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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. I believe these insiders are indicating that executive Management at Stellentis, especially the America CEO saw the success of the launches with pre-orders and wants a piece of that pie, so that is what they are indicating to from reading the story on The Detroit Bureau. It makes sense, no executive wants to hear that their competition has sold out pre-orders for first edition Hummer or First Edition F-150 Lightning and not have anything to compete with. So I would assume that executives have pushed hard on having a RAM answer to those BEVs.
  2. Tesla stock is down 3% so far today and with that, the bump from taking the fastest production car is over one might guess since the Tesla S Plaid did cover the quarter mile at 152 mph in 9.23 seconds replacing the Dodge HellCat that had done the quarter mile in 9.65 seconds. Now according to "The Detroit Bureau" who talked with half a dozen insiders, Dodge wants the title back and is working on an electric car that will be faster than Tesla. In the past CEO of FCA Sergio Machionne was openly hostile towards electrification. Now that FCA merged with PSA and the new company is Stellantis, two major things have happened. Tesla lost their half a billion dollars in sales a quarter to FCA for carbon credits since PSA had way more than enough green types of auto's to offset the FCA gas burning auto's and Stellantis has a focus on changing the whole company to electric globally over the company decades with no clear time to shift to BEV only mentioned yet. Confirmed is that there are SIX (6) BEVs in the styling studio in Aubrun Hills, Michigan. Many more are in development stages. Dodge insiders will only confirm that the BEV BEAST will be having a launch time at 2 seconds or less and the fastest Dodge ever surpassing the 840 hp Dodge Demon. Some insiders have stated after the success of Hummer and F-150 Lightning, do not be surprised to see a production ready concept of a RAM BEV. Only thing that Stellantis will confirm is that they expect to have a BEV product in every product name line globally by mid decade (2025). While Analysts are saying the days are numbered for ICE muscle auto's and people should enjoy them, Dodge, Jeep seem to have no problem selling all of the limited edition Hellcat inspired ICE cars and SUVs. Welcome to the 21st Century next Power War. Fastest Dodge Ever Will Be Electric —– And One of an Assortment of Battery Models Coming from Old FCA Brands - The Detroit Bureau
  3. Yes Posting this was not to get political! It was to point out that as the Auto Industry moves to BEVs, the infrastructure has to match and with Tesla building a huge plant there to produce trucks, SUVs and Semi's, clearly power production and reliability needs to match. One does have to wonder what it will take for people to step up and realize that consumers of BEVs are going to want reliability with redundancy.
  4. Another Major Failure for Texas Power Grid! Texas is sweltering, and majority of power plants down produce natural gas (electrek.co)
  5. Ya all know that I am all for alternative fuel solutions, but for some auto companies ya have to really question the lack of common sense in development R&D dollars spent. Off-road-capable Land Rover Defender fuel-cell prototype confirmed under development (greencarreports.com) Land Rover has announced they are currently working on their own Fuel-Cell prototype to have what they say will be a very green solution for off-road use. Considering the lack of infrastructure and the needs for a very high pressure fuel tank on top of it taking more energy to create a gallon of Hydrogen fuel compared to what you get out of it, this makes NO SENSE to me. Not like your going to find a Hydrogen fuel supply in Africa, South America or so many other places in the world if you are off roading. I honestly do not get why they are IMHO wasting the millions to create a solution that the rest of the industry has clearly stated is a niche product. Even GM has stated, Hydrogen or Fuel Cell auto's have their use in a very narrow vertical use such as trucking.
  6. Love it or Hate it for the looks and useless road going, but on a race track, it should be amazing. W16 power is a very decent tone.
  7. Very cool trash clean up happening in Baltimore harbor. Mr. Trash Wheel is gobbling up millions of pounds of trash - CNET
  8. Cheese Lovers Get Excited, Seems McDonalds is trying out a Chedder Bowl for dipping all things in it. McDonald’s Is Serving Up a Bowl of Melted Cheddar Cheese for All Your Dipping Needs (msn.com)
  9. This adds to my concern for Tesla as Musk has now stated he will not own any property or be tied to any single home. Always on the move living in different places every night seems to say he has a mental disorder. Elon Musk re-lists ‘last remaining’ mansion at astronomical price of $37.5 million: ‘It’s a special place’ (msn.com)
  10. Interesting to see the latest patents that Tesla has been granted and many look like ones that have been given to other companies for ICE solution, the difference being EV solution now. Interesting. TSLA Stock - Tesla, Inc. SEC Filings Interesting to see their fillings and how much of the parts are coming in for building an American Sedan are from China. Just a portion for the California plant. Clearly the stock market does not see the huge growth of Tesla and that makes me think we will see much more insider's dumping stock. Tesla, Inc. Common Stock (TSLA) Price/Earnings & PEG Ratios | Nasdaq This right here shows that the Company is UPSIDE DOWN. Tesla, Inc. Common Stock (TSLA) Financials | Nasdaq
  11. Why is it so hard for you to just be up front and post the links with valid facts rather than play shell games. Tesla, Inc. 2020 Annual report 10-K/A (sec.report) Now lets address that the majority of those Stocks are granted to him with purchase prices from $6 to $20 per share but cannot be accessed by him till between 2025 and 2030. It puts him down in the lower Billionaires list when one realizes he cannot actually purchase and sell the bulk of those shares. Big Question for the Shareholders is why is the Board granting shares to Musk 4 different times over the 2020 year at prices so ridiculously low? One can smell a rat here and truly not fair to shareholders who buy on the open market as well as other employees who just get a discount off the stock price on the street. Q1 was $6.24 up to Q4 at $70.01. Something stinks in Demark as they say.
  12. Seems those that even are still working there are jumping ship as Tesla insiders since Jan 1st 2021 has dumped $288,016,277.46 in share into the market. With GRACIAS ANTONIO J being the first one to sell off all of their stock in the company to the tune $138 million plus in just their holdings alone. If these people saw such long term growth, then why not hold onto some of the stock rather than sell it all off? TSLA - Company Profile for TESLA, INC. - MSN Money
  13. Everything you are saying is what people heavily invested in Lehman Brothers was saying when that Crashed. A company that had $639 Billion in Assets with $613 Billion in Debt and at the crashed caused $111 Billion dollar lose, everything overnight when their smoke and mirrors was blown away by the wind. The rest was a wash that people still today are trying to recover from. The Clear Points of why Tesla's house of cards could cause another global depression like Lehman Brothers. Causes of Lehman’s Bankruptcy Lehman’s bankruptcy had four underlying causes:4 Risk. The bank had taken on too much risk without a corresponding ability to raise cash quickly. In 2008, it had $639 billion in assets, technically more than enough to cover its $613 billion in debt. However, the assets were difficult to sell.5 As a result, Lehman Brothers couldn’t sell them to raise sufficient funds. That cash flow problem is what led to its bankruptcy. Culture. Management rewarded excessive risk-taking. Lehman’s chief risk officer said that top management ignored many of her risk-management strategies.5 Top managers wanted to stay ahead of competitors that also used high-risk strategies, and they also thought the company was too smart to fail. Overconfidence. The firm relied on complicated financial products based on quick real estate growth just as the real estate market began to decline.2 Between 2000-2006, its revenue grew 130% thanks to early successes with mortgage-backed securities.6In 2003-2004, Lehman Brothers bought five mortgage lenders, which allowed it to originate and underwrite subprime loans, increasing its profitability.7 In March 2006, Lehman bought heavily into commercial real estate and risky loans and instead of selling them right away, it kept them on its books. Management thought it would make more money owning these assets but its timing couldn’t have been worse, as real estate prices were falling. Regulator Inaction. The Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulators didn’t take action. As early as 2007, the SEC knew Lehman Brothers was taking on too much risk, but the agency never required Lehman to do anything about it.6 It also didn’t publicly disclose to rating agencies that the bank had exceeded risk limits. The Lehman Brothers Collapse and How It's Changed the Economy Today - TheStreet The Collapse of Lehman Brothers: A Case Study (investopedia.com) Lehman Brothers Collapse: Causes, Impact (thebalance.com) List the link of this solo Billionaire that owns per your statement 22.4% of Tesla? Most Billionaires have their own group of folks investing for them, not investment firms.
  14. You are SO WRONG! The Billionaires DO NOT CARE and ARE NOT invested in Tesla like you think. The ones propping it up is the average man with 401K plans and single business people who run their own small company and have IRA, Roth accounts, SEP-IRA's or Solo 401-K's. The bulk of Tesla is propped up by institutional investment houses pumping the average persons funds into the company. TSLA 617.69 7.80 1.28% : Tesla, Inc. - Yahoo Finance These companies are NOT investing for Billionaires, but the hard working men and woman of this country.
  15. LEGO FANS Lego released 6 new kits today of which 4 are already on backorder. ? Guess this is Lego's attempt to drive auto interest in youth! https://www.lego.com/en-us/themes/speed-champions?icmp=HP-SHCC-Standard-SC_CC_Block_76900_Still_Life_HP-TH-SC-7USTJPVCYB
  16. Heat Pump is the Best thing in the World for the Ultimate comfort of a home. Unlike AC that dries out the interior and everything in the house, Heat pumps can be set to hold a specific humidity level or set to Auto to regulate it automatically. If memory serves me correct, commercial units are usually between 10 - 15%. Great benefit during winter when you have rain and have that bone ache, Heat Pumps keep the interior of the home very comfy so as to not feel it and during the rest of the year on high humidity days, the Heat Pump keeps the house cool and comfy. Far more comfortable than AC. Food explanation here: How Heat Pumps Control Indoor Humidity in Your Home – Home Inspection Insider Carrier is one of many companies that sell both AC and Heat Pump systems for homes and commercial units. Keep Heat and Humidity at a Manageable Level with Carrier Technology
  17. Very happy for Jay as he did indeed make a land speed record in the Tesla S Plaid. Thanks for posting, saw this in the morning and was going to post it, but just did not get to it. Thank you. I take nothing away from what Tesla has accomplished in regards to the EV powertrains, controllers and Battery tech. This just continues to confirm how fast the future will be on BEVs. Quarter Mile in 9.43 seconds @ 152 mph. Jay Leno tries to break record in Tesla's new Model S Plaid on 'Jay Leno's Garage' - YouTube Jay makes a valid point on an American made sedan that costs $130,000, a lot of money and yet destroys cars like Bugatti, Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc. The Tesla S Plaid is a bargain in compared to the multi-million supercars. He believes it will take 30 to 50 years to convert people.
  18. Right! Makes one question the mind set of people spending $130,000 and up on a rental car plastic interior.
  19. Seems Tesla has delivered their first 25 Model S Plaid and all were delivered with the Yoke, no steering wheel. Tesla delivers first Model S Plaid models without a steering wheel (greencarreports.com)
  20. Tesla could and should be selling conversion package in a box. Much the way GM sells their connect and Cruise in a box. Tesla should have a RWD and AWD package that includes the controllers, motors, and a choice of battery size. Then sell the connection bits so people can choose what they want to go into a conversion. Their powertrain and controller tech is top notch and while a few companies like EV West resell refurbished parts as well as some new parts, Tesla would do wise to copy GM's success with the Connect and Cruise which is transmission, motor, wiring harness and CPU. This way, Tesla can get an additional revenue stream selling to 3rd party conversion companies.
  21. WARNING BELLS WARNING BELLS One of Warren Buffett's market indicators has hit a record 133% and it was this way when the market crashed on the Dot-Com Bubble Burst. This could have huge destructive consequences for companies that do not make a profitable product line like Tesla and other BEVs. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/savingandinvesting/warren-buffetts-favorite-market-indicator-surges-to-a-record-133percent-signaling-global-stocks-are-overvalued-and-at-high-risk-of-crashing/ar-AAL1Smg?li=BBnb7Kz Additional indicators are showing extreme over value too. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/warren-buffett-indicator-200-percent-stocks-overpriced-market-crash-2021-6-1030486280 This is an outstanding read on why Buffett feels so strongly about specific indicators for where the market is at. Warren Buffett On The Stock Market https://archive.fortune.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2001/12/10/314691/index.htm https://www.benzinga.com/top-stories/20/05/15936592/heres-what-warren-buffett-thinks-about-tesla-and-elon-musk
  22. With out a real profit companies cannot survive for ever and Tesla is having problems. As I stated earlier, Tesla has one of the lowest Net Profits per company around. $11,000 per employee is pathetic especially when compared to GM. General Motors Financial Company Inc Net Income per Employee (GM), current and historic results, rankings and more, Quarterly Fundamentals - CSIMarket As anyone here with common sense will agree with, the higher the profit per employee, the more stable the company is and the longer that company can stay in business. Examples as of today of some of the highest profit makers: Profits per employee
  23. Anything over 70 regardless of humidity is TERRIBLE!
  24. Totally disagree with you on the Appeal as there are those that BEVs appeal much more so than an ICE. Just like Boomers and leaded gas, every year older people die off and those that say we reached our best in the early 70's are less and less and more people want their Cell Phone Smart Car rather than a traditional auto. Just finished up a family dinner and I asked my kids, my nieces and nephews and their spouses and not a single one could understand why anyone would want to drive a Stick shift even though both my kids learned on one, they would rather just go in D and drive away. Also everyone of them is excited for future options of BEVs as they would rather than deal with all the maintenance / gas on their current auto and just plug in at night from home. Yes less than 30 of us, but no one is an auto enthusiast like me or you and the more common approach is an appliance auto to get from point A to B and back. Future is going to embrace the simplicity of BEV over ICE.
  25. You really need to look at the hard facts of Tesla, Current Valuation to Debt to Equity. Tesla Current Valuation vs Debt to Equity | TSLA (macroaxis.com) This makes it pretty clear that Tesla has some big hurdles. As long as Tesla can keep a crazy high stock price, they have a low debt to Equity, but that does not ensure they can survive long term on the current valuation as markets swing and if they do not start producing a real profit from their products, the Debt to Equity ratio can change to a very large negative.
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