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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Bet the local fleet dealers dumped the vans from inventory very cheaply to get them moved and off the lot. I rarely see them at the dealerships anymore when I was out and about. I live between two nissan dealers in my area, one down by costco to the south and one up north by business costco. They both like the Mercedes-Benze dealer used to carry a ton of the vans, now nothing that you can find, all special order.
  2. I am going to disagree that it is unproven. With most people having smartphones, tablets, laptops and so many other electric products, charging and having a battery operated product is not unproven, mostly just unknown and the best way to do that is bring out the trucks and suvs and have driver days where people can stop by, take it for a spin and see how they like it compared to an ICE. Most people who have taken an EV for a test drive have quickly made the change over to regen breaking from traditional breaking and found the instant torque to be very delightful.
  3. Your right, you will be dead by the time they are mainstream in your area. For others they are becoming main stream which is why on the West coast you have charging everywhere and see so many. Once full size trucks are available, the change will happen even faster and jump again once full size EV SUVs are available.
  4. Make a Firebird inspired EV Pony car for the Buick label. Can cover China and import it here for those that want a green, fast pony car, EV style.
  5. Regular folks do suffer especially when those that have the expendable cash flow continue to purchase European or Asian products over American options. As such, you become part of the problem buying MB over a GM or Ford product. As such leading to the death of American business for the sake of supporting an out of country company. It is a choice and I respect your choice to choose European over American or Asian. We all have that right under our constitution. Yet do not talk about Americans building American business when you do not support it. Jeff Bezo DOES NOT care about the source as it is a global market, what he cares about is building his American Business to serve the needs of the American market. Creating American jobs, putting Americans to work. Yes the warehouse and delivery jobs are not medium income jobs, but they are jobs that put people to work and Amazon does employ 10's of thousands that do work on all the tech that Amazon uses which are medium to high paying jobs. Stop focusing on the one who is a multi-cultural supporting business leader that is creating jobs and focus on the needs to adjust those that want racial inequality. Socialism will never work as everyone has varying degrees of work ethic and drive, but we can make a difference when we stop looking at skin color, sexual orientation or beliefs be them religious or not and focus on treating all humans as equal. We do not need to defund police, we need to demilitarize the police and give them the tools to work with society while protecting us from the criminal element. I believe many here if not all believe in the right to have the best life possible and work to their level of hard work to earn a living. You have a right to buy what ever you want, it is your money. I respect that. We need to think more on how we treat each other during good and bad times. If we stop being human with care for all, we then loose our humanity. A Quote for the day: “Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.” ― R.J. Palacio, Wonder This is where I believe GM could benefit. Keep the C7 around as an entry level sports car for those that want ICE at a lower price. Camaro become the EV pony car for those that want green focused fun fast auto. Both live on as one in the EV era and one closing out the ICE era before becoming EV too at the high end.
  6. Shame Nissan did not look to the green crowd and bring their Electric vans that are doing well in China and Japan and starting to take off in Europe here earlier. Is decent delivery van. If GM does get their EV Van out for delivery companies, they could really wrap up the bulk of the market fast.
  7. June 1927 Stevens Pass Stevens Pass modern times
  8. Be interesting to see if it actually happens now that Covid-19 is hitting the world hard. I think products like this are aimed for the chopping block by financially weak companies of which Nissan falls into. One has to wonder and question the future product road maps for all auto makers right now. Hope it still comes out, but who knows.
  9. WRONG, AMG is Going 4 Banger Hybrid and dumping V8. Statement from Deimler as well as long time AMG V8 user Aston Martin that is going inhouse V6 Hybrid. https://www.thedrive.com/news/32491/aston-martin-ditching-amg-v-8s-for-in-house-hybrid-v-6s-ceo-confirms https://paultan.org/2020/03/09/aston-martin-to-replace-amg-v8-with-new-hybrid-v6/ One has to wonder what people will think when Aston Martin is a Performance V6 Hybrid over AMG Performance 4 Banger Hybrid. Guess AMG is no longer the leader in performance?
  10. @oldshurst442 November 28th 2019 was the last update on the AMG-One and it was given a production date, then pushed back to 2021 as they are saying they did address the emissions issue and invited all 275 paid customers to Germany to explain the issues and delays. But they are sure the cars will be delivered in early 2021. I honestly will be interested to see how it comes out and I think the Tesla 2.0 Roadster will smoke this over rated AMG. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a30029132/mercedes-amg-one-hypercar-production-2021/
  11. Been in touch with my coworkers and friends in TOKYO, the subway has changed allot since the Pandemic and social distance really has changed how people stand, how many are on the subway / train systems there. Covid-19 has changed the world long term in many things.
  12. Nice review read, so performance over efficiency which explains the MPG issue. Not a fan of the NSX, so I was not thrilled to see that center stack dial knob and appreciate the feedback on how it was not easy to use. I am honestly surprised that they built it this way when Japanese are such tiny people and reaching so far for a knob to make things work is hard. Over all Acura fans will be happy, I do not see this getting conquest sales.
  13. Performance SUV's and Performance Cars are Night and Day. Stop trying to muddle them up. Yes my Trailblazer SS is based on the Power Train, Brakes and a few other things of the corvette, or what GM says is a corvette based / Inspired performance SUV. With that said, it is NOT a Corvette nor will it ever be due to the dynamics of the two. I do agree that cadillac needs V series and V Blackwing series SUVs. Using the same engines from other performance auto's in the GM family, just like AMG uses the base starting point of engines and auto's from MB. Cadillac does what AMG does and yet you do not bad mouth AMG for using the base bones of MB rather than engineer a clean sheet everything for AMG.
  14. Wish I had not sold my Chevrolet 1976 Luv truck as it was restored to mint condition and the woman paid well for the truck as the money did help me in college, but would love to have that truck back. Memories
  15. I see them now, but the original post does not show them. Between work and when the rain stops been working on my garden. Should be a good year.
  16. What a busy looking confusing dash. Seems very weird to have that dial in the center upright area. I honestly wonder how it works from an interaction stand point when your driving?
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