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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Been listening to the various musical compilations from around the world on YouTube. Amazing how individuals have come together to host concerts freely online and the amount of non-professionals doing covers. Very cool stuff.
  2. If God exists, he has allot of explaining to do and accountability for his incompetence. Like I said, If he exists. Currently history is on the side that religions exist to manipulate and control humanity for the few in power. Yes, I also wondered about Hilly and her craziness with Slick Willy. Still take his presidential work over the craziness of stupidity we have now. At least Everyone worked together to have a balanced budget, pay down our national debt. The One and Only time any presidential administration has done that. Love Janet also, her Rhythm Nation is my favorite album from her.
  3. HARD PASS on that nasty woman. I would for sure take what Slick Willy did enjoy over Linda. Yet, if one does not believe in god, then is it really a sin? Who is to say that nasty Hillary was not involved in this and it was all setup to deflect her own plans to run for president which failed. ? After all being in politics is a chess game one now has to play well or have others behind the curtain to manipulate the system.
  4. I am sure previous presidents did not have college education too in our history, but I have never seen a president deflect so many straight forward questions and not want to deal with truth. Multiple news sources had pictures of his notes where he crossed out the Covid-19 and put in Chinese. Whuhan is open and everyone is fleeing. https://time.com/5817251/wuhan-coronavirus-lockdown-reopens/ 76 days and street performers are out dancing. Interesting pictures of the area. https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2020/04/08/photos-joy-as-wuhan-opens-after-76-day-coronavirus-lockdown/#639dd39e152c
  5. Stealing sales from within your own company shows just how idiotic your business sense or lake of sense is. Having a proper rounded portfolio that takes sales from competition not from within the family of products is how business is and should be run. Your comments make one question if you have any college education at all in understanding how to run a business.
  6. If ya get Covid-19 and I honestly hope not, we can call it the blu-virus! I doubt Idiot45 has an actual degree. No one is willing to show his school transcripts and there is no evidence he actually graduated. The only thing he did was play basketball and get a fake Bone Spur note to avoid serving his country. Yes he is an Idiot for calling it the Chinese Virus, just showing his racist boomer roots.
  7. Common Sense and BEST BUSINESS sense would be for Mercedes-Benz to cut from C-Class and below into a Daimler division of low cost auto's and keep Mercedes-Benz a true luxury auto line with entry being the E-Class. Clear distrinction between cheap to mid level prices and the luxury. WHY IS THIS A CLEAR BUSINESS CASE? Genesis, clearly building a luxury line above Hyundai. Genesis is luxury, Hyundai is entry level to mid level.
  8. That is just the Neighbors sound system.
  9. Most Boomer do not want cars any more, much more easy to drag their old ass across the seats in a CUV.
  10. @riviera74 Seems GM sales for Jan to March are down 7% while Nissan sales are down 30%. As the numbers come in I think we will see a clearer picture. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/us-auto-sales-sink-in-q1-due-to-coronavirus-2020-04-01 Here is US sales for the last 4 months. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/total-vehicle-sales China Details are not in for march yet. but I changed it to just the last 4 months. https://tradingeconomics.com/china/total-vehicle-sales
  11. I am fine with their lineup and see no need for anything below the XT4. Buick serves the section below that.
  12. Took the SS in for service today at my Cadillac dealer and got a 2020 Escalade ESV as a loaner, only 1,185 miles on it. Have to say I love the interior color, the Mocha Brown with black dash. Disappointment was that I thought it had Android play and nope that comes in the 2021 model. Have become so used to it in my SS that not having it in the Caddy was a disappointment. Someone had traded in a cherry First generation Subaru STI with 16,000 miles on it. Was nice for such an old bug eye sports car. XT6 CUV's are everywhere there. They had 30 of them in their loaner fleet, another 15 were Escalades and I got the newest one since they had so many. I now wish I had taken the time to walk the lot and snap pictures as the used auto section was a who's who of the German CUV kind. It was very surprising to see so many German auto's there. The other auto that was there, 7 to be specific was the Italian Alfa Stelvio. All traded in early and when I asked the sales Manager who was there to close the CT6 V deal, he told me they were all being shipped out to wholesale as they just have way too many broken issues and reliability was terrible. They would rather deal with the BMW and Mercedes-Benz issues over Alfa. Makes me think that Alfa will end up in the grave again by 2025.
  13. WOW, Crazy when you look at the drop in China Sales for auto's. https://tradingeconomics.com/china/total-vehicle-sales Clearly this is going to hurt everyone big time. Time to look at stock investing for the recovery period.
  14. Updated News, we now have Honda and BMW closing down and laying off pretty much everyone that cannot work from home. https://www.autonews.com/manufacturing/nissan-honda-bmw-take-rare-step-unpaid-furloughs OUCH, this is gonna hurt major!
  15. China Matters to Tesla, major investor and they have already expanded to cover auto production with expansion to now also cover power train and now we have the latest news that Tesla is expanding again to cover in house parts production to reduce turn around time. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tesla-china-idUSKBN20X0HN
  16. If the GV90 is full size, GV80 is midsize, then a GV70 is compact, might as well do a GV60 for sub-compact. That would then give them a full product portfolio of luxury CUVs as some here have said everyone should have. Personally, I think the 90, 80 and 70 is fine for 4 door CUV, then a 2 door CUV and that would be a solid product line.
  17. Thinking on this, if they sell what inventory there is now, sales might not pickup till September or later as they have to get the factories going again, then transport and finally on the lot and prepped to sell. Gonna be an interesting year.
  18. Right!!! My last sentence of my post was on this subject and it is totally ignored. To Quote Myself: Take the Hyundai Palisade and make both an ICE and EV luxury Genesis version and you will have a winner winner Steak Dinner. Fact is, they could do this and steal a ton of business for everyone.
  19. Does not matter how many models they state they are building. VW still DOES NOT MAKE what the bulk of America wants. They have not changed and as such will have little to NO IMPACT and that is sad. Just as Mercedes-Benz has not taken the EV segment serious for the US. Their first EV will go to badge snob's but over all will not gain traction as they are focused on compact and subcompact and again NOT what the bulk of America wants. Their focus is Europe and China.
  20. More Auto Lay offs as Nissan will lay off their 10,000 US workers due to Covid-19 at the Tennessee and Mississippi facilities. This also goes for their 6,000 strong work force in UK and 3,000 in Spain. Global production comes to a halt for Nissan. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/topstocks/nissan-to-lay-off-10000-us-workers-at-tennessee-and-mississippi-facilities-nikkei/ar-BB12gpmO?li=BBnb7Kz
  21. Ninja fits ya Robert. Now in the second picture, is that the top of your head after all winter long now on the front of your face? ? JK, nice to see ya prepared.
  22. While most folks here know I am a big EV supporter, I DOUBT VW will gain much market share. The last time they had any noticable market gain was in the early 90's during their Fahrvergnügen marketing campaign where they actually connected with the US public. Since then, VW has Floundered any and all opportunities to increase market share as they approach the US the same way they do Europe and Asia and that FAILS as we are not them. Auto's are too small, the Sparse interiors while a favorite of many Tech employees, is not what the bulk of America wants and even now, Many Tech employees are more into their smartphones than an auto. The few of us Tech folks here are the exception not the norm. VW will not gain market share as their EV product line is focused on Europe / Asia and not America tastes. As such they will continue to be a Niche player. Rivian knows this and it is why they focused on the full size Pickup / SUV as the EVs to bring to market. BMW and Mercedes-Benz will FAIL also as long as they continue to focus on the wrong EV product for this Market. GENESIS could very well take market share from everyone if they bring out a mid size and bigger EV products at a decent price. As all of us are in agreement here, Genesis needs to have luxury CUV/SUVs now rather than cars. Take the Hyundai Palisade and make both an ICE and EV luxury Genesis version and you will have a winner winner Steak Dinner.
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