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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. OK, work is done for the day, I can now that I am out of meetings post more than the link. Gotta love the images!!! Cadillac-V-Series-lineup-expands-to-include-Escalade.mp4 Loving this blacked out version of the Escalade, best look yet I think. Only thing that would make it better is as @ccap41 stated, they should have kept the Vertical Headlights over the ones that are also on the Chevrolet and GMC.
  2. They have not ruled it out, they say more to still come, so they could still do a BlackWing edition. I honestly could see using the 1,000hp tri motor Ultium in detuned form for an Escalade V and full power for a BlackWing edition with 0-60 in 3 seconds!
  3. I actually believe we could see a pure form like this again in an EV format. I think we have not even begun to explore how we could optimize style in EV format yet. Love this car!
  4. Totally agree with Michael Dell on this. One reason I love working at Dell. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/20/there-will-never-be-a-post-covid-world-michael-dell.html
  5. Press release, liking what I see so far. https://media.cadillac.com/media/us/en/cadillac/home.detail.html/content/Pages/news/us/en/2022/jan/0121-escaladev.html More details to be released Spring 2022 for this 2023 V model. Lots of pictures at the link above. If Cadillac does a 650hp Escalade V edition then expect the aftermarket tuners to knock on 1,000 hp rides.
  6. Really upper mid-west? I thought it was lower mid-west. Heck, I honestly am not that aware of where cities are in the mid-west, my bad.
  7. Well, my head unit is getting flakey on my Escalade, and I have to say, I am liking what I see here in the Pioneer AVIC head units as they all can connect everything including maps wirelessly. Once a feature you had to pay thousands for along with a monthly charge to BMW. Now that BMW has given up on it, the tech is now coming out on 3rd party head units. Love that my phone can be in my pocket, and I still have full connection to the head unit. AVIC-W6600NEX - 6.2" - Amazon Alexa, Apple CarPlay® (wired/wireless), Bluetooth® - Multimedia Navigation Receiver | Pioneer Electronics USA AVIC-W8500NEX - 6.9" - Amazon Alexa, Android Auto™/Apple CarPlay™ (wired/wireless), Bluetooth® - Multimedia Navigation Receiver | Pioneer Electronics USA AVIC-W8600NEX - 7" - Amazon Alexa, Android Auto™/Apple CarPlay® (wired/wireless), Bluetooth® - Multimedia Navigation Receiver | Pioneer Electronics USA
  8. Seems GM is going head-to-head with all the other GM parts online web sites as they have anounced they will launch via their Marketplace web site a online parts department to buy GM/AC Delco parts for all global GM auto's. General Motors Expands Digital Commerce with Launch of Online Parts Sales (gm.com) Welcome to Marketplace (gm.com)
  9. Yes, only coworkers and my son's girlfriend as I do not know of anyone else though plenty have been reported due to the Washington monitoring app for infected folks around me. My wife and I take this very seriously and so our bubble of people we see is very small. Our kids and a couple next door who also sees no one else but us. We shop once a week and enjoy our home and yard, not spending time with anyone else. Yes, STL is a democratic city in the south. Yet with Vaccination, we still do have the spread of chicken pox, mumps, measles, etc. among the unvaccinated. Polio has pretty much been eradicated till the un-vax movement grew based on misinformation and now we have pockets of Polio around the world. As I have stated, 93% of the Covid cases in the Hospitals in just Washington State are due to unvaccinated people. The 7% that is vaccinated is due to additional medical issues. This proves to me that vaccination is very important, and I do care enough about my fellow humans on this planet that I DO NOT WANT YOU to have to go through what unvaccinated covid infected people have gone through. I truly hope you never get it, your choice as many of us have stated, but the risk of the virus infection versus vaccination to me makes sense that everyone should be vaccinated.
  10. So far of all my coworkers in Boston that have had Covid have had to be hospitalized and were unvaccinated and that is 9 people that I know of and work with. The only other person is my son's girlfriend who is vaccinated and is at home. To me that is 100% unvaccinated hospitalized based on my knowing them to vaccinated not being hospitalized. Still a big difference. As far as health and fitness routine, that has been it with plenty of medical advice from the CDC to medical hospitals and universities that have stated vaccinated is a much safer course over unvaccinated. Yes, I make an assumption based on your location of STL and the rate of vaccinated to unvaccinated in comparison to other places that have a much higher vaccination rate. It is not hard to understand that politics have played a role in how one see's vaccination versus unvaccinated. This has also proven out in the comparison of college educated to high school educated only for who is vaccinated to unvaccinated. There seems to be a play on fears about this vaccination and you again avoided the expanded question by going back to only health and fitness. It is hard to not look at how one leans politically when you see our two major parties with one embracing science and medical advice and the other embracing radical conspiracy theories. Fine, I will consider you an Independent which is what I consider myself. I agree, let's not make this political. What is it about the Science, the mRNA technology that you feel not using it to boost your body's ability to fight this Virus?
  11. Cadillac Excitement is Here!!! Hear Cadillac Roar with the exciting unveiling of what is expected to be the Escalade V edition. A supercharged V8 expansion of the Escalade line. Something-exciting-is-coming-from-Cadillac.mp4 You can catch it many different ways on social media to their web site. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CY9odxIhsw5/ This makes one wonder if a Blackwing version could be far behind. Cadillac-Blackwing-Teaser.mp4   Something exciting is coming from Cadillac Cadillac (@cadillac) • Instagram photos and videos  Cadillac Luxury Vehicles: Sedans, SUVs, & Electric
  12. Cadillac Excitement is Here!!! Hear Cadillac Roar with the exciting unveiling of what is expected to be the Escalade V edition. A supercharged V8 expansion of the Escalade line. Something-exciting-is-coming-from-Cadillac.mp4 You can catch it many different ways on social media to their web site. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CY9odxIhsw5/ This makes one wonder if a Blackwing version could be far behind. Cadillac-Blackwing-Teaser.mp4 Something exciting is coming from Cadillac Cadillac (@cadillac) • Instagram photos and videos Cadillac Luxury Vehicles: Sedans, SUVs, & Electric View full article
  13. 0%, as I said, not going to spend my time posting the proof that is out there when you can see it for yourself and are ignoring it. All I know that have gotten covid, 100% unvaccinated have had to be in the hospital, 0% vaccinated that have gotten it have had to go that I know so far. That proves to me that vaccinated is the way to go and you have still AVOIDED posting your reasonings and only state your youth. As such, one would have to infer the conservative leanings of lies that you are following rather than the science as you have not responded to that either of what you find wrong with the science that is sound in comparison to the lies and FUD of the unvaccinated.
  14. Ya know you want that Dip NOW with crunchy Chips. Cool will have to try them, thanks for posting about them.
  15. @ccap41 Not gonna search and post since you can do this on the numerous stories of healthy young to old people that felt they could fight the virus when they catch it that have ended up dead. Lets also put the CDC numbers in proper perspective as they are vastly under reported due to many Southern States, Florid and Texas leading the way that refuse to release the numbers to their own state citizens let alone allow the data of actual covid patients that are in the hospitals and vaccinated versus unvaccinated. The few hospitals that do report are due to them being part of a much larger organization that crosses state lines and as such they report all out of ease and yet it is a small percentage of people. As they say, one bad experience in anything is usually a small percentage of a larger number and those CDC numbers. Thank you for sharing I still believe as does the CDC as a vastly under reported number. As per your own link, you can see that we are in a very large increase of infected hospitalization. Per the data it does show that right now your age group is growing in infections. Still Scary to consider that so many of these could have been avoided by being vaccinated. In regard to you being open to discussion, I cannot read your mind as to why you feel playing the odds, gambling with your life is worth it over being vaccinated. Only you can tell us the bullet points of why you will not get vaccinated, the details of why you feel not getting the vaccine against Covid is better than taking the chance that somewhere you will get the virus and might fully recover with no long-term lasting effects.
  16. Still thinking on this hours later, gonna have to make some and enjoy it with a movie this weekend.
  17. Yes, you are right, vaccinated have gotten sick, but for the most part is able to recover and stay at home not taking up Hospital Beds. I know this as I got a call last night by my son who lives with his Girlfriend and her two kids. Karina helps out her senior parents and as such, while all are vaccinated, she has come down and tested positive for Covid. She is isolated in the bedroom and Alex is sleeping in the great room on an air mattress as she stays away from Alex and the Kids. He takes food to her, and she leaves the dishes outside of the bedroom door. He told us last night that he is sanitizing everything and being very careful. She feels like shit, but overall says it does remind her of the Flu, just more intense. As has been well documented by the healthcare industry, she should recover just fine, but will take a few months. There is the risk of Alex and the kids catching it too. The KEY POINT is that except when you have additional medical issues, VACCINATED are able to get over this in the comfort of their home. They do not put a stress on the Hospitals or medical personnel. I think if we all did not care, we would not be talking about the needs of the many over the one with getting Vaccinated. The amount of news stories of healthy people, people who felt they were strong, prime and would have no problem dealing with getting over Covid only to have it kill them tends to lean to the importance of using the mRNA Vaccination to prep your body to deal with it when one does get sick. Based on your statements, I feel there is more to this on your belief as to why you are not getting vaccinated that you could share with us. FYI, I just got off a work zoom meeting where I was talking with our federal team, and they were sharing with us that the GOV is not even talking with suppliers, support or even possible candidates for internal job roles if they are not vaccinated beforehand. As such, it will be harder as more companies take the same approach of requiring vaccination to work let alone be considered for jobs. You say your Healthy and should have no problem dealing with recovery when you catch Covid. Yet this also leaves a big unsaid space of what else your concerns are about vaccination. No Judgement from me and I ask that all other members DO NOT JUDGE. Let's keep this open as I am truly interested in the points you have as to why you are not willing to get vaccinated. I will start the bullet list off for you: Young and Healthy, see's oneself as strong and capable of dealing with Covid. ????????
  18. Sadly, we have seen way too many news stories of young and old that were very active, fit and in what their families have stated prime of their life killed by this virus and how on their deathbeds they wished they had been vaccinated. As you have stated many times, I hope @ccap41 DOES NOT get Covid and have to deal with the affects as hearing a person say they cannot breathe and are suffocating is the worst thing ever to experience. I have a coworker who she was very much against the vaccine till her husband, son and eventually she ended up in the hospital last year. They did recover lucky for them and have since been vaccinated and boosted and yet she is now a strong supporter of having everyone get vaccinated. Daily she still deals 6 months later with fatigue, shortness of breath going up her stairs at her house and many other side effects of the Virus. Covid will expose all weaknesses in ones DNA if they are unvaccinated. I hope for the good of Humanity, we can get the rest of humanity vaccinated this year. I fear we will still see millions more die unnecessary due to the lies and deceit spoken by those against this vaccine and technology.
  19. Not alone that is some addictive stuff, especially with a Costco Size bag of Ruffles Potato Chips and Home-Made French Onion Dip while watching a movie! ?
  20. Another sad loss of life due to ignorance about the virus and vaccination. Singer Dies After Deliberately Catching COVID-19 So She Could Obtain A Recently-Recovered Pass (msn.com)
  21. As one who has family that does work in the health care industry. It is a choice for everyone to get vaccinated or not. Yet the stress and added workload put on these healthcare workers is burning many out. As such, I had a sister in-law who has lost a number of patients that needed alternative surgery but was canceled due to hospitals being at 100% capacity with Covid patients of which the majority, 93% in Washington state are unvaccinated. As such, she has decided to help as much as she can those vaccinated patients before the unvaccinated which I am hearing is becoming more common. Sadly, this choice has been a clear point made since the 1960's when Star Trek, Spock talked about the good of the many over the good of the one. Yes later in the series, the crew went after the one to rescue them as that one was very much needed for the many. Yet in life we all should be thinking about the many, Humanity survival as we will have our own sucess if humanity wins as a group versus an individual. It would be great for everyone to look at the good of their local society and help out, sadly those that can only look at themselves I feel need to look inside to assess why their personal choice is more important than the wellbeing of society. This is my own humble opinion, but for society to move forward, we need to let the unvaccinated have their say. Then clearly point out the science one last time and if they still want to believe lies, misdirection, narcissist, then I see no reason why they should go ahead of others that are doing everything they can to survive and not be a burden on society.
  22. Very cool to see as a final farewell to the Escalade ICE Another good review to see
  23. Next week is supposed to be the peak of Omnicron infections and we will hit our peak of deaths by mid-March. Omicron is not that mild: 50,000 to 300,000 more US deaths projected by March: COVID-19 updates (msn.com) US faces wave of omicron deaths in coming weeks, models say | AP News This does make one wonder when those that think this is all made up will realize their life very well may rely on vaccination to survive. Interesting to see the countries that have chosen to fine daily the unvaccinated or they can leave the country. Wonder where they would go? List of Countries With Covid Lockdowns, Fines, Bans for the Unvaccinated - Bloomberg Sucks to be in Greece if your Unvaccinated, $100 Euros a day if you remain unvaccinated. This Country Is Fining Some Unvaccinated Residents Over $100 A Month (ibtimes.com) COVID in Europe: Greece begins fining those over 60 who are unvaccinated | Euronews Talk about taking away the ability to move around. French lawmakers ban unvaccinated from public venues with new virus law | Euronews Unvaccinated over-60s face monthly fine in Greece; UK reports another 84,429 cases and 85 deaths – as it happened | World news | The Guardian Crazy the daily fine for unvaccinated in Australia, this pretty much could put an Anti-Vaxxer in poverty for life to the government. From prison threat to health tax: How countries are treating unvaccinated citizens - World News - Mirror Online
  24. This is a good example of Keystoning prices for the 90's early 2000's, now I have seen keystoning of 100 to 150% on retail pricing even if it is a repair shop. Pricing of the parts is out of hand as is the labor charges now.
  25. Very cool as the Dodge video from 2021 EV show has brought us what some see as the next AWD Charger BEV. I am liking the modern retro look on this Charger. Seems Mopar is pushing their level 2 charger now. New Mopar At-Home Plug-In Wall Chargers Will Give You Full Charge in Less Than Two Hours - autoevolution
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