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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. That is cool to know, I wonder if the 4 means 4L diesel then? I thought the Turbo 4 meant 4 cyclinder. I honestly know nothing about these Japanese Land Cruisers, but was cool to see it here.
  2. Australia has the largest known lethal amount of spiders including a lethal spider that jumps out of trees to bite its victims and is known for many deaths in that country. Interesting to know is that Mexico has the highest number of lethal instects, animals, etc. followed by Brazil and then Australia. QUOTE: Which country has the most venomous animals? Surprisingly, it’s not Australia but Mexico with 80, followed by Brazil with 79 and then Australia with just 66 (they just happen to be more potent). Countries With The Most Venomous Animals – Brilliant Maps
  3. Response from the VP at Magna Corporation to help clarify the power: The power range that we quote (120-250kW) is the available power range for a single motor application; the options are either 120kW, 160kW or 250kW, in a single motor. eBeam variants available with a twin motor, ex: twin 160kW, would have a total of 320kW. Tracy Fuerst Vice President, Corporate Communications and PR MAGNA INTERNATIONAL 750 Tower Drive, Mail Code 7000 Troy, Michigan USA 48098 OFFICE +1 248 631 5396 MOBILE +1 248 761 7004 [email protected]
  4. From the land of the rising Sun, I found this imported Toyota Right Hand driving Land Cruiser. Turbo 4 banger 4x4
  5. Totally agree with that as one who went to college @ Kobe University in Japan. I had a motor bike there but found after the first year of exploring that taking trains was far more efficient for me to see the country over driving. If the US invested in proper rail service between all major cities, you could easily reduce auto's on the road. have cleaner air and reduce stress for many people on top of changing personal / family costs. ? Maybe cause his wife wins them all and he thinks he can win more here? ?‍♂️
  6. That is BS, Washington is almost 100% green energy and we still average 6 cents per kilowatt even after shutting down our coal, almost all gas and nuclear power generation. Your anti-science, anti-green agenda has blinded you to the fact that most people are not out to hurt society but make it better and working together through better ways of doing things. This could get ugly political if you really wanted to have pointed out to you the false destructive nature of not having a balance of government basics with for profit business. Democracy was on a balance not on a dictator wanna be with greed for the 1%. The last 4 years had the biggest destructive waste of burdening the tax payers while moving wealth to the 1% and look at the results. Texas had people die and poor getting 5 digit power bills to stay warm. FAILURE on way too many fronts and California is the same digging out from failure on for profit excess of 1%. Green Energy is not the fault of higher prices nor was it the fault of power generation when you do not have redundancy and proper preparation of services by ensuring from extreme lows to highs the power plants can run. Greed pure and simple was the fault. Solar panels are at a point that we very well could generate power at night as well. The improvements of technology will make fossil fuels needed much less. A Solar Panel That Works at Night? That May Soon Be a Reality | The Weather Channel - Articles from The Weather Channel | weather.com
  7. Excellent source of protein, but have a nasty side affect that if not eaten in moderation does hurt you. GAS, CRAMPS, Kidney Damage, Heart Damage, decrease in medicine effectiveness. Garbanzo & Chickpeas Are Gluten Free, But With Side Effects – Superfoodly Chickpeas: Benefits And Side Effects | QriousMag Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans): Nutrition, Benefits, Side Effects, Info (seedguides.info) I do love them on a salad, but like all things, moderation. I will say that there are some very yummy recipes for Chickpeas. Chickpea Recipes | Allrecipes Roasted are awesome, fun munching snack while watching a movie.
  8. I have to disagree with your math. At most about $11 for a full charge at public charging stations still cheaper than gas. Public EV Charging Station Pricing and Costs | Enel X You also forget ICE has much more maintenance cost than EV excluding the abuse police put on EVs. Power cost, maintenance cheaper with an EV and of course no green house gas and much quieter. Sadly you have bought into the anti-science BS about climate change, so you will continue to buy into the destroy the planet at any cost, you need to move to the south with the rest of the individuals who cannot care about the future, other than themselves.
  9. @ccap41 @Robert Hall I think this van has European orgins. ELMS Van SAID Electric van of Europe Ford Transit Van of Europe
  10. ElectraMeccanica News Seems this little startup that has been clinging to life support over the past few years has now choosen Mesa Arizona for their new US based assembly facility. According to the story, this little single occupant 3 wheel EV after a year plus long search choose Arizona over it's home HQ base of Canada. They also have opened up 8 current retail locations with plans for a total of 20 direct to consumer locations of which 16 will be in North America for people to look at and pre-order their auto across the US. With a price point of $18,500, 100 mile range and a top speed of 80mph, this could be the perfect Uber Eats or any other service delivery auto. Home - Electra Meccanica ElectraMeccanica Announces Plans to Establish U.S. Base of Operations in Greater Phoenix, Arizona - Electra Meccanica
  11. Breaking News FOXCONN has been identified as the production company for Apples iCar EV. Seems now FOXCONN has been identified as using their new phase 1 Wisconsin Valley Science and Technology park as the place to build EV's for the North American market. Foxconn may (or may not) produce EVs at its Wisconsin facility - Electrek In another auto startup company that is clearly focused on the last mile, Electric Last Mile corporation has announced they have 45,000 plus reservations and will be starting production on their 150 mile EV delivery van. Welcome to ELMS - Electric Last Mile Solutions HQ located in Troy Michigan and production set for Mishawaka Michigan they are currently hiring almost 1,000 people for their production site. News - Electric Last Mile Solutions ELMS is touting the following details about their last mile delivery van. 35% TCO savings over ICE 60% Maintenance Cost Reduction 35% More Cargo Space than the Class 1 Leader Curb weight of 3,329 lbs Range 150 miles Max Payload 2,403 lbs Wheelbase 120 inches Cargo capacity 170 CU. FT. L xW x H (177", 66", 78")
  12. Seems Toyota spending Billions on Hydrogen R&D and focusing on Hybrids is now catching up to them as they have now pleaded to the current administration in DC that pushing a pure EV plan for the country will hurt not help people. As such it would seem that Toyota is one of the largest sellers to the US Government of ICE and Hybrid and with no EV on the horizon, the real fact is they are late to the party and will be late causing them to have a miss on sales as other OEMs have focused on moving to pure EV product lines by the end of the decade. Toyota now finds itself behind the 8 ball in competing with Nissan, Korean, European and US auto companies who have all committed to going pure EV rather than Hybrid. These same companies currently see Hydrogen as a better use case for Hybrid Semi Trucks allowing clean electric Semi's burning Hydrogen with water waste for the long haul than consumers driving Hydrogen auto's. Toyota lobbies US government in its increasingly delusional effort to slow down electric vehicles - Electrek Toyota then teases about their first new EV that will be shown off at the Shanghai motor show this year April 21st to 28th. Toyota teases its first electric SUV - Electrek Toyota also announced that they will have 2 BEVs and 1 new Hybrid to announce in the US market. Toyota announces 2 electric cars coming to the US this year - Electrek Course this all could be to help white wash the fact that they were just fined $180 million for emission lies about how clean their auto's are. Quote: Toyota delayed required filings about emissions defects and failed to inform the EPA about progress on recalls related to emissions defects. This resulted in higher emissions, higher costs for consumers, and greater profit for Toyota. Toyota's greenwashing leads to record $180m fine for emissions lies - Electrek Toyota also has stated they will unveil their worlds fastest charging solid state auto batteries. Allowing EV's to recharge to full in 10 min. Toyota to unveil electric car with 10-min fast-charging solid-state battery next year - Electrek Should be an interesting year for the auto industry with so many announcements of new product.
  13. Tesla News Talk about being hit by every side possible. UK where Tesla was the best selling EV has now on the renewal of EV incentives finds itself left off the list compared to all other automakers especially UK based EV startups. Tesla takes hit in the UK as its best-selling Model 3 is excluded from EV incentive - Electrek In 2015 Tesla opened up a huge 840,000 square foot final assembly plant in Tilburg Netherlands for European delivery of Tesla S & X models. Now with the new models, all assembly will be finished in California leaving Tesla with no need for this plant and the indoor testing track. Tesla says they are looking to repurpose the building, but no clear plans yet. Tesla to shut down final assembly plant in Tilburg following Model S/X refresh - Electrek In Detroit a Tesla slammed under the trailer of a Semi Truck on the road and while this one did not end in death, only serious injury, it seems Tesla is under scrutiny again. Tesla is under scrutiny from feds again over crash with semi truck - Electrek Bit of Good news for Tesla, Tesla has secured a 100MW order for storage capacity for green energy production and they have finally opened orders for Isreal to purchase their auto's. Tesla scores over 100 MW order for batteries in Israel - Electrek
  14. Reports are that Rivian is expecting to produce 40,000 EVs this year which will include R1T, R1S and the Amazon Delivery vans as they ramp up to an expected 300,000 auto's a year in the near future. Charged EVs | Rivian rushes to ramp production as it prepares to launch 3 EV models - Charged EVs
  15. @Robert Hall @surreal1272 @oldshurst442 Seems Porsche has gotten the message as with a new battery design for all EV's going forward, they have also taken a page from Book of Tesla and have committed the money to build out their own high speed 800V charging network on all major roads across Europe. Oddly it seems UK is not on that list which makes me wonder if Brexit took it's toll here. High-performance batteries with silicon anodes and Porsche fast-charging stations Seems even more in support of this is that VW has committed to 18,000 800V high speed chargers across Europe by 2025 on top of new batteries for VW and Audi and expanded new VW gigafactories. Here are the biggest announcements from Volkswagen’s battery event - The Verge Not the couple, I am talking about the person who wrote the story.
  16. Reminds me of how people buy wireless charging pads for their phones and yet cannot seem to understand the basics of EV ownership. If your so lazy about plugging in, then buy one of the wireless charging pads for auto's for home use. Clear slant by a bias ICE person and ignorance about the fact that they should have charged up to full before doing their road trip.
  17. Totally agree with your thinking, you know how the auto has been cared for and all the quirks if any, better to buy it out than buy an unknown used. Nice is that you can always if you so choose upgrade the head unit with a modern one if you want the latest Blue Tooth Android/Apple play system and anything else not currently in your auto. I love the Pioneer head unit I have in my SS, so nice to have my phone connected in the auto.
  18. Wow, the images online are too funny! Who knew Spouse carrying competition was an official sport!
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