare basic Facts, the Buick Wins hands down over BMW and MB. Or MKX? Not sure if size-wise it stacks up but it starts at 38k so I just assumed it was the competitive Lincoln. Yes looked at the Q5 as well as the MKX. She did not care for the styling or the layout of the Q5. The MKX was a good choice till it died on her on the test drive. Had plenty of gas but just stopped and had the engine dummy light on. At this point she made the comment, Fix or Repair Daily is still the moto at Ford? Was quickly off her list to consider. Will say that the last 2 months have been a drive of CUVs in trying to help her narrow it down. At this point I think she is set on the Envision. Only thing holding back now is the finalization of her divorce first and then a new auto to start a new life. Yeah that would leave a bad taste in my mouth as well, the MKX. That's good she at least tried both of those out as well. Cannot hurt to try on too many cars when they are that large of an investment. My Dad had an auto repair business growing up so had the ability to see plenty of what was always coming in for repairs and the changes from manufacture to manufacture. The one thing that has always stuck in my mind that my dad said: "Every OEM builds good auto's, just some biuld better than others and this changes from year to year and over time." Testing everything out there and comparing them is the only way to do this and this long comparison has clearly weeded out junk and less than true rated quality.
  8. WOW, You have swallowed the WHOLE OCEAN of Koolaid. You need to get out and really look at the Buick Envision. The interior and Exterior destroy the GLC. That Hard Plastic poorly assembled german JUNK is way over priced compared to what you get in the Envision. Yes Buick is not focused to compete against MB, but here they destroy MB GLC. MB is in denial if they think they are better than what Buick has built. After comparing them back to back, anyone can see that Buick is a superior auto. Go out and test drive, take some pictures and post a real review as I have done before you pound the MB is superior drum. I have clearly compared them and MB FAILS in so many ways. Now your just pounding the Badge is better than Buick Marketing Fluff that is a LIE!
  9. Back on Topic of Fitness: Suav, you need to NOT do stomachs everyday. Remember, the stomach muscles are also used in many CORE exercises and as such need time to recover like any other muscle. It is best to do your situps and crunches every other day. If you want to shape down your sides to lose the donut ring then do Oblique muscle exercises in the off days from stomachs. Here is a great video showing a decent set of abs exercises that covers both various crunches to the stomach area as well as oblique exercises: Good Oblique Exercises Scott's videos are some of the better ones out there. Check him out on YouTube for help with other exercises.
  10. I'm not sure if you're talking in general or if you were referring to the image but that image is India. You are so right, I quickly looked at it and thought Africa, but it is india. I would imagine it holds true for Africa also. Having traveled to India, it is amazing the garbage and dirt everywhere. I minimize my trips to 2-3 a year for work as the place is just crazy, but I do love the food. India & Africa =
  11. Not sure why but the web site for MB is weird as today the package is higher than it was the other day I compared them. Plus for some reason I cannot add the trailer hitch without loosing the electronic safety gear my sister wants. Strange, but no matter how I look at it, when you put the name aside and compare basic Facts, the Buick Wins hands down over BMW and MB. Or MKX? Not sure if size-wise it stacks up but it starts at 38k so I just assumed it was the competitive Lincoln. Yes looked at the Q5 as well as the MKX. She did not care for the styling or the layout of the Q5. The MKX was a good choice till it died on her on the test drive. Had plenty of gas but just stopped and had the engine dummy light on. At this point she made the comment, Fix or Repair Daily is still the moto at Ford? Was quickly off her list to consider. Will say that the last 2 months have been a drive of CUVs in trying to help her narrow it down. At this point I think she is set on the Envision. Only thing holding back now is the finalization of her divorce first and then a new auto to start a new life.
  12. Also, who makes the tune for you. I didn't see any pre-tuned tuners for a Ranger(like my Escape). I would have to pay somebody to make a custom tune to go with the tuner. Very true, who does the tuning and their experience with it. I also know both SCT and Superchip retire products as OEM auto's change. I cannot get a default tuner package for a Suburban from the 90's but they do still have the data and as such usually for a small fee will create it for you. I myself grew up wrenching on more auto's than I care to think about but still enjoy playing with the tune. Give me an open sourced chip and tuner and I will be happy to play with the tune!
  13. Hyper I can totally understand your take on the short battery life, but since I bought the trio of products I have 3 batteries and each battery lasts 75 min plus according to the manufacture with many people saying they get 1 1/2 hours per battery. Each device comes with a battery and charger, so I have 3 chargers. I can only do one thing at a time so the fall leaf blowing is a No Problem. Use one battery, when used up, swap out and put it on the charger, it will be charged by the time I use up the second battery, but if I still do not want to go back to the house to swap and charge, I can have all 3 batteries with me and just change them out. This gives me a total of 3hrs and 45 min of blowing time at the minimum. By then, I am more than willing to put them all on the chargers and go take a break and get something hot to drink and eat. By the time I finish, I have recharged the batteries and can go back out for another near 4hr blow time. Also, I am shocked at how quiet the Weed Wacker and Blower are. I used to have gas and always wore ear protection, then moved to corded electric which sucked with moving the cord but was quieter but still required ear protection. With the EGO products, they are so quiet I need no ear protection and can actually have a conversation. I am really impressed with the quality of the product.
  14. My understanding is you will get a small bump but not too noticeable in performance without a performance exhaust and cold air intake to go with it. If you are wanting it to maximize MPG, then yes, forums are showing a decent take on this. Either way, you can get just a little more snap out of the ride and or better MPG. Whether it is worth it is up to you. I personally love customer tuners on all my rides as I can get the motor really smooth running. I do not worry to much about MPG or Performance as I want a responsive, smooth running ride. I have superchips and like SCT they seem to do a decent job. It is all about what you want out of the tune.
  15. Incorrect, it is user error, not mechanical error. The shifter works as it should. If they don' get it in park it warns them in 4 ways. 1. it shows the gear it is in on the shifter. 2. It shows the gear i is in on the instrument cluster.. 3. there is an audible warning chime if the door is opened while not in park. 4. it actually says vehicle not in park in the instrument cluster. A tragedy? yes. Sad? yes Mechanical issue? No Totally agree, these new shifters require people to pay attention to what they are doing and yet still give tons of warnings. So clearly some just do not pay attention. Over all sad loss of life.
  16. I love this Steering wheel and the nice 10 / 2 position for the hands on the bird wing cross member. Over all this could be done in a modern 21st century fashion I believe with air bag still and be so different than steering wheels of the last 20 years.
  17. Not sure why but the web site for MB is weird as today the package is higher than it was the other day I compared them. Plus for some reason I cannot add the trailer hitch without loosing the electronic safety gear my sister wants. Strange, but no matter how I look at it, when you put the name aside and compare basic Facts, the Buick Wins hands down over BMW and MB.
  18. GLC 300 4 matic equiped like a Buick Envision Premium II package less the trailer hitch you cannot have without giving up a wide range of electronic devices my sister wants equals $ 59,615 with less rear leg room, less hip room, less head room plus much less in other areas. Less HP, Less Torque, Less, Less, Less, in way to many ways. Plus I was totally cramped in the GLC 300 and lisa also felt like a sardine compared to the Envision. Envision truly give MB a run for the money in many ways. Envision Premium II has everything including the trailer hitch for $50,240 In my opinion, this is one place that MB fails and does NOT live up to the value of the Buick. Even the BMW X3 came in at $55,520. Only BMW and MB folks who thumb their nose at the Envision without looking at it will never realize the value and quality GM put into this. This is also my concern for Cadillac if they really do not step up the game, China driven Buick could surpass Cadillac. Do not trust me, go check out an Envision yourself. It surprised the hell out of me what you get for a fully loaded Envision Premium II package.
  19. With various Turbo options, you could have Twin Turbo V6 across the whole GM family! Just make sure the newest and best in the Cadillac Family always first!
  20. I recommend holding off as there is a ton of updates and new models coming over the next year. My gut tells me the auto companies are going to clean house on old tech / parts to then release far superior products. Plus why not save a bit longer and get a nicer auto that lasts longer than to get some instant gratification now. Just IMHO. Agree, in today's market, why the hell still have rear drum brakes when there is clearly superior products that the competition use in this same category.
  21. Yes splatters suck, but happen with algae. Africa has the worst sanitation in the known world. We might have started on that continent according to evolution but I am sure glad to not be there.
  22. It is not irrelevant as Electric will improve but it is not going to take over the entire industry in all areas. It will still take all variations of energy to meet the needs and desires of customers. While technology will improve we are still decades from infrastructure that will meet the needs to most people. Hell there are still many places with out cell coverage yet today and will not have it in the near future. Not everyone lives in a metro area. I don't think it is unrealistic to think that in 2050 every new car sold will be electric. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen in time. Electricity is more readily available than gas also. And electricity has better performance too. Cost is the obstacle, eventually they will overcome that. To be totally honest there will be a place for many forms of power. Electric will grow but unless there is some major advancement in charging times and ability to charge just about anywhere. Electric cars to many owners are life style changing to live with them and until that is handled it will remain a hurtle. When will these changes come. Next year? 10 Years or 75 years. You can not predict advancements. More money is going in and will increase the odds but there is no way to predict it. As it is most market watchers that are stable and intelligent agree that Gas will still be a part of the market for a good time into the future unless the government out laws it like some EU countries are trying. Just received my EGO Electric Blower, weed wacker and lawn mower today. http://egopowerplus.com/collections/products All are pure cordless electric and uses a 56V Lithium-Ion 7.5Ah battery. The battery recharges in less than 30 min and yet I have over an hour of use in the lawn mower or almost 1 1/2hrs of use in the blower or weed wacker. I love who quiet they are and yet how fast they get the job done. Truly some companies are figuring out how to get a battery recharged fast.
  23. For a moment, I was scratching my head as to which Volkswagen model equipped with 2.0L TDI would get $44,000. Then I remembered the Audi A3 is also involved. Yeah, I actually just talked to a lady I work with who has an A3 and she took a trip last year and averaged 52mpg. INSANE mpg. I guess that's possible when it's an engine that isn't compliant with regulations..lol Yep and Hybrids are hitting that MPG now so Diesel is gonna have a hard time justifying itself for dirty exhaust for high mpgn when a Hybrid much cleaner can do it.
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