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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. We are supposed to hit 80 today and all weekend long. WTF, this is supposed to be spring showers.
  2. True, petroleum products are used in all forms of auto's. While Net Profit is lower than gross profit, also the accounting as the link I posted with the gross profit shows the rest of the accounting picture and they truly manipulate the system to avoid paying taxes on the profit with all kinds of crazy expenses and manipulation. Too bad the CEO is not paid on Net Profit as they clean house on the gross profit bonus payments. Oil if far more profitable than their net profit shows and I still do not believe they deserve or really need the billions in dollars the government gives them. After all you and I as small business owners do not get the supplement payouts that many especially big oil gets from the gov.
  3. Current average prices for fuel here in western washington is as follows: Regular = $2.29 Mid Grad = $2.53 Premium = $2.68 Diesel = $2.75
  4. Got it, an east coast thing since that does not exist on the west coast. Saw an L train in a movie once. Clyde Dales
  5. Imagine your B59 could end up having a Marine 4 banger Diesel in it if we became like Cuba.
  6. Yes, I was off by a few years thinking of when they had multiple years of $100 billion plus gross profit, but the end point is that the oil industry DOES NOT need billions from the tax revenue of the government. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/XOM/exxon/gross-profit
  7. picked up the SS from the dealership after GM under warranty replaced a failed front left wheel bearing hub assembly. Ran into a guy picking up a new CT6 V edition. Was loving it, I asked him what he traded in and he pointed to a BMW i8. Had 28,000 miles plus on it. Said his wife loved how quiet the auto was but wanted space and to not be sitting to low on the ground. He said alsonif BMW could build it without all the maintenance as the extended range system required more work than a normal auto due to having to disassemble so much of the body to get to the hybrid system. I would say cool auto that was a build fail for low maintenance.
  8. A new awesome Bremach T-Rex truck is now for sale. Bargain price of $120,000 Your choice of powertrain, Gas, Natural Gas, Hybrid or Electric are their 4 power train choices. https://theawesomer.com/bremach-t-rex/96549/
  9. Like the Influenza of 1918/1919, expect this over the next 18 to 24 months. I expect an increase in cases for the fall, the time to take an actual real vaccine, test, verify and then produce for global use will take time, so I do not see an end to social distancing and shelter in place at home till after 2021.
  10. OUCH, Jeep Wrangler went from good to Marginal due to the 2019 model at first passing the shear off a front wheel off set head on crash, but then it went to Marginal after it rolled over. https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2020/05/jeep-wrangler-unlimited-protected-the-driver-in-dreaded-iihs-small-overlap-test-but-repeated-rollovers-didnt-help-its-case/
  11. While I have no problem with the government spending tax dollars on new tech to get things moving forward as to why I support the EV rebates for now, eventually they have to go away. Things that need to go away are pork like the $50 billion given to the oil industry for exploratory drilling. WHY, Exxon Mobile made over $100 Billion in pure profit last year, I doubt they need tax dollars for finding new oil well's especially when they make that much money. Another PORK that needs to go away is the billions spent on maintaining the worlds biggest Tank fleet parked in the high Dessert in California when the military says they do not want or need tanks in this modern world as they are not useful in the modern warfare world. Just a couple of examples where we need to cut fat, live within our budget and focus like we did in the 90's paying down national debt.
  12. Cool Car, the best part is the center of that Grill. Always liked the Pontiac nose.
  13. Not socially distant, that is so dangerous, what are those people thinking.
  14. Flaming Cheetos Meatball Sub Sandwich
  15. Do ya know what they are asking for the beauty?
  16. Deep Metallic Forest Green my dad had on his 49 Merc and it was amazing! It was very much like this: Wish he still had it, but traded it in for a Mercury station wagon late 60's as my two older sisters and me made them go after a bigger roomy auto for the family.
  17. Vinegar N Salt Potato Chips
  18. I understand that, I just do not see value in people trashing a product like this as it is not even a valid review video. Guess I just do not see any reason why people have to be like that in the video. I am also the type of person that sees no value in social media Idiots that only want people to look at them like the Kardashin morons or how ever you spell their name.
  19. True, impressive that it still ran so well after all the crap they did. Still, work is so hard to earn the money to then trash something that cost so much.
  20. I will never understand IDIOTS that destroy auto's just for the sake of seeing if they can. Anything can be destroyed and why would you pay that kind of money to then abuse it. Must be a trust fund IDIOT! ?
  21. Dropping the SS off for service and see an auto I always loved. The Cadillac XLR 2005 model with 38,000 miles. Wish I could fit in them.
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