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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. American Cheese on top of Apple Pie!
  2. For truck lovers, check out these 40 restored trucks. AWESOME https://yeahmotor.com/trucks/restored-rare-trucks/?version=X2&utm_source=taboola&utm_campaign=ym_tb_tbym1_dsk_all_0914_cp_sb_resttrucks1&utm_content=2927702599&utm_medium=msn-anaheim-us &utm_term=ym tb tbym1 dsk all 0914 cp sb resttrucks1 Sweet Ride
  3. Blu's truck going to sleep for the Night!
  4. If cars were riding like an SUV seat height, and I could get the headroom that I know this car has, I would be happy in a car like this. I see no need for only 6 inches from the bottom of the car to the road surface.
  5. Would totally agree with you. For me, I have XM for life as it was a special GM ran when I bought the Escalade and so I got for $250 at the time a lifetime use of XM so hard to not use it when it is pretty much free.
  6. Not kidding, I like the look and ride height. Hate cars that are cigarettes' pack high or about there. One should not have to sit down on the ground getting into a car unless it is a performance sports car like a corvette. This 2 door sedan, looks good to me as is.
  7. Last Friday, Kenworth announced the start of their new EV truck line with two box trucks for inner city delivery with a Class 6 and Class 7 truck. K270E and K370E models plenty more pictures for those interested in the power train or battery pack on the company press release. These trucks are in production with the first ones set to be delivered by December. The trucks come in the following options list: 24 or 30 foot lengths. 100 or 200 mile battery packs 355 or 469 HP electric motors Enough Torque to start on a 20% grade Enough power to maintain 40 mph on a 6% grade fully loaded Regenerative braking DC fast charging https://www.kenworth.com/news/news-releases/2020/september/electric-trucks-available/
  8. Hummer by GMC Reveal set for Oct 20th. Reservation will be accepted starting that day also. We see the NEW Infotainment screen and dedicated CRAB MODE option. clearly APPLE and ANDROID play are supported. I believe this will be bigger seller for GM than the Cadillac will be. Excited to see the Truck, I also hope they show off the SUV. Tesla is going to be Late LATE LATE to the truck party as usual.
  9. Call it the STUPID THINKING THAT DOHC are better engines, higher HP, weak ass torque and far more electronics that screw up an engine that should just stay pushrod solid basics.
  10. @Drew Dowdell So will a New Hummer by GMC be created under GMC or just part of GM?
  11. I like the way it looks, my biggest beef is trucks and cars that sag in the ass. Just looks terrible besides being dangerous when they actually try to tow. I think that Car looks great.
  12. Woke to falling ash and terrible visibility
  13. My coworker who lives in Seattle and has a view of the water from his office sent me the pic he took a month ago and today. Before wildfires Today with the smoke from Oregon and California moving in.
  14. @ccap41 According Rivian, Jan 2021 is when existing pre-order customers will get access to customize their R1T for building and delivery. 60 to 90 days after that, the sales will open up to everyone who is not a pre-order customer. Mitsubishi built millions of auto's on that assembly line. Rivian has stated that they will start off slow to insure quality over quantity and speed things up as they get everyone trained.
  15. Being one who is born and raised in Washington State and having lived through the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption and ash covering us for the next couple of weeks, I see Seattle this weekend being in the same mess of ash from the Forest Fires.
  16. https://rivian.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=announcement&utm_campaign=building_towards_production&mcrid=R00A4E2D738466F4A4E951C922CCDA8482916807B0B#home-video R1T's have started to roll off the assembly line.
  17. Here is this morning at Business Costco with all the smoke from the Oregon and California Wild Fires.
  18. Right now at my house in Mountlake Terrace, 84 and 46% humidity. It's Killing me Smalls! ?
  19. 33C or 90 plus in Seattle today. so freaking hot.
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