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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Did K cars actually last past 4 years? They like rusted out and went the way of the Dodo bird, decades ago. None around here unless it is sitting in the garage some place. I see plenty of GM and a few Fords from the 80's on the roads here, but nothing from Chrysler.
  2. Washington State has one Nuclear plant that will be decommissioned in 2025. Everything here is Hydro, Solar or Wind. As such, while I have less efficient SUV's using regular gas for now, once full size EV SUV's and trucks are out, I will move over and leave the dirty ICE world behind. Why should I waste my hard earned money on NON-Exciting butt ugly trucks like Chevrolet or MEH SUV's from everyone that requires all the same petro / lubrication maintenance when my auto's are paid for. Might as well save my money till I can buy a Hummer by GMC EV Truck/SUV or from Ford or Rivian. I am happy to have little gas use, since the pandemic has me working from home full time now. Like @Robert Hall has stated about how little he drives during the week. I have gone from about $600 to $800 a month in gas expenditures to less than $100 as the Wife and I enjoy our garden, working in the yard and other than once a week to go out for supplies, we have decided to stay home in the safety of our house and yard. I see no reason to spend money on ICE Auto's now that do nothing to inspire me when the future of exciting EV's are coming with much lower Maintenance.
  3. Front end is way Better than the current butt ugly Chevrolet trucks out now. GMC is better looking than Chevrolet. This is far better airstream than Chevrolet is.
  4. You are hitting the nail on the head as the design team came from GM Chevrolet truck group. So I would expect some aspects of the work they did there to show up in this truck. Battery is between the wheels in the frame. Engine bay is a Frunk. over all nice EV Truck that will serve well to end users as it uses in-wheel hub motors for quad motor AWD. Another excellent truck with Tank Mode.
  5. So we now have the ultimate auto company Hooker Run in Stiletto's using a Latin verb of Stellantis to avoid the red light district jokes. May the Jokes begin on how much one paid for that auto!
  6. For company that is bleeding money, this is to be expected and understood as most of the tooling for the polluting ICE models are paid for, so it makes sense for the business to focus on selling ICE for now. But this is NOT a boondoggle as you call it. They are doing Business 101 common sense to survive during a pandemic that is going to hurt the world for years. Yet you would rather Huff Coal and live in the stone age of ignorance. Enjoy your out of date future.
  7. OUCH, want a C8 Corvette Cheap? Check out this 3,419 mile C8 Corvette. Very cheap to the right owner. Seems the dealer put the corvette up for service on a lift and did not pay attention to the lift points that have changed on the C8 Corvette. As such Boom down it came. https://www.thedrive.com/news/34849/want-a-cheap-c8-corvette-buy-the-one-that-fell-off-a-dealers-lift
  8. Fiskar is to go public with a valuation of $2.9 Billion. $500 million will be used to bring their new CUV EV to market in 2022. https://www.autoblog.com/2020/07/13/fisker-automaker-going-public/ Cadillac released a 3 explanations of their newest auto, the Lyriq EV to help explain the name. https://www.autoblog.com/2020/07/13/cadillac-lyriq-ev-name-explanation/
  9. VW will for Europe put on Sale the ID3 EV car July 20th. They have been building and stock piling them while software testing was done and tweaks to deliver on what they have promised for the base FWD EV for $33,000. 30,000 ID 3's will go out to early pre-orders and on July 20th, people can configure, put money down and have an official order with delivery date for their EV car. https://electrek.co/2020/07/13/volkswagen-vw-id-3-electric-car-july-20/
  10. 15 States and the District of Columbia have signed an agreement to have all medium and heavy duty trucks to be electric by 2050. All new Medium and heavy duty trucks for Sale have to be Electric only starting in 2045. California, Connecticut, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington and District of Columbia Should be interesting to see how this works out. https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1128869_15-states-want-all-heavy-duty-trucks-electric-by-2050 Nissan Ariya is going into production for release in 2021 as a 2022 model. AWD, 300 miles of battery range in a 4 door CUV for a starting price of $40,000. Plenty of additional details and pictures at the link below. Plus we have this You Tube video about it. https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1128872_nissan-ariya-revealed-300-mile-electric-crossover
  11. That might be so, but the rear tail lights say Camry to me, body lines, etc. I bet they reuse plenty of parts from the Camry in this RWD sedan.
  12. Meh, Rebadge of the Camry to me, nothing special.
  13. Gotta Love tech and the improvements that come with it. Checked and saw that via Frontier, I was paying $105 a month for 500 mbps / 500 mbps. I now just got updated to 1000/1000 or Gigabit speed for $90 per month.
  14. Do you ever wake up in the morning with Numbness or tingly fingers? If so that is carpal tunnel early stages, get a hand brace to sleep in. Did wonders for my left hand, but the right being dominate had to be fixed with surgery.
  15. Yes, decided I would be transparent on my actual name. Grew up in a group of 7 David's, 3 went by Dave, very soft spoken, introverts, but nice guys. The other 4 of us are clearly extroverts and much louder and aggressive. We still get together every so often and hang out talking about the past. Very interesting paths we all have taken. David is me! Like you, figure it was time to just go with my name than anything else Robert. Hope your having a good week. I am, work is going well, as I poke poke poke with my left hand.
  16. Nice one, but I never go by Dave, I am DAVID, Introverts tend to be Dave, Extroverts tend to be David. Ya should know that by now about me!
  17. I have now realized a new found respect for those that loose a hand. Had carpal tunnel surgery last Thursday and have had to learn to work pecking the keyboard with my left hand, eat as a lefty, drive as a lefty, etc. Wow, talk about taking for granted having two hands. Fingers feel amazing as no numbness or tingling.
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