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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. I drove by my Acura dealership today on my way to my son's house for dinner with the wife. The one thing we do still during this pandemic is dinner with our kids. The Acura dealership had a few cars in the used lot and there were a few new Acura's at the back of the lot, everything was RDX or MDX. Still there and still surviving on selling just 2 models of a CUV that leaves lots to be considered, but clearly surviving. Interesting that they do not have a bigger stable as the luxury division of Honda, you would think they would have one of every CUV Honda makes as a luxury model. ?
  2. We all fat finger when posting from a smartphone. Thanks for the point, corrected it. HOT AIR
  3. So ya believe the FAKE FOX News and their photoshopped pictures of morons with assualt weapons walking around. Do not my friend as there are idiots with hand guns, the police are doing their best to deal with it, but there are not these military with assualt weapons walking around as Fox Fake News posted and then took down once The Seattle Times called them on it as they photoshopped actual peaceful protest photo's Seattle Times took and posted with military people and assualt weapons. Yes we have had our share of idiots protesting, but not the crazy burning destruction that they had in the mid-west. We are far more peaceful than what has been seen in other cities. Best to just not go to the cities and be a part of it I think. Enjoying my garden and chatting with you folks.
  4. Totally agree, a zoom C&G meeting would be fun to do!
  5. Nope, Adult entertainment video games in the 80's and 90's that I used to sell when I worked at Computer City. Leisure Suit Larry Adult-Themed Video Game Series Leisure Suit Larry is an adult-themed video game series created by Al Lowe. It was published by Sierra from 1987 to 2009, then by Codemasters starting in 2009. The first six Leisure Suit Larry titles, along with Magna Cum Laude and Love for Sail Mobile, were distributed by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, while Box Office Bust and Reloaded were distributed by Codemasters. Currently the games are being published and distributed by Assemble Entertainment. ADULT VIDEO GAMES
  6. Yes @riviera74 is correct, I had that on our CTS that my wife drove. The salesman made sure to point it out and remind us to not cover it as the wife was thinking of putting her cell phone holder right above it at the time, but the cell phone would cover it and that would have affected the internal temp.
  7. We do know that the Virus came from bats. I honestly do not think normal scientist would release upon humanity a virus that can kill, but sadly we have governments both our own, China and Russia plus others that I am sure would not think twice about weaponizing a animal virus to hurt others. Sadly we do have from our current administration on down into many conservative thinking groups that call Social Security a entitlement rather than the real benefit it is since we are taxed as a the process for paying into it and due to both sides of the political spectrum being responsible for allowing Social Security to be taxed and borrowed against, the political elites in DC have destroyed the basic retirement program for hard working Americans. Plenty of other issues but not going to go into the political side but focus on the facts that the social security system will never die as long as their are people working and paying their SS taxes, it will be funded but at a much reduced level and we have had various folks / groups say that if they could reduce the amount of people drawing on it, then it would lengthen out the life of the system without having to reduce benefits, so there is those here in the US that would like to see a reduction in the baby boomer population and a virus like this will have an affect for those that have medical issues. My daughter was born with weak lungs and has had asthma as well, a year and a half ago she joined Orange Theory to improve her health and did great, then as a present her brother bought her a 6 month program of working with a nutritionist and in 18 months she has lost 40 pounds, went from being tired just walking to she can now run a mile in 12 minutes and can actually finally do pushups. She is very excited to try again snowboarding which she did before she did this and with her improved strength and stamina she should do well. She sleeps better, is more aware about the choices she makes on food quality and I honestly think if she gets accidently exposed to Covid-19, that she will do just fine in recovering as the healthier / stronger one is, the more resistant to the virus as well as recovery. Wish you the best in improving your own health. I know pushing oneself to run and workout is never easy, but opening up the lungs, expanding them will make you stronger and have an easier time breathing. I can stay this that my daughter no longer uses any of her drugs or inhaler. She just signed up for another 6 months of nutritional coaching to ensure her new habits stick and even with our current pandemic, she is working out daily at home and running through the neighborhood to insure she stays on target. Still loosing her college weight gain and looking and feeling great. I know you can do it too, stick with it. ?‍♂️
  8. That EV concept had a non production battery pack and they said that it would be up between the frame and not show like that when they did the train pull.
  9. Yes, I think that Buick is one of the best cars GM built in the last decade. Totally agree with you as Toyota style is a disaster IMHO
  10. Meh, just not impressed with the cars GM is building. The Buick Station wagon in the back ground is better looking than this car. Sorry, glad you like it, but MEH to me.
  11. According to COO Jim Farley, blame it on the Pandemic but the redesigned F-150 will finally be unveiled July 25th 2020. and this new truck will have a new electrical architecture that is believed to use what the Mach-e has for over the air updates plus allow both ICE and EV trucks. With that said, Ford COO Jim Farley did say that the EV truck and Van will come to market mid 2022. So will Ford seize the day or will they be late to the party as Tesla, Rivian, Lordstown and GM have all stated they will have their EV Trucks out in 2021 and aimed at Fleet buyers. ? https://chargedevs.com/newswire/ford-coo-says-electric-f-150-pickup-and-transit-van-will-arrive-mid-2022/
  12. Another Truck maker with value surpassing Legacy OEMs with nothing delivered yet and now what was once offered to Tesla as a superior truck to the abomination Tesla truck is now moving forward with reservations to open June 29th 2020 and deliveries to begin in 2022 with an as yet to be announced partner per the CEO interview on Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-nikola-badger/nikola-in-talks-with-automakers-for-badger-pickup-truck-production-founder-idUSKBN23H39S CEO of Nikola says the Badger EV Truck will have a 600 mile range with option of fuel cell hybrid or pure EV compared to the Tesla truck with only a 500 mile range. Nikola has also started building their own Hydrogen fueling network which they say will be open to everyone with plans for 700 stations across the nation.
  13. Yes, I would totally agree with you. Sadly this is the failure of poor leadership that has forced our medical and health departments into a cover our ass and make something up during a time of investigation. John Hopkins web site was also very vague even in their Q&A area. sadly, too much politics being played rather than letting the science work and let the leaders of these health organizations state true facts of what they know now without making things up or at least give common sense guidance based on what is happening in the hospitals. Our country truly needs to come together and work with empathy more than ever to combat this. Thank you for being willing to discuss this in a civil manner with me. I truly look for the best in the future for all humanity.
  14. Better to have some medical common sense guidance even vague than incompetent non medical folks making up stuff or trying stuff that is dangerous.
  15. Deep Impact at Lunch, will finish watching it during dinner.
  16. I see the points your are making and will say that I agree in some way with it, that some states over others have stepped up to insure PPE is there for the medical, first line responders and the public is at a much larger time than would ever happen in the past due to the internet for communication to Amazon and others for ease of buying things online such as material to make washable face masks is allowing humanity to react. We are still in the first wave and seeing surges due to people getting out and about. History is on the side of this fall being worse and will be interesting to see what ends up happening. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html Good facts on the virus: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html#Coronavirus-Disease-2019-Basics Good info for cleaning and disinfecting: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/disinfecting-your-home.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fprepare%2Fdisinfecting-your-home.html No matter what, I hope everyone here, is able to stay healthy and safe.
  17. I get what your saying, cold allows the virus to replicate and mutate, yet also moisture does the same thing, so too humid of a summer could set us up for a perfect storm of infection and death. This is following the same trends of the Influenza of 1918 where the first wave hit early spring and then the worse was fall of 1918 before a vaccine was created and it settled down. This time, I suspect it will be worse than 1918 as we have more population and with incompetence in government, even with states taking on a bigger role for PPE, I think the civil unrest and global stand up to the cast of 1% that think they are better than the rest is going to leave us with a much larger hit to the population. One does have to wonder since this is hitting smokers, seniors and out of shape folks harder than those that can afford to eat healthier and stay in shape how much the governments are hoping it kills off the population that relies now on certain government programs. From Social Services to our paid and due to all US citizens who have paid in the much earned Social Security check and Medicare. We do live in interesting times.
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