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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Guess when I test drove it last friday, the impact was not there as the XT6 rode like any other coil / shock auto. Was not impressive to me of a luxury isolate the world ride. Thanks for the info.
  2. Interesting in rewatching this video, so I wonder if the airbags are like those found on semi-trucks, firestone airbags? Also the fact that the shocks stiffen up tends to make me think Magnaride, so you have both firm ride for spirited driving and minimal body roll and yet airbagged to give a lazy boy comfort of absorbing the road imperfections. Very excited to have this come out and try it. Surprised it is coming out first on the Aviator and not the Navigator. Will be interesting to see how Cadillac responds to this.
  3. Very cool, this will be an interesting comparison of Lincolns Air Glide system to Cadillacs Magna Ride system.
  4. At least they are trying to keep cars going and offer it as a Hybrid. Be interesting to see how many they sell between now and a year from now to compare to the sales numbers of cars that were selling.
  5. Obviously with cutting of products, the money pit of money to spend on whatever MB wants is not true. There are limits and MB cannot and chooses to not bother trying to compete in the Trucks market.
  6. The more people say we cannot do something or everything is already good enough why change, society goes through a major revolutionary change. This has never been more true than in the 21st century with those that say why change when ICE or internal combustion engines are perfect do we need to change to a different power train design? The PNW or Pacific Northwest has been a source of disruptive technology for the last 40 years. From Microsoft, Google, Apple to Intel corporation we have seen technology change the way we live. Tesla came on the scene July 1st, 2003 and has been a major disruptor to the auto industry. In mid 2018 Tesla confirmed that they had sustained battery production of 20 GWh, more than any other auto company in the world. They also stated that by 2019 with their partner Panasonic they would be at 35 GWh of battery production. Since then Tesla has announced that by the end of 2021, they will be at 105 GWh of battery cell production with a 150 GWh of total battery pack output. By now, one would be asking why am I reading about Tesla when I want to know about a 700 mile battery pack? In a word, REVOLUTION using an old technique with a new application. It should come as no surprise that this startup based in Portland Oregon is founded by a well educated PhD team of former Intel, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Citibank and investment capital companies. With PhD in chemical engineering to marketing and finance, this company has been quietly perfecting their battery technology based on using an old tech product that even Intel has moved away from. The 12 inch Silicon Wafer Stack, yes the same thing that was used in 486 / Pentium computers is a perfect medium for energy storage without all the current drawbacks of the current Battery design. Existing EV battery technology has had the following concerns of overheating, catching fire, degrading through repeated charge/discharge cycles and a major issue is the "dendrite" buildup, which looks like stalactites on the battery cells and leads to failed cells and shorter battery life as to why current EV's only have a 10yr battery life. Instead of a two-dimensional surface as is found in today's existing EV battery tech, XNRGI's battery tech is able to take advantage of the three-dimensional surface area of the silicon wafer. Per XNRGI, each silicon disc can have up to 160 million microscopic pores. These wafers are then coated with a non-conductive surface on one side and a conductive metal on the other side to carry the electrical current. The big benefit of what XNRGI is capitalizing on is that the wafer tech, coatings are all taken from existing tech used in the chip industry per President and CEO Dr. Chris D'Couto. To quote Dr. D'Couto, "Each of these little holes is effectively a very tiny battery," allowing a 70 times increase in total surface area for holding power compared to today's existing batteries which equals about a 10 times energy density in comparison to existing lithium-ion battery anodes. The bigger benefit of this battery design is that each pore is separated from its neighbors, eliminating internal short-circuits which results in resisting degradation over time and use. To quote Dr. D'Couto, "When any of those individually fail, the failure doesn't propagate. This architecture makes battery's completely safe by preventing thermal runaway and explosions." In layman's terms this removes the Airplanes refusal to have Lithium Ion batteries in the freight hold of a plane due to potential thermal runaway explosions. End result is that XNRGI Powerchip battery are a safer denser solution for today's demanding electrical designs. Another key benefit to the XNRGI battery design is life, current auto industry designs from Tesla, GM and Nissan is a 10 year battery life before degradation sets in. This is where the rub is in that some owners of these companies auto's have seen degradation set in, in only 5 years. Existing battery life is affected by not only the "dendrite" issue that can pierce the physical separator between the anode and cathode shorting out the battery on top of the other issues of build up much like plaque on teeth that happens with today's batteries. XNRGI uses a non-conductive coating on the silicon wafer that resists the dendrite formation and plaque build up. This ends up meaning that XNRGI batteries are able to offer three to five times the service life compared to today's existing Lithium-ion battery. This means a 30 to 50 year battery pack. Safety and density have been addressed by the XNRGI battery design which brings up a final question by many, what about recharge times? XNRGI Powerchip battery is able to discharge and recharge faster than conventional Lithium-ion cells due to its increased surface area. Quoting Dr. D'Couto, the Powerchip battery is able to achieve from empty 80% recharge in only 15 min. This benefit then means we have two options of how to apply this technology. One you can build smaller batteries that reduce weight making everything from small electronics to EVs lighter and more efficient or you can build for range by increasing the density with keeping the existing weight. Think of a pair of ear pods that will last weeks on a single charge or a cell phone that will last 6 to 7 days of heavy use rather than 1 to 2 days or an EV that currently goes 250 miles on the existing battery pack is replaced with an identical sized XNRGI battery pack and you now have 700 miles of range. Dr. D'Couto states they are working with multiple companies from around the world for including their solid state battery design into various products that will show up in 2020 such as motorbikes, scooters, drones, robots, cell phones and more. XNRGI expects their batteries to show up in EV's that are released in 2022 and 2023 from the auto industry which is due to their extensive testing. Toshiba was one of the first companies to come up with a solid state battery that will be coming out next year in Nissan and Mitsubishi EV products. XNRGI having signed or working on licensing agreements with various companies expects to see their batteries out in products around under limited volume in 2022 with high volume production in 2023 to 2024. XNRGI has put together this video of their company. View full article
  7. The more people say we cannot do something or everything is already good enough why change, society goes through a major revolutionary change. This has never been more true than in the 21st century with those that say why change when ICE or internal combustion engines are perfect do we need to change to a different power train design? The PNW or Pacific Northwest has been a source of disruptive technology for the last 40 years. From Microsoft, Google, Apple to Intel corporation we have seen technology change the way we live. Tesla came on the scene July 1st, 2003 and has been a major disruptor to the auto industry. In mid 2018 Tesla confirmed that they had sustained battery production of 20 GWh, more than any other auto company in the world. They also stated that by 2019 with their partner Panasonic they would be at 35 GWh of battery production. Since then Tesla has announced that by the end of 2021, they will be at 105 GWh of battery cell production with a 150 GWh of total battery pack output. By now, one would be asking why am I reading about Tesla when I want to know about a 700 mile battery pack? In a word, REVOLUTION using an old technique with a new application. It should come as no surprise that this startup based in Portland Oregon is founded by a well educated PhD team of former Intel, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Citibank and investment capital companies. With PhD in chemical engineering to marketing and finance, this company has been quietly perfecting their battery technology based on using an old tech product that even Intel has moved away from. The 12 inch Silicon Wafer Stack, yes the same thing that was used in 486 / Pentium computers is a perfect medium for energy storage without all the current drawbacks of the current Battery design. Existing EV battery technology has had the following concerns of overheating, catching fire, degrading through repeated charge/discharge cycles and a major issue is the "dendrite" buildup, which looks like stalactites on the battery cells and leads to failed cells and shorter battery life as to why current EV's only have a 10yr battery life. Instead of a two-dimensional surface as is found in today's existing EV battery tech, XNRGI's battery tech is able to take advantage of the three-dimensional surface area of the silicon wafer. Per XNRGI, each silicon disc can have up to 160 million microscopic pores. These wafers are then coated with a non-conductive surface on one side and a conductive metal on the other side to carry the electrical current. The big benefit of what XNRGI is capitalizing on is that the wafer tech, coatings are all taken from existing tech used in the chip industry per President and CEO Dr. Chris D'Couto. To quote Dr. D'Couto, "Each of these little holes is effectively a very tiny battery," allowing a 70 times increase in total surface area for holding power compared to today's existing batteries which equals about a 10 times energy density in comparison to existing lithium-ion battery anodes. The bigger benefit of this battery design is that each pore is separated from its neighbors, eliminating internal short-circuits which results in resisting degradation over time and use. To quote Dr. D'Couto, "When any of those individually fail, the failure doesn't propagate. This architecture makes battery's completely safe by preventing thermal runaway and explosions." In layman's terms this removes the Airplanes refusal to have Lithium Ion batteries in the freight hold of a plane due to potential thermal runaway explosions. End result is that XNRGI Powerchip battery are a safer denser solution for today's demanding electrical designs. Another key benefit to the XNRGI battery design is life, current auto industry designs from Tesla, GM and Nissan is a 10 year battery life before degradation sets in. This is where the rub is in that some owners of these companies auto's have seen degradation set in, in only 5 years. Existing battery life is affected by not only the "dendrite" issue that can pierce the physical separator between the anode and cathode shorting out the battery on top of the other issues of build up much like plaque on teeth that happens with today's batteries. XNRGI uses a non-conductive coating on the silicon wafer that resists the dendrite formation and plaque build up. This ends up meaning that XNRGI batteries are able to offer three to five times the service life compared to today's existing Lithium-ion battery. This means a 30 to 50 year battery pack. Safety and density have been addressed by the XNRGI battery design which brings up a final question by many, what about recharge times? XNRGI Powerchip battery is able to discharge and recharge faster than conventional Lithium-ion cells due to its increased surface area. Quoting Dr. D'Couto, the Powerchip battery is able to achieve from empty 80% recharge in only 15 min. This benefit then means we have two options of how to apply this technology. One you can build smaller batteries that reduce weight making everything from small electronics to EVs lighter and more efficient or you can build for range by increasing the density with keeping the existing weight. Think of a pair of ear pods that will last weeks on a single charge or a cell phone that will last 6 to 7 days of heavy use rather than 1 to 2 days or an EV that currently goes 250 miles on the existing battery pack is replaced with an identical sized XNRGI battery pack and you now have 700 miles of range. Dr. D'Couto states they are working with multiple companies from around the world for including their solid state battery design into various products that will show up in 2020 such as motorbikes, scooters, drones, robots, cell phones and more. XNRGI expects their batteries to show up in EV's that are released in 2022 and 2023 from the auto industry which is due to their extensive testing. Toshiba was one of the first companies to come up with a solid state battery that will be coming out next year in Nissan and Mitsubishi EV products. XNRGI having signed or working on licensing agreements with various companies expects to see their batteries out in products around under limited volume in 2022 with high volume production in 2023 to 2024. XNRGI has put together this video of their company.
  8. Sooooooo, MB cannot build a competitive truck even with the foundation from another truck maker. @smk4565 will not like this but I am sure he will find some way to blame everyone but MB and move the goal post again..............
  9. Today, I never left the house, just worked on my large garden and cleaned the bathrooms from top to bottom, ceilings, walls, sinks, toilets, floor, tub, shower. All nice and clean. Just saw my own auto's parking in my driveway or garage.
  10. Yes, heat sucks, was 84 here today, supposed to be the same tomorrow, not till Tuesday do we get an on shore push of air to cool us into the 70's and that is still too hot for me. ?
  11. Best time to clean the bathroom is just before taking a shower, then you end up with a clean bathroom and shower.
  12. Probably 1% of those playing with the configurator will even test drive let alone buy.
  13. It sure cannot be the Cadillac XT5/6. Nice CUVs, but Hyundai is killin them.
  14. @trinacriabob Yup a group of brands owned by the same Doug. https://www.dougscadillac.com https://www.dougsmazda.com/tcd/home/ http://www.dougshyundai.com They also have a Credit center and Doug has his own Dougs web site that points to them all. http://www.dougs.com Pretty funny guy, but driven.
  15. Rivian has started stamping metal for production.
  16. Lincoln Mark LT was sold from 2005 to 2008 US / Canade and till 2014 in Mexico. Cadillac Escalade EXT was sold from 2002 to 2015 for North America. Data from the following web site: http://carsalesbase.com
  17. Only if it is Formula E, I see no reason to waste money on Formula 1.
  18. Just finished a test drive in the all new XT6. Looks much better in person, front end reminds me too much of the Blazer. Get up and go is great, auto really moves for AWD sport edition that I drove. Fit n Finish is very good, just found a few things that most people would not notice. The CUV is very sharp looking and it will sell in decent numbers for Cadillac. Once the front seat is set for me, the back seat I can get into, but I straddle the front seat. Shame for us big guys the interior is so tight. Nav is snappy and responsive, over all it worked relaxing well. Found no problem with the transmission as it was silky smooth in up-shifts and down. They have a winner winner chicken dinner on their hands in a battle for who has the best steak meal. Sad. I will say I am very disappointed in the presentation of the Engine bay. They really should have had a better cover over everything. Also, this would then cover up the single hood strut support point you can see affixed I. The upper right corner to the strut column. I get it that in lower trims this gets a single.shock to hold open the hood, but it should not be there on this cadillac. Have to say this was a very nice fully loaded XT4, but with custom grill package and custom wheel package, $56k is way too much.
  19. At my local Cadillac dealership for an oil change on the SS. Watched them prep this and move it in for sale. According to my sales rep, was traded in for a CT6 Blackwing.
  20. Nope NEVER gonna happen, Toyota is missing a very important DNA link to get a full size Body on Frame truck right. Called Red Neck DNA which is missing from the Japanese society. Without this, they will never understand the individualistic nature of die hard, hard core Truck buyers that will never leave their birth truck for another brand.
  21. I know both sides of my family are german, have never visited the huge felt clan in Missiouri which of all places is weird to me considering that both sides came from the mountains of Germany. I am happy with my life, my local family and have never really saw why some need to know their last 4, 5 or more generations of family. Interesting to say the least. On Depeche Mode this morning as I work.
  22. It is in the same category of MB Vaporware Hypercar thing that has not been made street legal and keeps getting delayed, delayed, delayed and I suspect canceled and refunds issued. If they actually do deliver the auto, it will be to people in countries that do not have emission rules and by then NO ONE WILL CARE as the hype will be gone from this hyper car as everyone will be focused on this Lotus over a petro guzzling global warming auto that cannot idle at the stop light.
  23. Sounds to Voice is perfect now. Only thing to do now to finish the polish is use a diffuser in front of the mic to keep the pop from your voice when you start to speak. This will blend out what we all do when we start talking, the natural pop in our voice. Nice Job Drew, you took a marketing video, added your own twist with a pleasing background music and clear information about the new models. Excellent job, more companies would benefit from a delivery like this over the hyped up fast n furious cut cut cut cut cut puke of info in less than a min approach they are using today. ? ? ?
  24. I think that will be truly delivered once GM has their skateboard platform that will allow an easy shell swap between brands with different software programming and just attach the new carriage to the skateboard and ship it.
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