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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Virtual As in Virtual Social Happy Hour!
  2. BING added a tracking site pulling data from WHO and John Hopkins. Really like how it lets you burrow down into the data and easily back up. One of the best I have seen so far. https://www.bing.com/covid?form=COVD07
  3. Korean BBQ Pork Jerky Adding variety with the Beef and Beer!
  4. Picked up medicine orders and food for the parents and as I was driving to their house, an AMG 4 door sedan with clearly an aftermarket exhaust due to the noise went flying by me and about a mile down the freeway it was pulled over by Washington State Patrol. Just cause we are all asked to stay at home and most are, does not mean there is a reduced police presence on the road. Crazy idiots.
  5. Interior is excellent better than anything I have seen lately from the Germans, French or Italians and clearly a step above what Americans are building. Cadillac and Lincoln need to get a clear cohesive interior design that is elegant but not bling overly flashy and just chaotic in design. Exterior is nice, yet clearly mimics everything done by everyone else already.
  6. I am really liking the clean but elegant dash this is. Way batter than German stuff and clearly rivals and in many cases better than American. Sad that Cadillac and Lincoln have gotten so busy and chaotic like some of the crazy painters.
  7. Totally respect what you and @oldshurst442 have said about your fathers. I grew up with a father that said tools never fail, you only fail if you do not learn and take care of the tools to take care of you. Learned to do electrical, plumbing, yards, etc. nothing I could not do as my parents would buy a house, move in, fix it up and then a few years later move onto another project. As such, when I bought my foreclosed home in 1999, I gutted it and redid everything from the roof to insulation, plumbing, electrical, sheet rock, taping, mudding, etc. The only things I paid to have done on the house was the following due to not wanting to destroy my own body or it really is a special skill to get it right. Flooring / Carpeting paid to have it done. Kitchen cabinets and counters, real skill to get it square and perfect. Windows, due to being a split level house, easier to pay someone to bring in the scaffolding and put in the windows. Helped my dad do enough growing up that I can pass on that. Commercial grade steel rebar 6" thick cement driveway The rest of the house was me, so confident I can pretty much do anything though as I get older, easier to pay the younger folks to do the heavy lifting.
  8. Squirrels are the problem here, so once I have everything ready, I then put up a green plastic fence for keeping the squirrels out. No dear in this area, too suburban and no rabbits either here.
  9. We both know that Toyota never had any style, but the engine tech is cool for the time.
  10. ROFLMAO - This is a good Coronavirus Song done to Queen MAMA song.
  11. Very cool read on the Gas Turbine auto Toyota built in the 70's. https://jalopnik.com/toyota-built-a-gas-turbine-sports-car-in-the-70s-1842539690
  12. Seems the current Coronavirus statistics are just showing it getting worse: 123,000 plus infected 2,200 plus dead 3,200 plus recovered Washington state showed on the news a graph showing for us the last week of April / First week of May will be the high point of Infections, deaths, etc. for Coronavirus. I hope they are right as the corona sites are showing things a bit uglier. The New York Times posted the graphs of how the tracking sites are showing it here for the US. If it truly hits this hard, it will be a sad time for us and the world as many places are already being hit harder. Just lost the Local Mom and Dad who started Kona Kitchen, a Hawaiian dinner focused on Authentic Hawaiian food. She was 72 and he was 76 both were healthy with no immunity issues or other medical issues like asthma or diabetes, but they both in continuing to serve take out meals caught the virus and died this week. RIP to all those that have been lost to the Coronavirus.
  13. This sucks, but is not unexpected. Saw tonight on the news that the last week in April / First week of May is to be the highest point of infections and deaths before we slowly come down in this country. Summer is not going to be as carefree as many think, but a time of healing and reflection. 123,000 plus infected 2,200 plus dead 3,200 plus recovered We have a long road ahead of us. Hopefully this fall can be an exciting time for new auto's, job growth and recovery. Now is not it and I truly hope everyone gets through the next few months safely. Look forward to next years auto shows.
  14. Remember the competition between Edison and Westinghouse. They did not create thousands of failures, but found thousands of ways to not make a long life light bulb. We make choices and find ways that work and ways that produce minimal benefit. Learn from least productive ways so that you can improve to be better. Continue to take risks and try things that you find interesting till you find you find your passion. Remember some things start out as an unknown, with no skill and they can turn into a passion. EXAMPLE: I have worked my whole life in Enterprise Storage. From Digital computer corporation to Compaq, Microsoft, Brocade, EMC and now Dell Technologies. Among the way I worked in many startups attempting to strike it big so that I could retire into some of my passions that do not pay. Along the way, I went from being a developer to a manager into training and now in Technical Marketing. During a rough patch in my career 17 years ago, the startup I was at failed and I was left unemployed and wondering how to pay bills and support my family. I did as many do using the credit cards to support us as I did job interview after job interview. I went to an interview and during this interview I realized I could do the job, but it was not a passion and would I really want to do the job. I took the job as they liked me and I needed to support my family. I dove into the virtual world of VMware. It was not because I wanted to do it since it really did not have much to do with Storage other than use it on the back end to run the images, but it was a paying job. The more I dove into learning it, the more I also realized others were afraid of the tech and I became a point person that people turned to for help. I had increased my value without knowing it at first. I later on changed jobs to Isilon, a file based storage startup as they were teaching customers how to use their radical new storage appliance with real hardware and I knew in my heart I could create a better way to offer training without having to tie up major capital in having real hardware in the classroom. I ended up working with a Development team and created our Isilon simulator. Since then, 10 years later I have a job I love, I create year round new training based on new releases of our OneFS File storage system and help our employees, partners and customers learn how to use our hardware and open source projects to enhance their business and cloud use. If you asked my 17 years ago if I would have a job I love and have not continued jumping from place to place every 2 years or so, I would have probably said no. Today, I love my job and what I do to help so many around the world. Moral of my story for you is NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER STOP TRYING, YOU CAN AND WILL find your passion that you can enjoy for life. I believe in everyone here that they can and will find that passion to drive themselves to new heights! Sorry for the long write, but I hope you can gain strength from my sharing of my career to continue to push forward and look at things you might have never considered. You never know when you will find something that becomes a life long passion.
  15. Ya found the very First Little House, used as a Business!
  16. Started working on my garden and my winter Garlic are popping up. I also got new veggie starts planted in the green house. Need to take a pic.
  17. Ya should do the Shaft way, a nice straight Blade !
  18. My Avatar, the best of me. ? Closer to actual me. The one above is way too skinny. Interesting all the sites and how they build you based on their process.
  19. Sad, but Coronavirus is hitting Tesla workers just as hard as other companies. Tesla is letting go 75% of the workforce. During this shutdown they are going to update the assembly line to automate it more. https://electrek.co/2020/03/27/tesla-reducing-gigafactory-nevada-workforce-by-75/#more-128089 Tesla Model Y deliveries are starting and the quality is still leaving much to be desired. https://electrek.co/2020/03/26/tesla-model-y-detailer-paint-defects-brand-electric-suv/#more-127935
  20. She is well tipped! 29 years strong and still going, She hated the way others cut mine, so bought a hair cutting kit from Costco and I have not seen any other person since. She does a nice job, make the Vacations all that much more special.
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