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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Cora had a very fun filled weekend and then painful week day. Sunday started with her catching the Easter Bunny with the ultimate look. Do not mess with me. Monday was a day of why you not playing with me? Tuesday was her first baby tooth lost and crashed sleeping.
  2. I suspect that Silverado is but the tip of mass production of BEV and we will see a wider release of various sized SUV/Truck BEV's that come in a much wider assortment of price and options. You do bring up a very valid point and makes me wonder when they mention FLEET how much they might be counting on government, state, county and cities purchasing fleet EV Trucks to make up that number.
  3. The first studies are coming in from analyzing the data and it seems those that get Covid-19, 1/3rd of them have what they are calling brain disease. Neurological-psychological damage, very scary for the world and the long term affects on people. https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/06/health/covid-neurological-psychological-lancet-wellness/index.html Very happy that the same data is showing long term protection by those that get vaccinated and Pfizer is working on a booster shot. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-04-01/pfizer-coronavirus-vaccine-protection-lasts-at-least-six-months
  4. Press release is from gm, so I have to assume that number they put in their press release is them.
  5. The Green Drive to one million EV's by 2025 with recognized leadership in North America will happen using gm's new Ultium Platform and Silverado's proven capability. GM confirmed today that the Silverado EV Truck will be built at Factory ZERO with a 400 mile gm-estimated range on full charge. Electric-Silverado-Teaser.mp4 Today additional confirmation that the Silverado Pickup will come in a full range of Retail and fleet versions as customers have come to expect out of the ice trucks building on 100 years of truck expertise and leadership. This is gm's transiting start to an all-electric future in the light-vehicle space. Achieving this leadership has been done by multiple teams in gm which has allowed them to reduce vehicle development time by 50 % to a 26 month cycle. To quote gm president Reuss: “The vehicles coming from Factory ZERO will change the world, and how the world views electric vehicles,” Offering more options for customers to tailor the truck to their lifestyles, while encouraging people to forge new paths with zero emissions. Hummer EV Truck model 2022 is the first in a line of many EV options and the Hummer EV SUV 2024 model followed quickly by the Silverado. This is on top of the Cadillac Lyriq coming first half of 2022, delivering a new standard of Luxury to the world. Factory ZERO has grown to 4.5 million square feet as it under goes a renovation and retooling, the largest ever of any gm plant. This is the start of the new revolution of personal transportation taking gm into the next century. Factory-ZERO-B-roll.mp4 Based on the EV Optimism gm stock has hit a 52 week high with an after hours trade today 4/6/2021 of $61.92 per share where one year ago the stock was trading at $19.55 per share. This gives gm a market cap of $89.25 Billion compared to a year ago at $29.7 Billion. First-Ever Chevrolet Silverado Electric Pickup and GMC HUMMER EV SUV to be Built at GM's Factory ZERO Plant LYRIQ Show Car Leads Cadillac Into Electric Future General Motors | GM - Market Capitalization (tradingeconomics.com) Factory-Zero-Allocation---Detroit-REPLAY.mp4 View full article
  6. The Green Drive to one million EV's by 2025 with recognized leadership in North America will happen using gm's new Ultium Platform and Silverado's proven capability. GM confirmed today that the Silverado EV Truck will be built at Factory ZERO with a 400 mile gm-estimated range on full charge. Electric-Silverado-Teaser.mp4 Today additional confirmation that the Silverado Pickup will come in a full range of Retail and fleet versions as customers have come to expect out of the ice trucks building on 100 years of truck expertise and leadership. This is gm's transiting start to an all-electric future in the light-vehicle space. Achieving this leadership has been done by multiple teams in gm which has allowed them to reduce vehicle development time by 50 % to a 26 month cycle. To quote gm president Reuss: “The vehicles coming from Factory ZERO will change the world, and how the world views electric vehicles,” Offering more options for customers to tailor the truck to their lifestyles, while encouraging people to forge new paths with zero emissions. Hummer EV Truck model 2022 is the first in a line of many EV options and the Hummer EV SUV 2024 model followed quickly by the Silverado. This is on top of the Cadillac Lyriq coming first half of 2022, delivering a new standard of Luxury to the world. Factory ZERO has grown to 4.5 million square feet as it under goes a renovation and retooling, the largest ever of any gm plant. This is the start of the new revolution of personal transportation taking gm into the next century. Factory-ZERO-B-roll.mp4 Based on the EV Optimism gm stock has hit a 52 week high with an after hours trade today 4/6/2021 of $61.92 per share where one year ago the stock was trading at $19.55 per share. This gives gm a market cap of $89.25 Billion compared to a year ago at $29.7 Billion. First-Ever Chevrolet Silverado Electric Pickup and GMC HUMMER EV SUV to be Built at GM's Factory ZERO Plant LYRIQ Show Car Leads Cadillac Into Electric Future General Motors | GM - Market Capitalization (tradingeconomics.com) Factory-Zero-Allocation---Detroit-REPLAY.mp4
  7. Wow, amazing to watch an auto get crushed into a cube. Car baler crushes vehicles into tiny little cubes (msn.com)
  8. Cool read on why the PNW is a great place to find classic cars. Here’s why the Pacific Northwest has one of the best climates for classic cars (msn.com)
  9. Gotta start somewhere considering how paltry ICE torque was in the early 1900's.
  10. @regfootball Moms Rock, awesome choice for a word. Dads
  11. Worthy of our current discussion on pot holes. Pothole Prevention - Preventing Potholes Before they Happen (pavementpreservation.org) Seems many companies know how to fix and prevent the ugly pot holes, but when will the politicians pay for it. What Causes POTHOLES during Winter & How to Prevent the “Hole” Thing? (maininfrastructure.com) Interesting research by the swiss on roads that will not create pot holes. Researchers Are Developing a New Asphalt That Can Repair Cracks Itself (businessinsider.com) Pretty much use Heavy tar from Canada Tar sands and coat all the roads it would seem. Cost Of Preventing And Fixing Potholes In 2020 | Limitless Paving & Concrete (limitlesspavingandconcrete.com)
  12. Crazy that 44%of the new infections are from 5 states right now. QUOTE: New York, Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania and New Jersey together reported 44% of the nation’s new COVID-19 infections, or nearly 197,500 new cases, in the latest available seven-day period, according to state health agency data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Total U.S. infections during the same week numbered more than 452,000. Nearly half of new US virus infections are in just 5 states (apnews.com) Glad to see Michigan and my state Washington is adjusting to help reduce the flow of Covid-19. Michigan, Washington state impose severe COVID-19 restrictions as U.S. infections soar | Reuters
  13. Liking this image comparison of the cold and flu by webmd site. Is it A Cold or the Flu? The Difference Explained With Pictures (webmd.com) Interesting that the CDC only uses computer generated images of the Flu Virus from under an electron microscope. Images of Influenza Viruses | CDC
  14. Very cool for the space program.
  15. Way too many small things to point out, but these two are so glaring to be offensive on all levels of style!
  16. Have ya seen Detroits roads? Everyone Needs Crab Walk mode to just avoid the Honda Size Pot Holes!
  17. This is funky cool. Wish I had the time and money for this kind of hobby. Always liked train sets.
  18. Yes, I understand that they have temporary approval and as more data comes in, it will allow them to apply for permanent long term use that schools will then require. Data from the world test case has for the most part fell inline with the simulations and the testing done by these companies so I feel far more inclined to get it than I would about risking it without. Seeing vaccination rates in various parts of the country, yes it is the choice of the medical person to get it or not. Yet it does seem to fall inline with political affiliation for regions of this country and yet there is such huge double standards when we see families that talk against it then get fully vaccinated for it. I know here I see far more medical people getting vaccinated than not especially those working emergency rooms or in home care. Wishing you and your family all the best to be safe and healthy during the pandemic ykX.
  19. So much goodness today for EVs, the future looks BRIGHT!!! Honestly, we are gonna need these types of auto's if we do not fix our roads as the potholes are getting crazy bad.
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