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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Crazy, went to Costco to get a few things and the lines were unbelievable like it was xmas x 10. All the TP was sold out, paper towels, so much stuff in the freezer and meat section. It was like people are expecting an Apocalypse to happen. It honestly was crazy the amount of stuff people were buying. I can see crazy returns in a week once people get over this crazy virus hording avoiding thing going on. For those with strong immune systems, I see no problem with staying on top of washing hands, cleaning things and keeping distances from those that appear to be sick. I do think this will change the way people gather in the future.
  2. Considering in the past the Pleather versus leather differences, cloth differences, wood versus plastic wood, etc. I have to think there will be more of a difference than what MT has to say, there has been in the past. You also have that huge super screen dash which Yukon does not get. Be interesting to see them side by side and truly compare.
  3. That is where you are wrong, there is more than a styling difference, there is also as SMK loves to talk about on the high end of MB, interior material differences between Cadillac and GMC. Far more differences than I will waste time listing here, but there is if you really have spent time looking at the two.
  4. Yes you could say that if you want to ignore the differences both externally and internally to the auto. That is where the rub lays, MB has to cover all versions from Eco entry level auto to uber luxury auto and tends to try and charge a premium for a plastic coated auto at the bottom level when there are far better auto options out there. SMK pushes an agenda ignoring why Cadillac DOES NOT need an auto like an XT3. So many here have stated with the other GM brands, you have the bottom end covered and Cadillac should focus on mid to full size luxury and not waste R&D resources on the bottom end served by Buick / GMC.
  5. You have just answered your own question as to why Cadillac does not have an XT3. NO NEED since Buick has this covered and Luxury buyers are not interested in such a small micro auto. Only posers who care about a badge more than luxury comfort would buy this and while BMW and MB do not have other brands to sell, they have gone from a Luxury only to covering from cheap entry level to luxury to compete with GM Chevrolet/Buick-GMC/Cadillac. Nothing Else needs to be said.
  6. Yes they do assist you while also increasing the speed one can go.
  7. Need to Import the Coronavirus19 into the country and all will be ok. @oldshurst442 Belated Happy B-Day my friend. Rest and recover. The business can survive a few days without you. As smart as Bone Spurs on his feet.
  8. Damn, this is a sharp looking truck. New 1500 sport edition Ram.
  9. Kicking this month off with a commercial spotting at the gym. Why GM is missing the beat with marketing. Awesome Toyota commercial, they do not have an EV out yet, they admit it as they say EVs today are a great commuter auto. Then they do this: Wanna go places? Check out the biggest lineup of Hybrid auto's. They review all of them and end with their tag "Let's go places" Well done Toyota.
  10. Rematch of Tesla Cyber Truck versus Ford F150. This had me cracking up, talk about crazy power in that half scale Cyber Truck! Tesla won in Court against the tree huggers and has in a very short time cleared all the trees to build their new European Battery and Auto assembly line and design center in Germany. https://electrek.co/2020/02/29/tesla-finished-clearing-trees-giga-berlin/#more-124601
  11. Exciting battery tech is moving forward as RoadRunner, Tesla's dry anode in house battery design out of Canada seems to be making headway as they push to disrupt the Auto world with Auto's on price parity with no rebates by 2025. This is the big push that GM, FORD, BMW and others have all said would come by having $100 per kWh cost of denser batteries to allow the EV to equal ICE and in many ways exceed them. This super dense project will also allow Tesla to move far beyond the 200 to 300 mile battery pack with 400 to 500 mile battery packs at reduced size and weight. https://electrek.co/2020/02/26/tesla-secret-roadrunner-project-battery-production-massive-scale/
  12. Jeep has entered the e-Bike market to compete with GM and others as they have released their Fat Tire all terrain bike. https://jeepe-bike.com/ 40 miles on a Charge for $5,899 per bike. Alternative web sites say that the motor and suspension system based on a Chinese company can have the bike sustain 37 miles per hour. Talk about a fast way to travel if you have dedicated safe bike lanes. In normal road traffice, you might not want to be going so fast.
  13. You must be driving one of those camo craptastic Prius with 52 mpg to get 400 miles in 5 min. @ocnblu forgets he is no different than an EV needing about 8hrs to recharge every day himself.
  14. See now there you hit the nail on the head. Moving away from the cushy grandpa mobile. All those auto's go back in time and to me grandpa cushy mobile is the letter with numbers and yes names. But if your looking at the history, that would tell me that there was more letters with numbers than names and maybe a new name would be better than letter with numbers. IMHO After all I would rather drive an Escala than a Series 62 or W140 or CTS, CT5, etc.
  15. Most Chinese cannot afford a ticket to the US or Europe. As such, South Korea and Japan get ton's of Chinese tourists. Italy is understandable as the rich from China go there for fashion week and brought their Biological weapons bug with them. Sadly, the science has shown that this bug is like the last 3 and appears to be man made. Why a country feels the need to have and use biological weapons is beyond me. Be better than the stupid war mongers in the US and Russia is what I think. But then I am a pacifists at heart.
  16. One would think if your in marketing and doing a competent job, you would know your history. One Would Hope!
  17. Agree that it is interesting. 1965 is when they started to change over to names I see. Though Fleetwood was assigned behind a number before then. I also thought that Mercedes-Benz use of predominately WXXX for so long before changing up with AXXX, BXXX, CXXX, EXXX and SXXX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mercedes-Benz_vehicles Interesting that they had a few FXXX in the 90's but never used DXXX. ? Wonder why? This pretty much proves @smk4565 is wrong about going CT# or XT# is Cadillac coping German brands! ?
  18. I doubt it will get an XT3 as GM seems focused to change Cadillac into an EV brand. They might get an XT3 EV, but I do not see them doing an ICE version. Only thing is I wonder what Names they will use for their CUV/SUV line. We know that Escalade will stay at the top in both ICE and EV form. Other than that, I do wonder what names will be assigned to the EV CUV lineup. THOUGHTS? ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Cadillac_vehicles In looking at this list that covers all names used in production and concepts, I do think I could see the following for CUV names. Cadillac Townsman I do wonder what the EV cars might be called too. ?
  19. I use RainX so I rarely use wipers, the rain just flys off the moment I start moving. Gotta love construction, with the Lite Rail going in here, my windshield got nailed by a big rock and cracked. Now I gotta replace that, but gonna wait till winter is over.
  20. Have not seen a Mercury Mariner in like forever.
  21. Seems Diesel gate is far from over as Porsche HQ is raided to collect evidence. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-volkswagen-emissions-porsche/porsches-offices-searched-as-part-of-ongoing-diesel-probe-der-spiegel-idUSKCN20M1HR Swiss bans ALL events with people gathering in size of 1,000 or more. Why is this important? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-swiss/swiss-anti-viral-ban-on-large-events-hits-geneva-car-show-head-on-idUSKCN20M18O Geneva Auto Show canceled just days before it is scheduled to open. They list how some of the auto companies are going to deal with new auto or concept introductions in the story. Last year 660,000 attended the show, those that bought tickets in advanced will get refunds, but since the Health Department canceled the show, the OEM Auto companies will NOT get a refund. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autoshow-geneva-cancellation/axing-of-geneva-car-show-forces-manufacturers-to-rethink-car-launches-idUSKCN20M1NH In what is called a Squeeze out offer, VW has made a tender offer to buy out all minority stock holders of Audi. VW owns 99.64% of the stock. They want the last .36%. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-volkswagen-audi-buyout/vw-offers-to-buy-out-minority-shareholders-in-audi-idUSKCN20M2XJ
  22. Just like right up to the point you have to refill the empty tank!
  23. Chevrolet has put up a nice 2020 Corvett Stingray gallery. https://www.chevrolet.com/performance/corvette?evar36=eml_chev_adhoc_corvettebarrettjackson_0220_16293324474#gallery
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