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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Seems we are looking at some enhancements to the Lithium Ion batteries finally going into production. Charged EVs | Ultra-high purity lithium salt, LiFSI, facilitates high performance in advanced battery technology - Charged EVs Lithium Salt seem to make performance, age, density, etc. so much better. (2) Arkema Batteries: Overview | LinkedIn Battery Solutions by Arkema | Arkema.com
  2. Valid point, but one does have to question the crazy poor leadership of Musk. He bought out his brothers or relatives, who ever it was Solar Panel business and seems to get distracted in so many ways about building Tesla Auto's. We also have talked about how after the multiple decades of building the Charger/Challenger how it is pretty much paid for, so after a decade and half of building the motors/controllers/battery packs to Military grade spec, one would think they should have it down for a profitable build now. Yet, we all know they are not making money especially when taking the carbon credits into account. So where is the real expense? Is it the distraction of solar panels, Wall Power, Space X, etc., etc., etc.,
  3. Agree that is a big issue and goes with the bunker style of you cannot see out of the auto very well, just sucks along with the overall jelly bean look. In regards to Military Grade, they have been building their motors, controllers and battery packs this way from the beginning, I see no reason they cannot continue in this robust way but improve the manufacturing process of the auto's and quality. If Musk would only embrace the things that the Legacy makers do right such as turning out a truck every few seconds, AKA the assembly line process rather than trying to reinvent the wheel, they would do so much better. Then again their assembly of the auto is one of the most cost expensive ways since they do build way too many small parts to be assembled such on the Model Y. The Giant Casting machine for the Model Y will greatly improve assembly quality along with reducing cost of manufacturing. Going from 70 pieces to assemble to 1 giant cast unit will help with quality. I remember when this first came to Light in 2020. Cast Parts On The Model Y: Specialists Talk About What It May Have (insideevs.com)
  4. We'll I honestly do not think any other auto company, here in the US, Europe or Asia has gone the route of Military Grade for the power train, controllers and batteries like Tesla. This was talked about since 2018. Tesla Model 3 is 'military-grade tech years ahead of peers' but still expected to lose money (yahoo.com) Tesla Model 3 is 'years ahead of peers' but still expected to lose money (cnbc.com) And we have not seen any other auto company offer a Bio-Weapon filtration system. Putting the Tesla HEPA Filter and Bioweapon Defense Mode to the Test | Tesla If Tesla can do this, and Mercedes-Benz is supposed to be the standard of the world, why does the new EQS not have this filtration system or Military Grade hardware for moving the auto? Right, not willing to spend the money!
  5. Interesting, but in talking with @A Horse With No Name Chris today and his Family, it dawned on me as we were discussing auto's that Tesla has something that I doubt Mercedes-Benz will do. The official tear downs of the Tesla's by the guy that does reports on the auto build quality and sells it to other auto companies to compete. Tesla has made their motors and Controllers built to Military grade spec. As such, while the Fit n Finish sucks and all the plastic inside the auto sucks, the powertrain and battery packs will last way longer than just about any other auto company. I believe they took the military grade route to ensure their autos in these early days would drive and do well as we all know Military gear gets abused. Seems Tesla get abused and still keep running as we have seen many used Tesla's for sale with 400,000 miles on them. I doubt Mercedes-Benz will build their EQS to this level of durability.
  6. Had a great afternoon meeting Chris, his wife and son. @A Horse With No Name Thank you for taking the time out of your trip to meet me with a wonderful face to face discussion with your family. Got some great ideas for posts from our chat. For those that have wondered how big I am, Chris can attest that I am not a small man. He got to see my Escalade. Safe flight home Kim and Chris. See ya soon.
  7. So then since your adding the unreleased EQS to the list (European production for China does not count since they have not shipped yet there or here), lets as @surreal1272 stated the Audi and Lucid, plus since we are covering models that are stated to do 400 miles and yet are not released. Rivian, Ford, GMC, Chevrolet just to mention a few more that have been announced, have mules out and about and will go into production and be out in 2022. Seems lots of 400 mile BEVs will be available.
  8. WOW, So someone took the current model, put a few fresh bits on it and then punched it in the nose. What a face only the idiot designer could love.
  9. At least then you will learn what froze it up. Bummer though, lots of work to get it done. Wishing you all the best and hopefully once the one item that has frozen frees up, it will go smoothly for you.
  10. At Costco picking up steaks for BBQ dinner and I find this Volvo Jewel in the parking lot! Gotta love 2" thick Ribeeye Regular and Tomahawk steaks. Volvo jewel
  11. Yes, 3 years is considered current but the story is using data from 2012 to 2018, that is longer than 3 years and very outdated in an area that is changing monthly. While things can be inaccurate in all study data with errors, there are newer studies done that Business Insider writer should have looked at than a study from the early days of EVs. JMHO
  12. WRONG, Tesla has stated the Tesla Y will be the first auto in production at GigaFactory Texas starting end of 2021 followed by the Cybertruck early 2022 the same time that Ford F-150 Lightning EV is scheduled to go into production. Musk keeps saying Cybertruck 2021, but he has ZERO credibility in actually staying on with delivery dates. He says things to keep folks interested, but has yet to actually deliver on schedule. See Massive Progress At Tesla Giga Austin: March 12, 2021 (insideevs.com) I can tell you Tesla will not have the options Ford will offer or Chevrolet for their EV truck. Tesla has ZERO real world details let alone test mules running compared to Ford has had test mules running for the last half of year and has clearly posted their actual specifications for the Lightning EV.
  13. As current data is showing just from 2020 to 2021, public charging grew 30% and is expected to explode this year. This is High Power Chargers not slow level 1 or 2. High Power Charger for Electric Vehicle Market | 2020-2027 | Industry Report | Covid Insights (mordorintelligence.com) Here, yes they use China but the data shows from 2018 to 2020 onboard charging to speed up from hours to minutes grew big time with much more models available for sale. Global Electric Vehicle On Board Charger Market 2021-2026 | June 2021 Updated (mobilityforesights.com) Just from 2018 to 2019, the data shows public chargers available grew 90%. The point being is the study from 2012 to 2018 is OLD DATA, OUT OF DATE DATA due to how fast things are changing. EV Charging Station Statistics in US, UK, & Europe [2021] (muchneeded.com) Posting a story such as Business Insider as a New study when it is based on 3 year old and older data rather than current data which I consider to be the last 2 to 3 years is OLD DATA. Leases usually run 2 or 3 years. The story that @ccap41 posted should have been based on current trade-in of EVs to see how many actually did go back to ICE. That would be a current valid study rather than based on a study released at the start of 2019 based on data from 2012 to 2018. IMHO. I want to state, I am not attacking anyone here, just a bit of frustration at the piss poor journalism showing clear lack of research by the posted story writer. Electric Vehicle Charger Market by Vehicle Type (Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), and Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)), Charging Type (On-board Chargers, and Off-board Chargers), and End User (Residential and Commercial): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2020-2027 (valuates.com) Electric Car Statistics and Facts 2021 | Policy Advice I ACKNOWLDEGE that ICE will be around for a long time and even EVAdoption study shows that by 2030, 20 million additional ICE auto's will be on the road while BEVs continue to grow. 2030: 20 Million More ICE Vehicles Will Be on the Roads in the US Than in 2021 – EVAdoption Some very good data in these latest reports. Scheduled introduction of EVs. Sales now and projected. Some very good data in this newest report on the auto industry.
  14. FAKE NEWS: Again as your own posts shows and the twisting by ICE fan not wanting to admit the difference then and now and the idiot at Business insider that this is all based on OLD OUT OF DATE DATA. QUOTE: That difference is night and day, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Energy by University of California Davis researchers Scott Hardman and Gil Tal that surveyed Californians who purchased an electric vehicle between 2012 and 2018. THIS IS NOT A NEW STUDY, It was published 3 years ago. Now if very different than then and as has already been posted by @surreal1272 in this study, folks that changed back to ICE did so as they did not look at how they would charge their auto. No charger at their house, apartment, condo or in their general area to make it easy to recharge. Lets stop posting the FUD please.
  15. WOW, look those inefficient headers. @balthazar are you going to put modern headers on it or stay with these factory flow colliding headers?
  16. How is this unconstitutional for a county to set laws governing what you can and cannot do to your auto?
  17. I wonder what affect peoples tastes for cars versus SUVs has played in some of the numbers not just for Tesla but for all manufactures. Tesla to me is overpriced for what they offer in the Tesla S. I think there are far better options out there and sadly only from an ICE option as no one else is building a true car BEV at this point due to the market pretty much dictating Trucks and SUVs. Real sign will be sales if Tesla gets their truck to market and how it stacks up against Ford, gm and Ram. ? What part of Sergio was stealing the profits from Dodge, Ram, Jeep, Chrysler to prop up the wasted effort of his Italian brands. Specifically Alfa Romeo he took the billions wasted it on Alfa and still it struggles to live, it should have been left in the history books.
  18. @A Horse With No Name Yes same here, looking forward to meeting you too. @trinacriabob Let me give you a late apology for those idiots as that is not the PNW way. Always been a stopping point for the Asian rim and as one married to a Korean, living daily in a multi-cultural environment, it is always important to include everyone. I do agree with you and others who have stated that it does vary from area to area. Hopefully next time your out this way, it will be a far more warm and embracing feeling. I can say, I have had to over the last decade correct my own parents who were California transplants form being negative about others moving here. Weird, but I think it is part generational also along with education and openness to new ideas. Extroverts are far more embracing of all compared to introverts. Everyone have a Great HUMP DAY!!!
  19. On Tuesday June 15th 2021, GM and Wabtec announced their partnership to take the Locomotive, the backbone of America and the world for moving freight into the 21st century with the FLXdrive Locomotive and what the future holds. The rail industry for over a century has depended on the carbon heavy diesel technology to serve companies in delivering products all over North America and the World. In the last few decades, Locomotive's have been moving from pure diesel to an electric driven powertrain using diesel generators to provide electricity to the powertrain in moving freight. Customers have more and more asked for green Locomotive solutions that replaced the use of Diesel with an alternative solution. Today Wabtec is pleased to introduce the battery electric FLXdrive Locomotive. This is the worlds first 100% Ultium battery powered locomotive that has proven to slash carbon emissions by 30% when operating at 6 MWh. Wabtec took the time in 2020 to look at what GM had built so far with their Ultium Battery cells and the Hydrotec fuel cell systems. With this they built the FLXdrive Locomotive, a pure Ultium battery pack Locomotive to work with Diesel Hybrid Locomotives in testing and came away with amazing noticeable results. The Ultium based heavy-haul freight locomotive uses 18,000 Ultium cells in the FLXdrive locomotive. This locomotive in a traditional heavy-haul train with diesel locomotives proved to reduce fuel consumption by 11% and greenhouse gas emissions by 30% resulting in a reduction of 6,200 gallons of diesel fuel saves and a reduction of 69 tons of CO2 not created. This pilot was over a three-month period with BNSF railways covering 13,320 miles of hilly terrain in Dan Joaguin Valley, California. This is an area that is classified as a non-attainment area, where the air quality is worse than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The 430,000 pound FLXdrive locomotive was charged overnight in the railyard and then with connection to the Diesel Hybrid Locomotives and via regenerative braking was able to optimize battery pack levels throughout the day and still have deep reserves to add additional torque / power when needed in moving freight especially up hills at a much faster rate with an average train length of 1 mile hauling several thousand tons of freight. FLXdrive also introduced Wabtec's next generation of Trip Optimizer system, an A.I. based intelligent cruise control system programmed to respond to every twist and grade of the track to optimize the most energy-efficient way in moving freight as fast as possible. This technology would not have been possible without the advanced R&D gm had done with BEVs and is coming in the all new Hummer line and future products from gm. Wabtec has now moved forward with moving into production the FLXdrive locomotive a second generation of the FLXdrive which will also have options for battery packs that have more than 6 MWhs in size. Yet Wabtec is not stopping there, customers across North America from both Locomotive companies such as BNSF here and in other places like Europe have asked for a way to replace the diesel generation component and with that is where gm's HYDROTEC fuel cell technology comes into play which was shown as a successful options for the military in advanced high power, high speed auto's. Wabtec has two sides of their business, first building and selling new locomotives the second is the repowering of existing locomotives. This second business stream is where Wabtec believes gm's HYDROTEC technology will help them in having a very clear path for the 21st century as they repower existing locomotives with Ultium batteries and Hydrogen generators using HYDROTEC fuel cells. gm has a very large carbon footprint as does the whole auto industry in how they move new auto's from manufacturing to sales via rail transport with the last mile usually on a semi truck. As such, the ability to improve air quality while reducing greenhouse gas emissions comes via this very important business of repowering existing locomotives and Wabtec's vision for the rail industry see's gm and Wabtec playing a leading role in the clean energy economy and carbon reduced emissions globally by up to 300 tons per year. Wabtec and GM to Develop Advanced Ultium Battery and HYDROTEC Hydrogen Fuel Cell Solutions for Rail Industry GM Corporate Newsroom - United States - Home Wabtec and GM to Develop Advanced Ultium Battery and HYDROTEC Hydrogen Fuel Cell Solutions for Rail Industry | Wabtec Corporation Locomotive | Wabtec Corporation Wabtec’s All-Battery Locomotive, FLXdrive, Lowers Freight Train’s Fuel Consumption by More Than 11 Percent in California Pilot | Wabtec Corporation https://www.wabteccorp.com/locomotive/alternative-fuel-locomotives/flxdrive Homepage | Wabtec Corporation View full article
  20. On Tuesday June 15th 2021, GM and Wabtec announced their partnership to take the Locomotive, the backbone of America and the world for moving freight into the 21st century with the FLXdrive Locomotive and what the future holds. The rail industry for over a century has depended on the carbon heavy diesel technology to serve companies in delivering products all over North America and the World. In the last few decades, Locomotive's have been moving from pure diesel to an electric driven powertrain using diesel generators to provide electricity to the powertrain in moving freight. Customers have more and more asked for green Locomotive solutions that replaced the use of Diesel with an alternative solution. Today Wabtec is pleased to introduce the battery electric FLXdrive Locomotive. This is the worlds first 100% Ultium battery powered locomotive that has proven to slash carbon emissions by 30% when operating at 6 MWh. Wabtec took the time in 2020 to look at what GM had built so far with their Ultium Battery cells and the Hydrotec fuel cell systems. With this they built the FLXdrive Locomotive, a pure Ultium battery pack Locomotive to work with Diesel Hybrid Locomotives in testing and came away with amazing noticeable results. The Ultium based heavy-haul freight locomotive uses 18,000 Ultium cells in the FLXdrive locomotive. This locomotive in a traditional heavy-haul train with diesel locomotives proved to reduce fuel consumption by 11% and greenhouse gas emissions by 30% resulting in a reduction of 6,200 gallons of diesel fuel saves and a reduction of 69 tons of CO2 not created. This pilot was over a three-month period with BNSF railways covering 13,320 miles of hilly terrain in Dan Joaguin Valley, California. This is an area that is classified as a non-attainment area, where the air quality is worse than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The 430,000 pound FLXdrive locomotive was charged overnight in the railyard and then with connection to the Diesel Hybrid Locomotives and via regenerative braking was able to optimize battery pack levels throughout the day and still have deep reserves to add additional torque / power when needed in moving freight especially up hills at a much faster rate with an average train length of 1 mile hauling several thousand tons of freight. FLXdrive also introduced Wabtec's next generation of Trip Optimizer system, an A.I. based intelligent cruise control system programmed to respond to every twist and grade of the track to optimize the most energy-efficient way in moving freight as fast as possible. This technology would not have been possible without the advanced R&D gm had done with BEVs and is coming in the all new Hummer line and future products from gm. Wabtec has now moved forward with moving into production the FLXdrive locomotive a second generation of the FLXdrive which will also have options for battery packs that have more than 6 MWhs in size. Yet Wabtec is not stopping there, customers across North America from both Locomotive companies such as BNSF here and in other places like Europe have asked for a way to replace the diesel generation component and with that is where gm's HYDROTEC fuel cell technology comes into play which was shown as a successful options for the military in advanced high power, high speed auto's. Wabtec has two sides of their business, first building and selling new locomotives the second is the repowering of existing locomotives. This second business stream is where Wabtec believes gm's HYDROTEC technology will help them in having a very clear path for the 21st century as they repower existing locomotives with Ultium batteries and Hydrogen generators using HYDROTEC fuel cells. gm has a very large carbon footprint as does the whole auto industry in how they move new auto's from manufacturing to sales via rail transport with the last mile usually on a semi truck. As such, the ability to improve air quality while reducing greenhouse gas emissions comes via this very important business of repowering existing locomotives and Wabtec's vision for the rail industry see's gm and Wabtec playing a leading role in the clean energy economy and carbon reduced emissions globally by up to 300 tons per year. Wabtec and GM to Develop Advanced Ultium Battery and HYDROTEC Hydrogen Fuel Cell Solutions for Rail Industry GM Corporate Newsroom - United States - Home Wabtec and GM to Develop Advanced Ultium Battery and HYDROTEC Hydrogen Fuel Cell Solutions for Rail Industry | Wabtec Corporation Locomotive | Wabtec Corporation Wabtec’s All-Battery Locomotive, FLXdrive, Lowers Freight Train’s Fuel Consumption by More Than 11 Percent in California Pilot | Wabtec Corporation https://www.wabteccorp.com/locomotive/alternative-fuel-locomotives/flxdrive Homepage | Wabtec Corporation
  21. Dude where did you live around here, as one born and raised here, yes we have the redneck uneducated idiots around the military base in Tacoma and Bremerton, but except for the extremism of narrow minded thinking people in those areas, over all a very multi-cultural embracing all society here. Way better than the year plus I lived in Texas and had to leave due to how extreme the racism is by both white and black against anything that is not one of those two colors and comes into their own self segregated spaces. Not wanting to get political, but am honestly interested on where you feel the locals were not cool? ? While I do love Fondue and cheese dips that are made from real cheese, this looks like a bowl of melted Velveeta cheese. Nothing but 100% chemical garbage. @oldshurst442 There is an Idea, have a real cheese sauce to dip your dogs in at your place.
  22. Happy Birthday to @andretti @Jordan559and @USA-1
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