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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Yea, these have to be staged, the old days were never that clean.
  2. Yup, wrong again @USA-1 These are the only refineries in Washington and suppliers via distribution points to ALL GAS Stations. Yes Shell, Chevron, Exxon, etc. do have their own labeled trucks, but they cannot supply all the time to their own branded store via their own branded trucks and as such since all these refineries resell unbranded fuel, aka their surplus fuel under the B2B process, this is where Costco get's their Top Tier Fuels. As long as it meets the certification, Costco sells Top Tier fuel at a bargain to their members and that means one day you might fuel with Shell, next Chevron, next Exxon. Yes they buy from who ever has capacity to sell and they do it as an unbranded fuel purchase, reselling it as Kirkland Signature with the same certification that Shell, Chevron, Exxon, etc. also got as it is the same fuel. Yup been fun pointing out the flaws in your thinking.
  3. Costco gas stations at least here in Washington are open 5am to 9pm 7 days a week. I see long lines usually in the afternoon and early evening. Rarely in the mornings or late night. It is interesting to see the same company trucks come and fill up the costco stations and then go across the street to the Shell and fill up their tanks. As @USA-1 posted link, it is true that not all gas is created equal and you do have farm grade cheap ass gas. Yet with the standards today and the fact that cheaper farm grade gas is also sold at local pumps and clearly marked, not all auto's can handle the cheaper gas especially those blended with ethanol. Costco has their certifications posted at the pumps and online as their detergent gas comes from the same distribution centers and is certified Top Tier and like @ykX stated, I have auto's with 200,000 miles on them running still just fine on Costco gas too. Why the long response to you, is that you HIT THE NAIL on the Head and Costco is on record that the gas is an additional benefit they offer to help their members do one stop shopping, just like tires. It is not about maximizing a profit on every sale but about offering value to the members who then also go in and spend on average $150 per trip into a costco to get stuff. The Business model is about generating profits on large about of turn over at an average of 5% mark up. Yes there are some products brought in that clearly have a much larger mark up, but Costco business model on how they built the business has always been on the average small markup on sales of thousands of units rather than a large markup on a few sales. Costco gas is the same thing, they buy Bulk Top Tier Gas to offer at a small markup to their members as the general public cannot buy gas there. A benefit to membership, unlike a shell, Exxon or Mobil where the franchise owner has a large % markup so that they can make a small profit after they pay all the fees to the oil company. Two different business models, some get suckered into paying crazy high gas prices for the same grade of gas versus others who see the value and benefit from having less outlay in cost. FYI @USA-1 The recommendation from my Cadillac dealership is not the only GM dealership as both the east side Bellevue Chevrolet/Cadillac Dealership where I bought my SS and the Everett Chevrolet Dealership as well as the Everett Buick dealership where my sister bought her Buick all recommend Costco as it is a CERTIFIED TOP TIER GAS SUPPLIER. End of explaining this, I wish you the best paying out much higher gas prices to your local Shell or which ever name gas station you use. Happy your happy with your auto performance on their over priced gas. Like you said you get what you pay for and in your mind you have a superior product. Interesting that my custom tuned SS runs so awesome on Costco Premium gas as it always has required and I am at 140,000 miles on my SS and it runs better now than it did the day I bought it new from the dealership. Seems Costco gas is a quality less expensive product for me.
  4. Very cool read about the Ram Charger and could it take on the Ford Bronco. https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/enthusiasts/dodge-ramcharger-rendering-brings-back-a-classic-suv/ar-BB14VstG?ocid=msedgntp
  5. If anyone thinks VW will still have Diesel after this I have ocean front property to sell you in Colorado. https://jalopnik.com/volkswagen-could-face-billions-in-new-fines-over-diesel-1843856085 Seems the 9th US circuit court of appeals has sided unanimously with Utah and Florida about the excessive environmental damage VW diesel auto's have caused. The two states had a combined 6,100 VW Diesel auto's and each place has a $5,000 a day fine for pollution. This ruling makes the potential penalties $30.6 million per day or $11.2 billion per year. VW has committed to appeal this judgment to the next higher court. This makes me wonder if this could be the breaking point for VW in forcing them into Bankruptcy. ?
  6. Must be the same way Costco can sell Chevron Techron 20oz in a two pack for $12.99 is to buy their gas and then extract the product from the gas and then sell the gas cheaply at the Costco pumps. I see that O'Reilly's auto parts store has one 20 oz for $13.99
  7. WRONG WRONG WRONG, If you actually researched the gas and the certification for Top Tier you would know that Costco gets their gas from the same distribution pipe as Shell, Exxon, Mobile, etc. Top Tier Gas is all the same. The only difference is in the case of Chevron which has Techron added to the Top Tier gas when the distribution trucks are filled. That is a very different additive than traditional top tier detergents. THERE IS NO TOP TIER, MID TIER, LOW TIER gas. Gas either meets the Top Tier Spec or Not. You Are WRONG on this in so many ways as is your trusted family friend. IF GM Recommends Top Tier Gas from Costco then how would they be wrong and your trusted friend be right?
  8. I am going to have to say that your Family Friend is wrong and not understanding todays Certification spec on Top Tier Gas and how the Auto Industry recommends top tier detergent gas. Per the AERA Engine Builders Association here is their document that covers all OEM auto companies in the US and Top Tier Gasoline Recommendations for Gasoline Engines. http://www.engineprofessional.com/TB/TB042015-1.pdf Per this page here is the ones that they state are Top Tier:
  9. Garth Brooks Friends in low places!
  10. That picture reminds me of the oil tanker derailment fire from Canada. Garth Brooks Friends in low places!
  11. Costco gas IS NOT bottom dregs of fuel, they get their gas from the same distribution center as Exxon, Shell and Chevron here in Washington state. The Local GM dealerships even recommend Costco fuel over smaller less used name brand stations due to cleaner filters and better maintained pump systems. You can also not fake the certifications that prove it. https://www.costco.com/gasoline-environment.html https://customerservice.costco.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9230/~/costco-gas-station-faqs So we will have to agree to disagree on the fuel point. Yes, I actually do carry the Travel Johns in our auto's. With Senior parents, mine are late 70's and early 80's and my wife's parents are in their 90's they come in handy and are clean, no smell and easy to dispose of. As I stated, with a pandemic, many public restrooms are closed as are freeway rest stops. This makes it easy to take care of business without a mess.
  12. They also talk about how those two powertrain packages killed the trunk and interior space as these two cars are more for cruisers than performance.
  13. Mercedes-Benz has killed the AMG V8 and PHEV version for the E-Class Coupe and Cabriolet. https://www.autoblog.com/2020/06/01/mercedes-amg-nixes-v8-and-phev-powertrains-for-e-class-coupe-and-cabriolet/
  14. Travel John is the best item to have in any auto when your out and about driving and during this pandemic especially you have not access to a bathroom.
  15. My You Tube music is going crazy in flipping through various types as I am back at B52's now. The days of crazy big hair on beautiful woman.
  16. Following up Twisted Sister with Tiffany. Crazy day of music.
  17. Easy answer to that as I have always had these in my auto's year round as they really come in handy especially in winter weather and you need to pee. No smell, easy to use for both men and woman and easy to dispose of when you are near a trash can. https://www.amazon.com/Travel-John-66911-TravelJohn-Disposable-Urinal/dp/B000NV878S
  18. Weird Morning, but this is Monday. Starting off with Twisted Sister.
  19. Being a Roller Coaster Junkie, when the kids were growing up, I would pile them in the auto after school and drive the 18hrs to the parks in California through the night so we were there Saturday morning. Then I would drive back Saturday night getting home Sunday. Yes I am a crazy road trip person, but loved to live life and was so fun to just get out, drive and stop every 500 miles or so in the Suburban to refill the extra large tank I ordered with it when I bought my 94 GMC Suburban. Course Bio Brakes are always important, so would stop at the I5 rest stops when needed, but not places there for drinks or food, so having an ice chest in the auto and refilling the Yeti just makes it perfect for me. I know not everyone is like me. Even in this Pandemic, get out and go for a long drive and end up back home. At least your out, see the country side and then come back home to a nice BBQ steak and drinks is my thinking.
  20. Additional movies I have watched in the last 10 weeks of work from home social distance that I really like and yes action / Scifi is my jam! I am Mother. https://www.netflix.com/title/80227090 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6292852/ Shanghai Fortress. https://www.netflix.com/title/81161230 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6628322/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_3 The Titan. https://www.netflix.com/title/80148210 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4986098/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 If you like space, extraterrestrial aliens, action, then these movies are good to watch.
  21. Watched two movies over the work weekend broken into 3 segments as I watched Spectral on Saturday while having breakfast, lunch and dinner before going back to work. Then on Sunday watched Extraction. I have to HIGHLY RECOMMEND both movies. Netflix did an awesome job on them. Spectral - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2106651/ Great Scifi and action. https://www.netflix.com/title/80098200 Extraction - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8936646/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 Extreme action, roller coaster ride that never ends and the ending is great. https://www.netflix.com/title/80230399
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