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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Still does not deter me from EVs being the future. I do believe that the electronics and coding is a new world for the OEMs to deal with and will have their normal bugs. I am hoping that Rivian and Hummer by GMC can come out at a much higher quality level when released. I am excited for the Rivian auto's to start getting delivered next Summer and hearing what people think of their new Truck.
  2. Sorry about that, I thought I had clicked the 1500. I was curious and so I called my local Chevy place here and they said that any truck can be brought in from any dealership. If it is greater than 25 miles, they trailer the truck to the dealership. Depending on the association of the dealers it could just be a auto exchange or there could be a basic trailering cost for the company that brings the truck in. They said if I found exactly what I wanted online searching the national database, then a good dealer should be able to get the truck for you or negotiate a like equal truck. I told him the base requirements were CC, Standard bed, 4WD and 3.0L diesel. His response was if it was out there exactly what I wanted he could have it within a week, otherwise it would have to be an order. Very nice guy, I would seriously consider using him down the road. So it looks my friend that if you want, just build it online and see where it is at if it exists the way you want it. Then you have a choice of a delivery fee to have the truck brought in or order. Was an interesting exercise for me, GM seems to be far more flexible or I should say the dealers are being far more flexible in getting a sale than I have seen them in the past. This Pandemic is working in the customers favor I believe.
  3. Have ya searched inventory nationally as there seems to be allot of Diesel Crew Cab with the standard box that you want. Sadly mostly in white for some strange reason. A few red, black and brown. I always liked the Buick Roadmaster Wagon. And the older Buick Vista wagon
  4. Movie Critic I honestly did not like the Movie Titanic, but my wife and daughter loved it.
  5. Reminds me of Jumanji The Next Level
  6. Good video comparing Ford Mach E to Tesla Model Y and it seems the Mach E is just about equal in performance to the Mustang GT-500. 2021 Ford Mustang Mach-E GT Performance Edition announced | Autoblog
  7. And Lincoln has 3 Hybrids now when they were looking at the 1 EV that has been postponed, not canceled. Lincoln® Luxury Hybrid Electric Vehicles | Performance With Efficiency
  8. Come on @A Horse With No Name ya gotta post a proper Taco Tuesday Auto!
  9. Awesome, Thank you. We are frozen here, but clear skys for the week and weekend. Want more snow, but ski season does open this coming weekend.
  10. I would agree that it can be silent and I wonder if people will figure a way to turn off the artificial Porsche sound. Not a fan of it at all.
  11. WOW, that is so stupid, yet sadly, I have seen this before especially from entitled kids. Hope the owner and employees can recover fast and get back to work during this pandemic. Post pics please, love to see snow!
  12. I would agree that between these two interiors, I would take.......................................................................................... Mustang Mach E interior Rivian R1S Adventure Package interior Rivian for the Win!!!
  13. I will say that I find these little Suzuki's to be very cool. Happy 50th Birthday Suzuki Jimny! Quote: Less than three meters (9.8 feet) long and with a wheelbase of just 1.93 meters (6.33 ft), the first mass-produced 4x4 model was introduced in this popular market segment. The first version offered three seats, an open body with a canvas cover, and an air-cooled 360-cc two-stroke engine with 25 horsepower (18 kilowatts). Latest version was released in 2018 with a 1.5L 102 hp / 76 kW motor and automatic as an option for Transmission. Suzuki Jimny Turns 50, Remains True To Its Compact Off-Road Origins (motor1.com) I accept you as you Dwight. Yes the history is in the rocks as they say or Geologist say and science does show that we have gone through multiple ice ages. We clearly have evolved and with that comes the ability to look at the past and learn from it and realize that the climate has changed and drastic things have happened as the climate got out of balance. One would ask then, would it not behoove us to learn from the past, what is recorded in the rocks and improve upon it where we can by limiting how we affect our climate? I am happy to read that you like me do care about the pollutants that are harmful to humans. While Natural gas is the US highest form of electricity production, Nuclear and coal are now bellow green power generation I believe based on what Drew posted earlier.
  14. OUCH, almost crashes a Tycan during a paid by Porsche test run. cool pics, but also a video of his near crash when attempting to drift the Porsche before they set the world record. How I Nearly Crashed A $100,000 Porsche Taycan Into A Wall (jalopnik.com)
  15. Not sure if anyone remembers what happened on September 8th 2019 Port of Brunswick Georgia. 656 foot long auto carrier ship started to list as it left port and then fully capsized with 4,200 auto's on board. Finally they are cutting up the ship using a special metal cutting chain and pulling sections of the ship from the port. ? Giant Chain Rips Through Dozens of Cars as Capsized Cargo Ship Gets Chopped Up (thedrive.com)
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