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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Loved Grumpy Cat too, R.I.P. Grumpy Cat.
  2. Wishing you all the Best in surviving this period. Sucks to be jobless and hope a decent focused on Americans rather than a free handout to the big businesses Pandemic package is passed by the house and senate and signed by the president to help those out that have been most affected.
  3. Had my updated Influenza shot in 2019 during my yearly physical. So while I do not know my blood type, with my workouts, healthy eating for the most part and keeping social distance, I think I am doing good. Only thing that sucks is a family history of high cholesterol. I have mine under control lucky for me. Hopefully I can resist the little corona virus bug. Squash it out.
  4. Seems Men and Type A Blood are the most common for getting sick and dying. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/coronavirus Seems men more than woman are hit hard and JHM has not figured out why but some men end up sterile. https://www.menshealth.com/health/a31265159/men-coronavirus/ Italy is 3 out of every 4 cases are men compared to China where 106 men to every 100 woman are struck with the virus. Course in older individuals, more men again. I think young men need to be very careful if you want kids, protect the family jewels.
  5. Manhattan Island is reporting 100 deaths now. Not so sure dense city living is the way to live. Just saying 1918 influenza and the black plague hit cities very hard.
  6. Seems Gas has hit a new low, 2002 style with 99 cents per gallon at a BP in Kentucky. Most places could see by summer gas averaging $1.49 according to the investment community.
  7. Despite Covid-19 issues around the World, Polestar has started production of their Polestar 2 EV car being assembled on the same production line as the Volvo XC40. https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/polestar-2-ev-production-availability-covid-19/
  8. We were way over due for a stock correction. But now it is just fear selling, fear buying like all the crazy idiots that are buying up guns and ammo with no training. They will probably hurt their family, loved one, friends, etc. before actually defending their home if things got really crazy like the 1918 Influenza death totals and then why would someone want to go into a house where they could possibly catch the virus and die. Just some real crazy stupid stuff going on.
  9. Some very interesting news in the Electrical front: Seems Austria has isolated 53 employees of their electrical Utilities to insure that they keep the electrical grid up and running during this pandemic. This has made our own politicians bring up for discussion requiring electrical companies to isolate employees to insure the electrical grid stays up in this country. https://electrek.co/2020/03/23/egeb-austrian-utility-employees-isolate-us-new-york-state-green-energy-1-billion/#more-127387 Tesla's ELectric Semi truck was spotted coming back from Alaska from Winter Testing. What a dirt covered mess. LOL https://electrek.co/2020/03/23/tesla-semi-electric-truck-spotted-coming-back-winter-testing-production/#more-127369 Seems Tesla has found ways to optimize the battery pack as Musk says they are looking at 600 miles of range on a charge for a fully loaded truck. That is impressive. https://electrek.co/2018/05/02/tesla-semi-production-version-range-increase-elon-musk/ Tesla has committed to Semi production starting in summer 2020 with deliveries to start in the fall. The last interesting bit of info is who would spend $69,500 for a fully converted Classic T1 Samba Bus? This is a converted old VW Vans and they can convert all T1, T2 and T3 Microbus vans. I get that some really love their old VW microbus minivans, but I have to think that waiting for the ID Buzz Microvan that is 21st century EV would make a better deal but I guess the memory of the old vans is just too strong for some in California to not do this too. Crazy but cool too. https://electrek.co/2020/03/23/vw-and-eclassics-unveils-e-bulli-converted-electric-van-available-for-69500/#more-127324 eClassics web site where they are converting various old auto's to pure electric. https://murschel-electric-cars.de/eclassics-bulli/ I use chrome to convert the German web site to english reading. You Choice as it seems you can have them convert the Porsche Classic Speedster, VW bug, VW buggy or VW Samba microbus.
  10. I guess being in the thick of things from both a Big Data storage point in the medical info point and with my background and talking to my sister daily and hearing what is being done and how they are being as protective as possible, I do not see what is so confusing about the facts of we are dealing with a Virus, cleanliness is important, social distancing is important, minimize contact with others at this point till we better understand this virus and the best way to attack it with drugs to help those that are more susceptible to being killed by it. Safety of mingling with family and friends that you feel comfortable around, safe with their personal hygiene and knowing who is and who is not sick is fine as long as people are aware. Using common sense and being alert to those that might be sick rather than just allergies from the spring start up. Example of this is my wife stays home right now as she has bad allergies and sneezes and her nose runs. Yes she takes Zyrtec D to help dry up and control her allergies, but anyone that is allergic to grass, trees, pollen, etc. can understand how the nose runs and the sneezing. Not sick, just allergies, as such so that others do not freak out, she chooses to stay home having me run the shopping to keep things going. I also for the safety of my senior parents who do have medical conditions, do their shopping and drop it off at the front door, then back off and have my mom get the stuff. Just being safe, even though I would love to hug them and give them a kiss on the cheek, just being vigilant in safety at this time for them and everyone else. Just trying to do my part and help others in this time of pandemic craziness. Wishing everyone else a great Monday and start of the week. In other news, have not watched any races as I was out in the yard working to get my garden going. I did find this fascinating as it was considered to be unique, not one of the first Hybrid auto's, but one of the first on 6 Wheels, YUP 6 WHEELS. Built on the Heels of the 1979 oil embargo and Jay Leno's Garage got them to take it out on the road for the first time since 1988. https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1127540_this-american-hybrid-concept-faced-spiking-gas-prices-with-six-wheels Briggs and Stratton built this 6 wheel hybrid. The Hybrid was actually quite advanced—and sophisticated looking—for its time. The vehicle has a parallel drive system, allowing the driver to manually select whether the vehicle is physically powered by the gasoline engine, the electric motor, or both. It could go up to 60 miles, fully electric, at 40 mpg or less in EV mode, with nearly 1,000 pounds of lead-acid batteries and an 8-hp electric motor. Very cool tech as the ICE motor was an 18hp, 694 CC 2 cylinder Air cooled engine with a 4sp manual transmission running on a 72 volt power system with regenerative braking. very advanced for the time considering it was 40 years ago. 3,200 lbs vehicle weight, 68 mph top speed and 30 mpg fuel efficiency. @dwightlooi What are your thoughts on this 1980 Hybrid Auto?
  11. We shall learn soon enough unless GM kills it due to the world wide pandemic.
  12. @trinacriabob @ccap41 I will say that with my own medical school background, having a sister who is an RN on the front lines as well as her best friend and as of this morning they are dealing with in home care of multiple seniors who have Covid-19. It is NOT something to take lightly. Also it is not less than the 1918 Influenza that killed 150 million world wide. We are at the start of a Global Pandemic that could match the 1918 death count if we do not use common sense. With 15,430 according to JHMC site or 15,419 from the world meter site either way we look at this, we are at the beginning of a reduction in population. It is sadly hardest on seniors with reduced immune system and men who smoke / drink heavy reducing their health. The important thing to take away from this is that we CAN SURVIVE it by doing the common sense things of cleaning surfaces, washing hands, coughing into your own shirt of a napkin so that we do not spew water vapor droplets out and about. Those that have healthy immune systems can survive just fine by also remembering to not touch your face, nose, mouth, eyes and ears. Yes all places that can allow the virus to get into your body. Strong personal hygiene along with just being aware of those around you can go a long way to keeping you virus free and safe. Being cautious is fine, but cabin fever as the spring weather gets nicer can drive one nuts if you do not get outside and at least go for a walk and be aware of those around you. Be safe, be clean and be alert and we will all get through this together.
  13. Yes it is, while I like the John Hopkins site for the Medical Info, I have really enjoyed the link you shared with the base fact numbers they present. Thank you, War Time rules, GM, Ford and Tesla given green light to make Ventilators and medical supplies. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-ford-gm-tesla-given-ok-to-produce-ventilators/ar-BB11xm9r
  14. Went to Costco today, good social distancing, they got this down as you get a sanitized cart or flatbed upon being let in. Clear signage of what is and is not available.
  15. This is a great spot to check if you want to follow the count of infections, death, recoveries by country around the world. Clearly Coronavirus has surpassed SARS / MARS and is right behind the Spanish FLU, which is not what is truly is called but due to multitude of reasons is truly known in the medical community as 1918 influenza pandemic. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ SnapShot for you all: Much more info on the site, interesting how China has stopped reporting new cases as they say they do not have them among their own population from from those that traveled to their country and as such they do not claim them to be cases in China. Bizarre
  16. That was FORD who is using used Coffee beans to build parts on their Auto's. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/04/ford-is-making-car-partswith-waste-from-mcdonalds-coffee-beans.html Yes I also get that you are poking at Rivian who is using recycled materials on the inside of their auto's. Great Read on what areas each auto maker is using recycled material in their auto's. The German Trio has had much of their over rated interiors using recycled materials as is others especially Ford. https://www.autoguide.com/auto-news/2016/07/automakers-are-building-your-cars-with-interesting-recycled-materials.html
  17. Huge Reconstruction project is rebuilding that whole complex and so all the stores, businesses and yes the 24hr fitness in that compex of downtown Kirkland are gone. That was the Parkplace compex. https://www.kirklandwa.gov/depart/planning/Development_Info/projects/Parkplace.htm Map of that area of what is being built there now. All the IDIOT College kids got a stern response from our Companies founder, CEO and Chairman. Do not apply to us, we do not want irresponsible employees like you. I am so behind his message and their lack of responsibility during this pandemic. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/19/michael-dell-to-spring-break-video-coronavirus-partiers-dont-apply.html Your new Golf Cart.
  18. I have Ramen as a fast meal back up but still taking time to cook. Love fresh food. Missing my daily workout at 24hr fitness. ? Pesto Alfredo pasta with veggies Chapagetti with beef bites Home made Cinnamon rolls Harvested the last of my winter Leeks and made Leek soup. Love Grilled Sandwiches, so using Potato bread and only butter, mayo sucks to grill a sandwich and gives a weird taste/texture. Pepperoni and Havarti grilled cheese. Or start buying the 24 oz Monster with the screw top. Increased caffeine.
  19. Pretty much every restaurant either has drive thru or they are doing pickup and a number of them have started delivery. Very weird not interacting with people. Been 3 weeks of working from home and only seeing the wife. Crazy.
  20. Does not seem to say and have not seen any clear statement but the increase in industry emissions seems to indicate that factories are getting back up and running which would imply people are moving about, going back to work it would seem.
  21. Good Point, I would also agree with you on that the State is clearly at Fault too for giving a Commercial License to the guy who should not of had one. Makes me wonder how lax their requirements are for Class 8 Drivers.
  22. Seems that while NO2 emissions are dropping across Europe and Especially in Italy due to the Pandemic, China which has seen a huge drop in emissions is now ramping back up as they allow people to go back to work and move about. https://www.autoblog.com/2020/03/20/coronavirus-china-emissions-recovery-pollution/ Very cool video to watch from Space.
  23. WOW, This final report blames Tesla for not having the proper restrictions in place for the auto pilot. Truck company for employing a driver who is pretty much blind as he has blindness in one eye and tunnel vision in the other. Should have never been behind the wheel of the Semi. I also do not agree with the Family suing Tesla and the Truck company as the father / Husband had turned on autopilot and was watching a movie when it hit the semi at 69 mph. The idiot had a responsibility to watch the road. Tesla is not Level 5 pure autonomous driving. As such, I fault the driver as much as Tesla and the truck company. https://www.autoblog.com/2020/03/19/ntsb-investigation-tesla-autopilot-florida-fatal-crash/ Interesting pictures recovered from the Tesla 3 auto pilot camera system as to what the car actually sees. Even with the roof cut off from going under the semi trailer and a dead driver behind the wheel, the auto continued on for another 1/3rd of a mile before the system responded and coasted to a stop. Looks like Coronavirus might claim it's first auto maker, NIO which is based on using Tesla Tech to build two different EV CUVs. Sadly the Pandemic is hitting at a time that many startups where getting going and now we will probably see them close and die. https://www.autoblog.com/2020/03/18/nio-doubts-financial-report-production-deliveries-coronavirus/
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