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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. My SS AWD Trailblazer has one, it has a Performance Division metal plate on it, underneath is sound deading material plus funky vents that flow air from the top under and out the sides to take away heat. This is not from mine, but the web, you can have GM plastic or there is a company that builds a Carbon Fiber one. I was told by one engineer friend at GM that today's engines use the cover to help with warm up time so it gets off the high emissions of being cold and the engines are designed to deal with the heat better. Interestings thought.
  2. Toyota should just kill off the Prius line and roll it all into their existing products. No reason to have it as they did kill their other line. SImplify and put all the Hybrids and EV's into Toyota and call it a day.
  3. GM should have been doing this under their Chevy label years ago.
  4. Yes that happens some times when on the freeway or a main road, otherwise Tesla has a repair van yes still ICE come to you at your location, repair and get you on your way. Far more flexible way of getting your auto repairs and back into use. He has said he hates that they have to use ICE for service and towing but until they can cover those segments, he is accepting it. Still hates it though.
  5. You really are ignorant of EV motors, they DO NOT all sound the same, they DO NOT all drive the same, If you spent any time educating yourself to at least understand the EV auto, you would find that every EV maker has clearly built a motor with it's own distinct sound. Just as Harley Davidson's Live Wire electric Bike has it's own distinct sound from the other 20+ bike builders as well as the Chevy Bolt compared to a Tesla both have their own distinct sound. Quieter Yes, All sounding the same? NO Just a whole new world of sounds to enjoy and take in. Killing the Human Spirit, WOW you really are digging for every reason to resist change. This has expanded the human spirit and improved social behavior. Technology has allowed humans to communicate and work with each other in ways never before achieved. You complain about the Amish comments and yet you are not willing to expand your mind to understand the point being made of growing oneself to improve yourself and what you contribute to humanity over all. There is so much to learn and experience. It really amazes me why you fear them so much as you attempt to bring up every excuse to hate them when you clearly have not even done research to understand them. The ability to have time with other humans where you can have a conversation in your auto rather than be drowned out by the noise. Automation of driving will allow people to interact more while in transit, The ability to work, plus do things even I have not thought of yet is what is great about the evolution of the auto industry. I doubt very much that someone driving a ZR1 on a driving enjoyment road is really having much of a conversation and most of the time when I see Enthusiast out on a road driving trip much like bike riders, they are alone enjoying their aggressive driving, not socializing with others. That might come when they are stopped at a rest stop or place to eat. Socializing then, I have seen more Tesla Clubs out socializing with families and kids than I have seen at the Porsche or Corvette clubs. So based on my own observations, the Destruction of Social Behavior by isolating us is what has become from the Corvette and Porsche clubs where you have individuals focused on themselves rather than others. Harley Davidson Livewire Sound.
  6. @ocnblu Trying to help you out, here is the Semi Truck platform they show in the video. Interesting that someone did the math to try and figure out the Semi truck battery pack size. Course Tesla says 400 miles in 30 min of charging. Recharge while you unload your freight.
  7. No there is NO ICE in the Tesla Semi or Roadster. Just watch the official Roll out video I have posted in my story on the Semi and Roadster Ocnblu. They are pure EV. Musk hates all things ICE and would never allow it. You can watch both Semi's come into the show at the opening and the roadster unveiling along with the take off. Tons of torque is amazing to watch. As I have posted pictures but also in the video you will see that they cover the truck, no room for an ICE generator or anything as with the Roadster. Pure EV.
  8. I think Tesla is making Porsche rethink everything about EV auto's and Plug in PHEV. What was new thinking and thrown out after doing various exercises is back as new due to competition starting to nibble at their main lunch table of customers.
  9. I see they updated the web page, the reservation price for the Roadster is now $50,000 dollars not the $5,000 that was posted last night and mentioned in some other stories. Guess Musk wants only serious people to reserve a Roadster. Have to say, I am impressed with his marketing strength. https://www.tesla.com/roadster/ If he gets his initial 1,000 reservations that is $50,000,000 infusion into the company. Interesting that the Semi reservation is less at $5,000 per Semi. https://www.tesla.com/semi/
  10. One cannot say we live in boring times. Technology is allowing us to finally put our dreams into reality and with that make the future an exciting place of new job creation, new product learning etc. I was talking to a friend who has a son that said he wanted to become a mechanic and this friend wanted me to talk to his son and convince him to become a computer engineer. I told my friend that there is nothing wrong with becoming a mechanic if that is his passion. My only suggestion is to focus on the future of where auto's are going and learn all he can about electricity, EV powertrains and how to troubleshoot EV systems. That is a future job that will replace many mechanics who do not want to go beyond ICE auto's. Future mechanics will be more like computer service repair people. They will need to troubleshoot the electrical system and be comfortable with electricity as they change out parts and repair the electrical systems. I do not see a loss of mechanics, just a change in the type of work they do. The future is exciting for those of us that embrace change. Like the early 1900's custom coach builders, think of all the possibilities for customer auto's as OEM companies move to skateboard platforms that will allow for an easier time to customize an auto.
  11. Wish I could give ya a upvote and a laugh vote as you nailed it. Sadly we cannot fix stupidity or as I like to call it, a lack of common sense.
  12. Agreed, I really hope that Cadillac jumps into EV's with a proper roadster and SUV/CUV Performance level. This could take the V label to a whole new level of Damn! As I stated in another thread where Drew talked about Cadillac easily holding off the Navigator by updating the interior and tweaking the exterior. I stated an AWD EV Escalade would truly put Lincoln, MB and BMW in their place. I really hope Cadillac surprises us this auto show season with some EV concepts / production models.
  13. EV World Podcast about Electric autos in UK in 1959 and today! Llewellyn_King.mp3 They cover how Harrods used electric vans to deliver groceries to the wealthy in the UK and today they are now using the newest EV vans from Nissan to deliver groceries. A very interesting podcast to listen to and hear this man talk about the history and why this time EV's are here to stay. ev world story
  14. Nothing Like Torque Baby, I have yet to see a Diesel auto with that much torque. So totally agree. I hope either as an Independant or with a new CoOwner that Tesla gets these new products to market sooner rather than later. I think they have some very cool products.
  15. Tell that to the medical community that sees plenty of overweight out of shape humans that strain their back reaching for stuff over lips of car trunks, truck tailgates, etc. Very surprising the amount of medical problems caused by it. You would be amazed also how much of personal injury happens from pushing and pulling stuff especially over a tailgate. OSHA has stats on this. They say 36% of all back injuries are from improper lifting and lack of ease in getting items into and out of trucks, cars and other delivery formats. Amazing reading the statistics OSHA has compiled on back injuries. Until you posted your statement CCAP41 I also gave it a grain of salt feeling till I started to go through the various OSHA and other gov web sites.
  16. Forgot to mention in the video they also show the following images and talk about making a Tesla Semi pickup truck and making a regular size one so your Tesla Semi Pickup could haul your Tesla Pickup.
  17. LOL, too funny that we both wrote up stories about the Tesla Semi. I also wrapped in the Roadster 2.0 and posted Tesla release images. Very cool I let ya merge the two into one story Bill.
  18. 15) Very True, stop pumping out New Orleans and let the city move to higher ground as it is a waste of Tax dollars to pump out a city below ocean level. 16) While I agree on principle sadly some humans are very destructive and need the push to a better way of life. We see this all over. We continue to pay to the native americans and yet they are some of the most destructive people I have seen when it comes to Mother Earth. Just visit reservations to see how destructive some are to the land and water. I agree personal choice should still be personal choice. I have no desire to force Ocnblu to buy an ev. 17) I disagree with this one as planning can always change and if we do not plan, we will fail. You can see way too many societies that got complacent in where they were and failed and died. Improving oneself and society should be always on everyone's mind. 18) I get your point and to a certain level agree, but society also changes as technology brings better ways of improving and supporting life. Nothing is forever is one thing I have learned from being a business owner.
  19. 12) I get this point, but also want to point out that a supportive government for improvement in quality of life invests in the R&D and through this we have gained many benefits. Just look at Nasa and other investments in research. 13) Totally understand this point, lucky for us many around the world are already supporting and regulating yet with that said much is still left to be done. 14) I get your point here and agree up too a point as I feel humanity can and will change and regulate for the betterment of survival. I am an Optimist!
  20. My Response to this. 1) True, keep vintage auto's that truly have value as is, but I can also see powertrain conversion to EV and to me that does not diminish the value of the old auto, just makes it better. 2) Disagree here, EV Bikes have superior torque and will replace the dirty noisy bikes. Just time to improve the battery pack I hate all Harley's other than their Live Wire EV Bike as they are way to loud and police refuse to enforce noise laws. 3) Disagree, again EV has proven to have more torque without the dirtiness of 2 stroke. Monster energy has started to sponsor EV dirt bike teams that are killing the competition. 4) Agree, but I think since many Train engines use electric motors with diesel generators, the change over to LNG generators is happening fast and this is being pushed hard by Warren Buffet who has invested heavily in the train industry. 5) Shipping is actually more electric than many realize, they will NOT convert the existing boats, but new boats are being built with electric motors and LNG or low sulfur bunker fuel generators. LNG seems to be the near term future as more and more ports install LNG refueling systems for the container ship industry. 6) Totally agree, have stated this that in many 3rd world places with unreliable electric grids, petro will be the main source of auto needs. 7) Agreed, He is right on this. 8 ) Agree here but plenty of work is being done to get us alternative fuel planes. Seems bio jet fuel is far more planet friendly. Boeing has this as an option and Alaska Airlines uses Bio Jet Fuel on the west coast. smells more like french fries than the traditional plane jet fuel smell. Could explain the increase in food sales on their flights. 9) You so nailed this! 10) Totally agree, no way to replace the liteness of plastic containers even though I think Glass is superior. 11) I get this, many people are set in their ways and get scared like ostriches and stick their heads in the ground rather than embrace change.
  21. Simple, less back strain of getting things out when you do not need the tailgate down. Easier to dump bark, rock, dirt, etc. out of the bed and not have to deal with a dirty space between the tailgate and bed to close. Many advantages to this. With that said I can also see a high failure rate especially by just normal people who do not take care of their auto's.
  22. Tesla Unveils Tesla Semi Truck and Roadster 2.0 Tesla did a full unveiling of their Tesla Semi last night, showing what the Power of Electric Powertrains brings to the Big Rig World. With a center seating position for superior visibility, a Frunk on the truck and two passenger seats behind the driver, you have a Semi that can achieve 0 to 60 in 5 seconds for the Cab versus 15 seconds for a traditional Diesel cab. Under full load of 80,000 lbs, Tesla Semi can go 0 to 60 in 20 seconds compared to a Diesel Semi at almost 40 seconds. The Tesla Semi shows why electrification is the future as the same Diesel truck, 80,000 lbs cannot hold more than 45 MPH on a 5% grade hill. Tesla Semi can maintain a 65 MPH up the full 5% grade hill. Tesla also anounced that their trucks will have two options, 300 mile battery pack and a 500 mile battery pack. Most Semi's travel no more than 250 miles a day making the Tesla Semi the quietest and best solution for inner city deliveries as well as inner state transportation. Allowing for deliver and return to the hub with no charging needed during the trip. The Cab also has adjustable wings, this being the back section of the cab to handle all types of trailers old and new. Tesla Trailer is totally flat with superior storage capacity under the traditional trailer maximizing airflow around the whole truck, giving it a coefficient equal to a Bullet. Diesel Trucks have a Cd of 0.65 to 0.70, Bugatti Chiron has a 0.38 and the Tesla Semi is 0.36 Cd. The truck has autopilot and a 1 million mile warranty for the powertrain. Cost of the truck is recouped in 2 years compared to a Diesel cost including fuel and maintenance. Tesla put together the following operating costs: 100 mile route (A-B-A) 60 mph average speed with 80,000 lbs. GVW, $2.50 per gallon Diesel or 7 cents per kWh electricity price. Diesel truck is $1.51 per mile. Tesla truck is $1.26 per mile. They also compare it to rail transportation when you do a Tesla Semi convoy, they beat rail in price per mile. This is all attained with four independent electric motors and can be driven by anyone with a normal auto license since there is no gears. Check out the video below for full views of the inside and out of the Semi. Surprise announcement was the all new Roadster 2.0 This is what I would call sex on wheels, Tesla has really improved and delivered a fast 2 door sports car that anyone can enjoy. Tesla Roadster 2.0 Specification 0-60 1.9 seconds, 0 - 100 4.2 seconds with a quarter mile of 8.9 seconds certified and a 250+ MPH top speed. You get 3 motors, 200 kWh battery pack (620 miles) and 10,000 nm Torque (7,376 lb-ft) in a 2+2 configuration even though Musk does admit that you would not put people in the rear seat. Production 2020, taking pre orders now.
  23. G. David Felt

    Tesla Semi & Roadster 2.0

    Tesla Released pictures of the New Tesla Semi Truck and Roadster 2.0 sports car.
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