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Everything posted by G. David Felt
Detroit News - Big 3 Fear Pension Reforms Amazing review of the auto industry pensions and their under or over funding of this important obligation. GOOD News! B) GM is the only one that is currently over funded. Interesting Reading. :)
Detroit News - Delphi to make Ruthless Makeover! Very interesting, but I think this is something we will see more and more in the US auto sector as companies find ways to shed their Legacy of Debt obligations. <_<
<_< More interesting is that People say Toyota and Honda are so good for the enviornement and the add's here in Seattle by Honda that states to let these people get ahead of you cause they put out cleaner air, are better for everyone. Go ahead and buy them a donut and coffee. :bs: People seem to have forgotten that these Hybreds have a whole bunch of new components that have their own toxic side effects. In fact if we look at the Hybrids that have larger battery pack's. The production of extra battery packs greatly increases the waste material that is toxic. People are truly blinded by marketing :bs: than real facts. I will stay with my Suburban for safelty, power and ease on the roads. I say :bs: to Honda and :Toyota:
:CG_all: You rock Josh! :booyah: Thanks for the update on this Auto. Will be exciting year I believe for GM. Rock on General! :cheers:
A Car the wife would love and me too! :P
Sixty8Panther I can not agree more with you. I drove an R32 in College. It was amazing even then. BTW I went to Kobe University! :P My 4 years in Japan got me hooked on the GTR and that baby is amazing. I can not wait for it to come here. :P For those that have never seen it or been around one, do not blow it off as another Ricer car. This car screams MUSCLE!!! THis is the only car I have any respect for out of Japan that fit's big amaericans and eats up the road. Can not wait for it to arrive next year. :P
:P Yea supposed to be released next week but will have to wait and see if it comes true. Maybe they have Jay Leno Introduce it. The Total Bling Baby!!! :booyah:
Be interesting to see if we go forwards with the current body style or go back to the old stiyle...
B) SWEET, I like the Color and all the body modifications. Would be a fun car to ZIP around in. :P
Sad :( Seattle is still at 2.79, 2.89 and 2.99 for all three grades. Diesel is 3.29. What gives with that. <_< Sucks we have such high gas tax and the roads still suck. Down with I 912. :P
Guess I am an old Goat! :P But the G6 still does nothing for me. While I kinda Like the new GTO, Pontiac just does not seem to scream at me performance yet. :(
H'mmm It is just OK, does nothing for me. Where is the passion and drive. This thing just yell's Honda wanna be. Nothing leading edge. :(
Hate to burst bubbles, but this still leaves me with the impression that GM is Clueless to getting the whole company cleaned up to be profitable. Add a few of the buick car's to Caddy, so you have a full lineup of luxury cars under one name plate. Have Pontiac as the performance division and Chevy as the Entry / mass family mover. Saturn sits alone as the import competition and retire Buick name plate. Reality Check folks, If Toyota, BMW and others can make more money than GM based on only 1 or two name plates, then it is time for a Major revamp. To many name plates in this global competition and GM really needs to focus on strengthening those that can become very profitable. This includes rolling GMC into the Chevy field Even thought I like GMC looks, you can have the Denali as a Chevy high end version before people move to Caddy for their lux SUV's and trucks. GM is still to bloated and needs to shed a name plate and manufacturing space to get profitable and competative. The next 2 years will be interesting indeed. :P
Maybe the Reserve options came from a Wine person who would like a reserve limited edition LaCrosse. :P That to go with his reserve wines from Napa Valley or better yet from the Columbia Gourge in Washington. There is some mighty fine wine. :P
GM and UAW Reach Tentative Agmt on Health Care
G. David Felt replied to cmattson's topic in General Motors
I do not see this as wrong, the writing is on the wall, Unions are not the needed platform or really warrented in this day and age where our laws give each and every worker the right to negotiate for a fare wage and benefits on their own with out having to pay someone to do this for them. The Socialist Unions still have not fully woken up to the changes of a global economy and competition from China. The US companies will not be able to continue to keep over paid jobs in the face of a cost only 1/3 of that from over seas. Yes the UAW has finally given in some as Delphi has them partially scared. Yet we the UAW has a long way to go to really prove they are working and willing to work with GM for the best long term interest of the company. The UAW MUST CHANGE or else die and the retirees will loose out even bigger. after all the UAW is shrinking every month, quarter, year. they are only a fraction of what they are and seem to have no real business management that understand they need to be a working team player rather than a pitbull with a bat trying to keep a socialist equality for all. There never will be equality for all, you get better educated and move up looking out for your own family. The union only looks out for it's own political needs and not really the needs of it's members. BRIGHT NOTE, Glade GM is finally making change. Hopefully they will continue this all the way to the Top of GM and get on a competitve level with the other companies. -
Sad really that someone so young with so much to live for would waste it by doing a drug overdose. They just do not know how hard most people have to work to have so little compared to someone being born with a gold spoon in their mouth.
2007 Cadillac Escalade Standard Equip. + OPTIONS
G. David Felt replied to CadillacCTS's topic in Cadillac
<_< Keep the damn floor shifters out of the trucks and SUV's. All they do is eat up valuable leg space. I have come to hate the floor shifter on my wifes CTS. While I love the car and how nice it drives, the floor shifter just makes the space tight for us 6'6" tall guys. Plus can anyone really see a 6' or under overweight rapper or football player driving one with a floor shifter? :blink: Talk about tight load! :lol: Not everyone likes floor shifters and really GM does not need to copy everyone else. If GM does consider it, then keep it only to a sports edition that has lowered suspension, etc. Otherwise this sounds rock on Tight! Like everyone else, can not wait to see pictures. B) -
Sad but True, The UAW needs to wake up and realize that the rest of us in the US have been paying a fair share for our benefits and do not have the nice promised pension, etc. Reality is no one is really promised that not my 401K or IRA. Why the gov feels the need to bail out the union funds AKA United Airlines and what now looks like Northwest and Delta after it let the companies under pay their obligation is beyond me other than special interest Greed. The Steel companies thought they would be around for ever and Bethleham Steel is Gone. Reality is if you do not change to changing conditions then you will die. The socialist system the UAW has operated under for so long is out of date. The Unions did good things in the early years, but the last 30-40 years they have really not done much for the people that pay them a chunk of their hard earned income. Each and every person already has the rights the unions preach they get for the workers promised to them. If you do not like the pay, benefits etc. and do not want to negociate a better package on your own then find another job or learn to live with it. UAW like so many of the unions always wants a socialist answer of give me everything and not give anything back. They fight the companies rather than work to build a better product, better company. Again the US Unions ignored chances over the last 25 years for sure to build stronger companies that would keep their workers jobs. At this point, we are going to see major changes in the US auto landscape. I for one will miss some things and enjoy the new changes. A Global economy will always have fast currents that move and require a company to move with it. The best thing FORD and GM can do is to move to get new models out that gain profits and then put those profits into paying down financial obligations. The Executive mgmt and stock holders will reap HUGH benefits if they just wait a while rather than wanting instant gratification. Get their obligations paid and then they will be a terror force for the asian and European companies to deal with. Sad also is that the European Unions have this headache coming to them also. Germany needs a major wake up call.
TCC unveils Yukon and Yukon Denali early!
G. David Felt replied to El Scorcho's topic in General Motors
Being a GMC Guy, I was really excited waiting for this moment. Weird but all the pictures have just left me feeling bland. :( Maybe I was hoping for to much, but this just looks like a bland auto that fads into the background. Guess I only have 1 chance left for something that stands out. The Escalade, if they do not do that right guess I hold onto my 94 suburban a bit longer. Damn lutz and his lack of cleaning up the warts on top also. :( -
GM changes top manager in performance division
G. David Felt replied to Northstar's topic in General Motors
Appears that instead of you thinking of having a few companies with a clear strategy, dollars focused on making every car under those names be the best they can be that you only see it as GM loosing ground to Toyota. Toyota is nipping at GM's Heals and has grown to this point by focusing on a few lines with cars that are considered to be some of the best. To me, GM needs to dump the legacy baggage and refocuse the resources on what can help them keep their lead as the worlds largest automotive manufacture. I believe the General can and will keep it's crown as King of the hill, but to do this they need to change their cloths. -
GM changes top manager in performance division
G. David Felt replied to Northstar's topic in General Motors
I can respect BlackVipers drive and passion for Pontiacs and the history that comes from it, but history is just that. Something to learn from. Toyota is showing that you do not need 4 or 5 car divisions to be the biggest. Reality is that GM can return far better perfomance to it's stock holders and add far better quality vehicles to the public by focusing on just a few models. I love my GMC suburban, but am willing to see those same features show up in trim levels at Chevy. With that said, here is what I see would be the best for GM: Luxury Division: Cadillac Mid Grade Division: Buick Entry Division: Chevy Stop wasting money, Fold Pontiac and Saturn into Chevy and Buick. Focus on quality of cars that cover a easily accepted growth of the consumer from the econo box cars under chevy to family sedans and comfort in Buick and strive to have the ultimate cars under Cadillac. This would allow a far stronger company to compete with Toyota than the current model. -
<_< Lutz Lied, he said they would move those ugly warts from the top of the roof to the back to not detract the styling. GM still has not learned how to not cheapen a vehicle even a new important one like this. :(
Those complaining of Bling sound like the conservatives that have and are currently destroying this country. We need to grow Cadillac starting with the basic fully loaded to the ultiimate Bling. Like licadillac said, you do not see BMW, Mercedes, Lexus or infinity worring about bling. They are pushing the envelope. Let us have our Cadillac V for all models including the Escalade model. :P
Saturn Sky at the local dealer (pics)!
G. David Felt replied to Northstar's topic in Heritage Marques
Very Nice, I have never liked the looks of Saturn products, but this would make me want to test drive it and check it out as a car for the wife. :P -
We'll either you are one of the under nourished americans or a transplant from the small places in the Asian rim or Europe. I am tired of people bashing trucks, SUV's and the few full size Car's. At 6'6" 280lbs, I am anything but fat. I stay fit and am only comfortable in my suburban or caddilac. I work hard just like anyone else that owns these big babies. Due to your "Americans" comment above you must not live here and have no knowledge of some of the big spaces one must drive across to get from one town to another in the midwest or west coast. Not to mention the need to haul etc. I respect your right to make comments and freedom of speach, but before you put a country or people down for liking something, try to better understand other areas rather than just thinking everyone must fit your local area. <_< You sound like a narrow minded conservative. Open your mind!