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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Wow, Forgot his balls never dropped.
  2. Choice that is what you have and I have one Requirement that you probably never have to deal with as the US average woman height is 5'6" and average man is 5'8" currently. As everyone knows, I am 6'6", my oldest sister is 6'2" average height across both sides of the family is 6'. As such setting the front drivers seat for my comfort and then getting out and getting in behind set drivers seat. If I cannot fit, then pretty much the whole family will not. As such, all auto's have to pass the seat test and here the Asian auto's FAIL. You can say cut the Bullshit, but the fact is most people are lazy about taking care of their auto's. I will not waste my time as most people that are big into the auto scene know that most auto buyers ignore cracking their owner manual or even looking at the owners maintenance schedule. Asian auto's did move to 100,000 mile tune ups way before America did and so pretty much, oil change, tires, brakes was it compared to American auto's that required much more to be done. Like I said nothing is perfect, but I have never scene people have bad experiences when they take care of a product to OEM requirements. That is where most humans fail at. Agree to disagree, but that is the difference I see every time I hear about people bitching about one brand or another.
  3. Is the drivers seat as cramped as it looks in the pictures? How good is the interface to the manual controls? Does it have voice control?
  4. I find all those exotics to be Gaudy and nothing I would ever be inspired to want. That is why I was laughing as they are all a bit different, but still the same to me. Not sure what it is about having tight cramped fast cars. I see no reason you cannot do this with a comfy larger auto even if it was sitting low, just do not see anything inspirational about these to me. The only cool factor to me on the Hyperion XP-1 is the power train. Maybe the car if it was 4 times bigger with comfy space.
  5. Will agree to disagree as Toyota and Honda have a Perception of better reliability but far from it on appliance auto's. Have seen plenty of crap from those companies and I will agree with the term Sheep seem to be lazy in taking care of their auto's. Sheep need to drive EV's as they DO NOT want to deal with maintenance and taking car of their appliance auto's. American auto's have not been perfect and have built some crap models, yet even the crap models can go long distance when owners follow the maintenance schedule. THIS is where the Sheep fail as their own laziness about oil changes, lubing points, brakes, etc. ended up giving them a broken down auto. If you look at the Asian auto's who went in the 80's to 100,000 mile tune ups and 7,500 mile oil changes compared to American auto companies who stuck with 30K tune ups and 3K oil changes and the sheep choose to NOT do the required maintenance, yes those autos failed. Yes American Auto companies Executives screwed the public for profits, but then you find this in every company even Asian or German. End result is YOU and YOU alone the OWNER of the auto are responsible for reading the owners guide, following the defined maintenance schedule and paying for those things. This is the BITCH I have had all along on people who BITCH about American auto's and talk about their appliance Asian auto going 100,000 miles and have never cracked the owners guide. Asian Auto's build for a sheep society. As one who went to College and graduated from Kobe University, Kobe Japan, I can attest first hand to this Sheep mentality. This build it to have less maintenance took the American auto industry almost 20 years to get caught up to the Asian auto's. You have a choice in this world, be a sheep and follow the crowd or take care of your stuff, look at what is required to take care of it and blaze your own path. Choice is all YOURS!
  6. ? When have I criticized people like that? To each their own. I know my 90's experience is different than others and I never dealt with those car issues you and others have stated as I was driving a GMC Suburban I still own from that era. So I never have had those issues, but I understand some have. We each only have our own experiences to fall back on and till PSA shows differently, rental experience in Europe, coworkers experience in Europe and my own interaction with PSA garbage from the 70's is what it is for now.
  7. Now back to our normal Bickering over the Awesome world of EV's. Liking this story on Lucid and how they WILL NOT do contract manufacturing, are planning for a CUV and possibly a pickup truck. Quote: “I can confirm that we’re doing an SUV off the Air platform,” said Rawlinson, confirming that the company has a driving prototype of the future vehicle. “And I’m going to put that into production in early ‘23.” The CEO has confirmed they have their pilot production line up and running only 8 months after breaking ground on the site. Lucid test fleet https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1129235_lucid-ceo-confirms-suv-considers-pickup-says-absolutely-not-to-contract-manufacturing
  8. As ya know, I am a big person, lucky for me in the past before Dell bought EMC, I did travel and was able to rent. Not impressed, coworkers in Europe have not been impressed either. Much how people bash American Auto companies cars here for not being up to Asian or European cars, in europe PSA does not have the best rep outside of France by people and the auto's tend to come across when you see them in trashed condition. Honestly if it was not for the past gov support to PSA I honestly doubt it would still be around. Socialism not showing it's best here in regards to PSA. This is in addition to my own experience with them when they were here in the states and yes that was a Long LOng LONG time ago. But then like an Elephant, I do not forget the poor experiences that I wish to NOT repeat.
  9. Some times ya have to remove the dead body!
  10. The only auto's I have seen pictures of and heard about have all been 6 or 4 bangers, so just wondering if an American V8 had ever been in your stable of rides. Thank you for sharing.
  11. See those daily in my neck of the woods here in Mountlake Terrace as they take off and then turn right headed west to Japan.
  12. ^ @ocnblu ? Have you ever owned anything other than 6 and 4 banger auto's? ?
  13. GARBAGE Crossovers, have not heard much positive about them, their rare time in North America was not good either.
  14. But the Hyperion XP-1 is a Hydrogen fueled Hyper Super Car. So it fits right in with this Alternative Fuels Random thread.
  15. Totally agree, Today's Hyper Super Cars should be unique rather than just another Shooting speed bullet car. Why not make a Supercar that stands out like these do:
  16. Your right that in specific east coast and mid west areas they are not, but I do know many on the west coast are holding off awaiting the many various EVs that have been announced as these are the ones like myself that have no interest in Tesla. As such, I will keep doing everything to keep my ICE auto's going till I can replace them. Just filled up with gas today as I had to run to Costco for my wives prescription and noticed I will turn over some time this month 170,000 in my 2008 Trailblazer SS AWD. Still looks good, but wow, did the time fly.
  17. Do not forget the forgettable German models too. Bland and all looking the same. @oldshurst442 Totally agree with you on what you posted. I doubt other than a few french and weird North American Citizens that Selling a French auto on French weirdness will sell here. I find the DN CUVs interesting, but not desirable to own. Without an EV edge of something special, Forget having PSA stuff sell on the west coast. Where the hell was PSA in 1991? ? I thought they died in the US in the late 70's. Never saw anything that was not a special import usually by someone stationed in Europe or specifically France.
  18. Totally agree with everything you said. I think we are going to see a Battery war as the next tech war for auto's. I like the look of the Lucid over the Tesla big time. Hyperion XP-1 is futuristic looking, but I question if it really will ever get past being a 1 trick pony for a very select few billionaires.
  19. Will be interesting to see if and what comes to the North American shores. PSA can forget cars, waste of time here now. They should be focused on mid size CUV with a Large and Small option for the best start I think. If they come in with a quality product unlike Fiat 500, then they should do well.
  20. Can you point to the info that shows GM is loosing money on each and every corvette they make?
  21. Review of the 2020 Corvette and the writer has some valid points, but I have to say it is tiring to read how surprised they are that America can build such a low priced, but fun and exciting sports car. Where did these morons grow up? Europe! https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/reviews/2020-chevrolet-corvette-2dr-stingray-cpe-review/
  22. Exciting future product if they do make it to production.
  23. Lucid Motors has now officially BEAT Tesla. Yes that is right, they have an independent certified test done on their Lucid Air Luxury sedan that their solid state battery pack allows the Luxury Lucid Air sedan to have a 517 mile range using the EPA's Multicycle Test Procedure. This clearly beats Tesla Model S Long Range Plus sedan. The full details on the Lucid Air are set to be revealed on September 9th with production stated to start 6 months after that. Lucid Air has superior power electronics, motors and battery packs as they draw on the companies Atieva division, which supplies battery packs for Formula E racing. This stated by their CEO and published in IEEE Spectrum. The Alum that has left Tesla is who has taken Lucid to new heights. Personally, Lucid is a far better looking car than Tesla any day. https://spectrum.ieee.org/cars-that-think/transportation/advanced-cars/lucid-air-ev-500-miles-on-a-single-charge https://lucidmotors.com/stories/lucid-air-sets-new-standard-with-517-miles-on-single-charge
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