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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Even when they did release the V8-6-4 it was a disaster as tech was not available to make it work smoothly or reliably. I suspect the Oil companies are hedging their bet's by owning the battery companies that need oil for the production of the case and other solid state components that are high impact plastic based. Another way for them to keep the money coming in for what oil they still produce.
  2. Interesting editorial in the Houston Chronicle by Chris Tomlinson who writes about and follows the Oil Industry. New battery tech will pull electric vehicles even with petrol-fueled cars. 1) He lists all the battery companies that have been bought up by oil companies due to solid state batteries that are coming out in 2023. 2) He lists all the auto companies that have paired up or bought interest in battery companies who are all releasing solid state batteries in 2023. 3) He gives a quick history of batteries and why they could not till now charge fast enough. Liquid has always been the issue. 4) He talks about the various kinds of solid state design that will quadruple the density of battery charge and can exceed even todays 800V charging power. One noticeable change that will affect everyone world wide is that a solid state cell that is the same size of existing Li cells that have liquid will be 4 times denser, meaning take your existing cell phone and the battery it has today and quadruple the amount of charge it can carry and how long it will last before having to recharge. Now do that to EVs and you have some big range. Imagen the Chevrolet Bolt with current 258 miles on the existing liquid Li battery and a move to solid state means they can reduce the size to one quarter the size and keep the same range, or keep the same size but end up with a battery pack that has a 1,032 mile range. Example the writer makes is current Bolt takes 6 hours to charge up full and yet at a commercial quick charge site, it will take minutes. Good informative read. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/columnists/tomlinson/article/new-battery-tech-electic-cars-vehicles-evs-15473080.php
  3. Ran out to Taco Time, too hot and humid to cook. Saw this old T-bird.
  4. I am at that stage in life where a Full size 4wd SUV in 2 Door trim makes sense more than a 4 door or Suburban length does.
  5. Does make one wonder if GM would consider a 2 door Tahoe and Yukon if the Bronco sells well.
  6. We'll you could have short and stout or tall and toothpick at 115 lbs. I figure you were more of this anyway!
  7. @trinacriabob Dates are da BOMB! Love them. Buy them by the tub from Costco and enjoy them with everything. Especially a Bacon Wrapped Date on the BBQ. Try this recipe if you like Dates. Date filled Cream Cheese with Bacon. YUM YUM YUM This recipe uses Goat Cheese, but you can really use any kind of Cheese that you like. Cream Cheese makes it very decadent. https://www.vindulge.com/grilled-bacon-wrapped-dates-with-smoked-honey/
  8. End Result: Seeing the videos on the Rubicon Trail show the NEW Bronco has the Goods to play in the tough parts of the World. Give them all the credit for delivering the hardware Front end and Back end still dislike and I think they could have done better than a retro mod of them. Like I said, a 20th Century front and rear on a 21st century modern 4x4 that DOES NOT WORK FOR ME!!!
  9. Updated, mind of Mush on a hot humid day. Thanks for the catch. WOW, cannot believe I wrote that.
  10. Love this video of the R1T capable testing in Arizona. https://videos.rivian.com/2md5qhoeajym/1cTeiGCtQ7DtENzy5x8tNL/cc25a561ebfbd61a64582826f60f2a9b/Rivian_Peru_LWU_200803_DIGICOM_H264_100MB.mp4 Very cool looking show that will cover the trip from South America to North America in the R1T.
  11. With the current Pandemic and peoples avoidance to using stuff others have already used makes me think this service is now DEAD on Arrival. Edited after a hot humid day made my mind mush.
  12. I believe from an Engineering standpoint that Ford did Hit it out of the ball park for capability and good for them. GM should have done this Long ago via GMC with a Jeep rival product. I just think the style of the front and back is the failure here for me.
  13. I can understand that view point, but they then went and sold it to all the other German auto company's and the various divisions. To me they knew it was not right to use the software, not right and honestly from an Engineering point of view, no need for it when you have to have your engines pass a certain test. This tells me they knew they had figured out a way to cheat and was willing for a fee sell it to anyone and everyone who would buy. I hold them accountable for the deception they created and sold.
  14. Naw, it was exciting when I saw the concept in the movie Rampage, but this to me already looks dated and needs an update on that Front end. Do not get me wrong the off road capabilities are great, but the front and back of the 21st century Bronco just do nothing for me. It is like 20th century lipstick, face and butt on a 21st century body.
  15. Yes, the Public does want the best product in their eyes, but I also think the Public needs to hold companies accountable otherwise we end up with really bad corruption all for the sake of the 1% getting richer. I also saw the Documentary and that yes there is the one loan email that said it should not be used in production, but that DOES NOT release Bosch of the fact that they new when selling hundreds of thousands of the parts that work with that software that it would not be abused. To me this is true executive corruption on profit before human health. Good thing Colleges are willing to tear apart a product to better understand and expose the corporate lies. Otherwise the Toxic diesel would still be going gangbusters on damaging the planet. Course plenty of other product that are also doing damage too, just not diesel.
  16. True as the statement goes Lipstick on a Pig, I can see Ford putting LipStick on the Bronco to sell a badged off road version, but I think they will not actually build a Raptor Ford Ranger. The funds I think are tied up elsewhere.
  17. Bosch supplied VW, Audi, Porsche, BMW and Daimler with the hardware and software. This was a German Cheat Plan and while the auto companies are being hit hard, I have yet to see much action against Bosch for their part in creating the cheat software and hardware. What action has been taken has been very lite. $100 million here and there, but over all they got off scot free compared to the auto makers. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/product-liability-and-toxics-law/bosch-sued-by-delaware-over-vw-diesel-emissions-cheat-software https://www.forbes.com/sites/doronlevin/2019/05/23/german-parts-maker-bosch-gets-off-with-relatively-light-100-million-fine-from-vw-dieselgate/#77f8c9b721f2 https://www.autonews.com/suppliers/bosch-pay-100-million-fine-germany-over-emissions-cheat-software Sadly true, there needs to be more accountability, but sadly the public would rather be sold a bag a horse shit lies than the truth.
  18. That was my thinking too, the Front rake is crazy, but understandable. Love the Squared off back end and the roof rack. I am actually liking the style too. Wheels were Meh, to me, but like you stated, if they are using industry standard lug pattern, then new rims are not a problem. I am also liking the large glass between the C & D pillars.
  19. I doubt Ford will do anything of an equal on the Ranger as they are hurting due to their debt load and with their investment in EVs. I think they will be looking a bit different than a one trick pony now that would sell big at first but then fad away. I think Ford will be looking at other areas to raise cash under the new CEO. As a Flip Flopping manager, I really wonder what Ford will be like in 5yrs.
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