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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. While California and the 29 states that have adopted the CARB standards for their states are pushing for a faster move to EV's, it seems the Delivery companies are wanting to move even faster to EV delivery vans. Good read on all the changes coming in 2021 to UPS, FedEx, Amazon, USPS, etc. I have to say it looks like these 4 companies could reshape the EV industry in a far faster way than any of us thought. I like this quote from the story: “For us, it’s not just about making the wheels turn with a zero-emission vehicle,” said Scott Phillippi, UPS’s senior director of fleet maintenance and engineering, who envisions “Tesla-like” vehicles in the company’s vast fleet. “It’s about an integrated-technology vehicle - and that’s really what we’re pushing for.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-electric-delivery-focus-idUSKBN2601H8 https://uk.reuters.com/article/autos-electric-delivery/focus-pandemic-e-commerce-surge-spurs-race-for-tesla-like-electric-delivery-vans-idUKL1N2FZ1AZ Dash of the new UPS Electric delivery Vans. https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/focus-pandemic-e-commerce-surge-spurs-race-for-tesla-like-electric-delivery-vans-2020-09 https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/pandemic-e-commerce-electric-delivery
  2. @trinacriabob We aim to please. Top 10 places by CNBC https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/15/us-news-world-report-best-places-to-live-in-the-us-in-2019.html#:~:text=1 Austin%2C Texas 2 Denver%2C Colorado 3 Colorado,Washington D.C.) did not make this year’s list. Top 125 places by US News https://realestate.usnews.com/places/rankings/best-places-to-live Top 10 places to live by Bankrate where they factor in Affordability, Culture, Safety, Job Market and Education. https://www.bankrate.com/real-estate/best-places-to-live/us/
  3. I know you see auto's that belch smoke, drip oil and are anything but running the way they were engineered especially old 15 year old auto's, nothing fake about that. I do support both, but I am all for the health of everyone and moving to EVs.
  4. As long as he attacks me for supporting EVs, he gets the same in return. I know I drive big ICE SUV's and I refuse to buy any new ICE till full size EV truck / SUV happens. I know how much CO2 my auto's produce and I will continue my friendly banter with Ocnblu. No Hypocrisy from me only facts of pointing out his roll in global warming and refusal to look at facts and create fake EV info. Looking in the mirror is hard for those that want to only look through rose colored glasses.
  5. I have to say that the Nikola Badger Super truck is a nice looking truck and solid competitor to the RAM which I have felt is one of the best looking trucks out there. What do you all think of the Badger EV fuel cell Truck? Nikola has now stated there will be two versions. 455 HP / 980 lb-ft of torque AWD 910 hp / 1,960 lb-ft of torque AWD 300 miles on battery pack and 300 miles on Fuel cell generator. @Robert Hall @ccap41 @Drew Dowdell @balthazar @A Horse With No Name @surreal1272 @trinacriabob @riviera74 @oldshurst442 So what do you guys think of their concept above now that they have an updated actual truck? Do you think it will make it as is to when they reveal their fleet of Mules in December? Thoughts of GM investment in Nikola and the manufacturing plant that Nikola is getting to build the Badger Truck along with using GM's platform? Sounds off please.
  6. EV News of the Day! Elon Musk met with VW CEO and test drove the ID3 and found it to be a solid electric car. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/herbertdiess_we-are-ready-for-take-off-activity-6708652868141907968-QIIh https://www.linkedin.com/embed/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6708652585454190592 https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-elon-musk-met-volkswagen-chairman-diess-test-drive-id3-2020-9 https://electrek.co/2020/09/07/tesla-ceo-elon-musk-test-drive-vw-id3-video/ https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-elon-musk-volkswagen-id3-test-drive-video/#:~:text=Fortunately%2C a video of Elon Musk’s Volkswagen ID.3,while the former was test driving the ID.3. GM is investing in other EV Auto Companies as they bought an 11% stake in Nikola the Semi Truck maker and new Consumer Truck Maker. GM is also getting into Manufacturing with Nikola as they will help Nikola build their 900 HP Super Truck. GM will be their supplier for batteries, architecture, fuel cell systems and one of GM's mothballed factories will go to Nikola for use in the production of the Super Truck and Fuel Cell Semi Trucks. The first working prototypes will be shown this December 2020 and the Badger Super Truck will go on sale 2022. https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/general-motors-acquires-11-stake-in-electric-truck-maker-nikola-2020-09-08 https://money.usnews.com/investing/news/articles/2020-09-08/general-motors-acquires-11-stake-in-electric-truck-maker-nikola https://www.theverge.com/2020/9/8/21427009/gm-nikola-acquisition-electric-hydrogen-truck https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nikola-and-gm-team-up-to-make-this-900-horsepower-super-electric-truck-113011979.html
  7. Nice you just created .162 Metric Tons of Green House Gas, warming the world, melting the polar caps and polluting the local air. Thank you, https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator
  8. That is so weird as Spam is everywhere even in high end places. I will say, cut the spam into little cubes, cook it up crunchy, then let it drain on paper towels. Make home made creamy mac n cheese, stir in Crunch Spam bits and enjoy. Awesome Mac n Cheese.
  9. Guess then all people buying CPO ICE auto's are SAPS since the electronics are very outdated, efficiency of said auto is pathetic and poor compared to current new year auto. ICE Auto's like EV's loose at least 25% depreciation once driven off the lot, so you should only use MASS TRANSIT since your a sap buying a new auto so often then. Your as bad as our lying government as the extreme lies you state about EVs. WOW ?
  10. Hello ICE engines DO LOOSE HP and Torque by 100,000 miles. Some much worse than others especially on smaller engines like 3 & 4 cylinder. Bigger thing is the Amount of CO2 produced by ICE compared to EVs and there ICE looses every time. https://duquark.com/2019/06/03/environmental-impacts-of-internal-combustion-engines-and-electric-battery-vehicles/ https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/9/2690/htm Just some of the studies that show the metric tons of pollution ICE produce compared to EVs even with battery production and dirty energy supply like Coal or natural gas.
  11. It's cause you bought a truck form a Woman run company since you Hate her so much. Maybe you should go back to that Mexican or Fiat built Jeep you loved so much. ?
  12. I get that people live different life styles, but change is inevitable. People had to deal with this when changing from having barn space for the Horse and Buggy to an automobile. People I am sure that could afford the auto loved not having to feed and clean up after a horse. Same here, once people realize the positive changes with EV's, the ease of charging in a far wider place for energy compared to gas stations, people will change. This is no different than people plugging their cell phone in at night where ever in their house they do it. People adapt and history has shown this. While change might be hard for some or impossible for others, the bulk of society has shown they can change and do.
  13. Wrong, you are so WRONG! There has been complete engineering changes to a wide variety of the product line. The original MB platform COULD NOT handle the Demon or Hellcat. This required complete new engineering suspension, frame, etc. Major profits came from the American Name plates that supported keeping the Euro trash alive. If they do a proper accounting review, they will see the need to kill Fiat here and maybe else where. Only where places have strong Fiat sales will it survive. Same with other name plates.
  14. When you can charge overnight at home, your work or while you shop or eat, very little need then for a Charge station unless your on a road trip and now via the auto nav system or your personal smartphone, you can easily find a charge point.
  15. Have to say that I am excited by the Jeep Grand Wagoneer. Excited to see McIntosh is getting into premium sound systems for auto's. Love their home theater gear. https://www.autoweek.com/news/future-cars/a33901878/look-inside-the-new-jeep-grand-wagoneer-concept-vehicle/?source=nl&utm_source=nl_aut&utm_medium=email&date=090320&utm_campaign=nl21400259&utm_term=AAA -- High Minus Dormant and 90 Day Non Openers
  16. I understand and get the point your making. The bill while it died has been revised and introduced again for the fall session. While Eastern Washington is working to build and install more and more charging stations, they are plentiful around Western Washington and in all the state and federal parks. You can easily make any type of road trip right now around Washington as all the major roads have them. I suspect that in the next 1-2yrs we will see a ban on sales of new ICE auto's. Seattle already has turned half the roads in the city to Bike / EV roads only. As such, it will become harder for an ICE auto to more around. This is why Amazon, UPS, FedEx and USPS are wanting EV auto's for delivery on top of plenty of other valid reasons. I can live with a ban on New ICE auto sales and allowing existing ICE auto's to keep running till they are replaced.
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