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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Let me correct that for you, BAD ASS UGLY LOOKING HD!
  2. Yes, I realized that as I dialed down into the local details by powertrain and saw 86 in my area that are diesel and 24 of them with standard bed.
  3. Weird as the chevy web site says 690 trucks, but then I clicked down into it and for a 100 mile radius around me it says actually 86 available. Removed everything except the true base level and came up with 24 matches. wow.
  4. Yes, that is what came up when I built on the web site. Clearly had it marked as a diesel and it came back with that many. Posted 12hrs ago on page 585. Love the Havana Brown Metallic
  5. Easy, those are the common cord used for DVD/Blue ray players. I have them on multiple home electronics in both the living room and family room. Ya need to Rip those babies and put them on a NAS for the house with Bluetooth/WiFi connectivity and then have a Bose Wifi/Bluetooth speaker out there. Then ya get some really sweet sounds.
  6. That is very weird as I found 688 variations of what @balthazar is looking for in my 50 mile circle search area.
  7. But they do build them to withstand forces greater than what happens in an auto accident. That alone from an engineering standpoint shows that Aluminum/High Strength steel sub assembly like this can work. Especially with the honey comb crumple zone would imply that it is designed much like the front end of auto's to absorb the impact in protecting occupants and then allow it to be replaced to get the auto back on the road asap IMHO. Latest Update on the Jaguar XJ Sedan. https://www.autoblog.com/2020/05/04/electric-jaguar-xj-design/ Jag has confirmed that while they are ditching all ICE power trains for the next generation XJ sedan, they are not going to give up their style, size and luxury interior as other auto companies have done. Jag states they will keep the elegant luxury look of the XJ sedan and evolve it for the 21st century. Currently the new EV sedan is undergoing cold weather testing at the far north arctic circle.
  8. Seems the final nails might just be coming from the German Courts in regards to Diesel Gate. https://www.autoblog.com/2020/05/05/vw-diesel-emissions-damages-court-ruling-germany/ Germany's court has dismissed VW claim that customers have no rights to damage claims since the auto's were never taken off the road unlike in America. Due to the reduced value and lack of resale of diesel auto's that were part of Diesel gate the German Courts have stated that customers DO HAVE THE RIGHT to Damage Claims. As such, while VW will continue to fight this, one does have to wonder how many more Billions it will cost VW. On top of this, it opens up the gates to Damage Claims to be brought against BMW and Mercedes Benz.
  9. The Auto Alliance did a review of the Auto Industry for 2019. Some pretty cool stat's. I will say that based on this info, it will be very interesting to see how this all changes over the next 10 years compared to what was projected. Click the link if you want to look at the full report of info. https://autoalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/CAFE_101-02June2019.pdf
  10. @surreal1272 That is a a great post, who knew that the Bolt had more interior room than the Equinox and I love the Adrian Steel cage package that protects the front folks. Great service auto for companies. Considering how much aluminum and carbon fiber is in planes, I figure auto's can easily handle it too.
  11. In watching the video, it would appear that you have a series of bolts that come off and the unit can be removed. So a rear end accident that would probably break the honey comb area over the wheels and then they unbolt the old back under carriage piece and replace it, replace the rear body parts and reassemble it would seem to me. Thinking on this, just as they have the honey comb impact absorbing points on the front of an auto. This appears to be the same type of thing in the back that would allow safety for the occupants of the auto by having this undercarriage piece take the brunt of the hit.
  12. I did the base LT with diesel crew cab / standard bed. Seems 688 matches found in my area. Looking at $48,160. Now just need to get GM to throw you another $8,500 and you got a deal. LOVE The Havana Brown Metallic.
  13. VW plans to have a selection of auto's on the market later this year and expanded in 2021 for under $22,000. This is the ID-1 that is based on the Global MEB EV platform. If enough interest is found in the US, they series could even come here. VW currently does not see anything below the ID-3 coming to America due to the larger size demand of the auto buying public here. The ID-1 should be a big selling auto all over Europe and Asia. https://electrek.co/2020/05/02/volkswagen-plans-to-launch-a-family-of-affordable-electric-cars-under-22000/ Nissan plans for EV's and Hybrids has pretty much leaked out and the company is planning to use their relationship with Mitsubishi and Renault for these auto's. Mitsubishi will build Nissan Plub-in Hybrids and Renault will build the EV's. Currently this is for Europe and Asian markets at this time. Electrek's Take is that Nissan is entrenching to save resouces and giving up on leading the EV industry as the Leaf has done for the last decade. Sadly, it will be interesting to see where Nissan goes with EVs. https://electrek.co/2020/05/04/nissan-plans-to-rely-more-on-partnerships-for-ev-production/ FINAL News bit for tonight, seems Tesla is moving one step closer to leaving the relationship with Panasonic for building Cells for their auto's. Tesla has placed an order with Korea's Hanwha company that is one of the largest builders of Battery Cell production equipment for allowing Tesla to build their own cells thus reducing costs further. https://electrek.co/2020/05/04/tesla-battery-making-machines-cells/
  14. Cool Read for those interested in how Tesla is improving quality of the Tesla Y over the Tesla 3. They replaced 70 core underbody parts with 1 underbody casting part. The Tesla 3 is the base on which the Tesla Y is built and with that they have a new patent and a new stamping/casting machine. For now the Tesla Y will have the superior core underbody system compared to the Tesla 3, yet Musk has stated that all their auto's will move to this kind of system. One observation is the ease of which it will allow an auto that is rearended to have a solid replacement underbody part put on and no stretched/straightend underbody parts in the rear. Very cool. https://chargedevs.com/newswire/in-model-y-tesla-replaces-70-underbody-parts-with-one-casting/
  15. Seems if you are in the market for a new auto, you might just get a hell of a deal this year due to the pandemic. Seems a Nissan boat with 2,000 Nissan's and Infiniti's floated off the coast of LA due to the overload of new auto's sitting at the docks and no dealer or fleet company is taking delivery of any auto's even if they were already purchased. https://www.thedrive.com/news/33290/why-a-cargo-ship-full-of-2000-nissans-floated-offshore-for-days News seems to indicate that every auto company is going to be giving steep discounts to get folks to buy.
  16. Decent updates, but still has the terrible black n white dash and I agree with him on the inconsistent stitching found around the auto, the hard plastics, etc. There are things to question, but it is long in the tooth and needed to have a refresh sooner than waiting for the new platform that comes out next year. Also after covering the whole dash, he ignores the sport mode. Sport mode changes the performance and driving dynamic. Good comparison between the Leaf and the Hyundai EVs.
  17. We'll since you did not post the actual web site and screen captures to go along with your info, let me correct this for you from the Nada site as of this morning comparing to equal 2017 LT Cruze to BOLT. Since you also love Diesel, I added the Diesel Cruze too that shows the BOLT still has better trade-in value, clean retail value than the cruse. BOLT based on NADA Site shows 57% of Retained Value Cruze Gas on NADA Site shows 63% of Retained Value Cruze Diesel NADA Site shows 60% of Retained Value Here the BOLT has More Horsepower, More Torque to go along with the less maintenance. Which for many other than the cost increase would love to not have to deal with trips for repairs, etc.
  18. Crazy how skinny woman can go bat crazy when caught on something like this. Such a stupid choice she made.
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