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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. True, but now is the time to research and think about where you want to buy at, no matter what, almost 10K down, solid companies will still be a value even if they drop another 10% before going back up. My only thought was to point out, now is the time to consider, research and plan for investing to make money or if you do have cash plus bills at a high interest rate, pay them off and then use your wages to invest to increase your money. Awesome POST, WELCOME BACK, Been too long away and you have been missed!
  2. When looking at that site which I did post in response to SMK, I did not find that, so between the time I looked and you guys posting they must have added the info. Good to know they are invested at a shorter time. Glad they will continue to support F1. Thank you for posting as that is one of @smk4565 problems is running off the mouth with no valid links to back up his apple to orange comparisons.
  3. We are now below where Potus45 took over almost 4yrs ago. Definitely a buy time if you have extra cash to invest.
  4. They have not figured out the exact individual who brought it in yet or are not saying. Just this is ground zero it would seem.
  5. Yet as I posted, Daimler and MB own corporate news site has NOTHING about this. One has to question if it really will happen when their own company web sites do not state this. Questionable
  6. How do you mean intuitively, I found the John Hopkins site to be more detailed. You can click on one of the counteries, get it broken down by region, county, etc. zoom in and out of the mape to get very fine details. Crazy how much details is there. Is it the spreadsheet approach that the worldometers has that you like over the map integrated into a spreadsheet? I am just curious to understand your approach to the web page. FYI, Washington State has just by government order closed all bars, restaurants and any place like a winery, brewery, etc. places that people can gather. Grocery stores will remain open but under management direction to allow people in sparse numbers to shop. Fast food places or restaurants can remain open but only for drive through and take out. All ski resorts are closed, all tourist areas are closed. Pretty much the state is closed down. This is so going to hurt especially those that are hourly paid in the service industry.
  7. For those that want the latest statistics on Covid19, John Hopkins is leading the US charge and keeping track. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/
  8. OK, lucky I found the link to a better covering of this. https://www.essentiallysports.com/f1-news-arrogant-f1-team-pushed-ineos-to-mercedes-for-multi-year-deal/ The weird part is that while I could only find the link you provided above and the one I found below. MB own web site has ZERO Coverage of this. https://www.mercedes-benz.com/en/sports/ https://www.mercedesamgf1.com/en/ Everything that is on either of these two sites is either out of date or if it is on 2020, just related to the most recent F1 races or news of race status. Nothing about a new long term deal or anything more current than a year plus old info on AMG One. MB has plenty of auto's they DO NOT sell here, NOT every auto MB makes is Global. So how is that any different than GM focusing on their two largest markets and not bothering with the others.
  9. Easy, they DO NOT plan to sell the auto there. The Camaro EV will be the global auto.
  10. Prove it with actual links and statements. Daimler web site and MB web site says NOTHING about signing new 10 year deal for F1. SHOW ME THE BEEF? ?
  11. This tends to make me feel more solid about the death of AMG One and their exit from F1 racing as MB has HUGE FINES still to come in their Diesel emissions problem. Right now, I bet Diamlers board is looking at how to save money as they cut loses. That means F1 is dead, AMG One is dead especially since they are having major emissions problems with regular auto's and the FAILED AMG ONE cannot meet emissions. Here is one of many stories that show the Arab counteries are falling inline with Europe emissions and will be removing emission polluting autos from their roads. https://www.constructionweekonline.com/article-49209-higher-emission-standards-reshaping-uae-vehicle-fleets Days of ICE Hyper auto's is over especially when they cannot meet emissions.
  12. AMG One is DEAD, The web site implys that, MB does not talk about it and all links are dead that used to be active. They are cutting everywhere. Too late to the party, this is a product that never should have been to begin with. They should have focused on pure EV like Tesla.
  13. Back in November 2019 Motor Trend did a story where GM hinted at a Hybrid Corvette C8 that would have 900 hp. https://www.motortrend.com/news/c8-chevrolet-corvette-zr1-hybrid-twin-turbo-dohc-v-8-with-900-hp/ Now Motor Trend published this story March 2020 from info posted in the Corvette blogger web site about some interesting points in the fuse box of the C8 2020 manual. https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/autos-luxury/2020-chevy-corvette-c8-owners-manual-might-hint-at-hybrid-model/ar-BB10A6N0 To quote the story: While this isn't unusual at first glance, what piqued the interest of Corvette Blogger is a set of numbers referring to specific functions of each fuse – in this case, numbers 7 and 12. Fuse number 7 is labeled as a Power Sounder Module/Pedestrian Friendly Alert Function and is also called the same thing in the Chevy Bolt. The Pedestrian Friendly Alert Function gives EV cars a sound that can be heard by pedestrians more easily. Kinda like that low hum or buzz in other EV cars that lets pedestrians know that a car is nearby (lack of combustion engine and all). Number 12 is called the Lithium-ion battery module, which is missing in the Chevy Bolt manual because the Bolt uses a rechargeable energy storage system; a totally different hybrid. If true, the C8 Corvette relies on the electric power for brief performance boosts, totally foregoing any long-range electric power. I would have to say that an AWD Hybrid Corvette is coming and damn that it is going to be very cool and fast!
  14. Yes, One has to wonder why MB has become so quiet about the Mythical AMG One and now with them killing power trains, killing models and one off projects, one has to wonder if this will not be killed rather than waste any more money on an auto that cannot meet emissions especially now. I would expect MB to say this project is dead in the near future as they announce other products are at the end of production. Update: Seems MB has moved AMG One Project from a listed auto with the rest to being only on the Concept Show car list now. All links that show up in Google and Bing to interior pages are no longer functional either. This I would take as a sign this project is being killed.
  15. Poor Comet/Maverick, needs some TLC! Love the dog!
  16. Very cool metal work by this Teen, to bad BS rules were made and kept her from winning and getting a scholarship. https://www.thedrive.com/news/32591/this-high-schoolers-incredible-metal-sculpture-of-a-chevy-pickup-shouldve-won-first-place She has some mad skills! Amazing the stupid people in Camaro's and the waste of such lovely high end rides when they crash. https://www.thedrive.com/video/32588/showboating-chevrolet-camaro-crashes-while-fleeing-police-on-angeles-crest-highway Very cool, Hyundai and Genesis just announced they will cover up to 6 months of payments if you loose your job due to Coronavirus. COOL https://www.thedrive.com/news/32590/hyundai-and-genesis-will-cover-6-months-of-car-payments-if-you-lose-your-job-to-coronavirus WOW, Teens in Daddies / Mommies SUV drag racing and crashing big time. WOW ? True, Costco has a two bottle limit in place as it is used by many to build home made hand sanitizer. https://www.diynatural.com/homemade-hand-sanitizer/
  17. Would agree with you that always good to have a week or two of food and necessities, but DO NOT panic. I honestly would ASK ALL to NOT buy masks, leave them for the medical community who needs them to help the sick. As proven, those with Healthy Immune systems do recover fine. Those with diminished immune systems are the one that need to be extra cautious. Wishing you all, all the best on being safe, healthy and loving family, friends and neighbors. Help out where you can, but stay vigilant. Looks like we will need to hunker down and hold off on enjoyment of life till this passes. Might as well take the time to start spring cleaning of ones house and clean everything. Nothing wrong with that. Alcohol 70% or higher kills coronavirus as well as all other germs. Make sure to drink some too.
  18. WOW, Reuters just uploaded a ton of news: https://www.reuters.com/subjects/autos Volkswagen is suspending production at Bratislava plant. Ford is shutting down their Spanish factory for a week Germany just shut it borders with Austria, France, Switzerland Under UE pressure, Germany has suspended gove agency approval for export of all protective gear such as masks, goggles, and gloves allowing businesses to produce as much as possible and export to any country willing to buy. Canada just rushed through ratification of the USMCA trade pact. Tesla $2.2 Billion deal trail is postponed due to Coronavirus. US Dealers are feeling the hit from the virus as they reduce hours and staff due to reduced traffic of customers. Austria ditched their balanced budget as they announced a $4 billion economic aid package to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-austria-deficit/austrian-budget-deficit-will-be-massive-chancellor-kurz-says-idUSV9N286014 France and Spain have joined Italy in imposing Lock downs on the country with inner country movement restricted to combat the virus that has infected 156,000 and killed 5,800. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus/lockdowns-and-entry-bans-imposed-around-the-world-to-fight-coronavirus-idUSKBN21208S Pop will hold Easter service with NO ATTENDANCE by the faithful. Televised only. New Zealand, Austria and Australia have made it a requirement that all arriving international travelers will be held in isolation for 14 days before release into their country. American Airlines is cutting 75% of their international flights and grounding all wide-body planes. China is transferring all arriving individuals to a central quarantine facility for 14 days observation till further notice as the imported infections surpass locally transmitted cases for the second day in a row. Britain is preparing to isolate all people 70 and older, ban all gatherings for up to 4 months till this is over. Argentina has banned all non-residents from entry into their country. Columbia is expelling all Europeans due to compulsory quarantine of 14 day violations by 4 people. Have closed all borders. South Korea is now also subjecting all visitors to isolation from Europe and china. WOW, the world has gone crazy!!!! ? Got it, when they finally return to all the food taste test to get ya to buy. That Costco Lunch does indicate a return to normal. Sadly, Costco HQ here says they do not see the food court tables that have been removed or the food samples returning till end of April at the earliest. Crazy
  19. 31 of what is now 42 confirmed deaths are from the Living Care Nursing facility in Kirkland. The rest are at other facilities or work places. At one hospital in the south end, an Emergency Physician, Age 40 was just quarantined as he has Coronavirus.
  20. Amazing video of a parking garage that actually is a multi-floor of auto repair companies and a ton of auto's, some expensive and rare that are not being taken care of. WOW https://jalopnik.com/5f5593c6-fc77-4988-b48f-115c845ad3de Love this read on why people need to pay attention to the 4 door Skylines. https://jalopnik.com/you-should-care-more-about-four-door-skylines-1842334914 Seems Susuki knows there is a market for Mini pickups, so the local Suzuki retailers are doing their own conversions to sell new Mini Jimnys Suzuki Pickups. https://jalopnik.com/suzuki-new-zealand-converts-jimnys-into-tiny-flatbed-tr-1842341271 Very interesting read on why all new auto's moving forward just needs to go to sliding doors front and rear. https://jalopnik.com/put-sliding-van-doors-on-all-the-vehicles-1842322962 Have to say it does make sense for ease of getting in and out especially in parking garages. https://jalopnik.com/put-sliding-van-doors-on-all-the-vehicles-1842322962 Another interesting read on why skateboard platforms are a challange and helps to explain why GM has moved away from them. Interesting...... https://jalopnik.com/skateboards-are-more-challenging-than-they-seem-1842317012
  21. Here are last nights pictures from Fred Meyers. I honestly have never seen our grocery stores this bare of product. Makes me think, Depression era, cold war, Russia, North Korea, etc. etc. etc. ?
  22. Amazon just put out a notice that in larger cities, deliveries will be delayed till product comes back in stock on select items and you might only get a partial order delivery. https://www.king5.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/real-time-coronavirus-updates/281-b258146d-219a-40a0-8874-cb0fb4f81ec2 Local news here has updated that Washington State has the most cases in the nation. 40 dead 642 confirmed cases over 4,000 pending results over 8,000 negative results All local ski resorts, sporting events, convention events, etc. are closed till further notice, Supreme court just approved the county purchase of hotels and sites so that King County alone will run 6 different isolation sites from various purchased hotels. These places will have fences erected around them with security and health care workers to insure everyone stays isolated and no one leaves till healed. Kent lost their lawsuit against the county that was wanting to purchase the hotel as a coronavirus site. Over all ugly, and the stores are just crazy vacated on stuff. People really are acting crazy!
  23. Costco here in the Seattle Area have removed the tables, you can still order food from the food court, but must be eaten outside in your auto or take home. No standing around inside to eat. Fred Meyers, part of the Krogers family of stores here on the west coast was normal traffic flow I thought when I went to get stuff for my senior parents and drop it off at their house. Yet the produce had areas empty of product, freezer, meats, dairy, etc. all were pretty empty. TP and Paper Towels were gone. Processed foods area like Campbell soup was heavy empty, boxed food stuff was heavy empty. Bread area was decent stocked, but chips, junk food, etc. was all low. Very weird seeing the stores like this, so cold war, depression like.
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