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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Let's Look at the Facts. Potus45 cheated not once, but twice and married each cheater woman ending his marriage to the previous wife. He has tried to cover up his Golden Shower fun with prostitutes in Russia, He tried to cover up his affair with Stormy Daniels which is during the his marriage to the 3rd wife. He wants people to believe his lying dialogue of who he is. Where did Hillary cheat or cause scandal in the white house? Her husband cheated but he was a known hound dog of woman and until he decided to try and cover up the Monica affair, he had not did what Potus45 had done. Respect is earned and given and that is one thing even as much as the current president has not earned from the public, the position still deserved respect and while there are more jokes that tear the position and him down, this was not a joke that did that. Yet you had to Degrade woman period with terms that should not be used. You had to find a way to lower yourself in making a joke that could have been funny about her to below her. I have thought long and hard on this and @ocnblu you have no way to say that you did not on purpose degrade with your joke. That is something I did not do. This is all your own doing. Next time hopefully you will think twice as I am all for a joke even ones about Hillary Clinton that can be funny and clean. No need to degrade anyone or oneselve.
  2. Same here for me and Taco Time Tater Tots, they seldom make it home.
  3. Yea, Love to fish, clean and will cook it, BBQ, Steamed, Poached, broiled, etc. All fish taste, texture, smell just turns me off for eating. I have a very limited seafood that I like, Scallops, King Crab, Lobster and an occasional tiger prawn. That is it. Pretty much a Beef, Pork and Chicken man.
  4. Genesis Electric G80 caught testing at the German Nuremburg track. https://www.autoblog.com/2020/08/18/genesis-eg80-ev-spy-photos/#slide-2257870
  5. Fishy greasy tasting, not a fish fan. Glad @ocnblu likes his fish, I just do not. Have tried it a few times and just not for me.
  6. Everyone deserves decency even when they are a lying unfaithful narcissist. That is what sets a strong Multi-Cultural society apart from a racist one.
  7. Scallops look good, pass on the salmon.
  8. Any woman would be better looking than Hillary, but do you have to drop to uneducated degrading terms for a woman? I am sure the joke could have been done without two specific terms.
  9. Seems BorgWarner will be the official Power Train of the Mustang Mach e EV. To Quote the story: Unlike other BorgWarner eGearDrive units, the gearing incorporated within the iDM does not utilize parallel axis gearing. Instead, it features a concentric design with outputs on the same axis as the electric motor, which results in a more compact package. The gearbox can handle 4,278 Nm of axle torque and input speeds up to 13,800 rpm. Also, BorgWarner designed and packaged an integrated park module, along with a cooling and lubrication solution to provide thermal management to the whole iDM system, all within one compact assembly. The iDM will power the Mustang Mach-E’s rear-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drive configurations. For the all-wheel-drive GT version, BorgWarner will supply the secondary drive unit to power the front wheels as well. Production is slated to begin this year. Have to say the RPM and Torque are exciting. Cannot complain about 3,155 lb-ft of torque. https://chargedevs.com/newswire/borgwarner-to-build-integrated-drive-module-for-ford-mustang-mach-e/
  10. An interesting read for those curious about how EV Semi Trucks and Public buses will be powered. Very interesting to read about the Mega Watts of power needed to recharge a fleet. For the most part, the West coast is adding power and charging, Midwest has yet to do much of anything and the east coast is slowly adding charging stations and looking to add capacity. Be interesting to see where we are by 2025 for power production in support of EV's everything. https://chargedevs.com/newswire/electric-truck-fleets-will-need-a-lot-of-power-and-utilities-need-to-start-planning-now/
  11. Why? Such an Ugly Mug, the GMC is way better looking.
  12. Starting this thread for a single focus and that is job discussion of software in the Auto industry. I took a quick look, Ford has 1,500 software positions open in support of their EV products. GM had over 1,300 listed on their site and since the pandemic took hold has removed most jobs and is showing less than 100 jobs now. Yet on Indeed they show 50 jobs open for software engineers in embedded development. Took a look over at VW which is showing hundreds of software jobs in Tennessee. Seems both BMW and Mercedes-Benz also has lots of openings for software engineers here in the US. This makes one wonder as the auto industry moves to EV's which will require still a wide variety of engineers to build the auto's, how much more does it become software driven on differentiation between various product lines? I can see having an electric motor that via software delivers a wide range of horsepower and torque or as I think will become the new standard kW and NM which are both certified standards by SAE. I think eventually people will focus on kW and NM for the auto they buy rather than cylinders for current ICE auto's. So this brings it down to Software on how you can set the difference between one product line and another. It also makes me wonder if some one buys say a Ford and then purchase the software for a Lincoln if they will be able to hack their auto the same way some people today do their cell phones. What are your thoughts on software, future auto's and what might happen?
  13. Latest Auto Recalls listed here: https://autonxt.net/latest-automotive-safety-recalls/ Interesting that the latest one is a recall for improper welds on the 2020 Mercedes-Benz GLB. Even more interesting of the 68 recalls, they are Dominated by Mercedes-Benz and Ford. The most interesting one is the MB S560 which is being recalled for weak oil plugs that can cause while under load of freeway driving to pop both plugs, spilling oil on the road causing crashes and causing the engine to seize up. Crazy
  14. I honestly have to say this looks good, but complicated from a power train standpoint. Questions: Is this just a less luxury version of the V90? How does it compare room wise to the XC version inside? Other than a lower AWD auto, a comparison to the XC60 and how it compares to the 90 series would be great. Does it feel like your sitting in a hole when you get in? How does the Greenhouse feel over all from the inside? Bunker like? Is there any noticeable transition between ICE and EV?
  15. But remember, someone here says everything has to have Turbo charged V8 to be the best or else it is nothing.
  16. Who does Donald Trump have stand in as a body double for Melania Trump? Steven Tyler
  17. The Diet analysis is a great way to plug in the types of food you eat and see how healthy you are eating. Great way to create a balanced healthy life style if you need to shed a few pounds, stones, kg. I am sure the Pandemic has us all putting on a few, I know I have, gotta up my workout at home. https://foodstruct.com/
  18. The USDA Food Composition Database found at the U.S. Department of Agriculture has all the comparison details, I find this web site makes it more visually friendly. Go to the link below for even more comparison info on these two. They actually break it down into a complete mineral, vitamin, protein, carbohydrates and fats comparison charts. Excellent way to help guide eating changes to live healthier. At the bottom is a list of other comparable items to the Date and Avocado. https://foodstruct.com/compare/dates-degletnoor-vs-avocado You can go here and pretty much compare any food to see how healthy it is. I like that they use the comparison food color to show which section that food wins in. No matter what, like everything, in moderation is the way to go and Dates and Avocado's have plenty of positive reasons to eat if you like the taste, texture and visual. For me, Awfulcado's turn me off by visual some, mostly taste and texture. Not happy in my mouth. Dates on the other hand I love. So go figure. I am also not a big fruit lover either. Will enjoy Watermelon, pears and peaches, but not much else.
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